Altmann from Passau

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Church window (1883) in the parish church of Thalheim.
The Altmann reliquary in the crypt of the Göttweiger collegiate church .

Altmann von Passau (* around 1015 in Westphalia ; † August 8, 1091 in Zeiselmauer , Lower Austria ) was an important representative of the Gregorian reforms in the investiture controversy , bishop of the diocese of Passau , monastery founder and reformer, who is venerated as a saint .


He was born in 1013 to 1020, came from altsächsischem nobility, visited the cathedral school of Paderborn and later became its director. From about 1056 to 1065 he was provost at the Aachen Marienstift , and also court chaplain of Emperor Heinrich III. and canons in Goslar .

In 1065 he became Bishop of Passau and began reforming the clergy . He founded the canons of St. Nikola (1070) in Passau and Göttweig (1083) in Lower Austria, which was converted into a Benedictine monastery in 1094 .

He worked at the time of the investiture controversy , was on the side of Pope Gregory VII , announced his reform decrees in 1074 and was the most ardent promoter of church reform in the German lands. In 1076, like the Salzburg Archbishop Gebhard von Helfenstein (who had consecrated Altmann bishop), he did not take part in the Court Day of Worms and supported the anti-king Rudolf of Swabia . He was expelled from Passau by supporters of the later Emperor Heinrich IV , who devastated this city in 1077/1078. The lordly rights over the city of Passau were lost, the king gave them to the burgrave Ulrich, who was appointed by him . These were only to be returned to the bishops after the burgrave's death in 1099.

Altmann took part in the Synods of Lent in Rome in 1079 and 1080. He was appointed papal vicar for Germany and was able to win the Margrave Leopold II of Austria for the papal party. In 1085 he was deposed as Bishop of Passau by the Emperor and stayed mostly in the territory of the Margraviate of Austria, where he reformed the existing monasteries of St. Florian , Kremsmünster , Melk and St. Pölten , improved the parish organization and had churches built out of stone. His influence on the government of the margraviate was at times estimated to be so high that he was called the “driver” of Margrave Leopold II. He died in Austria in the Episcopal Palatinate at Zeiselmauer and was buried in Göttweig Abbey . He is venerated as a saint, although no official canonization has taken place.

Memorial days


Web links

Commons : Altmann von Passau  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Floridus Röhrig: Leopold III. the Holy Margrave of Austria. Herold Verlag, Vienna-Munich 1985. ISBN 3-7008-0290-0 , p. 21.
  2. ^ Karl Rehberger : Altmann and the Canons. Festschrift Hl. Altmann (note 30), p. 23 ff.