Alexander von Wulffen

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Alexander von Wulffen 1842

Baron Christoph Joachim Joseph Alexander Georg von Wulffen (born March 20, 1784 in Offenburg , † February 21, 1861 in Potsdam ) was a Prussian lieutenant general and member of the Prussian manor house .



Alexander came from the semi-urban noble family von Wulffen . His parents were the Prussian lieutenant colonel in the infantry regiment "von Larisch" (No. 26) and heir to Neindorf and Friedrichsaue Christoph Lewin von Wulffen (1738–1802) and Maria Anna Ursula Viktoria von Rieneck (er) († 1806), the daughter of Offenburg Reichsschultheißen Franz Georg von Rieneck (er), who had the mansion of the Offenburg Reichsschultheißen built in 1784 and was raised to the rank of baron by the Palatinate Elector Karl Theodor in 1792 , and Maria Victoria Kegel from Villingen .

Alexander von Wulffen's sister Maria Anna was the mother of the Baden Chamberlain , member of the First Chamber of the Baden Estates and painter Karl Christoph Roeder von Diersburg .


Wulffen attended the monastery school in Offenburg and the cathedral school in Halberstadt in sequence . He began his officer career in the Prussian army in 1797 as a private corporal in the infantry regiment "von Braunschweig" (No. 21) , where he was promoted to ensign in 1798 and second lieutenant in 1802 . In the Fourth Coalition War took part in the Battle of Jena and Auerstedt , then became inactive and dimitted in 1808 for the time being. Nevertheless, he received the character of captain as early as 1808 . In November 1813 he was re-employed as a captain in the Landwehr's hunter detachment between the Elbe and Weser rivers. He took part in the wars of liberation . In 1815 he moved to the Adjutantur , rose to Major in 1816 and shortly thereafter was aggregated to the Emperor Alexander Regiment , but at the same time remained an Adjutant at the General Command . He became a Knight of St. John in 1819 and was awarded the service cross in 1825 .

In 1827 Wulffen became the personal adjutant of Prince Karl of Prussia , but remained in the Kaiser Alexander Garde Grenadier Regiment. He received his patent in 1830 and was promoted to lieutenant colonel. In 1833 he switched to the service of the 2nd Guards Regiment on foot and advanced to colonel with a patent from 1830 .

Memorial stone to Alexander von Wulffen in the city park Neuruppin

On Alexander von Wulffen's initiative, the Neuruppiner Stadtpark was built from a shooting range in 1834 . The pond was created in 1835. Peter Joseph Lenné made suggestions for the design of the park . A memorial stone there commemorates Alexander von Wulffen. Wulffen founded the Neuruppiner Beautification Association in 1835 and was made an honorary citizen of Neuruppin in 1852 . Wulffenstrasse was also named after him.

In 1834 he became the commander of the 24th Infantry Regiment . In 1835 he received the Red Eagle Order IV class and in 1837 the II class with ribbon. In 1838 he became the commander of the 1st Guards Landwehr Brigade and received the Russian Order of St. Anna II. Class in diamonds. He was promoted to major general in 1840. The following year he accompanied Prince Wilhelm of Prussia to the wedding celebrations of Alexander II in St. Petersburg . There he was honored with the Order of St. Stanislaus, First Class.

The position of the commander of Luxembourg he held since August 1842. Wulffen rose in 1847 to lieutenant general and has 1850 I. Presentation of the Red Eagle Class with oak leaves and 2,500 dollars annual pension his farewell get. After his father, he was the master of the Neindorf and Friedrichsaue estates . As a representative of the interests of the landowners in the Halberstadt district , he was a member of the Prussian mansion from 1855 to 1861.


His first marriage was in 1811 with Luise Henriette Edle von Plotho (1790–1831). His second marriage, with Emilia Auguste von Zenge (1800–1840), daughter of the Prussian head of the regiment and major general August Wilhelm Hermann von Zenge (1736–1817), he entered into in 1834. Both wives were buried in the Berlin garrison cemetery. The two marriages resulted in a total of 13 children, two of whom remained unmarried and four sons and two other daughters died in childhood.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Inventory on the estate of the widow of Lieutenant Colonel Christoph Erwin Freiherr von Wulffen, Maria Anna Ursula Viktoria Luise Freifrau von Wulffen, born. von Rienecker in the Baden-Württemberg State Archives .
  2. ^ A b Yearbook of the German Aristocracy , Volume 3, published by WT Bruer, Berlin 1899, pp. 879–881 ; Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of noble houses , first year, Justus Perthes , Gotha 1901. P. 909.
  3. ^ Carl August von Grass: J. Siebmacher's great and general Wappenbuch , Volume 2.6 Der Adel in Baden , Nuremberg 1878, p. 71.
  4. ^ Julius Roschach: Genealogy of the Reichsschultheißen "v. Rienecker ”in Gengenbach. In: Die Ortenau: Journal of the Historical Association for Middle Baden, 71st annual volume, 1991, p. 244ff. ; Offenburg master craftsman from the Geppert clan. In: Die Ortenau: Journal of the Historical Association for Middle Baden, 33rd issue, 1953, p. 60.
  5. ^ Offenburg town master from the Geppert clan. In: Die Ortenau: Journal of the Historical Association for Middle Baden, 33rd issue, 1953, p. 58.
  6. Julius Kindler von Knobloch : Upper Baden gender book. Volume 3, Heidelberg 1919, p. 579.
  7. ^ Brandenburgia , 15th year, Berlin 1907, p. 119 .; 16th year, Berlin 1908, p. 964.
  8. Neuruppiner Beautification Association.