Friedrich Huebner

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Friedrich Hübner (center) at the inauguration of Provost Kraft in Kiel in 1966

Christoph Friedrich Wilhelm Huebner (born June 25, 1911 in Bangalore , India, † June 6, 1991 in Kiel ) was a Protestant theologian , missionary , pastor and church functionary. He was bishop of the diocese Holstein of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Schleswig-Holstein and the Sprengel Holstein-Lübeck the North Elbe Evangelical Lutheran Church , based in Kiel.

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Friedrich Hübner was born in Bangalore (India) in 1911 as the son of a missionary. After internment and repatriation of his family as a result of the First World War , he passed his Abitur in Altona in 1930 .

He studied theology in Bethel , Erlangen , Tübingen and Kiel from 1930 to 1934 and passed his first theological examination at Easter 1934. After the vicariate in Kiel and Bethel, he received his doctorate in 1935 as Lic. Theol. with a dissertation on natural theology and theocratic enthusiasm in Melanchthon with the Lutheran dogmatist Professor Werner Elert in Erlangen. At the same time he passed the second theological examination in Kiel in autumn 1935.

As a Schleswig-Holstein candidate of the Confessing Church , he was ordained in 1935 by Regional Bishop August Marahrens in Harburg , worked for a short time as provincial vicar (vicar) in Boldixum / Föhr and then went to Bethel as an assistant to Professor Edmund Schlink in 1935 . In 1937 he was himself as a missionary of Breklum mission to Koraput / India to the Jeypore sent Church. There he married his wife Christa; together they had five children in the course of time.

During the Second World War he was interned by the British in India and returned to Germany with his family in 1946. In 1947 he worked briefly in the travel and agency service for the Breklumer Missionsgesellschaft and as acting pastor in Albersdorf , from February 15, 1948 as pastor at St. Nicolai in Boldixum .

From 1950 to 1962 he worked as a senior church councilor in the Lutheran Church Office of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany (VELKD) in Hanover . There he was an international advisor for diaspora , mission and ecumenism . At world church conferences , general assemblies of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and in various ecclesiastical offices (including member, later chairman of the Latin America Committee of the LWF), he deepened his ecumenical experiences over 30 years and brought them to concrete church work, of which numerous publications ( see below) give testimony.

From 1950 to 1961 he was chairman of the Hanoverian Martin Luther Association ; from 1950 to 1981 he worked (temporarily in management positions) in the theological convent of the Augsburg Confession, which published the Fuldaer Hefte ; and from 1956 to 1981 he was a member of the Synod of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD).

From 1962 to 1964 he was provost of Stormarn and member of the general synod of the VELKD. On January 11, 1963, he was appointed representative of the Provost for South Holstein.

In 1964 he was elected by the Regional Synod of the Ev.-Luth. Schleswig-Holstein state church as bishop for Holstein . From 1964 to 1967 he was the authorized representative for the Evangelical Relief Organization and chairman of the state association for Inner Mission in Schleswig-Holstein . From 1967 to 1976 he was chairman of the Schleswig-Holstein church leadership. In 1976, on his 65th birthday, a comprehensive publication of part of his essays was published under the title “People's Church in the Fire of Ecumenical Criticism” (see below).

In 1977 he became the Bishop's Office for the Holstein- Lübeck district of the North Elbian Ev.-Luth, which has now been formed . Church (NEK) based in Kiel confirmed. He was chairman of the church leadership of the NEK from 1978 to 1979. He retired on October 1, 1981 and died on June 6, 1991 in Kiel.


In his time as bishop first of all the Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Schleswig-Holstein, then the North Elbian Ev.-Luth Church (NEK) fall:

  • 1966 Lutheran Conference in Flensburg
  • 1967 dispute about the war memorial in the Marienkirche (Flensburg)
  • 1968 student movement and "socialist opposition in the church"
  • 1968 Criticism of the Flensburg Pastors 'Group and the Flensburg Pastors' Day before the regional synod
  • 1969 2nd Cell Conference in Bochum (with participation also from Schleswig-Holstein pastors)
  • 1969 Holstein Convention: “The other Bible. The contribution of Ernst Bloch to theology "(Speaker: Pastor Dieter Andresen )
  • 1970 Agreement on the formation of the NEK
  • 1970 Introduction of the "Preetz Model" according to the Tübingen Fast Plan (first director: Dieter Seiler)
  • 1971 Appointment of the psychoanalyst and pastoral psychologist Joachim Scharfenberg to Kiel (as professor for practical theology )
  • 1972 Stormarn Act (not division, but structure of the Stormarn Provost)
  • 1973 so-called radical decree in the church (EKD decision of May 28, 1973)
  • 1973 Congress "For Partial Community Work" on December 10, 1973 in the Curiohaus Hamburg (responsible: Karl-Helmut Lechner)
  • 1974 Conflicts about political pastors ( KBW ): Karl-Helmut Lechner, Edda Groth, Eckard Gallmeier
  • 1974 Question of DKP membership of parish pastors
  • 1975 ÖTV conflict of the Kiel vicars due to the incompatibility resolution of the DGB main board of October 1973
  • 1976 Demonstrations by pastors (also in gowns ) against the Brokdorf nuclear power plant
  • 1977 Formation of the North Elbian Ev.-Luth. Church (NEK)
  • 1979 Warning of a collective bargaining agreement of the NEK ( "dixi et salvavi animam meam" )

Bishop Huebner summarized the theological conclusion of his struggle for the freedom of the church from political power structures in the Advent and Lent season 1974/75 as follows:

“The only category for pastoral office in the church is the bond to Jesus Christ as our Lord, established by Scripture and the confession of our church. This is where the freedom and service of our office are based. Those who profess this Lord because the Lord has professed him can serve in the Church without being asked about their political convictions. But if this confession to Jesus is questioned, falsified or denied by a prospective or already ordained pastor of the regional church, then the community of Jesus Christ as a whole must be careful in all its organs in order to take care of such members and for the sake of the bond with this Lord helping them with a lot of love and patience; but it is also obliged to make decisions in such communal clarification processes as to whether service in the church is still useful or not. The only valid criterion in such decisions is the preaching of the cross of Jesus Christ. The word of the cross was and remains a nuisance to some and folly to others, whether it is about Jews and Greeks or right and left. Anyone who no longer understands how to distinguish Jesus Christ as divine power and divine wisdom from all other religious, social and political forces, wisdom and goals should not be made responsible for the office of the church. "

- From the letter of the Bishop for Holstein in the Advent and Lent season 1974/75, page 7, no.12.


  • Natural theology and theocratic enthusiasm in Melanchthon . Gütersloh 1936 ( dissertation ).
  • The living community in the order of the world (= Lutheranism, volume 6), Berlin 1952.
  • The council as a model for ecumenical conferences. In: Festschrift for Werner Elert . LVH, Berlin 1955, p. 387ff.
  • Consensus and dissensus de doctrina in Union and Ökumene (= Fuldaer Hefte, Heft 8). LVH, Berlin 1955.
  • Mission and unity of the Church. In: “God is at work”, commemorative publication for Bishop D. Hanns Lilje . Furche-Verlag Hamburg, 1959, p. 55ff.
  • The independence of the community in the North Elbe region. In: "I believe in a holy church". Festschrift for Hans Asmussen . Ev. Verlagwerk Stuttgart and LVH Berlin 1963.
  • “Pura doctrina” - possible diversity and heretical degeneration (= Fuldaer Hefte, issue 19). LVH, Berlin 1969.
  • New structures of unity. Considerations on the organization of German Protestantism (General Synod VELKD, May 1969, Augsburg; "On the matter", volume 3, LVH Hamburg, 1970)
  • Church reform with Martin Luther or Thomas Müntzer (= writings of the Association for Schl.-Holst. Church History II, 28th volume). 1972
  • “Do you not know that God's goodness is driving you to repent?” Lenten letter from the Bishop for Holstein during Advent and Lent 1974/75.
  • People's Church in the fire of ecumenical criticism. Breklum 1976. (In this volume the articles in italics are printed. It is a thank you from the church leadership and the regional church office of the Schleswig-Holstein regional church on the 65th birthday of Bishop Dr. Friedrich Hübner on June 25, 1976.)
  • The “ Barmer Theological Declaration ” of 1934 as a permanent challenge for the North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church and the ecumenical movement. In: Klauspeter Reumann (Ed.): Church and National Socialism. Contributions to the history of the church struggle in the Protestant regional churches of Schleswig-Holstein. Karl Wachholtz, Neumünster 1988, pp. 361-380.


  • Commemorative letter for D. Werner Elert . Contributions to historical and systematic theology , Berlin 1955 (with bibliography).
  • Hans Asmussen . Leben und Werk , Berlin 1973 ff. Volume III, 1: Essays 1 (1927–1934), Berlin 1976; Volume IV: Kleine Schriften, Berlin 1973.
  • Indian fathers of the Jeypore Church: The first 28 pastors report on the beginnings themselves , collected and translated by Gregor Rath-India and Dr. Friedrich Huebner, Breklum 1989.


“The Reformation appointment of pastor and bishop as bearers of the service of preaching is fully covered by the history of the early church. But whoever is to preach cannot rule, but should only serve in teaching and conduct. "

- Friedrich Huebner : Bishopric and apostolicity of the church. In: Friedrich Huebner: Volkskirche in the fire of ecumenical criticism. Breklum 1976, p. 274.

Web links

Commons : Friedrich Hübner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Annette Göhres / Ulrich Stenzel / Peter Unruh, bishops and bishops in Nordelbien 1924-2008, Kiel: Luth. Verlagsgesellschaft 2008, pp. 62–63.
  2. Holger Hoffman documented in the first number of "Between the Lines" (ZdZ) under the heading: "Directed Information" the uncritical announcement journalism in the regional church by the Evangelical Press Service, in the convent of church workers and in the church newspaper "Church of the Homeland". For example Heinz Fast's article "Theologia semper reformanda", which was not printed by the Convention, on the discussion suppressed by Bishop Huebner at the Lutheran Conference in Flensburg in February 1966 on the theological foundations of the expellees' writings ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , especially the unanswered questions from Provost Knuth on Luther's doctrine of the two kingdoms in connection with the theological foundations of the political co-responsibility of the church. (Jens-Hinrich Pörksen, "The 68er" Pastors in Flensburg 1963–1969, Kiel 2009, p. 16) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. ^ Bishop Wester von Schleswig and Bishop Huebner von Holstein contradicted the five theses of the three pastors of St. Marien Krause, Friedrichs and Jastram, as did the Kiel theology professors Redeker , Kraft, Meinhold, Göbell, Hoffmann and Heubach; Professors Beyerlin, Engelland, Hahn, Klein, Maass and Schultz confirmed the Flensburg theses in principle. (Jens-Hinrich Pörksen, "The 68er" Pastors in Flensburg 1963–1969, Kiel 2009, pp. 18 and 22)
  4. Dieter Andresen, Kiel 1968, in: Schleswig-Holstein 1 + 2/92, pp. 43–46; Dieter Andresen, Kiel 1968. Theological Identity and Left Opposition, in: Nordelbischeimmen 12/2008, pp. 4–24.
  5. In May 1964 the Flensburg pastors' team initially consisted of the five pastors who had founded the team: Holger Hoffmann, Jens-Hinrich Pörksen, Karl Ludwig Kohlwage , Gerhard Jastram and Heinz Fast. At the end of 1965 the team was finally complete: Klaus Juhl and Dieter Andresen strengthened the team. "In this composition ... we experienced and shaped the exciting three years from 1966 to 1968 in Flensburg." (Jens-Hinrich Pörksen, "The 68er" Pastors in Flensburg 1963–1969, Kiel 2009, pp. 11 and 15)
  6. The positive thing about the pastors 'day organized by the team was the unexpectedly high number of 350 pastors who came to Flensburg on November 4th, 1968 to take part in the pastors' day. We had not expected that". In the self-critical report on this theologians' day, Gerhard Jastram (ZdZ No. 10 November 1968, p. 29) wrote: “Perhaps the greatest disappointment of this day was caused by the speaker ( Dorothee Sölle ) and among the most active of the guests, the fact that the Flensburgers opposed a repeatedly called for formation of the ecclesiastical left. Undoubtedly, one must admit that the opportunity for such a formation was and will hardly ever be as favorable as it was on this day, when a considerable percentage of the theologians working in the regional church were together. Flensburg's unanimous no to this question was one of the votes of that day, which was really well founded, because it had been reflected on for a long time ”. In fact, we in the team could not make friends with Dorothee Sölles' “ God is dead theology ” and we also could not agree to join her demand for a comprehensive politicization of preaching and church work. Together we recognized more and more clearly the responsibility of the church for changes in society. In the team, however, we were no longer in agreement on the question of whether or to what extent we can make a contribution to necessary renewals and changes in the church and society in our normal office as parish pastor and within the existing structures of the church ”. In his word on Monday, Dieter Andresen said on the theologians' day: “We don't have to remain the uncle and master of ceremonies we are glad to be.” The Gospel shows and demands other ways: it is “instruction to disobedience” - possibly also with it the consequence of leaving this office if its structure no longer enables the commitment to social change. But everyone has to answer that for themselves ”(ibid. P. 21). (Jens-Hinrich Pörksen, "The 68er" Pastors in Flensburg 1963–1969, Kiel 2009, p. 30)
  7. In his report as chairman of the church leadership at the 36th regional synod in Rendsburg on November 11, 1968, Bishop Huebner harshly criticized the Flensburg pastors' group and on December 16, together with Bishop Petersen and Senior Church Councilor Jensen in Flensburg, entered the public discussion with the Pastors Fast and Juhl. I am quoting from the reports from NDR and Flensburger Tageblatt about this evening. The first part of the discussion was about what the bishop admitted was an "awkwardly" worded decree of the minister of education on the Reformation worship service for schoolchildren. The decree gave the impression that pupils up to the age of 14 are compulsorily obliged to attend Reformation worship. The majority of pastors in Flensburg refused to hold a divine service as a compulsory event on Reformation Day . It is promised that this will be discussed again with the state government. The discussion became sharp when it came to the future of the Volkskirche , “when Oberkirchenrat Jensen ... exclaimed with applause that he had the impression that Pastors Fast, Juhl and their friends“ wanted to erode the Volkskirche ”. Juhl recently pleaded for the abolition of the second church holiday. I almost said that the Volkskirche already began "with a great lie, baptism ." ... Almost: "I'm worried that you don't see how dissolved the Volkskirche has long been" (strong applause). Oberkirchenrat Jensen was still afflicted by an optimism "that we no longer share". ... Juhl with an “immodest but important question” to the bishop: “Where are you carrying out the necessary renewal yourself, where are your initiatives?” Another point of discussion was Bishop Hübner's clear criticism in his report by the church leadership at the Flensburg Theologists' Day with Dr . Sölle. Huebner. "He sees a secularism, an adaptation to the world, in which the gospel is no longer brought to the world -" You don't study theology in order to prove yourself as a jack of all trades. "Juhl:" Even the Orthodox falsify it Gospel by “keeping it to themselves.” There are dangers on both sides “at every moment when the gospel is preached.” Almost: “Not we, but he is a jack-of-all-trades who, without psychology and sociology, admit know, make his theological saying. We want to know the person we are addressing. ”In the second part of the event, the audience is allowed to ask their questions. The evening ends after midnight with a closing remarks from Provost Knuth. Finally, two quotes from the evening: Bishop Huebner: “The“ fame ”of Flensburg is big enough that it can withstand critical remarks.” Bishop Petersen as discussion leader: “We never have the Reformation behind us, but always before us.” (Jens-Hinrich Pörksen, "The 68er" Pastors in Flensburg 1963–1969, Kiel 2009, p. 31)
  8. ^ Wolf-Dietrich Bukow, The misery of the socialist opposition in the church. Celler Conference - Theology as Social Theory? Munich 1969 (Theol. Existence today 162); Karl-Werner Bühler, Socialist Opposition in the Church? About the second “Celler Conference”, in: Lutherische Monatshefte 8/1969, pp. 284–287; Theology students 1969. Documents of a revolutionary generation, Stuttgart: Ev. Publishing company 1969.
  9. THEOLOGIANS / OPPOSITION: Red Bibles . In: Der Spiegel . No. 14 , 1969 ( online - March 31, 1969 ).
  10. nds: Dieter Andresen
  11. ^ A b Klaus Blaschke, The Constitutional Law of the North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kiel 11th edition 2008.
  12. Gothart Magaard, The "Preetzer Model". Sketch of his development, in: Gothart Magaard / Gerhard Ulrich (ed.), 100 years of Preetz seminary. A Festschrift, Kiel: Luth. Verlagsgesellschaft 1996, pp. 63-84.
  13. ^ Alf Schreyer, Church in Stormarn. History of a church district and its parishes, Hamburg: M + K Hansa 1981, p. 114 ff.
  14. North Elbian Church Working Group (ed.), Radical decree in the church! The EKD decision of May 28, 1973. Prehistory, background, analyzes, Hamburg 21973 (contact: Wolfgang Grell). Obituary for Wolfgang Grell:  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  15. K.-H. Lechner (ed.), Documentation on the congress "For Partial Community Work" on December 10, 1973 in Hamburg, January 1974; see. about this:  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  16. See the epd documentations 32/74: "Polit-Pastors of Schleswig-Holstein in conflict with the Kiel church leadership" and 56/74: "The departure of the political pastors of Schleswig-Holstein - new phase of the dispute". See also: Jens Motschmann / Helmut Matthies (eds.), Rotbuch Kirche, Stuttgart: Seewald 1976, esp. Pp. 49–75.
  17. Especially young parts of the Protestant congregations in Hamburg-Bramfeld (Pastor Edda Groth), Quickborn / Ellerau (Pastor Eckard Gallmeier) and Norderstedt (Pastor Karl-Helmut Lechner) were partially transferred to the KBW or its mass organizations. Bishop Hübner: "Pastors betray the freedom of the gospel when they become advocates of a violent political revolution." (Advent letter 1973 and Advent and fasting letter 1974/75)
  18. Bishop Hübner answered the question whether a parish pastor could be a member of the DKP: “As a citizen, yes, as long as the DKP is admitted in the Federal Republic, as a pastor and preacher of the Gospel, no, because no one can serve two masters.” Kieler News of March 6, 1974.
  19. Hans Schwalbach , district chairman of the ÖTV in Kiel: “Some vicars were suspected of swimming in the chaotic waters. To name just one example: One of the vicars who wanted to join the ÖTV was a member of the KPD / ML , ran for the AStA in Hamburg and later worked for the KPD / ML, but resigned. We think there is a lack of experience here and perhaps a lack of political maturity. And we would like to excuse these teething troubles. However, after the vicars' provisional refusal, they let the cat out of the bag. They allied with the AStA Kiel, they allied themselves with the unorganized, and by collecting signatures they tried to mobilize the public against the ÖTV. These are methods that are not common in the trade union movement. And this means that these people do not have the prerequisites for collegial cooperation. The ÖTV does not allow itself to be put under pressure. "Bishop Hübner:" The specter of the professional ban is around in Germany and also affects the church. In my opinion it is a very different case in the Church than in the civil service. Insofar as the trade unions and state bodies have to carry out political reviews, this is not our case. We expect a theological exam and not a political exam. On the other hand, it is of course the case that the church has been asked from the beginning whether it falls victim to false prophets, and the unmasking of false prophets in the church has to go on again and again, but it can only be in the church going on. 'You should recognize them by their fruits,' they say. And if someone says Jesus Christ and shows only Mao in everything he says, then there are probably consequences in the church service. ”TV program“ Blickfeld - Kirche und Gesellschaft ”(SWF) on August 17, 1974 at 5.15pm im 1st program. See also: Erich Zschau, The Cross with the Trade Union, in: Allgemeine Deutsches Sonntagsblatt No. 24 of June 16, 1974.
  20. Hans Schwalbach: “At first there was a suspicion that the eight vicars belong to chaotic organizations. We do not have the evidence of this in detail, for each individual. But it is enough how people behaved towards us. Shortly after the rejection, the eight vicars dropped their masks. You have reached out to the public and it is not customary to intervene in a pending proceeding and go public. No evidence is required. We can, however, take the vicars' actions as evidence. The vicars talk to us in chaotic jargon, the vicars treat us as is usual with the chaos. And once the chaotic jargon finds its way into us, then we can say 'good night'. So we will definitely go tobogganing with angry people. "Bishop Huebner:" The question of the membership of vicars and pastors in the ÖTV has so far not occupied us at all. There was always a part of the pastors in the ÖTV for perfectly justifiable motives, because they simply wanted to show solidarity with the employees. ”TV program“ Mensch und Arbeit ”(WDR) on September 28, 1974 at 6.30 p.m. in the 3rd program (WDR ).
  21. Bishop Huebner reacted unequivocally negatively: “The chairman of the Schleswig-Holstein church leadership, Bishop Dr. Hübner, notes that 45 pastors and church employees from Hamburg who were previously unknown to the church leadership have called on the construction site of the planned Brokdorf power station to be occupied in a 'possible act of civil disobedience'. "( Http:// 1976/52 / they-did-not-have-to-hide-the-gown )
  22. Compilation from: Friedrich Hübner, Volkskirche im Feuer ecumenical criticism, Breklum 1976, p. 280.
  23. Lecture given at Lutheran theologian conferences in August 1951 in Wuppertal and Berlin-Spandau. Under the theme “The living community”, these conferences did a certain amount of preparatory work for the full assembly of the Lutheran World Federation in Hanover in 1952.
predecessor Office successor
Wilhelm Halfmann Bishop of the Holstein district of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Schleswig-Holstein
(1) himself ( as bishop of the Holstein district )
(2) senior Karlheinz Stoll
( as bishop representative of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lübeck )
(3) Wilhelm Kieckbusch
( as Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Eutin )
(4) Joachim Heubach
( as state superintendent of the Lauenburg district of the
Evangelical Lutheran regional church of Schleswig-Holstein
Bishop of the Holstein-Lübeck district of the North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Ulrich Wilckens