United States Ambassador

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The United States Ambassadors (US ambassadors) are employees of the US government .

Appointment and dismissal

The ambassadors are nominated by the respective US President and must be confirmed by the US Senate . Since embassies are assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , ambassadors report to the Foreign Minister .

Since 1915 there have also been so-called Career Foreign Service Officers in the US State Department . In addition to diplomats with a civil service career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, lateral entrants are also appointed diplomats ( political appointees ) , taking into account party financing and international obligations . The appointment date is always the date on which the office was sworn in, also referred to as commissioning , i.e. not just the day on which the ambassador presents his credentials to the head of state of the host country.

Like all office holders appointed by the president, ambassadors in the USA are usually exchanged when there is a change of government; Donald Trump also dismissed all political ambassadors from their posts on the day he took office. The fact that the newly elected presidents often select people as ambassadors who they have already supported during the election campaign, for example by collecting donations, repeatedly meets with incomprehension abroad and repeatedly leads to the accusation that some of the nominees did not have sufficient diplomatic knowledge.

Typically, upon discharge, consideration is given to the ambassador's personal circumstances that make it difficult for him to change office (e.g. small children attending local school). In addition, the dismissal is often waited until a successor has been found and confirmed by the Senate, as this process can take months. President Donald Trump, who was elected in 2016, did not take these practices into account . As with many changes of government, this time too, US ambassadorial posts in many countries remained vacant for weeks or months. These included the ambassadorial posts in Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, the People's Republic of China, India, Japan and Saudi Arabia.


The date of accreditation is the time at which an ambassador submits his letter of accreditation to the government of his host country ( Presented Credentials ). Although from the American point of view the ambassador is already in office with the confirmation by the Senate, out of respect for the recipient country he is referred to as an ambassador designate as long as he has not yet submitted his credentials there.

Ambassadors are usually accredited until they leave the host country (terminated mission).


In some cases, a letter of recall is presented to the government of the host country, which is a form of diplomatic protest depending on the reasoning, for example whether the ambassador has been appointed to another location .

List of ambassadors of the United States by receiving state

List of Permanent Representatives of the United States by international organization

Well-known US ambassadors

Well-known ambassadors and their countries of assignment were:

Individual evidence

  1. In the United States, it is customary to change ambassadors with the inauguration of a new president. France Diplomatie (German) ( Memento of November 11, 2011 in the Internet Archive ); How does one become an ambassador? (engl.)
  2. ^ Rachael Revesz: Donald Trump has fired all foreign US ambassadors with nobody to replace them. In: Independent.co.uk. January 20, 2017, accessed February 17, 2017 .
  3. New US Ambassador: Barack Obama's $ 1.5 million man - WELT. In: THE WORLD. August 13, 2013, accessed September 20, 2016 .
  4. syd / AP: criticism from US lawmakers: Obama to withdraw designated ambassador to Norway. In: SPIEGEL ONLINE. June 27, 2014, accessed September 20, 2016 .
  5. ^ Rachael Revesz: Donald Trump has fired all foreign US ambassadors with nobody to replace them. The Independent, January 21, 2017, accessed January 21, 2017 .
  6. ^ Donald Trump fires all politically appointed US ambassadors. (No longer available online.) Dhaka Tribune, January 21, 2017, archived from the original on January 24, 2017 ; accessed on January 21, 2017 (English). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.dhakatribune.com