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The telomeres ( Gr. Τέλος télos "end" and μέρος méros "part") are the ends of linear chromosomes consisting of repetitive DNA and associated proteins . The repeated sequence ( repeat sequence ) and caused by this repeat length are similar in different organisms, often the same. In vertebrates, "hexanucleotides", i.e. six nucleotides , repeat themselves several thousand times with the sequence 5'-TTAGGG-3 '. Telomeres are accordingly several kilobase pairs (kbp) long. As essential structural elements, these end pieces stabilize your chromosome. The folded secondary structure of the telomere DNA is also important for the stabilization effect.
Structure of the telomeres
The chromosomes of many eukaryotes have a typical motif rich in thymine and guanine , which is assumed to form a quadruple helix . First the 3 'overlapping strand pairs with itself and forms abnormal GG double bonds. This double strand mates with itself again and thus forms the quadruple helix, in which the guanines form so-called Hoogsteen bonds . The sequence of the telomere DNA is recognized and bound by the DNA-binding protein complex Shelterin . The protein complex enables the cell to distinguish the natural chromosome end from broken DNA strands. Cytologically, telomeres belong to heterochromatin because of their tight packaging .
The repeating unit 5'– TTAGGG – 3 'known from vertebrates was also found in the original metazoa : in sponges , cnidarians , comb jellyfish and plate animals . That is why this conserved sequence unit represents the original telomeric motif. The same telomeric motif is also shown on human chromosomes. The telomeres in insects have also been well studied.
Telomeres in replication
Organisms with telomerase
With each cell division , the telomeres become shorter, as the (normal) DNA polymerase can no longer attach to the subsequent strand . The telomerase compensates for the shortening of the DNA ends off. This enzyme is an RNA - protein complex that functions as a specialized reverse transcriptase . To do this, she adds G-rich repeat units to the 3'-OH end, the RNA of which is located in the telomerase itself. “It works like building a bridge, which is driven by a self-supporting structure.” Then the DNA strand folds over and forms abnormal GG base pairings with itself. From this point the RNA primase and the DNA polymerase can fill in the next strand (also called discontinuous reverse strand ).
Telomerase is active in principle in unicellular eukaryotes ( protozoa ). In higher, multicellular organisms , however, the enzyme is only used in very specific cells after the embryonic stage :
- in the cells of the germ line ,
- in cells that have to divide very often, such as stem cells (e.g. in the bone marrow ) and immune cells ,
- in up to 94% of all proliferating cancer cells .
The enzyme activity of telomerase can be determined using the TRAP method.
If the telomere length falls below a critical minimum of around 4 kbp, the cell can no longer divide. Then programmed cell death ( apoptosis ) or a permanent growth stop ( senescence ) often occurs . The cell's lifespan, which is limited by this, is understood as a mechanism for tumor suppression . If the cells continue to divide despite the shortened telomeres, as in some cancer cells , the chromosomes lose their stability . However, it has been shown in knock-out mice that they remain viable for several generations without telomerase. It is believed that telomeres can also be repaired through recombination events; this has not yet been clarified in mammals.
Organisms without telomerase
The five long polytene chromosomes of Drosophila hydei (1n = 6) showed large end structures under the electron microscope. These compact regions were considered to be the “morphological manifestation of the postulated telomeres”. It came as a surprise to learn that the genetics model fly does not have a telomerase at all. The ends of the chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster consist of repeats of specialized retrotransposons . The length of such telomeres is guaranteed by transposition . In the telomeres of the polytene chromosomes of D. melanogaster , three retrotransposon regions can be distinguished, namely (1) cap, (2) HeT-A / TAHRE / TART and (3) repetitive TAS. Each of the three regions binds its own proteins; the three domains do not overlap. The telomeres of this fruit fly have also been examined in mitotic interphase nuclei , namely in the syncytial blastoderm , in which the divisions take place synchronously. Of particular interest were the telomeres of the Y chromosome. Because except in the male germ line , Drosophila-Y is entirely heterochromatic.
In addition to the fruit flies, mosquitoes also have an alternative mechanism for elongating their telomeres, namely unequal recombination . It was therefore suggested that an ancestor of the Diptera lost telomerase. Telomeres with repeating units that differ from those of the telomerase organisms have also been found in several species of beetles and Schnabelkerfen .
Mary-Lou Pardue explained that it makes no difference whether the telomeres are lengthened by telomerase or by retrotransposition. Reverse transcriptase is involved in both enzyme methods. In the case of the retroposon telomeres, the entire RNA is copied as an intermediate product of the transposition. Telomerase works more elegantly because it only copies the telomeric repeat unit from its RNA template.
Importance of telomeres
When Barbara McClintock and Hermann Joseph Muller examined broken chromosomes, they recognized for the first time how important the ends of linear chromosomes are for their stability. The two American Nobel Prize winners are the originators of the term and word telomer (Greek for end part). In addition to the two telomeres, each chromosome needs a centromere and at least one starting point for DNA replication in order to survive in a cell nucleus.
Telomeres preserve linear chromosomes on both sides during cell cycles and are therefore important for all biological processes. They have been associated with the aging of cells and with their immortalization and also with the development of cancer .
The influence of chronic stress on the accelerated shortening of the telomeres is mediated by the balance of news substances ( neurotransmitters ) dopamine and serotonin . Moderate lifestyle changes can slow the shortening of telomeres.
Recent research
An examination of the genome of the spaceman Scott Joseph Kelly , who was in space for almost a year from 2015 to 2016 , found that Scott's telomere ends had become significantly longer in space, but returned to their original length immediately after his return to Earth assumed. The purpose of this phenomenon is so far unknown.
Mutations in the genes for proteins that are responsible for the protection, "maintenance" and repair of the telomeres result in significantly shortened telomeres. This applies above all to the shelterine complex and the telomerase complex. This results in a significantly reduced pool of stem cells with a lower regenerative "quality", which trigger a group of chronic diseases known as telomere diseases or telomeropathies :
- Aplastic anemia with bone marrow failure and pancytopenia
- Forms of myelodysplastic syndrome
- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- idiopathic cirrhosis of the liver
- Dyskeratosis congenita with numerous subtypes and different mutations of genes that all encode proteins that have a function on the telomeres. The function and importance of the telomeres and their proteins was only recognized through the development of this syndrome.
Telomeropathies are genetically very heterogeneous with high variability in penetrance .
Androgens were successfully used to treat bone marrow failure as early as the 1960s . Experiments in vitro have on human lymphocytes and human CD 34-positive hematopoietic stem cells show that androgens gene expression for reverse telomerase - transferase (TERT) and the enzymatic can increase telomerase activity. In mice with telomere insufficiency, this can even lead to a haematological improvement and an increase in telomere length.
A first prospective phase 1/2 study with the administration of the synthetic androgen danazol (800 mg daily for 24 months) had to be stopped prematurely because of the unexpectedly strong effect, because the primary endpoint had been reached in an interim analysis in all twelve patients that could be evaluated by then , the telomere damage did not increase any further. In eleven patients, the telomeres were even longer after 24 months of therapy than at the beginning (92%) with a mean lengthening of 386 base pairs, mainly in the first year of treatment. In 19 of the 24 patients (79%) who had been treated for at least three months before the study was stopped, a haematological improvement was found. While 13 patients required regular blood transfusions before the start of the study , this was only one patient when the study stopped.
This study gives rise to a larger randomized controlled study , but from this small study with only a few participants no therapeutic recommendation for practice can be derived, since above all risks, long-term and adverse effects could not be recorded.
In 1999 the American writer John Darnton treated the subject of telomeres in his novel Zwillingspark (The Experiment).
- ES Epel, EH Blackburn et al. a .: Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress. In: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA . Volume 101, No. 50, December 14, 2004, pp. 17323-17324.
- M. Mills, L. Lacroix, et al. a .: Unusual DNA conformations: Implications for telomeres. In: Current Medicinal Chemistry - Anti-Cancer Agents. Volume 2, No. 5, September 2002, pp. 627-644.
- Guenther Witzany: The viral origins of telomeres, telomerases and their important role in eukaryogenesis and genome maintenance. In: Biosemiotics. Volume 1, 2008, pp. 191-206.
Web links
- [2] Nobel Prize 2009 to Elizabeth H Blackburn, Carol W Greider and Jack W Szostak.
- medicineprize2009.pdf Summary by Rune Toftgård.
Individual evidence
- ↑ Elizabeth H Blackburn , Joseph G. Gall : A tandemly repeated sequence at the terms of the extrachromosomal ribosomal RNA genes in Tetrahymena. In: J Mol Biol 120 (1), 1978: 33-53.
- ^ Jack Szostak , Elizabeth H Blackburn: Cloning yeast telomeres on linear plasmid vectors. In: Cell 29 (1), 1982: 245-255.
- ↑ S Perrod, SM Gasser: Long-range silencing and positional effects at telomeres and centromeres: parallels and differences. In: Cell Mol Life Sci 60, 2003: 2303-2318.
- ^ Walther Traut, Monika Szczepanowski, Magda Vítková, Christian Opitz, František Marec, Jan Zrzavý: The telomere repeat motif of basal Metazoa. In: Chromosome Research 15, 2007: 371-382 doi: 10.1007 / s10577-007-1132-3 .
- ↑ RK Moyzis, JM Buckingham, LS Cram, LL Deaven, MD Jones, J Meyne, RL Ratliff, JR Wu: A highly conserved repetitive DNA sequence, (TTAGGG) n, present at the telomeres of human chromosomes. In: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 85 (18), 1988: 6622-6626.
- ↑ Magda Vítková, Jiří Král, Walther Traut, Jan Zrzavý, František Marec: The evolutionary origin of insect telomeric repeats, (TTAGG) n. In: Chromosome Research 13, 2005: 145-156.
- ↑ Gregg B Morin: The human telomere terminal transferase enzyme is a ribonucleoprotein that synthesizes TTAGGG repeats. In: Cell 59, 1989: 521-529.
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- ^ Alan M Zahler, David M Prescott: DNA primase and the replication of the telomeres in Oxytricha nova. In: Nucleic Acids Research 17 (15), 1989: 6299-6317.
- ↑ Carol W Greider , Elizabeth H Blackburn: A telomeric sequence in the RNA of Tetrahymena telomerase required for telomere repeat synthesis. In: Nature 337 (6205), 1989: 331-337.
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- ↑ Mary-Lou Pardue: Drosophila telomeres: Another way to end it all. In: Elizabeth H Blackburn, Carol W Greider (eds.): Telomeres. CSH Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 1995: 339-370.
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