German-Polish monastery network

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The non-profit association Klosterland eV was founded in 2013 in the Chorin Monastery with the aim of enabling supraregional and cross-border cooperation between monastery locations and supporting the preservation and revitalization of the monastic cultural assets. It was founded by the members of the German-Polish monastery network , which was initiated in 2011 and was an amalgamation of former monasteries and cultural tourism institutions in the Brandenburg and West Pomerania area . In the meantime, monastery sites from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia are also members of the network.

The aim of the independent, mostly communal network partners is to bundle resources through the cooperation, to expand competencies, to expand the range of offers and to promote the intercultural and intercommunal exchange of the institutions and their communities. The network received start-up funding from regional savings banks and has been supported by MWFK Brandenburg and Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank since 2013 (project funding).

The association is the point of contact for former and active monasteries, their regions and cities and their (cultural) tourist target groups. Under the umbrella brand Klosterland, the member monasteries present their individual offers as well as group offers such as monastery markets, events and information media.


The monastery complexes in the monastery land were once built by different orders and their diversity had a lasting impact on the cultural landscape from the 11th century. Today, guests can discover the peculiarities, but also the similarities of women's and men's monasteries of the Premonstratensians , Benedictines , Cistercians , Franciscans , Augustinians , Dominicans and Poor Clares during their monastery visits. A large number of the convents were dissolved in the course of the Reformation , others in the course of secularization in the 19th century , but religious life is still taking place in some monasteries today.

The member monasteries of the monastery network welcome visitors of very different interests. With their diverse offers, they convey the history of the unique architectural monuments to their guests and enable visitors to discover the special features of the places for themselves and to experience monastery culture.

The participants of the 4th network meeting in Zehden (Cedynia)


The network has most of its members in Brandenburg , followed by the West Pomeranian Voivodeship , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia (as of 08-2017). New members are constantly being added.

Overview map of the members


The following monastery locations are currently members of Klosterland eV


  1. Altfriedland ( Märkisch-Oderland )
  2. Angermünde ( Uckermark )
  3. Chorin ( Barnim )
  4. Doberlug-Kirchhain ( Elbe-Elster )
  5. Kyritz ( Ostprignitz-Ruppin )
  6. Lehnin ( Potsdam-Mittelmark )
  7. Lindow ( Ostprignitz-Ruppin )
  8. Neuzelle ( Oder-Spree )
  9. Prenzlau ( Uckermark )

West Pomerania

  1. Königsberg in the Neumark / Chojna ( Greifenhagen / Gryfino)
  2. Kolbatz / Kołbacz ( Greifenhagen / Gryfino)
  3. Marienwalde / Bierzwnik ( Arnswalde / Choszczno)
  4. Marienfließ / Marianowo ( Stargard )
  5. Quartschen / Chwarszczany ( Soldin / Myślibórz)
  6. Zehden / Cedynia ( Greifenhagen / Gryfino)

Cistercian convent Altfriedland

Parts of the refectory and the originally Gothic church of the former Friedland monastery are still preserved today. The refectory impresses with a cap vault and concerts are held there from August to September.

Franciscan monastery Angermünde

Today the imposing monastery church Peter and Paul , a two-aisled hall building from the second half of the 13th century , reminds of the former monastery. The rood screen between the main nave and the choir is almost completely original. The wall paintings from the 13th century and the decorated sacristy are also outstanding . Magnificent brick decor indicates connections to the “Choriner Bauhütte”. The "Angermünder Klostersommer" enlivens the church with diverse cultural events.

Cistercian monastery Chorin

The east and west wings of the enclosure together with the monastery church of the former Cistercian Abbey of Chorin form an imposing brick ensemble. The early Gothic complex on the Amtssee impresses with its architecture and unbelievable variety of forms in the building decoration. Events like the “Choriner Musiksommer” in July and August are among the most important cultural events in Brandenburg.

The monastery church of the Cistercian monastery Chorin

Augustinian monastery in Koenigsberg in Neumark

The church, the west and south wings of the enclosure and parts of the cloister are still preserved from the former monastery complex . The single-nave brick church is a Gothic building from the 14th century . A star vault is impressive in the convent hall , the refectory is vaulted over two pillars. The vaults of the cloister and the chapel leaning against the south wall of the church as well as the organ by Joachim Wagner from the 18th century are worth seeing .

Cistercian monastery Kolbatz

The oldest Cistercian monastery east of the Oder is one of the earliest examples of brick Gothic in West Pomerania. The church, the Konversen - and the abbot's house, the “prison tower” and a barn have been preserved. The west facade of the church shows a ray- shaped rose window based on the French Gothic cathedral . Cultural events take place in the main nave.

Cistercian monastery Marienwalde

The former Cistercian monastery, built at the end of the 13th to the beginning of the 14th century , stands on a small elevation on Lake Küchensee. Parts of the east, south and west wings as well as the church are preserved. Restoration work and excavations are ongoing, the results of which are presented on multilingual boards.

Cistercian monastery Neuzelle

The Neuzelle monastery on the slopes of the Oder offers a unique ensemble with a late Gothic enclosure, two churches and a historical garden. The monastery garden and the baroque collegiate church are among the most important sights in Germany and the music theater festival “Oper Oder-Spree”, the Neuzeller monastery concerts and the Neuzeller beer are known nationwide.

Collegiate Church of St. Marien in Neuzelle

Dominican monastery Prenzlau

The three-aisled brick hall church , the cloister and a farm building are still preserved from the Dominican monastery in Prenzlau . The complex houses the more than 110 year old cultural history museum, the historical city archive, the city library and an event center. The completely renovated Gothic monastery complex is one of the most interesting examples of North German brick Gothic .

Quarters coming from the Templars and Johannites

Today only the chapel from the 13th century bears witness to the former Kommende . The Gothic hall church, the west facade of which is flanked by two round towers, was originally located in the western part of the fortification . The west facade with its stone portal and the wall paintings from the 15th century are outstanding .

Zehden Cistercian Convent

The Zehden Cistercian convent, founded in the 13th century, is located in an elevated position to the east of the old town. Parts of the west wing have been preserved to this day and have been renovated and expanded. Today there is a hotel-restaurant in the historic restored walls.


The network partners meet twice a year for a plenary session in one of the partner monasteries. The aim of the meetings is mutual exchange, decision on goals and tasks of the network, review of the work done and further education of the partners in the context of workshops and lectures. The meetings will be translated synchronously to facilitate communication between Polish and German participants.

In addition to internal network meetings, the monastery network also organizes public events such as a. the "1. Symposium in Klosterland ”in the Dominican monastery in Prenzlau on the subject of“ Networks, cultural tourism, rural areas ”.

Web links
