Historical list of all administrative districts of the Federal Republic of Germany

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This list shows all administrative districts and administrative units at the same administrative level that ever existed or still exist in the Federal Republic of Germany .


  • A = resolution
  • ÄL = change of nationality
  • ÄNr = change of the key number
  • B = entry into the Federal Republic of Germany
  • BV = district administration
  • E = inclusion
  • GA = exchange of territory
  • N = new formation
  • NÄ = name change
  • TA = outsourcing of a part (partial outsourcing)
  • TE = integration of a part (part integration)
  • U = reclassification
  • (grt) = mostly
  • (t) = partially
  •  = current administrative district


Administrative district No. date measure
Aachen 05 4 May 23, 1949 B.
01/01/1972 TA> Cologne
08/01/1972 A> Cologne
Arnsberg 05 8
I.05 9 I.
May 23, 1949 B.
II05 9 II 01/01/1975 GA <> Münster
Aurich 03 6 May 23, 1949 B.
02/01/1978 A> Weser-Ems
Baden, regional district May 23, 1949 B; BV in Karlsruhe
04/25/1952 ÄL> Baden-Württemberg ; NE> North Baden
Braunschweig, administrative district II03 1 II 02/01/1978 N < Braunschweig administrative district , Hildesheim (t) and Lüneburg (t)
01/01/2005 A> Lower Saxony
Braunschweig, administrative district 03 7 May 23, 1949 B.
07/01/1972 GA <> Hildesheim ; TA> Lüneburg
03/01/1974 GA <> Hildesheim
02/01/1978 A> Braunschweig
Chemnitz, administrative district 14 5 08/01/2008 N < Chemnitz and Leipzig (t)
03/01/2012 A> Saxony
Chemnitz, administrative district 114 0 1 01/01/1991 N < Saxony
14 1 December 31, 1995 ÄNr
08/01/2008 A> Chemnitz district
Darmstadt 06 1 May 23, 1949 B.
05/06/1968 E < Wiesbaden
07/01/1974 TA> Kassel
06 4 01/01/1981 TA> casting
Dessau 15 1 10/03/1990 N < Saxony-Anhalt
01/01/2004 A> Saxony-Anhalt
Detmold 05 7 May 23, 1949 B.
01/01/1973 TE < Münster
Dresden, administrative district 14 6 08/01/2008 N < Dresden
03/01/2012 A> Saxony
Dresden, administrative district 214 0 2 01/01/1991 N < Saxony
14 2 December 31, 1995 ÄNr
08/01/2008 A> Dresden district
Dusseldorf I.05 1 I
05 2
May 23, 1949 B.
II05 1 II 01/01/1975 GA <> Münster ; TA> Cologne
Freiburg II08 3 II 01/01/1973 N < South Baden (t) and South Württemberg-Hohenzollern (t)
to water 06 5 01/01/1981 N < Darmstadt (t) and Kassel (t)
Hall 15 2 10/03/1990 N < Saxony-Anhalt
01/01/2004 A> Saxony-Anhalt
Hanover I.03 1 I. May 23, 1949 B.
03/01/1974 TE < Lueneburg
II03 2 II 02/01/1978 TE < Hildesheim
01/01/2005 A> Lower Saxony
Hildesheim I.03 2 I. May 23, 1949 B.
07/01/1972 GA <> Braunschweig administrative district
03/01/1974 GA <> Braunschweig administrative district
02/01/1978 A> Braunschweig and Hanover
Karlsruhe II08 2 II 01/01/1973 N < North Baden (t), North Württemberg (t), South Baden (t) and South Württemberg-Hohenzollern (t)
kassel 06 2 May 23, 1949 B.
07/01/1974 TE < Darmstadt
06 6 01/01/1981 TA> casting
Koblenz 07 1 May 23, 1949 B.
10/01/1968 E < Montabaur
06/07/1969 TA> Rheinhessen-Pfalz
01/01/2000 A> Rhineland-Palatinate
Cologne 05 3 May 23, 1949 B.
01/01/1972 TE < Aachen
08/01/1972 E < Aachen
01/01/1975 TE < Düsseldorf
Leipzig, administrative district 14 7 08/01/2008 N < Leipzig (t)
03/01/2012 A> Saxony
Leipzig, administrative district 114 0 3 01/01/1991 N < Saxony
14 3 December 31, 1995 ÄNr
08/01/2008 A> Chemnitz and Leipzig directorate (grt)
Luneburg 03 3 May 23, 1949 B.
07/01/1972 TE < Braunschweig administrative district
03/01/1974 TA> Hanover
02/01/1978 E < Stade ; TA> Braunschweig
06/30/1993 U < Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
01/01/2005 A> Lower Saxony
Magdeburg 15 3 10/03/1990 N < Saxony-Anhalt
01/01/2004 A> Saxony-Anhalt
Middle Franconia 09 5 May 23, 1949 BV in Ansbach
07/01/1972 TE < Upper Franconia ; TA> Upper Bavaria
Montabaur I.07 3 I. May 23, 1949 B.
10/01/1968 A> Koblenz district
Muenster I.05 5 I
05 6
May 23, 1949 B.
01/01/1973 TA> Detmold
II05 5 II 01/01/1975 GA <> Arnsberg
Lower Bavaria 09 2 May 23, 1949 BV in Regensburg
1959 BV in Landshut
07/01/1972 TA> Upper Palatinate
North Baden I.08 2 I. 04/25/1952 ÄL < Württemberg-Baden ; NÄ < Baden district ; BV in Karlsruhe
01/01/1973 A> Karlsruhe (grt) and Stuttgart
North Württemberg I.08 1 I. 04/25/1952 ÄL < Württemberg-Baden ; NÄ < State District of Württemberg ; BV in Stuttgart
01/01/1973 A> Karlsruhe , Stuttgart (grt) and Tübingen
Upper Bavaria 09 1 May 23, 1949 B; BV in Munich
07/01/1972 TE < Middle Franconia and Upper Palatinate ; GA <> Swabia
Upper Franconia 09 4 May 23, 1949 B; BV in Bayreuth
07/01/1972 TA> Middle Franconia
Upper Palatinate 09 3 May 23, 1949 B; BV in Landshut
07/01/1972 TE < Lower Bavaria ; TA> Upper Bavaria
Oldenburg, administrative district 03 8 May 23, 1949 B.
02/01/1978 A> Weser-Ems
Osnabrück 03 5 May 23, 1949 B.
02/01/1978 A> Weser-Ems
Palatinate 07 5 May 23, 1949 B; BV in Speyer
10/01/1968 A> Rheinhessen-Pfalz
Rheinhessen 07 4 May 23, 1949 B; BV in Mainz
10/01/1968 A> Rheinhessen-Pfalz
Rheinhessen-Palatinate II07 3 II 10/01/1968 N < Palatinate and Rheinhessen ; BV in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse
06/07/1969 TE < Koblenz
01/01/2000 A> Rhineland-Palatinate
Swabia 09 7 May 23, 1949 B; BV in Augsburg
07/01/1972 GA <> Upper Bavaria
Stade I.03 4 I. May 23, 1949 B.
02/01/1978 A> Lueneburg
Stuttgart II08 1 II 01/01/1973 N < North Baden (t) and North Württemberg (t)
South Baden I.08 3 I. 04/25/1952 ÄL < bathing ; BV in Freiburg im Breisgau
01/01/1973 A> Freiburg (grt), Karlsruhe and Tübingen
South Württemberg-Hohenzollern I.08 4 I. 04/25/1952 ÄL < Württemberg-Hohenzollern ; BV in Tübingen
01/01/1973 A> Freiburg , Karlsruhe and Tübingen (grt)
trier 07 2 May 23, 1949 B.
01/01/2000 A> Rhineland-Palatinate
Tübingen II08 4 II 01/01/1973 N < North Württemberg (t), South Baden (t) and South Württemberg-Hohenzollern (t)
Lower Franconia 09 6 May 23, 1949 B; BV in Würzburg
Weser-Ems II03 4 II 02/01/1978 N < Aurich , Oldenburg and Osnabrück ; BV in Oldenburg (Oldenburg)
01/01/2005 A> Lower Saxony
Wiesbaden 06 3 May 23, 1949 B.
05/06/1968 A> Darmstadt
Württemberg, state district May 23, 1949 B.
04/25/1952 ÄL> Baden-Württemberg ; NE> North Württemberg ; BV in Stuttgart


  1. a b In the state of Württemberg-Baden, the state district was the correct name for the administrative districts.
  2. a b The administrative districts had more rights than the administrative districts in Lower Saxony. They are the successors of the originally independent states of Braunschweig and Oldenburg, even if they were not completely absorbed by them.
  3. The administrative district and the district of Braunschweig then included the distant exclave Thedinghausen, which is now part of the district of Verden.
  4. a b The administrative districts of Lower Bavaria and Upper Palatinate were officially independent of each other. However, they were administered together until 1959.
  5. a b The district and the independent city of Lindau (Lake Constance) were initially administered from Tübingen (Land Württemberg-Hohenzollern) as they belonged to the French occupation zone. The complete reorganization from the administrative region of Südwürttemberg-Hohenzollern into the administrative region of Swabia did not take place until September 1, 1955.

Number of administrative districts

date Country (state) Change Names of the affected districts number
May 23, 1949 Federal Republic of Germany 31
04/25/1952 Baden-Württemberg + 2 South Baden , South Württemberg-Hohenzollern 33
05/06/1968 Hesse - 1 Wiesbaden 32
10/01/1968 Rhineland-Palatinate - 2nd Montabaur , Rheinhessen 30th
08/01/1972 North Rhine-Westphalia - 1 Aachen 29
02/01/1978 Lower Saxony - 4th Aurich , Hildesheim , Osnabrück , Stade 25th
01/01/1981 Hesse + 1 to water 26th
10/03/1990 Saxony-Anhalt + 3 Dessau , Halle , Magdeburg 29
01/01/1991 Saxony + 3 Chemnitz , Dresden , Leipzig 32
01/01/2000 Rhineland-Palatinate - 3 Koblenz , Rheinhessen-Palatinate , Trier 29
01/01/2004 Saxony-Anhalt - 3 Dessau , Halle , Magdeburg 26th
01/01/2005 Lower Saxony - 4th Braunschweig , Hildesheim , Lüneburg , Weser-Ems 22nd
03/01/2012 Saxony - 3 Chemnitz , Dresden , Leipzig 19th

Number of countries with administrative districts

date measure Change number
May 23, 1949 Establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany;
Districts in Bavaria, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Württemberg-Baden
10/03/1990 Integration of the new states into the Federal Republic of Germany;
Formation of the administrative districts in Saxony-Anhalt
+ 1 7th
01/01/1991 Formation of the administrative districts in Saxony + 1 8th
01/01/2000 Dissolution of the administrative districts in Rhineland-Palatinate - 1 7th
01/01/2004 Dissolution of the administrative districts in Saxony-Anhalt - 1 6th
01/01/2005 Dissolution of the administrative districts in Lower Saxony - 1 5
03/01/2012 Dissolution of the administrative districts in Saxony - 1 4th

There are currently administrative districts in the states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia.

See also