List of mathematical abbreviations

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This list of mathematical abbreviations shows well-known abbreviations of mathematical terms consisting of two or more letters . In addition to the abbreviation itself, the full form (possibly in a foreign language) and the German meaning are given.


Fig. Illustration function
Section absolutely absolute value
AC axiom of choice Axiom of choice
adj adjoint Adjoint matrix
adj adjunct Adjuncts
AGM arithmetic-geometric mean Arithmetic-geometric mean
Ai Airy Airy function
Old alternating Alternating group
AMG algebraic multigrid method Algebraic multigrid method
ANOVA analysis of variance Analysis of variance
arccos arcus cosinus Arccosine
arccot arcus cotangens Arccotangent
arccsc arcus cosecans Arccosecans
ARCH auto-regressive conditional heteroscedasticity ARCH model
arcosh area cosine hyperbolicus Hyperbolic areakosine
arcoth area cotangens hyperbolicus Hyperbolic areakotangent
arcsch area cosecans hyperbolicus Hyperbolic areakosekans
arcsec arcus secans Arc secans
arcsin arcus sinus Arcsine
arctan arcus tangens Arctangent
bad argumentum Complex number argument
arg max argumentum maximi Argument of the maximum
bad min argumentum minimi Argument of the minimum
ARMA auto-regressive moving average ARMA model
arsech area secans hyperbolicus Hyperbolic Areasekans
arsinh area sinus hyperbolicus Hyperbolic area
artanh area tangens hyperbolicus Hyperbolic areatangens
Aut Automorphism Automorphism group
AWA Initial value problem Initial value problem
AWP Initial value problem Initial value problem


Bi - Airy function of the second kind
BMO bounded mean oscillation BMO room
BV bounded variation Limited variation
BLUE best unbiased linear estimator Best Linear Unexpected Estimator
BUE best unbiased estimator Best unbiased estimator
BLUP best linear unbiased prediction Best linear expectation prediction


card cardinalis Power of a crowd
CAS Computer algebra system Computer algebra system
CG conjugate gradient Conjugate gradient method
CGS conjugate gradient squared CGS procedure
char Characteristic Characteristic of a ring or body
Ci cosinus integralis Integral cosine
Cl Clausen Clausen function
cn cosinus amplitudinis Cosine amplitudinis
Cof, cof cofactor Cofactor matrix
coker cokernel Coking a figure
cos cosine cosine
cosh hyperbolic cosine Hyperbolic cosine
cot cotangent cotangent
coth cotangent hyperbolicus Hyperbolic cotangent
Cov covariance Covariance of two random variables
csc cosecans cosecant
csch cosecans hyperbolicus Hyperbolic cosecan
CSU Cauchy-Schwarz inequality Cauchy-Schwarz inequality


DAG directed acyclic graph Directed acyclic graph
DCT discrete cosine transform Discrete cosine transformation
def malfunction Defect of a linear mapping
def. by definition Definition equation
deg degree Degree of a polynomial
det Determinant Determinant of a matrix
DFT discrete Fourier transform Discrete Fourier Transform
DGL, DGl., Dgl., DG Differential equation Differential equation
diag diagonal Diagonal matrix
diffbar differentiable Differentiability of a function
dim dimension Dimension of a vector space
div divergence Divergence of a vector field
dn delta amplitudinis Delta amplitudinis
dom domain or domain Definition set of a function or an operator
DST discrete sine transform Discrete sine transformation
DWT discrete wavelet transform Discrete wavelet transform


End Endomorphism Category of endomorphisms
egg exponentially integral Integral exponential function
Prop Eigenraum Eigenraum
erf error function Error function
erfc error function complementary Complementary error function
erfi error function imaginary Imaginary error function
EW Eigenvalue Eigenvalue
EV Eigenvector Eigenvector
exp exponent Exponential function
Exp exponent Group exponent
Ext extension Ext functor


FA Functional analysis Functional analysis
f. a. almost all Almost all
FEM Finite element method Finite element method
FFT fast Fourier transform Fast Fourier transform
Fct. function function
Frob Frobenius Frobenius homomorphism
f. s. pretty sure Pretty sure
FT Fourier transform Fourier transform
FT Function theory Function theory
f. ü. almost everywhere Almost everywhere
FWT fast wavelet transform Fast wavelet transform


Gal Galois Galois group
GARCH generalized auto-regressive conditional heteroscedasticity GARCH model
gd Gudermann Gudermann function
iff. exactly when Logical equivalence
GF Galois field Galois body
gcd greatest common divisor Greatest common divisor
GL generally linear or English general linear General linear group
glm. evenly Uniform convergence
Degree gradient Gradient of a scalar field
GT Graph theory Graph theory


HM higher mathematics higher mathematics
HNF Hessian normal form Hessian normal form
Hom Homomorphism Hom functor


IA Induction start Part of a complete induction
id identical Identical figure
id identically distributed Identically distributed random variables
iid independent identically distributed Independently and identically distributed random variables
ILP integer linear program Integer linear programming
in the image Image of an illustration
in the imaginary Imaginary part of a complex number
ind index Rotation number of a curve
inf infimum Infimum of a lot
int interior A crowd inside
inv inversion Lack of a permutation
IS Induction step Part of a complete induction
IV Induction assumption Part of a complete induction


JNF Jordan normal form Jordan normal form


ker kernel Core of a figure
LCM least common multiple Least common multiple
Cor Correlation coefficient Correlation coefficient
kQ least squares Least squares method


LA Linear Algebra Linear Algebra
LCG linear congruential generator Linear congruence generator
ld logarithm dualis Binary logarithm
lg logarithm Decadal logarithm
LGS linear system of equations Linear system of equations
left logarithm integralis Integral logarithm
lim limes Limit value of a sequence or function
lim inf limes inferior Limes inferior
lim sup limes superior Limes superior
lin. linear Linearity
ln logarithm naturalis Natural logarithm
log logarithm logarithm
LP linear program Linear programming
LS least squares Least squares method


Max maximum Maximum of a lot
med Median Median
MG multigrid Multi-grid method
min minimum Minimum of a lot
mod modulo Modulo (division with remainder)
Mor Morphism Morphism
MP Modus ponens Modus ponens
MR Mathematical Reviews Mathematical Reviews
MSC Mathematics Subject Classification Mathematics Subject Classification
MW Average Average
MWS Mean theorem Mean theorem


NAND not and NAND link
NBG Neumann-Bernays-Gödel Neumann-Bernays-Gödel set theory
NF new foundations Set theory according to Quine
NLP non-linear program Non-linear programming
NOR not or Nor linkage
NO Additional calculation Additional calculation
NV Normal distribution Normal distribution
n / a according to requirements Term within evidence
NLML non linear maximum likelihood Maximum likelihood method


o. B. d. A. Without loss of generality Without loss of generality
ODE ordinary differential equation Ordinary differential equation
oE without restriction Without loss of generality
ONB Orthonormal basis Orthonormal basis
ONS Orthonormal system Orthonormal system
ord order Order of a group element
Ord Ordinal number Set of ordinals


PDE partial differential equation Partial differential equation
PDGl, PDG partial differential equation Partial differential equation
PGL projective general linear Projective linear group
pktw. point by point Point-by-point convergence
PN Polish notation Polish notation
Pr probability probability
PSL projective special linear Projective special linear group
PSp, PGSp projective (general) symplectic Projective symplectic group
PSU projective special unitary Projective special unitary group


q. e. d. quod erat demonstrandum Which was to be proved
qef quod erat faciendum What to do
Quot quotient Quotient field of a ring


re Real part Real part of a complex number
Res residuum Residual of a complex-valued function
rect rectangle Rectangular function
rg rank Rank of a matrix
RH Riemann hypothesis Riemann Hypothesis
RNG random number generator Random number generator
red rotation Rotation of a vector field
RWA Boundary value problem Boundary value problem
RWP Boundary value problem Boundary value problem


SDE stochastic differential equation Stochastic differential equation
SDGl stochastic differential equation Stochastic differential equation
sec secans Secans
six secans hyperbolicus Hyperbolic secant
so-called signum Sign function
Si sinus integralis Integral sine
sig sigmoid Sigmoid function
sin Sine Sine
sinc sinus cardinalis Sinc function
sinh hyperbolic sinus Hyperbolic sine
SL special linear Special linear group
sn sinus amplitudinis Sinus amplitudinis
SO special orthogonal Special orthogonal group
SOR successive over-relaxation Over relaxation procedure
Sp, sp track Trace of a matrix
Sp, SP symplectic Symplectic group
span span Linear envelope of vectors
Spec spectrum Spectrum of a ring
stat. statistical statistics
stabbed. stochastic Stochastics
SU special unitary Special unitary group
sup supremum Supremum a lot
supp support Bearer of a function
SVD singular value decomposition Singular value decomposition
SWZ Singular value decomposition Singular value decomposition
Sym symmetrical Symmetrical group


tan tangent tangent
dance tangens cardinalis Tanc function
tanh hyperbolic tangent Hyperbolic tangent
goal torsion Gate functor
Tr carrier Bearer of a function
Tr, tr trace Trace of a matrix


UPN reverse Polish notation Reverse Polish notation
and N. under the secondary condition
udNb. Maximization under constraints Lagrange multiplier


Var Variance Variance of a random variable
VR Vector space Vector space


wzbw which was to be proved Quod erat demonstrandum


XOR exclusive or Contravalence


ZF Zermelo Fraenkel Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory
ZFC Zermelo Fraenkel choice Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with axiom of choice
ZV Random variable Random variable
ZWS Intermediate value theorem Intermediate value theorem
z. z. to show Term within evidence
ZZ Random number Random number


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christian Kanzow, Alexandra Schwartz: Introduction . In: Game Theory (=  Mathematics Compact ). Birkhäuser, Cham, 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-96678-6 , p. 1–17 , doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-319-96679-3_1 ( [accessed December 26, 2018]).