List of ore mines in the Rhein-Sieg district

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In the table below, which is certainly incomplete, the pits at the Gangerz deposits in the Rhein-Sieg district are listed.

List of ore mines in the Rhein-Sieg district

Bad Honnef

Surname District / district Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Eagle Melt valley 1843-11-10 Lead , zinc , copper ; newly awarded on July 28, 1851; 3 tunnels (two of them 50 m and 175 m long) and two shafts location Pit Adler.jpg
Old Fritz Bad Honnef 1881 Lead, zinc
Anrep Brüngsberg 1853 1908 Zinc, lead, siderite ; awarded on July 3, 1864; consolidated with Zacchaeus to Anrep-Zacchaeus
Anrep-Zacchaeus Brüngsberg / Aegidienberg 1862 1908 100 m Zinc, lead, copper, spade iron; 1900 machine shaft with 100 m depth; Consolidation from Anrep and Zacchaeus location Anrep-Zachäus.tif
Arnold Erbstollen Brüngsberg 1862 1875 1862 hereditary tunnel righteousness granted; Water solution from the Anrep-Zachäus , Arnold , Bosco , Emma Sophia , Hoffmann and Rauer Mann mines ; Operating period: 1867-1875; Troubled in 1884; Entry deleted 1992 location
Arnold Brüngsberg 1862 (before)
Mountain town Bad Honnef 1867 (before) Lead copper
Bosco Brüngsberg 1862 (before)
Britania Aegidienberg 1908 copper
Egmont Aegidienberg / Brüngsberg Iron?
Emma Sophie Brüngsberg 1862 (before)
Happy Elise Bad Honnef 1920 Lead, zinc, copper
Hoffmann Brüngsberg 1862 (before)
Johannesberg Bad Honnef 1921 Lead, zinc
Menzenberg Menzenberg Lead, zinc, copper; Stollen; Shaft; was southeast. from Bad Honnef in the Menzenberger Tal. On the property of the Karl-Simrock-Haus, a path leads up the slope. After about 80 m the pit was on the right-hand side.
Rough man Brüngsberg 1862 (before)
Zacchaeus Brüngsberg 1862 1908 Zinc, lead, copper; Awarded in 1862; Shaft and tunnel; consolidated with Anrep to Anrep-Zacchaeus
To the beautiful view Aegidienberg / Brüngsberg Iron?


Surname District Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Tree strong Eitorf 1857 Lead, copper, zinc, pyrites; 1866 to Pasha
Bitburg Eitorf
Carl Joseph Eitorf 1740-1750 (approx.) near the L86 road; Geviertfeld awarded on February 6, 1882 to (Carl Joseph, Settchen, Landsberg; deleted November 5, 1992); 1889 Consolidation requested (but no longer implemented); Arnoldstollen I, Arnoldstollen II
Charles I Eitorf Copper; to Pasha

Clara Merten 1747 Silver, lead, copper, zinc; Längenfelder awarded August 7, 1808 Archangel , 1854 Carla ; Geviertfeld awarded on August 20, 1866; Mining rights still exist
Dessauer Eitorf 1853-06 Lead, pyrites, zinc; Längenfeld awarded in 1854; Geviertfeld awarded in 1866; Upper shaft in the sharp curve of the Tannenweg in Ersfeldsiefen; Above the confluence of the Birkenweg and Maiberg-Straße lies a swampy meadow. At the lower end is the buried tunnel mouth hole
Doris Eitorf Lead, zinc, copper; to union pasha
Honorary award Eitorf 1857 Lead, copper, zinc, pyrites; 1866 to Pasha
Cross of Honor Merten Copper; to union pasha
Emilie Eitorf Copper; to Pasha
Emily I Eitorf
archangel Merten 1808 (before) Lead, copper, zinc, silver; to Clara
Fly Eitorf Copper; to union pasha
Grauwackekönig Eitorf
harmony Harmony / Borauel 1790 (approx.) 1909 90 m Copper, pebbles ; also called Old Harmony ; muted on 9.5.1800; Längenfeld awarded on December 24, 1801; Art shaft ; Geviertfeld awarded on August 14, 1866 (deleted October 18, 1990); Art shaft; up to 86 employees; Shaft at least 90 m deep ; In Bourauel, between house no. 50 (former Honrath inn and bakery) there is a walled-up tunnel mouth hole on the slope; to union pasha location
Hatzfeld Eitorf 1740-1750 (approx.) 1948 Lead, copper, silver; assumed as Amaliens Fritz in 1846/1852 ; Längenfeld awarded on 9.9.1853; Geviertfeld awarded on July 16, 1866; New deep tunnel; Old deep tunnel; Hatzfeldschacht; to union pasha
Heather flower Eitorf
Heinrich Joseph Balenbach Lead, zinc, copper
Helenen gang Eitorf 1838 (before) Lead, copper, zinc, pyrites, silver; Consolidated to silver soaps in 1838
Hellmut Happach Lead, copper, zinc; to union pasha
Hope pit Eitorf
Hope valley Eitorf
Jenny Eitorf
Keith Eitorf
Lands mountain Eitorf
Pasha Eitorf 1852-06-22 1908 Lead, copper, zinc, pyrites; Längenfeld awarded in 1857; 1866 Consolidation and award of a square from Baumstark , Ehrenpreis and Pascha
Schwerin Eitorf 1854-08-25 Copper; Pit field
sailor Eitorf Pit field
Siegfeld Eitorf Pit field
Silver soaps Eitorf 1749 1909 Lead, copper, zinc, pyrites, silver; 1838 Consolidation from Helenen-Gang , Silberseifen and Watchful Hahn ; Geviertfeld awarded in 1866
Faithful hand Derision Copper, lead; to union pasha
Watchful rooster Eitorf 1838 (before) Lead, copper, zinc, pyrites, silver; Consolidated to silver soaps in 1838
Woodruff Merten Copper, lead; to union pasha
Winter field Eitorf


Surname District Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Old Adrian Dambroich iron
Old luck Uckerath Lead, zinc; Opencast mining; Stollen; 400 m away from the place; not far from the Silistria and Neuglück pits
connection Dambroich iron
Baron von Lohe Allner 1881 near Allner Castle at the Allner Mühle; Conjecture refused
flower Kurenbach? 1889 (before) Zinc, lead
Caroline Kurenbach? 1889 (before) Zinc, lead
Down Allner 1886 (before) 1866 to Ziethen
Engelbert's luck Dambroich iron
serious Kurenbach? 1889 (before) Zinc, lead
Peace treaty Allner 1886 (before) 1866 to Ziethen
Freshly dared Allner / Bröl 1886 (before) Conjecture
Prince Hatzfeld Allner 1861-01-11 awarded June 8, 1861; near Allner Castle at the Allner Mühle
God's blessing Dambroich 1867 (before) Spateisenstein; Analyze: 84% iron, 7% silica, 10% clay
Gustav Adolph Dambroich iron
Helene II Kurenbach? 1889 (before) Zinc, lead
Herder Allner 1886 (before) Iron; Pit field
Young Anna Allner 1881 near Allner Castle at the Allner Mühle; Conjecture refused
Herb garden Dambroich 1867 (before) iron
Last fane? Allner / Bröl 1886 (before) Conjecture
New luck Uckerath not far from the Altglück pit
Saturn Allner 1886 (before) 1866 to Ziethen
Silistria Kurenbach 1855 (um) 1891 130 m Zinc, lead; in the 1960s all tunnel entrances were walled up location Silistria pit.jpg
Uhland Kurenbach? 1889 (before) Zinc, lead
Wieland Allner 1886 (before) Iron; Pit field
Ziethen Hennef ( Weingartsgasse ) / Seligenthal 1122 1897 100 m Lead, silver, copper, zinc; muted April 19, 1853; awarded as Johanna on February 23, 1854; 1855 artificial shaft with steam engine (shaft I with 73 m); 1873 shaft II with 73 m; Shaft III with 100 m (near Seligenthal); Total production: 2,396 t lead ore, 1,300 t zinc blende, 7 t copper ore; 1866 Consolidation of the fields Daun , peace agreement , Ritter , Saturn , St. Merten , Ziethen I , Ziethen III to Ziehten ; 4 soles; Experimental work: 1910-12, 22-27 location
Drew III Allner 1886 (before) 1866 to Ziethen


Surname District Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Old luck (I-II) Bennerscheid 1122 1875 60 m (min.) Zinc, lead, silver , copper, iron ; in the Dollenbachtal; formerly called Silberkaule ; newly awarded in 1801 as Johann Petersgrube and in 1826 as Alt-Glück , 1846; Altglück I and II mine fields ; Consolidated with new luck in 1859 ; 4 tunnels (Dollenbach tunnel) and 2 shafts; 10–12 m thickness location Altglück Pit 1855.jpg
Stay faithful Koenigswinter 1867 (before) Spate iron stone, alum clay, brown coal
Drachenfels Koenigswinter 1867 (before) Spateisenstein
Hubertus Koenigswinter? 1867 (before) Spateisenstein
John's blessing Ittenbach 1867 (before) Lead, copper
New luck Bennerscheid 1875 Zinc, lead, silver , copper, iron ; in the Dollenbachtal; Consolidated in 1859 with Altglück
Oven roast Bennerscheid 1789 Trachytuff; multiple tunnels; used for U-relocation "Schlammpeitzger" Aerosgrp.jpg
Theresia Koenigswinter 1867 (before) Spateisenstein


Surname District Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Aggerburg and Fündling Donrath
Alexander Deesem Lead, zinc, copper; below Deesem between the suitcase and the Huthsiefen in the lessbachtal; to Walpot
Anager Eigen / Lohmar 1860 (um) 1914 Lead, zinc; Seemann assigns this pit to Lohmar; Two shafts and underground floors location

Aurora Jexmühle / Honrath Zinc, lead, copper
Fig mountain Fig mountain
Franziska Voting 1868 Iron, copper, lead
Scoop Donrath to Aggerburg and Fündling
Goethe Heppenberg northeast of Heppenberg
Good luck for Grimberg? Lead, copper; on the left slope of the Rollberg in the Ühmichbachtal; 6 m long, old tunnel halfway up the slope; second tunnel at the bottom of the valley
Pit smock Aggerhütte
Hanibal Iron, copper, lead
Hortensia Voting 1854 1866 Zinc, lead, copper, siderite
Juliette Lohmar
Grains Ellhausen
Late riser Weeg 1882 (before) north of Weeg
Mailust Lohmar
Metz Deseem Copper; in a side valley of the Lessbach, between Deesem and Krahwinkel
Moritz Wages
Nachod Grimberg? in the Ühmichbachtal on the Rollberg; 100 m west of Glückauf; 8 m long test tunnel
Nöggerath Salgert 1870
Oerstett Lohmar south house village
pilot Voting 1854 1917 190 m Zinc, lead, copper, siderite; Schloofköpp and Hortensia pits in Kirchbachsiefen; Operating times: 1854-66, 1906-1917; Hortenisschacht (steam engine, 190 m depth) location Tunnel opening of the pit Pilot.jpg
Robinson Wielpuetz southeast of Wielpuetz
Schloofköpp Lohmar 1854 1866 Zinc, lead, copper, siderite
Schubert Bloch / Büchel 1868 Iron, copper, lead; in the Naafbachtal
Sedan Deseem Copper; in a side valley of the Lessbach, between Deesem and Krahwinkel
Skalitz Albach? between Albach and Inger
Tuba no Scoop
Volta Dahlhaus / Honrath 1854-04-14 1907 Zinc, lead, copper; awarded on August 16, 1856; Route network with a total length of 650 m location
Caution sign Grimberg 1857 1866 Iron, copper, lead; below Grimberg on the left bank of the Ühmichbach; 200 m long test tunnel
Whale pot Deesem 16th century 1860 Lead, zinc, copper; newly awarded as Juliane 1842 (later renamed to Walpot); below Deesem between the suitcase and the Huthsiefen in the lessbachtal; last 62 company members; Protective bunker in World War II location
Wisoka Inger? between Inger and Birk


Surname District Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Aachen Aachen colliery 1746 1873 Lead; in the Werschbachtal; formerly called Auf dem Pielsiefen ; last experimental work 1929 location
Ajax Hevinghausen 1867-11-19 Zinc, lead; awarded November 19, 1867; to Nikolaus-Phoenix
Alice Sontgerath
Antony Markelsbach 1789 1966 Zinc, lead, siderite; formerly Antoniusgrube ; Newly awarded in 1842; Operating times; up to 78 employees; Hours of Operation: 1789, 1842-47, 1854-78, 1935-66; 1935 together with Gertudensegen and Emanuel zu Nikolaus-Phönix location
Aurora Wellerscheid 1745 1913 164 m Lead, silver, zinc; Aurora formerly The narrow Kaule near Oberdorf above Wellerscheid (between Oberdorf and Niedermiebach); Newly awarded in 1868; three shafts; Conveyor tunnel; Operating times: -1877, 1880-89,? - 1913; more than 200 staff members
Belgrade Markelsbach Zinc, lead; to Nikolaus-Phoenix
fracture Hillesheim
Christian joy Siebelsnaaf
Clementine Markelsbach 1868-8-16 Zinc, lead; awarded on August 16, 1868; to Nikolaus-Phoenix
The green hope Death Man
The twelve lion posts Oberkaltenbach
Emanuel Markelsbach 1845 1966 Zinc, lead; on the Goldknippen between Markelsbach and Scheid; awarded on June 15, 1855; Consolidated to Getrudensegen in 1871 ; Hours of operation: 1855-78, 1935-66; 1935 together with Antonius zu Nikolaus-Phönix location Emilie Schacht pit.jpg
Falkenstein Markelsbach Zinc, lead; to Nikolaus-Phoenix
flora Ophausen
Gertrude blessing Markelsbach 1842 1966 Zinc, lead, copper, spade iron; awarded June 27, 1857; 1871 consolidated with Emanuel ; 1935 together with Antonius zu Nikolaus-Phönix ; Hours of operation: 1857-78, 1935-66; up to 97 employees; Main shaft (2.40 × 1.60 m, not filled) location Gertrudensegen mine.jpg
Louis II Altenhof
lux Hevinghausen 1867-11-19 Zinc, lead; awarded November 19, 1867; to Nikolaus-Phoenix
Nicholas-Phoenix Markelsbach 1879 1966-11-30 200 m Zinc, lead, iron; 1879 Consolidation from Nikolaus and Phoenix ; 1935 consolidation with Gertrudensegen , Antonius and Emanuel ; 1935 mining shaft on the so-called Goldknippen in the Emanuel mine ; Operating times: 1879-1911, 1.10.1935-4 *, 46-66; 200 employees location Pit car of the Nikolaus-Phönix pit.jpg
Paul Saint
Philips joy Death man
Silberkaule Wellerscheid 16th century Lead, iron, zinc; between Oberdorf and Niedermiebach
Walters hope Crane


Surname District Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Eleanor Mohlscheid 1846 1953 18 m Galena, zinc blende; too penny  ?
Hans Sachs Oath of oath 1861 18 m lead
Humboldt Derision 1885 Lead, copper, iron
penny Mohlscheid 1899 1908 125 m Zinc, lead, iron; Gallery (650 m long, 60 m depth); Shaft with a depth of 125 m ( location ); 2 civil engineering soles; Experimental work: 1910, 1952-27 location Orifice pit Penny.jpg
Saturn Weeg 1853 (after) 1885 Copper; is located on the right bank of the Lessbach approximately at the level of the dam of the former mill pond at the Weeger mill; Overburden dump and tunnel mouth hole
Schwerin elections 1853 Copper; in the Stocksiefen below Wahlen
Wolter-Plettenberg elections 17th century 1872 Lead, copper, iron; on the opposite side of the valley from Walpot in Kleinesbachtal


Surname District Mountain area Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Blitzenhardt I, II Rheinbach Cologne-West 1900 Zinc; south-south-west from Emma Caroline ; 1902 to Hedwigsglück
Clara Kurtenberg Cologne-West 1849-11-03 Iron; Feld lies above the communities Queckenberg, Neukirchen, Rheinbach and Oberdrees as well as the communities Palmersheim, Schweinheim and Flamersheim, which are part of the mayor's office in Kuchenheim
Emma Carolina Neukirchen Cologne-West 1855 Lead, copper, zinc; also Emma Karoline ; 1863 62 workers; 1872 shaft between Loch and Hardt; 1902 to Hedwigsglück
Hedwig's luck (cons.) Neukirchen Cologne-West 1902 1917-11-20 Lead, zinc, copper; 1902 Consolidation from Emma Carolina , Blitzenhardt I , Blitzenhardt II ; Bitzenhardtschacht; Kurtenberg shaft; Operating times: 1902 - 20.8.1904, 7.1907 - 22.3.1912, 1915 - 20.11.1917; 10.1907 84 employees
Kurtenberg Rheinbach Cologne-West 1811 Copper; several search tunnels
Margaretha Rheinbach Cologne-West 1853-07-09 Iron; 7876 acres
Rheinbach Rheinbach Cologne-West 1854 Iron; from 1857 dismantling; north of Margaretha

St. John Queckenberg Cologne-West 1867 Iron; southwest of Emma Carolina , Clara and Margaretha located
Death field Death field Cologne-West 1855 Copper; probably a continuation of the Hedwigsglück Ganges
Tomberg Rheinbach Cologne-West 1854 iron
Wormersdorf Rheinbach Cologne-West 1867 iron


Surname District Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Carl Theodor iron
Eisenkaule (n) Oil red iron
Spring pit Köttingen 1827 1860 iron
Big Sparrowhawk Ruppichteroth 1853 Iron; on the highest; Opencast mining - today water-filled ponds
Juliane Mittelaurenbach 1863 1874 50 m Iron; in the middle of town, at the intersection of Brölstrasse and Hambuchener Strasse; Julius tunnel (500 m long, 50 m depth)
Little sparrowhawk Ruppichteroth Iron; on the highest; Opencast mining - today water-filled ponds
Petri Divorce 1865 (around) iron
Prussian eagle iron
Protective tariff Ruppichteroth 1875 (before) Clay iron stone; Analysis: 32% iron, 5.5% manganese, 7% alumina, 22% silica
Sparrowhawk Ruppichteroth 1853 Clay iron stone; Analysis: 36% iron, 3% manganese, 2% lime earth, 2% bitter earth, 4% alumina, 12% silica
Willachsgrube Mittelaurenbach iron
Sugar pit Köttingen 1874 Iron; Production in 1860: 8,422 t of iron ore


Surname District Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Alexander Seligenthal Pit field
Anna Seligenthal Grubenfeld (Bergrevier Deutz)
Franz Schneffelrath Ore mining; east of Schneffelrath
Fritz Seligenthal Pit field
Blessings of heaven Seligenthal Pit field
Painter Tiedemann Seligenthal Pit field
Pliny Schneffelrath 1860 (um) Ore mining; east of Schneffelrath
Knight Seligenthal 1854-04-22 Copper, lead; formerly Neu-Glück ; awarded May 3, 1855; belonging to St. Merten ; to draw
St. Merten Seligenthal 1839-08-05 Copper, lead; on Mühlenberg; two studs; awarded on July 6, 1841; to draw
Drew I. Seligenthal 1861 1866 to Ziethen ; 100 m deep shaft III of the Ziethen mine on Hauptstrasse


Surname District Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Basel Altenrath
Gottfried Altenrath
Kant Altenrath
Pieret Altenrath to reconciliation

Schiller Altenrath to reconciliation
Sophie Altenrath
reconciliation Altenrath 1869 34 m Lead, zinc, copper, nickel; 2.5 km northwest. from Lohmar location


Surname District Mountain area Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Irberg Züllighoven Cologne East Copper; probably just Schurf
Virgin Clara bad luck Cologne East Copper; probably just Schurf
Emperor Werthhoven Cologne East 1859 Lead, copper, zinc; Awarded in 1859; to Laura
Crown Prince Werthhoven Cologne East 1859 Lead, copper, zinc; Awarded in 1859; to Laura
Laura Werthhoven Cologne East 1859 (before) 1909 (at least) Zinc blende, galena, copper pebbles; Shaft; Associated ore fields: Philippine , Charles , Flora , Wilhelm the Great , Kaiser , Crown Prince
Mariaberg Werthhoven Cologne East Iron; low operation
Maximilian Villip Cologne East Copper; probably just Schurf
Philippine Werthhoven Cologne East 1847 (before) Silver, lead, copper, zinc; Awarded in 1847; Dismantling before 1847; to Laura
William the Great Werthhoven Cologne East 1859 Lead, copper, zinc; Awarded in 1859; to Laura


Surname District Beginning The End Depth Remarks location image
Albertzeche Langenberg near Langenberg

Old tunnel in Rötz Windeck-Silberhardt stollen
Eisenberg Öttershagen 1911 (before) 1924 209 m Iron; 1911 deep tunnel (750 m long)
Ferdinand Gierzhagen southeast from Gierzhagen
Franz Gierzhagen at Gierzhagen
Hamberg Opperzau 1923 50 m Zinc, copper, lead
Jacobus Gierzhagen northwest from Gierzhagen
Jucht Langenberg Silver, copper, lead; east of Langenberg in the Rosbachtal
Leonid Langenberg Iron, copper; east of Langenberg in the Rosbachtal
prose Öttershagen 1884 Limonite (brown iron stone); on the Eisenberg; Kohlberger Gangzug; Mentioned in 1884, but probably 100 years older location Pit prose.jpg
Raphael Rommen 1860 Iron; Stollen at Rommen
Silberhardt Öttershagen 13th century 1936 156 m Silver, lead, iron, zinc, copper; newly awarded 1752 and July 4, 1861; Upper new tunnel, deep tunnel, Silberhardt shaft; Operating times: -1882, until 1915, 1920-1924, 1930-1936; up to 300 staff members; since 2003 visitor mine location Silberhardt mine 1870 Panorama.jpg
Intermediate field Öttershagen 18th century Iron; 34.3 m long tunnel; Kohlberger gang train location Pit intermediate field.jpg

See also

References and comments

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  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l Christian Reinhard Kieß and Klemens Dormagen: Mining between Schmelztal, Aegidienberg, Brüngsberg, Nonnenberg and Quirrenbach. In: From Wasserkunst and Pingen (= ore mining in the Rhein-Sieg district and its surroundings. Part 1). Rheinlandia Verlag, Siegburg 2005, p. 23 f., ISBN 3-935005-95-4 .
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk - Bergbau im Bergisches Land
  3. a b c d e f g h i Nicolaus Hocker : The big industry of Rhineland and Westphalia - their geography, history, production and statistics , Quandt & Handel, Leipzig, 1867
  4. Egmont mine in the Mineralienatlas
  5. Menzenberg mine in the Mineralienatlas
  6. Pit To the beautiful view in the mineral atlas
  7. a b c d Grube Pascha on
  8. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab Bergbau in Eitorf  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically defective marked. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  9. Grube Dessauer on
  10. Bernd Habel: Mining in the lower Sieg area near Blankenberg, Merten and Eitorf from the 18th to the 20th century, Rheinlandia Verlag, Siegburg 1999, p. 51ff. ISBN 3-931509-75-3
  11. Grube Harmonie on
  12. Hatzfeld mine on
  13. Crack of the silver soaps pit
  14. Grube Silberseifen on
  15. a b Altglück pit in the mineral atlas
  16. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Dr. Peter Zenker: The Ziethen mine and mining between Kaldauen and Allner
  17. a b c d e f Dominique Müller-Grote, Reinhard Zado: Hennef - city of 100 villages, ten ways to discover the city of Hennef. Edition Blattwelt, Niederhofen 2006, ISBN 3-936256-26-8
  18. ^ The Ziethen mine accessed on October 9, 2016
  19. Ziethen mine on
  20. ^ Mining in Hennef
  21. Grube Ofenkaulen on
  22. a b c d e f g h i j k l m mining in Lohmar
  23. a b c d e f g Old mines near Lohmar
  24. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Albert Seemann Lohmar: Metallerz-Bergbau im lower Aggertal , 1990; 136 pages
  25. Grube Anager in the Mineralienatlas
  26. a b c Mining near Lohmar
  27. ^ A b c Albert Seemann: Metal ore mining in the lower Aggertal . Ed .: Self-published. Lohmar 1990, p. 136 .
  28. a b c The Pilot ore mine near Wahlscheid. (No longer available online.) Formerly in the original ; accessed on January 20, 2016 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /
  29. ^ Metal ore mining in the lower Aggertal
  30. Herbert Stahl (editor): Das Erbe des Erzes, Volume 5, New news and stories about the Bensberg ore district , Bergisch Gladbach 2014, ISBN 978-3-00-044826-3 , p. 41.
  31. a b c d e Traces of ore mining in the Kleinesbach Valley
  32. a b c d e f g h i Mining archeology in the Bergisches Land
  33. a b c d e f g h i j Günter Benz: Bergbau in der Gemeinde Much , second revised edition, Bruchhausen 2014, p. 222f.
  34. Our Much from AZ
  35. a b c d e f g h i j k l m Mining in Much
  36. a b c d 200 men in the tunnel of the Aurora pit
  37. a b Mining in Neunkirchen-Seelscheid
  38. ^ Rainer Slotta : Technical Monuments in the Federal Republic of Germany 4 / I , published by the German Mining Museum Bochum 1983, p. 658 f. ISBN 3-921533-25-2
  39. Pit Penny in the Mineral Atlas
  40. a b c d e f g h i j Mining in Rheinbach
  41. a b c d e f g h i j k l Maximilian Wemmer: The ore deposits of the Eifel, excluding the vicinity of Aachen . Bormann & Co., 1909 ( digitized in digital texts of the library of the seminar for economic and social history of the University of Cologne ).
  42. a b c d e f g h Ruppichteroth in the Mineralienatlas
  43. a b
  44. a b Mining wealth from the sugar pit
  45. The heyday of Ruppichterother mining: 1830 - 1875
  46. a b VDI-Z: Journal for Development, Construction, Production, Volume 19, 1875
  47. a b c d e f Mining in Troisdorf
  48. ^ Grube Reconciliation in the Mineral Atlas
  49. Zeche Laura in the Mineralienatlas
  50. Philippine Pit in the Mineral Atlas
  51. a b c d e f Field map and general plan (Morsbach and southwest of it)
  52. List of pits represented in the collection  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  53. a b Silberhardt visitor mine
  54. Trail riding map