Parc natural de Mondragó

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Parc natural de Mondragó
Cala Mondragó
Cala Mondragó
Parc natural de Mondragó (Spain)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 39 ° 21 ′ 14 "  N , 3 ° 10 ′ 40"  E
Location: Spain
Next city: Santanyí
Surface: 7.6569 km²
Founding: December 1992
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The Parc natural de Mondragó ( Castilian : Parque natural de Mondragó , "Nature Park of Mondragó") is a nature reserve in the southeast of the Spanish Balearic island of Mallorca , in the region ( comarca ) Migjorn .

The 765.69  hectare large nature park was due to the initiative of the environmental organization GOB ( Grup d'Ornitologia Balear ) by Decree 85/1992 of the Government of the Balearic Islands ( Govern de les Illes Balears ) of 18 November 1992, in December of 1992 placed under protection. It is considered a natural area of ​​special interest ( Àrea natural d'especial interès  / ANEI) according to Act 1/1991 of the Balearic Parliament and since 1995 as a special bird protection zone ( Zona de Especial Interés para la Avifauna  / ZEPA) according to Directive 79/409 / EEC of the European Commission .


Geographical location

Blackboard at the information center

The nature park of Mondragó (from Spanish mundo ragadó - "torn world") , named after Cala Mondragó , a large bay with several smaller side bays, is located on the east coast of Mallorca between the coastal towns of Portopetro in the northeast and Cala Figuera in the south. To the west of the park boundary in the interior of the island, about 2.5 kilometers away, is the small town of Santanyí , to whose municipality the nature park belongs. The protected area includes the beaches of Caló des Borgit , ses Fonts de n'Alís (also called Mondragó ) and s'Amarador with the dunes , wetlands and cliffs behind them , as well as the agricultural areas, forests and low hills of the area.

Torrent d'en Roig

The highest point in the nature park is 57  meters above sea level . The soil consists of layers of sand-lime stone , which was formed from cliffs in the Miocene , and Quaternary formations above it, which are characteristic reddish colored due to iron oxide components . When there is heavy rainfall, the park is drained into the sea through two larger torrents to the east, the Torrent de s'Amarador with its tributary Torrent d'en Roig and the Torrent de ses Coves del Rei , also called Torrent d'en Tomàs . About 88 percent of the area of ​​the nature park is privately owned, only 12 percent is publicly managed.


The area of ​​the Parc natural de Mondragó has a semi-arid climate (steppe climate) with an average annual temperature of 16.9  ° C and an average rainfall of 450 mm per m 2 within a year.


Plant kingdom (flora)

Caló d'en Garrot

Due to the strongly indented coastline, the wetlands of the torrents, the dunes at their mouth areas and the dry plains of the hinterland, the vegetation of the nature park is quite different. Inland you will find pine ( Pinus halepensis ) and holm oak forests ( Quercus ilex ), which alternate with agricultural areas and savanna-like Màquia , an olive tree - pistachio - hardwood forest ( Oleo-Ceratonion ). Many orchids can be found in the shade of the forests , including the giant orchid ( Barlia robertiana ), the pyramidal dogwort ( Anacamptis pyramidalis ), the common hornbill ( Serapias lingua ), the small-flowered hornbill ( Serapias parviflora ) and various types of orchid ( Orchid ) and herbs Ragwurzen ( Ophrys ) as the Iberian mirror orchid ( Ophrys vermixia ). On the agriculturally used areas within the nature reserve, called "red" lands, grain cultivation alternates with locations of fig , almond and carob trees .

Away from the coast there are also wild olive trees or oleaster ( Olea europaea ssp. Sylvestris ), oleander ( Nerium oleander ) and Phoenician juniper ( Juniperus phoenicea ). A special feature of the Mondragó Nature Park is that the juniper bushes not only grow on dunes, but also on rocky ground. It mixes with Aleppo pine, narrow and broad stone Linden ( Phillyrea angustifolia and Phillyrea media ), mastic ( Pistacia lentiscus ), Holly buckthorn ( Rhamnus alaternus ) Dissgras ( Ampelodesmos mauritanica ), cistus ( Cistus albidus , Cistus salvifolius , Cistus monspeliensis ), multi-flowered heather ( Erica multiflora ), green tooth lavender ( Lavandula dentata ) and rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis ). Stinging butcher's broom ( Ruscus aculeatus ), curly honeysuckle ( Lonicera implexa ) and the Balearic cyclamen ( Cyclamen balearicum ) thrive under stone oak formations, which mostly grow in ravines . At the swept from the sea breeze coast, however, there are samphire ( Crithmum maritimum ), the endemic Dornlattich ( Launaea cervicornis ) catalan Socarrell, which is also endemic Majorcan beach Lilac ( Limonium majoricum ), also called Saladina, and other beach lilac species ( Limonium companyonis , Limonium virgatum ) .

Mediterranean stick insect on pyramid dogwort

In the torrents, which are not water-bearing for most of the year, there are brackish water lakes in the coastal areas . They are only refilled in the event of heavy rain. Cane ( Phragmites australis ), bamboo ( Bambuseae ), rushes ( Juncus acutus ) and cattails ( Typha ), as well as shrubby samphire ( Salicornia fruticosa ), gray limb ( Arthrocnemum macrostachyum ) and tamarisk ( Tamarix ) grow on its banks . Marine balances ( Ruppia maritima ) and various families of algae thrive under the surface of the water . Larger wetlands of this type are mainly found at s'Amarador and ses Fonts de n'Alís . The nearby dunes are home to common beach grass ( Ammophila arenaria ), sea ​​thistle ( Eryngium maritimum ), beach spurge ( Euphorbia paralias ), Mediterranean strawflower ( Helichrysum angustifolium ), germander ( Teucrium ) and dune-funnel daffodil ( Pancratium maritimum ).

Mushrooms (fungi)

A large number of types of mushrooms are found in the nature park among the more inconspicuous creatures . The are highlighting value Dune Schönkopf ( Calocybe hypoxantha var.  Occidentalis ), the Grazile Amanita ( Amanita gracilior ), the dune Saftling ( Hygrocybe conica var.  Conicoides ), the dunes plate Ling ( Clitopilus ammophilus , Syn.  Rhodocybe malenconii ), the Gilbert -Wulstling ( Amanita gilberti var.  subverna ), the Rosaschuppige Egerlingsschirmling ( Leucoagaricus gaillardii ) and a variety of noble Reizkers ( Lactarius deliciosus var.  rubescens ).

Animal world (fauna)

s'Estany de ses Fonts de n'Alís

The Parc natural de Mondragó is, as the protection status as a special bird protection zone indicates, an important refuge for its feathered inhabitants. More than 70 species of birds are counted in the nature reserve  . In addition to its importance for migratory birds, there are also a large number of native bird species to be found. Songbirds are most common . In the Nature Park can be found as a rare species, among other Stonechat ( Saxicola torquata ), Rotkopfwürger ( Lanius senator ), Marmora's Warbler ( Sylvia sarda ), Corn Bunting ( Miliaria calandra ), Cirl Bunting ( Emberiza cirlus ) and sand martin ( Riparia riparia ). In the wetlands there are larger populations of barbell birds , such as the coot ( Fulica atra ) and pond rail ( Gallinula chloropus ).

Dry stone wall ( margin ) in the park

Another large order of migrants and native species in the nature park are the plover-like with little ringed plover ( Charadrius dubius ), pygmy sandpiper ( Calidris minuta ), common sandpiper ( Actitis hypoleucos ), common snipe ( Gallinago gallinago ) and triele ( Burhinus oedicnemus ). Especially on the coast and near the lagoons can Mittelmeermöwe ( Larus michahellis ), Audouin ( Larus audouinii ), Shag ( Phalacrocorax aristotelis ) and Gray Heron ( Ardea cinerea ) are observed. There is also in the park Partridges ( Alectoris rufa ), Hoopoe ( Upupa epops ) and scops owl ( Otus scops ). Among the birds of prey are kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus ) and booted eagle ( Hieraaetus pennatus ). Ospreys ( Pandion haliaetus ) passing through have also been sighted.

At Reptiles of home Parc natural de Mondragó different snake species such as Viper snake ( Natrix maura ), hooded snake ( Macroprotodon cucullatus mauritanicus ) and bush snakes (Colubrinae), lizards as Mauergecko ( Tarentola mauritanica ) and Turkish half-fingered Gecko ( Hemidactylus turcicus ), and in the nature park resettled Mediterranean tortoise ( Testudo hermanni hermanni ), already in the region extinct was, and the European pond turtle ( Emys orbicularis ). The wetlands are habitat for various amphibians , such as the Iberian water frog ( Rana perezi; Syn .: pelophylax perezi ) and the toad ( Bufo viridis balearica ssp. ).

Even mammals are found in the natural park. As on the entire island of Mallorca, with the exception of the feral domestic goats ( Capra aegagrus hircus ), only smaller species are present. These include common genet ( Genetta genetta ) wild rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ), Granada Hare ( Lepus granatensis ), Cape hare ( Lepus capensis ), pine marten ( Martes martes ), weasels ( Mustela nivalis ), garden dormouse ( Eliomys quercinus ), hiking hedgehog ( Atelerix algirus vagans ) and the European bulldog bat ( Tadarida teniotis ).


Cala Mondragó

Several hiking and cycling trails lead through the nature park. These can be reached from the road from Santanyí to s'Alqueria Blanca and from the road between Santanyí and Cala Figuera. Both access roads lead to parking lots at the entrances to the park. There is an information center near the northern parking lot of ses Fonts de n'Alís, which is open every day (except December 25th and 31st) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. From there, pre-arranged tours of the park are offered.

In addition to the specified public access roads, there are several smaller roads and paths into the protected area. Within the nature park there are also some hotels, guest houses and private houses, as well as bars and a restaurant, which were built there before the park was established and therefore have grandfathering. A complete development of the coastal section at Cala Mondragó with a holiday complex planned in 1989 could be prevented by the designation as a nature reserve.

Individual evidence

  1. CES Illes Balears: MEMÒRIA 2004 - ANNEX ESTADÍSTIC DE QUADRES , Quadre A I-39: Espais naturals protegits (ha) (2004)
  2. a b c d Mondragó Natural Park (Consell de Mallorca)
  3. a b c d Cala Mondragó in Santanyí
  4. a b c d e Mondragó natural park
  5. a b c The Mondragó Nature Reserve (Govern de les Illes Balears)
  6. a b c d Mondragó Nature Park , Govern de les Illes Balears / Parque natural Cala Mondragó (Castilian) ( Memento of the original from January 22, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. a b Information board for the distribution of animal species , information building of the nature park administration, Camí de sa Torre, Santanyí
  8. Parc natural de Cala Mondragó

Web links

Commons : Parc natural de Mondragó  - collection of images, videos and audio files