Nienwohlder Moor

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Nienwohlder Moor
Source stream of the Lankau in the Nienwohlder Moor

Source stream of the Lankau in the Nienwohlder Moor

location North-east of Hamburg , Segeberg district , Schleswig-Holstein
surface 399 ha
Identifier NSG no. 100
WDPA ID 82250
Geographical location 53 ° 48 '  N , 10 ° 11'  E Coordinates: 53 ° 47 '38 "  N , 10 ° 11' 24"  E
Nienwohlder Moor (Schleswig-Holstein)
Nienwohlder Moor
Setup date 1982
administration LLUR

The Nienwohlder Moor is a nature reserve in the Schleswig-Holstein communities of Sülfeld and Itzstedt in the Segeberg district and the communities of Nienwohld and Jersbek in the Stormarn district .

The 398  hectare nature reserve is registered under number 100 in the directory of nature reserves of the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas. It was expelled in 1982 (date of regulation: March 25, 1982). The nature reserve replaces the nature reserve of the same name designated in 1980. It is part of the FFH area “Alster system to Itzstedter See and Nienwohlder Moor” and the EU bird sanctuary “Alsterniederung”. In the south it borders on the landscape protection area "Nienwohld". The responsible lower nature conservation authorities are the Stormarn and Segeberg districts.

The nature reserve is located northeast of Hamburg between the places Nienwohld, Nahe , Itzstedt and Sülfeld. It puts a drained and mostly peat high moor area under protection, which is the largest and best preserved upland moor remnant in Schleswig-Holstein. In the north it borders on the former railway line of the Elmshorn-Barmstedt-Oldesloer Eisenbahn .

The peat extraction , which was first mentioned in a document in 1804, initially took place using the rural manual peat cutting process, the peat was used as fuel. In the course of the Napoleonic War 1806–1813, the peat was also shipped over the Alster to Hamburg. In the 20th century, peat was extracted industrially. From 1951 to 1976, the white peat was first peeled by hand on an area of ​​84 hectares and later also mechanically. East of Nahe there was a peat loading point on the Elmshorn-Barmstedt-Oldesloer Railway.

The Moor was in the 1980s by Wiedervernässungs measures rehabilitated . Today it is in the area of ​​former industrial use as an open raised bog with numerous water-filled peat cuttings, which is surrounded by a bog forest . The rural hand peat cuttings on the edge of the moor are often filled with water. Peat moss grows here - swinging lawns , the peat bites slowly silt up. Further areas are taken up by grassland and forest . The grassland areas are partially grazed extensively with robust cattle. Some areas are still used intensively for agriculture, including arable land .

In the nature reserve hochmoor typical vegetation is again today to find, including Sundew , Eriophorum angustifolium , water hose, white beak-sedge , Schei Diges cotton grass , cranberry and bell , rosemary and heather . Also for birds is the nature reserve is an important habitat. So many are here waders such as curlew and snipe and ducks as Shoveler , Common Teal , Tufted Duck and Garganey as much at home as Meadow Pipit and browns and Stonechat . Also marsh harriers and short-eared owl can be found here. The undisturbed moorland is a retreat for cranes , which now breed here again. Various species of woodpecker and red-backed shrimp as well as songbirds are native to the wooded bog areas . Furthermore, the nature reserve offers a habitat for various amphibians and reptiles as well as insects such as dragonflies and butterflies .

The Nienwohlder Moor lies on the watershed between the North and Baltic Seas . It drains west to the Lankau , south to the Alte Alster and north to Norderbeste . The nature reserve, which is managed by the Schleswig-Holstein State Hunting Association with the exception of the areas owned by the State Forestry Administration , can be circled almost completely on hiking trails with information boards in several places. In the west, in the area of ​​the Lunden, a towering moraine ridge , a hiking trail runs through the protected area.

Web links

Commons : Nienwohlder Moor  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Nienwohlder Moor , leaflet from the State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas of Schleswig-Holstein (PDF, 1.6 MB)
  • Niederwohlder Moor , photo archive, Stormarn district

Individual evidence

  1. State ordinance on the "Nienwohlder Moor" nature reserve of March 25, 1982 , state regulations and state case law, state government Schleswig-Holstein. Retrieved March 27, 2013.
  2. a b c d History of Nienwohlds , Amt Bargteheide-Land . Retrieved March 27, 2013.
  3. ^ Rolf Blase: Again more moor in the moor , Stormarner Tageblatt , June 17, 2016. Accessed on May 6, 2019.
  4. ^ Silvie Domann: Management plan for the moor , Lübecker Nachrichten , July 2, 2016. Accessed on May 6, 2019.
  5. ^ Supervision of protected areas in Schleswig-Holstein , State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas , April 2017 (PDF, 275 kB). Retrieved March 20, 2020.
  6. Nature reserves , Landesjagdverband Schleswig-Holstein e. V. Retrieved March 20, 2020.