Dieter Henkel

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Dieter Henkel (born August 3, 1933 in Wuppertal - Elberfeld , † December 15, 2016 in Munich ) was a German actor and director .


Henkel grew up in Mannheim . At the request of his parents, he initially trained as a businessman , but secretly took private acting lessons. He gained his first stage experience at the Christian touring theater the Messengers . Henkel then studied acting at the Bern Conservatory , where Margarethe Schell-von Noé was his teacher.

He had his first permanent engagement from 1956 to 1959 at the Nationaltheater Mannheim . He then played for a season on various stages in Berlin from the 1959/60 season . Under the directorship of Boleslaw Barlog , he appeared at the Schillertheater and at the Schlossparktheater , later also at the Hebbel Theater (1972) and at the Renaissance Theater . From the 1960s onwards, Henkel played mainly boulevard theater on all major boulevard theaters in Berlin, Cologne ( Theater am Dom ), Düsseldorf ( Comedy Düsseldorf ), Frankfurt am Main ( Die Komödie ), Stuttgart (Comedy in Marquardt) and Munich . He has appeared several times at the Volkstheater Frankfurt , including as Heinrich Muffel in the Volksstück Alt-Frankfurt directed by Wolfgang Kaus ; this production was also recorded for television. Under his direction he also worked there in 2003 in the title role of the comedy The Bartered Grandfather in a Hessian version. Henkel also appeared at the Luisenburg Festival .

From 1975 to 1995 he was head of his own theater company Theater on the move in Munich. During this time, Henkel worked as a producer, director and actor. His first production was Axel von Ambesser's serious comedy Encounter in Autumn with the author as the lead actor and director. Own productions included The Servant of Two Masters (1977, with Simone Rethel ) and Schweig, Bub! (1998). In 1988 he brought out Nathan the Wise with Wolfgang Reichmann in the title role. In 1978 he played the nephew in the comedy Loch im Kopp based on motifs by Labiche in a dialect version by Wolfgang Deichsel at the Theater on the Road together with Liesel Christ and Günter Strack . Henkel has worked as a freelance actor since 1995.

Henkel's most important stage roles included: Truffaldino in The Servant of Two Masters , Sosias in Amphitryon , the friar in Nathan the Wise and the double role as Nestor / Oscar in the musical Irma la Douce with Chariklia Baxevanos as partner in the title role.

He was part of the regular guest ensemble of the comedy in the Bayerischer Hof . He has performed there since 1996, including in 1999 as Eugen Rumpel in the comedy Pension Schöller . Since 2004 he has also played the roles of banker Etzel and high school professor Bömmel in the comedy Die Feuerzangenbowle . Henkel performed these roles again in the 2010/11 season. In 2010 he was there in the role of pastor Arthur Humphrey in the comedy Run Not Always Away From Philip King (1904–1979). His partners included Chariklia Baxevanos and Bob Franco . Henkel also went on tour with this production (2009/10 theater season). In the 2010/11 season, Henkel was on tour in a production of the touring theater "The Green Car" with the comedy Mary, Mary ( Never Mary Again ) by Jean Kerr ; his partners were Josef Baum and Thomas Stroux .

From the 1950s onwards, Henkel also appeared in numerous film and television roles. The director John Olden discovered him in 1955 at a student performance of the comedy Much Noise in Chiozza and hired him in 1956 for his television production of the play The Matchmaker by Thornton Wilder . He also had a tiny supporting role as a lieutenant in 1958 in the movie Der Schinderhannes , directed by Helmut Käutner .

During his engagement in Berlin in 1960 he took part in test shoots for the series Die Firma Hesselbach . From 1961 to 1963 he played Peter Hesselbach, the son of the Hesselbach couple, in a total of 26 episodes of the series for Hessischer Rundfunk . In 1964 he worked in the crime series Kommissar Freytag . In 2005 he played the pastor Blaschke in the television comedy Tote Hose - Can't, can't exist .

In 1981 he was also seen as an actor on the ARD television show One will win .

Henkel lived in Munich.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. According to other, but probably not applicable, information in 1939
  2. Dieter Henkel Short biography The Hesselbachs
  3. Wolfgang Kaus is celebrating two big events this year ( Memento of the original from March 18, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; July 26, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ^ Sabine Hock : Liesel Christ. Folk actress. A biography . P. 184. ISBN 3-7829-0546-6
  5. ^ Dieter Henkel Vita Comedy in the Bavarian Court
  6. Don't always run away (production details , information about the author, photos of the scenes)
  7. Mary, Mary (Never again Mary) Event notice (with photos of the actors)
  8. Peter Hesselbach - Dieter Henkel ( Memento of the original from April 11, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Official website of the Hessischer Rundfunk @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. Hesselbach (characters and actors)