List of anti-refugee attacks in Germany 2014

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The list of anti-refugee attacks in Germany 2014 records attacks and attacks on refugees and refugee shelters in Germany in 2014 in which xenophobic and racist motives are proven or likely. The list is not yet complete. Particularly serious attacks with injured, seriously injured or dead people are highlighted in red.

Unless otherwise stated, the information follows the chronicles of courage against right-wing violence , Pro Asyl and Amadeu Antonio Foundation . Historical background, counter-initiatives, literature see under Attacks hostile to refugees in the Federal Republic of Germany ; further annual lists see below.

List of anti-refugee attacks in Germany 2014 (Germany)
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Attacks on refugees and refugee shelters in 2014 (incomplete)
place federal
date Attack target Injured description
Berlin Marzahn-Hellersdorf Coat of arms of Berlin.svg BE January inhabited accommodation In January there were several damage to property and insults in the vicinity of a shared accommodation facility for refugees and asylum seekers. Right-wing extremists aggressively agitated against the property.
Borna Coat of arms of Saxony.svg SN 0January 1st inhabited accommodation On New Year's Eve, about 15 right-wing extremists attack an emergency shelter inhabited by 30 asylum seekers with various fireworks. The police were able to intervene and stayed on site for the night to protect the residents.
Latitude Coat of arms of Thuringia, svg TH 0January 2nd accommodation Strangers repeatedly threw objects at the local accommodation and verbally abused residents.
Söhre Coat of arms of Lower Saxony.svg NI 0January 4th family Eight 25 to 30 year old men attacked a Roma family of seven in their home. Around 1.30 a.m. they knocked hard on the apartment door on the first floor. When the 32-year-old father opened the door, one of the perpetrators hit him in the face with his fist. He was then threatened with a gun. The perpetrators asked for money. The father handed over a total of 1,300 euros. A refugee council said that asylum seekers without a bank account received their regular payments in cash. The family from Serbia was in shock after the attack. According to the father, some of the men who subsequently fled in two cars were bald and wore combat boots. In addition, the men had observed her the day before.
Greiz Coat of arms of Thuringia, svg TH 06th January accommodation Attack on a refugee shelter with property damage.
Heidenheim an der Brenz Coat of arms of Baden-Württemberg (lesser) .svg BW 0January 7th accommodation Attack on a refugee shelter with property damage.
Germering Bavaria Wappen.svg BY 0January 8th inhabited accommodation A stranger set fire to the asylum seekers' home on the morning of January 8th. Ten people were saved by the warning of a resident returning late. The central building of the building complex burned out almost completely.
Wohratal Coat of arms of Hesse.svg HE January 12th inhabited accommodation 1 injured Four young people broke into an asylum center at 4:30 a.m., devastated it, and threatened and insulted the residents. A pregnant woman had to be treated in the hospital after the excitement. The perpetrators could be caught. They claimed not to be far-right.
Torgelow Coat of arms of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (small) .svg MV 15. January accommodation Attack on a refugee shelter and violation of the Explosives Act (Germany) .
Friedland (Mecklenburg) Coat of arms of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (small) .svg MV January 16 accommodation An egg was thrown at one of the accommodations shortly before the first refugees moved in, and racist stickers were also attached.
Berlin Coat of arms of Berlin.svg BE January 17th refugees Several activists from the protest camp on Oranienplatz said they had been sexist and racist insulted by ticket inspectors and police officers. A Sudanese woman said she had been insulted as a "monkey" by a police officer and that her arm was twisted. According to the police, the refugees resisted and injured police officers, and reports were made.
Versmold Coat of arms of North Rhine-Westfalia.svg NW January 19th inhabited accommodation Attack on a refugee shelter with property damage.
Bad Durrheim Coat of arms of Baden-Württemberg (lesser) .svg BW 22nd of January inhabited accommodation Strangers hung a handwritten banner reading “NO ASYLUM” on a bridge railing. A poster had previously been smeared with this slogan.
Schneeberg (Ore Mountains) Coat of arms of Saxony.svg SN January 25th accommodation After several weeks, the NPD and the Schneeberg citizens' initiative organized a torchlight march with around 250 participants against the local refugee accommodation.
Gundelfingen (Breisgau) Coat of arms of Baden-Württemberg (lesser) .svg BW January 26th accommodation Attacking local housing and using marks from unconstitutional organizations.
Duisburg Coat of arms of North Rhine-Westfalia.svg NW January 27th accommodation Attack on a refugee shelter and violation of the Explosives Act (Germany) .
Neukirch / Lausitz Coat of arms of Saxony.svg SN January 30th Asylum seekers Racial slurs against asylum seekers after it became known that an accommodation for 120 residents would be built.
Barley Coat of arms of Thuringia, svg TH 0February 1st accommodation Panes in an accommodation were thrown in by strangers at night. Repeat one night later.
Guards Coat of arms Saxony-Anhalt.svg ST 0February 2nd accommodation In front of a shelter, a group shouted right-wing slogans. The group fled, and the personal details of 10 people were later recorded. The State Security started an investigation against one person.
Hoyerswerda Coat of arms of Saxony.svg SN 0February 7th Asylum seeker 1 injured person Two days after the first 36 residents had moved into the first local refugee shelter since the riots in 1991 , a Moroccan asylum seeker was hit on the back of the head by a cyclist and then in the kidney area by a cyclist. The attacked was able to photograph the perpetrator. The state security started investigations.
Garbsen Coat of arms of Lower Saxony.svg NI 0February 7th information event Racist and antiziganist slogans were shouted at an information event on the establishment of a refugee shelter with around 150 people , and the mayor also picked them up. Several neo-Nazis were there. Two weeks later, the construction of the accommodation was canceled by the Hanoverian mayor.
Heidenau Coat of arms of Saxony.svg SN 0February 8 accommodation Attack on a refugee shelter with a public invitation to criminal acts.
Berlin Coat of arms of Berlin.svg BE February 11th Accommodations Right-wing extremists attacked two refugee shelters on February 11 and 12. Property damage occurred.
Anklam Coat of arms of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (small) .svg MV February 12th Asylum seekers A Ghanaian woman was spat at and insulted by a woman in front of her daughter's day care center. Due to communication difficulties, the police initially did not record her complaint, but only when she appeared again when accompanied.
Mechernich Coat of arms of North Rhine-Westfalia.svg NW 13th February accommodation For the third time in two months, the local accommodation burned down. Arson is likely.
Munich Bavaria Wappen.svg BY 13th February supporter Eight stickers of the right-wing extremist party Der III. Away from the windows of the Bavarian Refugee Council.
Berlin-Kreuzberg Coat of arms of Berlin.svg BE February 15th inhabited camp The sanitary vehicle of a refugee protest camp on Berlin's Oranienplatz was completely destroyed by an arson attack.
eat Coat of arms of North Rhine-Westfalia.svg NW March, 20th inhabited accommodation In the morning, small metal bullets were probably shot at an inhabited accommodation with a Zwille.
Hoyerswerda Coat of arms of Saxony.svg SN April 19th inhabited accommodation On the night of April 19, a man masked with a balaclava broke into the grounds of the new asylum seekers' home and hit a safety glass window several times with a hammer. At the time, six people were sleeping in the living room behind, no one was injured, and the perpetrator fled.
Berlin-Koepenick Coat of arms of Berlin.svg BE April, 30th inhabited accommodation On the night of April 30, two men sprayed an emergency exit door of a refugee accommodation with a flammable liquid and then set it on fire. The fire went out by itself after a few minutes. One of the perpetrators arrested a short time later gave the Hitler salute .
Hanover Coat of arms of Lower Saxony.svg NI August 25 uninhabited accommodation A shell of a refugee accommodation in the Bothfeld district was badly damaged by an arson attack. The fire damaged the roof structure and caused an estimated property damage of 10,000 euros.
Sangerhausen Coat of arms Saxony-Anhalt.svg ST 0September 1 inhabited accommodation On the night of September 1, strangers tried to set fire to an apartment building in which about 70 refugees also live. In addition, the facade was smeared with right-wing extremist slogans such as “Future for the German children”, “Piss off” (with two SS runes) and “Skin off”. Because of the only slight damage, the residents could continue to live there. Security measures have been announced.
Gross Lüsewitz Coat of arms of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (small) .svg MV October 12th inhabited accommodation On the night of October 12, 2014, strangers threw two beer bottles filled with a flammable liquid against the wall of a refugee shelter in Groß Lüsewitz near Rostock . The fire went out by itself, people were not harmed. The prosecution brought attempted murder charges against two 25 and 26 year old men. The two defendants were each sentenced to five years in prison.
Swords Coat of arms of North Rhine-Westfalia.svg NW October uninhabited accommodation In October, strangers smeared racist slogans at a gym that was supposed to be used as refugee accommodation.
Rottenburg Coat of arms of Baden-Württemberg (lesser) .svg BW 20th of December Refugees 1 injured A man racially insulted two Gambian women refugees aged 27 and 36 and then beat them. The 37-year-old fell as a result and was then kicked several times by the perpetrator. She was admitted to hospital with head and knee injuries. The suspect is a 21-year-old man, known to the police for violent crimes, who is assigned to the right-wing extremist scene.

Individual evidence

  1. Courage against right-wing violence: Chronicle of incidents hostile to refugees ( memento of the original from October 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; Network against Nazis: Monthly Chronicles @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Marina Mai: Firecracker attacks in Hellersdorf: Kita also attacked. In: . Retrieved September 20, 2016 .
  3. ^ Another right-wing attack on the refugee home in Hellersdorf. In: September 13, 2016. Retrieved September 20, 2016 .
  4. ^ Marina Mai: Refugees in Berlin-Hellersdorf: Another attack on the home. In: . Retrieved September 20, 2016 .
  5. a b c d e f g h rights agitation against refugees - a chronicle of violence 2014 - courage against rights violence. In: Retrieved September 20, 2016 .
  6. Andreas Speit: Racist attack: robbery on Roma family. In: . Retrieved September 20, 2016 .
  7. a b c d e f g h Drucksache 18/1399 (PDF file), German Bundestag, Federal Government response, May 30, 2014.
  8. Unknown person sets fire to asylum seekers' home , Süddeutsche Zeitung , January 8, 2014.
  9. Antje Lang-Lendorff: Allegations against the police: "They called me 'monkey'". In: . January 22, 2014, accessed September 20, 2016 .
  10. POL-TUT: Bad Dürrheim / Bundesstrasse 27/33: Unknown people hang banners with the inscription "NO ASYLUM" on the railing of the bridge. In: January 22, 2014, accessed September 23, 2016 .
  11. Marching against refugee homes
  12. Strangers throw in panes of an asylum seekers home. In: September 23, 2016. Retrieved September 23, 2016 .
  13. After Home opening in Hoyerswerda: Attack on Refugees - Network Against Nazis. In: February 10, 2014, accessed September 23, 2016 .
  14. ^ Sven Sokoll: Homeless dormitory: Havelser express protest - HAZ - Hannoversche Allgemeine. In: February 7, 2014, accessed September 24, 2016 .
  15. ^ Garbsen: Debate about container accommodation is over - City of Garbsen. In: March 11, 2014, accessed September 24, 2016 .
  16. ^ Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: In Mechernich: Again fire in refugee dormitory. In: September 24, 2016. Retrieved September 24, 2016 .
  17. Right-wing extremists affix support organizations for refugees - mü In: September 3, 2013, accessed September 24, 2016 .
  18. February 15, 2014: On the arson attack on the protest camp at Oranienplatz , Refugee Council Berlin, press release from February 15, 2014.
  19. State security investigates after attack on asylum seekers home. In: March 21, 2014, accessed November 9, 2015 .
  20. ^ Attack on the new asylum seekers home in Hoyerswerda , Vice , May 2, 2014
  21. ^ Neo-Nazis in Hoyerswerda: They sneak around the home at night , taz , April 25, 2014.
  22. ^ Right arson attack on refugee home in Berlin. In: New Germany. Retrieved August 26, 2015 .
  23. ^ Reimar Paul: Arson attack on asylum home in Hanover. In: New Germany. August 28, 2014, accessed November 9, 2015 .
  24. ^ Asylum seekers in Sangerhausen: attack on dormitory. In: September 2, 2014, accessed September 6, 2015 .
  25. Frank Schedwill: Asylum seekers in Sangerhausen: New stone throws cause excitement. In: September 3, 2014, accessed September 6, 2015 .
  26. ^ Unknown people throw incendiary devices at asylum seekers' home in Rostock , Hamburger Abendblatt , October 12, 2014.
  27. Murder charges after the attack , , October 12, 2015
  28. ^ Attack on refugee home: Five years imprisonment , NDR , March 7, 2016
  29. Deutsches Haus 21/15. In: May 21, 2015, accessed September 13, 2015 .
  30. German House 02/15. In: January 8, 2015, accessed August 30, 2015 .