List of plants with psychotropic agents

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The list of plants with psychotropic active substances includes plant species that contain psychotropic substances in significant quantities. Psychotropics are divided into analgesics , hallucinogens , stimulants and aphrodisiacs, and even more finely according to their psychoactive effects . Its use can lead to intoxication , psychological and physical dependence and other behavioral disorders. Some herbal drugs are covered by the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs and the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances , while others are not. The national legislation regulates further details, in particular the narcotics laws . The list is not complete.



Scientific name Common name description image
Acorus calamus Sweet flag Contains Asarone ; is considered to be mood-enhancing, slightly hallucinogenic and aphrodisiac in higher doses. AcorusCalamus.jpg
Acacia maidenii Maiden's wattle Native to the east coast of Australia, a tree that can grow up to 20 m tall. The bark contains 0.6 percent of the hallucinogenic dimethyltryptamine and N-methyltryptamine . Acacia maidenii.jpg
Alstonia scholaris Devil tree The seeds are used to achieve an aphrodisiac or psychoactive effect. Alstonia scholaris.jpg
Anamirta cocculus False myrtle For use see picrotoxin . Anamirta cocculus at Kottiyoor.jpg
Anadenanthera peregrina Yopo 12097-Anadenanthera peregrina-Cacuri.JPG
Areca catechu Betel nut palm Betel nuts (from top) .jpg
Argyreia nervosa Hawaiian woodrose The seeds contain, among other things, the active ingredient ergin (lysergic acid amide, LSA). Elephant creeper (Argyreia nervosa) - 20100808.jpg
Artemisia absinthium Wormwood Artemisia absinthium 0002.JPG
Atropa belladonna Black deadly nightshade Among other active ingredients atropine , scopolamine . Atropa bella-donna0.jpg


Scientific name Common name description image
Banisteriopsis caapi Ayahuasca Used in South America. Various alkaloids. Part of Ayahuasca . Banisteriopsis caapi-CPPPR1.jpg
Boophone disticha Fan lily The plant is a geophyte , widespread in the open grasslands from South Africa to the north in southern Sudan. The active ingredients include buphanidrine and other alkaloids. Boophone disticha (5329432051) .jpg
Brugmansia spec. Angel trumpets They are common in South America and contain alkaloids such as hyoscyamine and scopolamine . Brugmansia aurea Stock.jpg


Scientific name Common name description image
Calea ternifolia Dream herb Calea ternifolia.jpg
Calia secundiflora Mescal bean Sophora secundiflora flower.jpg
Camellia sinensis tea Tea bush Detail.jpg
Canavalia rosea Beach bean Canavalia rosea flower.JPG
Cannabis indica Indian hemp Cultivated plant , active ingredients including THC , increased cannabidiol content, rather sedative to drowsy effect. Cannabis indica Selkem.jpg
Cannabis ruderalis Ruderal hemp Wild plant, rather lower THC content and less productive than Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa , but unlike both, not dependent on photoperiodism . Cannabis ruderalis (wild marijuana, female) .jpg,
Cannabis sativa hemp Cultivated plant , active ingredients including THC , cannabidiol , more psychedelic and stimulating effect. Cannabis sativa plant (4) .JPG
Catha edulis Kathstrauch Contains amphetamine- related alkaloids such as cathine and cathinone . Catha edulis.jpg
Centipeda cunninghamii Gukwonderuk Centipeda cunninghamii.jpg
Cestrum laevigatum Dama da Noite Dama-da-noite.JPG
Cestrum parqui Chilean hammer bush Cestrum parqui 2.jpg
Codoriocalyx motorius Telegraph plant തൊഴുകണ്ണി 06.JPG
Coffea spec. coffee CoffeeCatucai.jpg
Coffea arabica Arabica coffee FruitColors.jpg
Coffea canephora Robusta coffee Coffea canephora at Aanakkulam.jpg
Cola spec. Colas Cola cordifolia MS 2111.jpg


Scientific name Common name description image

Datura inoxia Large-flowered thorn apple Native to Central America, neophyte in the Mediterranean region. Datura innoxia flower 02.jpg
Datura stramonium Common thorn apple Datura stramonium 2000.jpg


Scientific name Common name description image
Echinopsis pachanoi Cactus de San Pedro Contains the alkaloid and phenethylamine derivative mescaline . Psychedelic effect. Echinopsis-pachanoi-habit cropped.jpg
Echinopsis peruviana Peruvian stick cactus Contains the alkaloid and phenethylamine derivative mescaline. Psychedelic effect. Echinopsis peruviana (kunthiana) .jpg
Entada rheedei African dream herb Entada rheedii04.jpg
Ephedra spec. Sea ravages Ephedra nevadensis kz1.jpg
Eschscholzia californica California poppy seeds California Poppy 1.jpg
Erythroxylum coca Coca bush Colcoca01.jpg


Scientific name Common name description image
Genista tinctoria Dyer's gorse Genista tinctoria1.jpg


Scientific name Common name description image
Heimia salicifolia Sinicuichi Heimia salicifolia (10650356644) .jpg
Humulus lupulus Real hops Hop blossom.jpg
Hyoscyamus albus White henbane Hyoscyamus albus habitus.jpg
Hyoscyamus muticus Egyptian henbane Hyoscyamus muticus 01.JPG
Hyoscyamus niger Black henbane Hyoscyamus niger 0003.JPG
Hypericum perforatum Real St. John's wort Hypericum perforatum 09.jpg


Scientific name Common name description image
Ilex paraguariensis Mate bush Ilex paraguariensis - Yerba mate - desc-leaves.jpg
Iochroma fuchsioides Red violet bush Iochroma fuchsioides.jpg
Ipomoea spec. Morning glories Out of 79 species examined, 23 species can be said with certainty that they contain ergot alkaloids ; no reliable information is available for 15 species; in the remaining 41 species there are no ergot alkaloids. Ipomoea tricolor-WeddingBells 20071011 02.png
Ipomoea tricolor Sky-blue morning glory Morning glory 6b.jpg
Ipomoea violacea nn White Morning-Glory (2885020735) .jpg


Scientific name Common name description image
Lactuca virosa Poison lettuce Lactuca virosa 002.JPG
Lagochilus inebrians Bogus mint Lagochilus inebrians.jpg
Latua pubiflora Tree of wizards Latua pubiflora August 2014.JPG
Leonotis sp. Lion ears Leonotis nepetifolia (Deepmal) in Narshapur, AP W IMG 1164.jpg
Leonurus sibiricus Siberian motherwort Leonurus sibiricus 002.JPG
Lepidium meyenii Maca Lepidium meyenii.jpg
Lobelia inflata Indian tobacco Lobelia inflata 003.JPG
Lophophora williamsii Peyote, Peyotl, Challote, Mescal and Mescal Button Mescaline. Lophophora williamsii flower.JPG


Scientific name Common name description image
Mandragora officinarum Common mandrake Mandrake-Crete.jpg
Mitragyna speciosa Kratom tree Analgesic. Active ingredients including mitragynine , 7-hydroxymitragynine . Mitragyna speciosa111.JPG
Mitragyna hirsuta Kra thum khok Active ingredient including mitraphylline .
Myristica fragrans Nutmeg Phenylpropanoids such as myristicin, safrole and elemicin. Nutmeg on Tree.jpg


Scientific name Common name description image
Nepeta cataria Real catnip Nepeta-catarica1.jpg
Nelumbo nucifera Indian lotus flower Nelumno nucifera open flower - botanic garden adelaide2.jpg
Nicotiana rustica Peasant tobacco 01736 - Nicotiana rustica (farmer's tobacco) .JPG
Nicotiana tabacum Virginian tobacco Nicotiana tabacum flowers.jpg
Nymphaea alba White water lily Nymphaea alba in Duisburg.jpg
Nymphaea caerulea Blue lotus Nymphaea caerulea flower.JPG


Scientific name Common name description image
Pancratium trianthum Kwashi Pancratium trianthum MS 2006.jpg
Papaver somniferum Opium poppy The most important of the 40 alkaloids include morphine, codeine, papaverine, noscapine, thebaine and narceine. Papaversomniferum.jpg
Passiflora spec. Passion flowers Blue Passion Flower 2018.jpg
Passiflora incarnata nn Passiflora incarnata flower.jpg
Paullinia cupana Guarana Contains caffeine. Guaranà original do Brasil.jpg
Pausinystalia yohimbe Yohimbe Aphrodisiac. Active ingredient including yohimbine .
Peganum harmala Rue Part of the Uighur Materia Medica . Contains Harman alkaloids . Hallucinogen. Peganum harmala1.jpg
Phalaris arundinacea Reed grass Phalaris arundinacea.jpeg
Phragmites australis reed Phragmites australis reed.jpg
Picralima nitida Akuamma Picralima Nitida - 05.jpg
Piper betle Betel pepper Betel leaf in Jaflong Sylhet Bangladesh 06.JPG
Piper methysticum Kava Rigid 070515-7054 Piper methysticum.jpg
Psychotria viridis nn Contains dimethyltryptamine . Part of Ayahuasca . Psychotria viridis.gif
Ptychopetalum olacoides Muirapuama Planta muira puama.png


Scientific name Common name description
Rhodiola rosea Rose root Contains phenolic glycosides such as B. Salidrosid and Rosavin as well as the aglycon tyrosol.

Effect as a mild MAO inhibitor .

Rhodiola rosea (Montage) .jpg
Rhynchosia pyramidalis Crab bean, pega-palo Rhynchosia phaseoloides (Sw.) DC.  - Flickr - Alex Popovkin, Bahia, Brazil (13) .jpg


Scientific name Common name description image
Salvia divinorum Aztec sage Contains terpenoid salvinorins, six of which are known derivatives (A – F). Salvinorin A acts as a potent dissociative hallucinogen. Salvia divinorum -1.jpg
Sceletium tortuosum Kanna Mesembrine, mesembrenine and tortuosamine are the main alkaloids of the kanna plant. Sceletium tortuosum.jpg
Scopolia carniolica Carniolan rabid Scopolia carniolica0.jpg
Scopolia japonica nn Hyoscyamine . Scopolia japonica-03.jpg
Scutellaria baicalensis Baikal skullcap 황금 .JPG
Silene undulata African dream root Silene capensis (flowering) .jpg
Solandra sp. Gold chalice Solandra maxima 1.jpg
Strychnos ignatii Ignatius nugget Strychnos ignatii 001.JPG


Scientific name Common name description image
Tabernaemontana undulata Bëcchëte
Tabernanthe iboga Iboga Iboga.jpg
Theobroma cacao Cocoa tree Cocoa fruits.JPG
Turbina corymbosa nn Active ingredients lysergic acid amide , lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide . The seed is part of the ololiuqui . Edit Turbina corymbosa.jpg
Turnera diffusa Damiana Tunera diffusa 2.jpg


Scientific name Common name description image
Vachellia xanthophloea Yellow Acacia Ngorongoro Acacia xanthophloea.jpg
Valeriana officinalis Real valerian Valeriana officinalis jfg1.jpg
Veratrum album White Germer Veratrum album Dachstein.jpg
Virola sebifera Suet nutmeg Virola sebifera.jpg
Voacanga africana nn Hallucinogen. Voacanga africana.jpg


Scientific name Common name description image
Withania somnifera Sleeping berry Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) .jpg


Scientific name Common name description image
Xysmalobium undulatum Uzara Native to South Africa. Among other things, the root is used. Contains cardenolide glycosides such as uzarin and xysmalorin . A sedative effect is reported. Xysmalobium undulatum var. Undulatum 1DS-II 1851.jpg

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Eckart Eich: Solanaceae and Convolvulaceae: Secondary Metabolites Biosynthesis, Chemotaxonomy, Biological and Economic Significance (A Handbook). Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008. ISBN 978-3-540-74540-2 . doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-540-74541-9
  2. Xysmalobium undulatum