Deborah Kaufmann

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Deborah Kaufmann (born March 23, 1970 in Kleinmachnow ) is a German actress .


Family and education

Deborah Kaufmann was born as the daughter of the actress Angela Brunner and the German- Australian writer Walter Kaufmann . She grew up in her birthplace Kleinmachnow . As a baby, she already worked alongside her mother in the DEFA film The Man Who Came with Grandma . After finishing school from 1986 to 1990, Kaufmann completed an acting training at the Ernst Busch drama school in East Berlin .


Kaufmann has had various theater engagements since 1990. In 1990 she appeared at the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in the play Gorbatschow-Fragment by Jörg-Michael Koerbl (* 1950). During her first years at the Berliner Ensemble (BE) she also appeared in productions by Manfred Wekwerth and Angelika Waller , for example as Irene in Waller's production of Ferdinand Bruckner's play Illness of Youth in a studio production of the BE and during the season in 1991 1991/1992 as Helene in Wekwerth's production of the social comedy Der Florentiner Strohhut by Eugène Labiche .

In 1992 she met the director Peter Zadek during an audition . Under the direction of Zadek, Kaufmann then appeared at the Berliner Ensemble and the Münchner Kammerspiele . Zadek cast her in 1993 (premiere: June 13, 1993) as the housemaid Edvige in his first own production as co-director of the Berliner Ensemble in the stage version of The Miracle of Milan , based on the novella Das Wunder von Bamba (original title: Totò il buono ) by Cesare Zavattini . Further roles by Kaufmann under Zadek's direction at the Berliner Ensemble then included Jessica in The Merchant of Venice (1993/94 season and 1994/95 season), Charmion (Cleopatra's servant) in Antonius and Cleopatra (premiere: 1994/95 season) and the deceased daughter Bridget in moonlight by Harold Pinter (premiere: 1994/95 season).

In the season 1994/95 she had a guest engagement at the Landestheater Stralsund ; she played the title role in Maria Stuart .

At the Münchner Kammerspiele, Kaufmann appeared alongside Lambert Hamel , Thomas Holtzmann and Christa Berndl in the world premiere of Zadek's production Alice in Wonderland (based on motifs by Lewis Carroll ); the premiere was in December 1996. The role of Lady Anne in Zadek's Richard III followed at the Münchner Kammerspiele in the 1996/97 season (premiere: October 1996) . - staging; her partner was Paulus Manker as Gloucester. With this production, Kaufmann also made a guest appearance at the Wiener Festwochen .

From the 2003/04 season (premiere: April 2004), she played the role of Ingrid in the Berliner Ensemble's Peer Gynt production , again under the direction of Peter Zadek .

In 2011 she took on the role of Elaine Harper / Brewster at the St. Pauli Theater in Hamburg , alongside Eva Mattes , Angela Winkler , Uwe Bohm and Knut Koch in the crime comedy Arsen und Spitzenhäubchen by Joseph Kesselring in a staging of the play by Ulrich Waller . In this role she made guest appearances with this production at the Renaissance Theater Berlin (2012 and 2014) and at the Theater National de Luxembourg (2012). In the 2014/15 season, Kaufmann appeared again as Elaine at Hamburg's St. Pauli Theater . She took on this role again in several performances there in January 2017. Kaufmann also appeared again as Elaine at the St. Pauli Theater in the 2017/18 season .

In the 2012/13 season she also played the foundation spokeswoman Vera in Lutz Hübner's play Das Richtfest at the Renaissance Theater Berlin .

Movie and TV

Kaufmann has worked in more than 60 television and cinema productions since 1995. These include Der Trinker (1995) by Tom Toelle based on the novel of the same name by Hans Fallada , Detlev Buck 's men's pension (1996), Rainer Kaufmann's The Job of his Life (2003) and its sequel The Job of his Life 2 - Again in Office by Hajo Gies , Elementarteilchen (2006) by Oskar Roehler , the television films A Seal to Love (2006) and A Seal and Great Luck (2007), as well as Carsten Fiebeler's film Sushi in Suhl (2012).


Deborah Kaufmann lives in Berlin and at her birthplace in Kleinmachnow.

Filmography (selection)


Radio plays


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Anke Dürr: Deborah Kaufmann , Kulturspiegel , 12/1996 of November 25, 1996, p. 28
  2. Shylock in the executive suite . Performance review in: Neues Deutschland from January 10, 1994
  3. Rulers in freezing cold poker for power . Performance review in: Neues Deutschland from October 20, 1994
  4. Touching desolation of bourgeois everyday life . Performance review in: Neues Deutschland from April 28, 1995
  5. Benjamin Henrichs on the world premiere of Peter Zadek's “Alice in Wonderland” . Performance review in: DIE ZEIT of December 20, 1996
  6. ^ THEATER: Fiesling und Karnickel in: FOCUS from June 10, 1997. Accessed on December 18, 2014
  7. ^ "Peer Gynt" premiere: Men’s homesickness after women’s breasts. Performance review in: DER SPIEGEL from April 9, 2004
  8. Arsenic and lace cap . Press release. Retrieved December 9, 2017.
  9. Arsenic and lace cap . Official website of the St. Pauli Theater . Retrieved December 9, 2017.
  10. The ruin builder . Performance review in: Der Tagesspiegel from March 14, 2013
  11. Deborah Kaufmann . Retrieved December 9, 2017.