Albanians in Germany

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The term Albanians in Germany ( Albanian  Shqiptarët në Gjermani ) is not clearly defined. In part, this refers to those residents of Germany who see themselves as ethnic Albanians from Albania , Kosovo , North Macedonia , Serbia or from Greece .

You can be a citizen of Germany , Albania, one of the successor republics of Yugoslavia or another state.

In another understanding, which is focused on nationalities, it is only about citizens of Albania, regardless of the ethnic group to which they belong, which includes Roma, Slavs, Greeks or Wallachians living in Albania.


The first ethnic Albanian migrants came to Germany as Yugoslav labor migrants from the recruiting state of Yugoslavia .

In 1990 more than 3,000 Albanian citizens fled the communist regime of Albania to the German embassy in Tirana and were allowed to travel on to Germany via Italy as embassy refugees a little later .

During the Kosovo war in 1999, a relatively large number of Kosovar Albanians came to Germany as asylum seekers. In 1999 there were around 23,000 Albanians living in Berlin. In 2015 there was another wave of Albanian immigration when tens of thousands of people from the Western Balkans traveled to Germany and submitted asylum applications. In the first six months of this year, 31,400 people from Kosovo and 22,209 people from Albania applied for asylum in Germany , although there was little chance of success. By the end of the year the numbers had risen to 54,762 people from Albania and 37,095 people from Kosovo. In addition to high unemployment and lack of prospects, targeted disinformation by tour operators and people smugglers is also seen as the cause of mass immigration. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees tried to use advertisements and media campaigns to prevent further Albanians from leaving for Germany. Many of them left Germany voluntarily months later, while others were deported and banned from entering the Schengen area . At the end of October 2015, Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro were declared Safe Countries of Origin ; Macedonia and Serbia had this status for a long time.

Migration situation

Relative frequency of Kosovar citizenship at district level in relation to other foreign population groups (2014)

At the end of 2016 there were 202,905 citizens of Kosovo and 51,550 citizens of Albania living in Germany , most of whom are likely to be ethnic Albanians. Added to this are a large number of the 95,976 citizens of North Macedonia , where Albanians make up 25% of the population (see also Macedonians in Germany ), as well as a larger number of naturalized Albanians. Today the number has decreased because of returnees to their homeland.

In 2015, 54,762 people from Albania and 37,095 people from Kosovo applied for asylum in Germany (see text above).


The Albanians living in Germany are predominantly Muslim . There are also Christians , mainly Albanian Orthodox and Catholic . In 1993 the Albanian Muslims in Hamburg founded the Union of Islamic-Albanian Centers in Germany (UIAZD).

Well-known Albanians in Germany

See also


  • Karolina Novinšćak Kölker: Migration networks between Germany and the countries of origin, the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Kosovo . Ed .: German Society for International Cooperation . Eschborn December 2016 ( [accessed on January 29, 2018]; on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development).
  • Stefan Alscher, Johannes Obergfell, Stefanie Ricarda Roos: Migration profile Western Balkans: causes, challenges and possible solutions . Ed .: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. Working Paper 63, May 2015, ISSN  1865-4770 ( [PDF; accessed on January 24, 2018]).
  • Gejsu Plaku, Ujbien Shehu: (Kosovar) Albanian Migration and Diaspora. Migration profile and importance of the diaspora for the reform processes in Albania and Kosovo, taking into account Albanian migration in Greece and Italy and Kosovar-Albanian migration in Germany and Switzerland . Dissertation. Vienna May 2015, 6.2 Germany, p. 220 ff . ( [PDF; accessed on January 29, 2018]).
  • Holger Lemmel: Kosovar Albanians in Germany: a threat to internal security? Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck 1997, ISBN 3-7950-3805-7 .

Individual evidence

  1. Fred Abrahams: Albania: Storming the Embassies in Tirana 1990. In: Spiegel Online. July 12, 2015, accessed February 9, 2016 .
  2. Silke Edler, Katja Füchsel: Vanishing point Berlin: City expects thousands of Kosovars. In: Der Tagesspiegel. March 29, 1999, accessed February 24, 2015 .
  3. Marcel Leubecher: Half of the asylum seekers come from the Balkans. In: The world. July 13, 2015, accessed February 6, 2016 .
  4. a b 476,649 asylum applications in 2015. Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, January 6, 2016, accessed on February 6, 2016 .
  5. ^ Adelheid Wölfli: Asylum seekers from the Balkans: The close strangers from Kosovo. In: Tagesspiegel. August 12, 2015, accessed February 6, 2016 .
  6. BAMF places advertisements in Albania and Serbia. Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, August 11, 2015, accessed on February 6, 2016 .
  7. To forestall the ban: Hundreds of Albanians are currently leaving Germany. In: Focus Online. February 6, 2016, accessed February 6, 2016 .
  8. ^ Foreign population - results of the Central Register of Foreigners (as of December 31, 2016). (PDF) In: Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). June 30, 2017, p. 39 , accessed January 23, 2018 .
  9. Number of naturalizations in Germany according to selected previous nationalities in 2012. In: Statista. Retrieved March 16, 2014 .