Eberhard Kloke

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Eberhard Kloke (born November 24, 1948 in Hamburg ) is a German conductor and composer . He was general music director in Ulm, Freiburg im Breisgau and Bochum and director of the Nuremberg Opera and the Nuremberg State Philharmonic .


Eberhard Kloke received his conducting training at the Berlin State University of Music and studied musicology and German at the Free University of Berlin . After working as Kapellmeister in Mainz, Darmstadt, Düsseldorf and Lübeck, Eberhard Kloke was appointed General Music Director in Ulm in 1980 and moved to Freiburg im Breisgau in 1983 in the same position.

From 1984 guest conductors a. a. to the Deutsche Oper Berlin , the Komische Oper Berlin , the Essen Philharmonic, the Beethovenhalle Bonn orchestra and many European radio orchestras ( WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne , NDR Sinfonieorchester Hamburg, NDR Radiophilharmonie Hannover, SWR , Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Saarbrücken , Deutsches Symphonieorchester , RAI Rome , Radio Orchestra Ljubljana, Slovak Philharmonic Bratislava) and to the Vienna Festival , the Bruckner Festival in Linz and the Salzburg Festival .

From 1988 to 1994 he was general music director of the Bochum Symphony Orchestra , and from 1993 to 1998 he took over the direction of the Nuremberg Opera and the Nuremberg State Philharmonic .

The music of classical and modern times as well as their implementation in new musical conceptual approaches form the center of the artistic work of Eberhard Kloke. In Freiburg, Bochum, Nuremberg and in the Ruhr area he organized and directed large-scale cycles of contemporary music ( Götterdämmerung_Maßstab und Messes; Jakobsleiter, Ein deutscher Traum, Aufbruch Amerika, Prometheus, Jenseits des Klanges, Bridging Music ). In 1990 Kloke was awarded the German Critics' Prize and in 1998 received the DMV's Best Concert Program of the Year award .

Since 1998 he has focused his activities outside of institutions in order to concentrate fully on his programmatic and compositional work. He founded musikakzente 21 in Berlin in 1999 with the aim of developing cultural and music concepts for the 21st century, creating media network models and designing and applying implementation strategies. From 2001 Kloke's range of work expanded through composition and transcription work and through the initiation and realization of audiovisual projects in collaboration with the Viennese media artist Markus Wintersberger. These were either part of various music projects or were specially developed for the Internet. From 2008 to 2011 the label Samplosition / Vexamplosition-Audio21 was developed in collaboration with Dominik Kloke.

Kloke also composed the score for Werner Schroeter's film This Night ( Nuit de Chien ), which premiered in August 2008 at the Venice Film Festival .

In October 2010, PFAU-Verlag published a compendium on music programming by Eberhard Kloke on the subject of how much program does music need? Program music concept .

The focus of composition and transcription work between 2003 and 2018 was: Wagner ( The Ring of the Nibelung , Parsifal and Tristan ) and transcription work on Bach, Schubert, Schumann, Liszt, Mahler, Schönberg, Bartók, Strauss and Weill and above all on Berg : Wozzeck, Wein, Altenberglieder and Lulu - Complete Opera for solos and chamber orchestra and new version of the 3rd act for orchestra.

2014-2019 arisen orchestral versions of 14 Beethoven piano sonatas and new versions of Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov and Khovanshchina, new versions of Janacek's Jenufa and Katya, Tchaikovsky's The Queen of Spades , and Mazeppa , Debussy's Pelléas et Mélisande, Weill's Silbersee , Strauss Rosenkavalier and Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini.

From October 2010 to March 2013, the new version of the third act of Alban Berg's opera Lulu came to performance series in Copenhagen, Oslo, Erfurt, Augsburg, Dresden (Semperoper), Cardiff, Birmingham and Bozen. In 2017 the Theater an der Wien played Klokes Wozzeck adaptation in a spectacular new production, in 2020 the premiere of the Salome adaptation also took place there. After Götterdämmerung in the Mainfranken Theater in Würzburg in 2019, the cycle with Rheingold will continue from March 2020. In 2020 the premiere of the new version of Bluebeard was performed in Biel and Soloturn (Switzerland).

Since 2002 Kloke has been published as a composer and arranger at Universal Edition (Vienna), since 2017 also at Schott-Music (Mainz), since 2018 at Sikorski (Hamburg) and since 2019 also at Boosey & Hawkes (New York-London-Berlin ).

Compositions, arrangements, transcriptions

  • Richard Wagner Tristan und Isolde plot and psychogram for solos, choir ad. lib., small orchestra ensemble, incidental music I, II and III and sound band (conclusion) op.100 by Eberhard Kloke
  • Hector Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini version for solos, choir and orchestra op. 98 by Eberhard Kloke
  • Richard Strauss Der Rosenkavalier op.59 transcription for solos, choir ad lib. and small orchestra (Ariadne line-up) op.90 by Eberhard Kloke
  • Richard Wagner Tristan and Isolde , transcription for solos, choir ad lib. and 2 orchestras, op.88 - chamber orchestra 1 (inner plot - prehistory), orchestra 2 (outer plot)
  • Kurt Weil , Der Silbersee , transcription for solos, choir and chamber ensemble op.81
  • Peter Tschaikowsky Mazeppa , new version for soli, choir and orchestra op.80
  • Claude Debussy Pelléas et Mélisande (1902), new version for solos and small orchestra op.79
  • Wagner , new version of the Parsifal stage festival for solos, men's choir and small orchestra, op.78
  • Tchaikovsky , new version of the opera Queen of Spades for soli and orchestra op.75
  • Janáček , new version of the operas Jenůfa and Káta Kabanová for soloists, (choir) and medium (small) orchestra op.72 / op.73
  • New version op. 66 by Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgski's Chowanschtschina
  • Orchestral version op. 65 Without the sun of Mussorgsky's piano song cycle
  • Fantasia in F minor for orchestra op.63, transcription after Franz Schubert's Fantasia for four hands op.103 in F minor D 940 (1828)
  • Allegro in A minor for orchestra op.62, transcription after Franz Schubert's Allegro for four hands op.posth. 144 in A minor D 947 (1828)
  • 3 songs about death for soprano / mezzo-soprano and chamber ensemble op. 60, transcribed from 3 Schumann songs for soprano and piano
  • Toccata for orchestra op. 59, transcription after Robert Schumann's Toccata op. 7 for piano (1830–1833)
  • Rhapsodies for orchestra op. 58 transcribed from the Rhapsodies for piano op. 79 (1879) by Johannes Brahms
  • New version op. 56 by Mussorgsky's Boris Godunow
  • Mussorgski, Kinderstube (1875–1877), seven songs with text and music by Modest Mussorgski, transcribed for soprano and chamber ensemble op. 57
  • 14 symphony sonatas as transcriptions for orchestra op. 34 to 47 based on 14 selected piano sonatas by Ludwig van Beethoven
  • Robert Schumann, selected piano cycles in the arrangement for orchestra
  • Franz Schubert, selected piano sonatas in the arrangement for orchestra
  • Johannes Brahms, Piano Pieces op.116/118/119 in the transcription for orchestra op.29 to 31
  • Franz Liszt piano character pieces from a later period in a transcription between paraphrase and free arrangement for orchestra op. 27.1 to 27.12
  • Johannes Brahms, Four serious chants for low voice (baritone or alto) with accompaniment, op.121 in the transcription as Three serious chants for low voice (baritone or alto), a reciter (song 1 and 2) ad lib. and orchestra op. 28.1
  • Schönberg , Moses and Aron , Recomposition of the III. Acts for solos, choir and orchestra op.8
  • Gustav Mahler , Rückert-Lieder , transcription for deep voice and chamber ensemble (15 players) op. 26.2
  • Gustav Mahler, Kindertotenlieder-Lieder , transcription for lower voice and chamber ensemble (10 players) op. 25.2
  • Strauss , transcriptions of the operas Salome and Elektra for solos and medium-sized orchestra op.70 / op.71
  • Richard Wagner , Wesendonck-Lieder for female voice and piano in an arrangement as a composed interpretation (“Wagner Studies 1–3” and “Tristan Studies 1–2”) for soprano / mezzo-soprano and orchestra op. 22, also version for chamber ensemble op 22a
  • Richard Wagner, stage festival Der Ring des Nibelungen , arranged for solos, choir (GD) and medium-sized orchestra, 2012/2015
  • Transcription of Arnold Schönberg's The Happy Hand , Drama with Music op.18 for baritone (one man), 3 speakers, 3 singers, 2 silent roles (one woman, one gentleman) and chamber ensemble (17 players)
  • Transcription of Arnold Schönberg's Expectation op. 17, text by Marie Pappenheim
  • Transcription of Béla Bartók's Duke Bluebeard's Castle op. 11 (1911) for soprano, baritone and medium orchestra
  • Gustav Mahler, Seven Early Songs , transcription for soprano, small orchestra and sound band ad lib. 2010
  • Alban Berg , Five orchestral songs based on postcard texts by Peter Altenberg for mezzo-soprano / soprano and medium orchestra op.21 / and chamber ensemble op.21a
  • Alban Berg, Lulu : Complete arrangement of the opera (I, II, III) (Vienna 2007/2008) for solos and chamber orchestra, also new version of III. Nudes (large orchestral version), world premiere 2010, Royal Copenhagen Opera and Oslo Opera
  • Lulu_Bruchteile123, transcription based on Alban Berg's Lulu (1935), newly selected and arranged for soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, baritone and chamber orchestra, 2007
  • Alban Berg- Charles Baudelaire , Der Wein , concert aria for soprano / tenor and orchestra by Alban Berg (1929) based on texts by Charles Baudelaire (translated by Stefan George), arranged for soprano / tenor and chamber orchestra, 2007
  • Gustav Mahler, Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen , arranged for chamber ensemble (2003) for baritone / soprano and chamber orchestra, 2007
  • Gustav Mahler, Das Lied von der Erde , 1908, farewell, arrangement for soprano, baritone and chamber orchestra (2003)
  • Alban Berg Wozzeck , arrangement for solos and small orchestra
  • Parsifal removal. Sacrilege Kundry after Richard Wagner's Parsifal by Eduard Clark (1882/2005), montage from Wagner's Parsifal (Kundry-Passagen) and music, speech and image repliques for 1 soprano, actor, string quartet, piano, video and tape
  • Passion sketch transcription (2007) from Johann Sebastian Bach's St. Matthew Passion (1735), montage of evangelistic text: Evangelist , solos and turba choirs (1988/2007) in 3 versions: large-medium-small
  • Richard Wagner, Isolde's Liebestod from “ Tristan und Isolde , version for soprano and chamber orchestra (2003)
  • Thomas Tallis , Spem in alium arrangement for large orchestra, Perugia (1990) and Nürnberg (1997)
  • Jacques Offenbach , Parisian Life (La Vie Parisienne) Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf (1978), for actors and chamber orchestra


  • How much program does music need? - The music concept program, an interim report (1980–2010) . Pfau-Verlag, Saarbrücken 2010, ISBN 978-3-89727-447-1 .
  • Essays and editorships on music-themed complexes with regard to new programs, performance practice and reception.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.musikakzente.de/zyklen.html
  2. http://www.musikakzente.de/index.html
  3. Samplosition & Vexamplosition. Retrieved July 15, 2019 .
  4. How much program does music need? Music Concept Program: An Interim Review 1980–2010. Pfau Verlag Publications, 2010, accessed on July 15, 2019 .
  5. ^ Works by Eberhard Kloke. Retrieved May 17, 2019 (UK English).
  6. ^ Schott Music. Retrieved July 15, 2019 .
  7. List of works: Kloke, Eberhard | International music publishers Hans Sikorski. Retrieved May 17, 2019 .
  8. ^ Eberhard Kloke: Catalog raisonné. (PDF) Retrieved June 17, 2016 .
  9. Music Accents, Publications