Col de Vars

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Col de Vars
Col de Vars - Shield.jpg

Compass direction North south
Pass height 2108  m
Department Hautes-Alpes Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
Watershed Torrent de Chagne → GuilDurance Mounal → Ubaye → Durance
Valley locations Guillestre Jausiers , Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye
expansion D902
Built 1809
Winter closure November to April
Mountains French Alps
Mountain scoring 1 1
Ø pitch 5.8% (1109 m / 19 km) 8% (642 m / 8 km)
Max. Incline 9.8% 10.6%
Col de Vars (France)
Col de Vars
Coordinates 44 ° 32 '20 "  N , 6 ° 42' 10"  E Coordinates: 44 ° 32 '20 "  N , 6 ° 42' 10"  E

The Col de Vars is a pass in the French Alps . The pass is located on the border between the departments of Hautes-Alpes and Alpes-de-Haute-Provence in the region Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur . It connects the Ubaye valley with the Queyras valley and the city of Embrun via Mount Parpaillon . The pass is located at an altitude of 2108  m above sea level and is open from May to October. The pass has no classic winter closure. If the weather conditions are favorable, it is also open in winter.

The paved road D902 leads from Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye ( 1466  m ) in the southeast over the pass to Vars ( 1860  m ) and on to Guillestre ( 1000  m ) in the northwest. The Col de Vars is part of the High Alpine Road Route des Grandes Alpes .

The Tour de France has moved to 2006 33 times over the Col de Vars.

Web links

Commons : Col de Vars  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Torrent de Chagne at SANDRE (French)
  2. Mounal at SANDRE (French)