Gmina Pisz

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Gmina Pisz
Coat of arms of Pisz
Gmina Pisz (Poland)
Gmina Pisz
Gmina Pisz
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Warmia-Masuria
Powiat : Pisz
Geographic location : 53 ° 37 '  N , 21 ° 48'  E Coordinates: 53 ° 37 '0 "  N , 21 ° 48' 0"  E
Residents : s. Gmina
Postal code : 12-200
Telephone code : (+48) 87
License plate : NPI
Economy and Transport
Street : DK58 Olsztynek - Szczuczyn
DK63 Węgorzewo - Łomża
Rail route : Olsztyn – Ełk railway line
Next international airport : Danzig
Gminatype: Urban-and-rural parish
Gmina structure: 43 school authorities
Surface: 634.8 km²
Residents: 27,720
(Jun. 30, 2019)
Population density : 44 inhabitants / km²
Community number  ( GUS ): 2816033
Mayor : Andrzej Janusz Szymborski
Address: ul.Gizewiusza 5
12-200 Pisz
Website :

The Gmina Pisz [ pʲiʃ ] is a town-and-country municipality in the powiat Piski of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship in Poland . The seat of the powiat and the municipality is the city ​​of the same name ( German Johannisburg ) with about 19,250 inhabitants.


Map of the municipality

The municipality is located in the southeast of the voivodeship, about 100 kilometers east of Olsztyn (Allenstein) . In the south it borders the Podlaskie Voivodeship and a small part of the Masovian Voivodeship . Neighboring municipalities in the Warmia-Masurian Voivodeship are Rozogi in the southwest, Ruciane-Nida in the west, Mikołajki in the northwest, Orzysz in the northeast and Biała Piska in the east; in Podlaskie Kolno in the southeast and Turośl in the south and in Mazovia Łyse .

The community has an area of ​​634.8 km², 28 percent of which is used for agriculture and 45 percent for forestry. The landscape belongs to the Masurian Lake District . The municipality has a share in Śniardwy (Spirdingsee) , the largest lake in Poland, which occupies the north of the area. It is connected to the Roś (Roschsee) by the six-kilometer-long Kanał Jegliński (Jeglinner Canal) . This is where the Pisa rises . The southwest is dominated by the forests of the Johannisburger Heide (Puszcza Piska).


The rural community was formed again in 1973 from various gromadas . Urban and rural communities were merged to form urban and rural communities in 1990/1991. Their area belonged to the Olsztyn Voivodeship from 1946 to 1975 and then to the Suwałki Voivodeship until 1998 , the powiat was dissolved in 1975. On January 1, 1999, the community came to the Warmia-Masurian Voivodeship and the re-established Powiat Piski.


The town-and-country municipality of Pisz consists of the town itself and 43 villages with school administration offices (sołectwa; German names, official until 1945):

Polish name German name Polish name German name
Babrosty Baby grilles Pilchy Pilchen
Bogumiły Bogumillen
1938–1945 Brödau
Pogobie Średnie Central Pogobia 1938–1945 Central Pogau
Borki Noble Borken Pogobie Tylne Behind Pogobien 1938–1945 Deer forest
Ciesina Erdmannen Rakovo Adlig Rakowen (domain)
1938–1945 Raken (domain)
Hejdyk Heydik
1938–1945 Heidig
Rakowo Piskie Noble Rakowen (village)
1938–1945 Raken (village)
Imionek Rottenbruch Rostki Rostken
Jagodne Jegodnen
1938–1945 Balkfelde
Snopki Snopken
1938–1945 Wartendorf
Jeglin Jeglinnen
1938–1945 Wagenau
Stare Guty Gutten
Jeże Walking Szczechy Małe Small mines
Kałęczyn Kallenzinnen
1938–1945 Dreifelde
Szczechy Wielkie Big mines
Karpa Karpa
1938–1945 Karpen
Szeroki Bór Piski Breitenheide
Karwik Karwik Trzonki Trzonken
1938–1945 Mövenau
Kocioł Large boiler Turośl Turo shells
1938–1945 Mittenheide
Kocioł Duży Turowo Turowen
1938-1945 Turau
Kociołek Szlachecki Noble cauldron Turowo Duże
Kwik Quicka Uściany starlings Alt Uszanny
1905–1945 Grünheide, village
Liski Pisces Wąglik Wonglik
1938–1945 Balzershausen
Łupki Magnifying glasses Wiartel (Big) Wiartel
Łysonie Lyssuhnen
1938–1945 Lissuhnen
Zawady Sawadden
1938–1945 Ottenberg
Maldanine Maldaneyen
1938–1945 Maldaneien
Zdory Sdorren
1938–1945 Dorren
Maszty Masts Zdunowo Sdunowen
1938–1945 Sadunen
Pietrzyki Pietrzyken
1904–1945 Wiesenheim

The smaller sites are: Anuszewo ( Annussewen , 1938-1945 burner home ) Czarny Róg (Faul fraction Werder) , Dziadki , Jabłoń ( Jablon , 1938-1945 water Born ), Jaśkowo ( Jaschkowen , 1938-1945 Heron Walde ) Jaśkowo (Leśniczówka) , Kulik ( Kullik , Forst, 1930–1945 Grünheide , Forst), Lipa Prezdnia ( Vorder Lippa , 1938–1945 Vorder Oppendorf ), Lipa Tylna ( Hinter Lippa , 1938–1945 Hinter Oppendorf ), Lisie Jamy ( Lischijami , 1938–1945 Dismantling Dorren ), Niedźwiedzie ( Niedzwedzen , 1924-1945 Reinersdorf ) Piskorzewo (Piskorzewen , 1904-1945 Königsdorf) , Rybitwy ( Rybittwen , 1938-1945 Ribitten ) Szparki (Sparken) , Uściany Nowe (New Uszanny , 1930-1945 Fichtenwalde) , Wądołek (Wondollek , 1938–1945 Wondollen) , Wąglik-Kolonia , Wiartel Mały (Klein Wiartel) , Wielki Las ( Wielgilasz , 1905–1945 Tannenheim) and Zimna (Zymna , 1932–1945 Kaltenfließ) .


Because of its location, the municipality offers a wide range of opportunities for water sports and holidays by houseboat .


In the main town of the municipality, the national roads DK58 intersect , which runs from Olsztynek (Hohenstein) to Szczuczyn in the Podlaskie Voivodeship and DK63 , which runs in a north-south direction from Węgorzewo (Angerburg) to Łomża .

At the railway Olsztyn-Ełk the Pisz station and the breakpoint Stare Guty exist (Guttenberg) . The line is currently being modernized.

The nearest major international airport is Gdansk .

Web links

Commons : Gmina Pisz  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. population. Size and Structure by Territorial Division. As of June 30, 2019. Główny Urząd Statystyczny (GUS) (PDF files; 0.99 MiB), accessed December 24, 2019 .
  2. bip.pisz: Sołtysi w Gminie Pisz. (Polish, accessed August 12, 2020)