Innocence of Muslims

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Original title Innocence of Muslims
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2012
Director Alan Roberts (pseudonym)
script Nakoula Basseley Nakoula
production Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (aka "Sam Bacile")
Steve Klein
Joseph Nasralla Abdelmasih

Anna Gurji: Hilary
Cindy Lee Garcia

Innocence of Muslims ( English for The Innocence of Muslims ) is the title of an English-language low-budget film from 2012. Because of its content, which many Muslims consider offensive, it led to demonstrations in several Arab countries, some of which were violent . Subsequent to these protests, militant extremists carried out attacks on US embassies and consulates that may have been planned for some time. As of September 20, 2012, at least thirty people were killed in the riot, including the US Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens .

The previously known excerpts of the film were published in several language versions on Google's video platform YouTube . Numerous media have classified them as anti-Islamic in terms of content and the staging as amateurish . It is widely believed that the film was deliberately designed as an insult and provocation to the Islamic world by its producer and screenwriter, a US-based Coptic Christian with Egyptian roots. The White House and Google stressed in September 2012 that they had no mutual influence on a possible deletion of the film.


The plot of the film can only be reproduced inaccurately, because so far only excerpts with a total length of about 14 minutes are publicly available and the film's content has apparently been heavily changed during post-production . Most of the excerpts show a predominantly mocking and derogatory interpretation of the life and work of the founder of the religion, Mohammed .

In one scene, Mohammed, portrayed as a slave, is insulted as a bastard by a street boy who is fighting with him over a gnawed bone. In another scene he talks to a donkey about women and happily calls it "the first Muslim animal". In other scenes, the prophet Mohammed is shown as a womanizer and as a "child molester, bloodthirsty general, homosexual and coward". He presents himself to his followers as a prophet of God and founder of a new religion.

Origin and production details

The background to its creation and other production details have not yet been fully clarified. The film was produced by one or more people under the pseudonym Sam Bacile , who are said to have also written the script . US media and authorities, according to it concerns with the screenwriter and producer of the film to the in Southern California living Coptic Christians and a US citizen nakoula basseley nakoula . Nakoula admitted this on September 13, 2012 and said she did not regret the film, which had a total length of two hours.

Information distributed by media agencies that the producer was a Jew with an Israeli passport and had financed the film with the help of Jewish donors turned out to be false . There is a suspicion that this information was deliberately distributed in order to stir up anti-Semitism . One of the actresses involved stated that the producer pretended to be an Israeli and then an Egyptian during the shooting. A person involved in the production had denied to the magazine The Atlantic that Bacile was Israeli or Jewish. This name is a pseudonym to prevent the person in question from being murdered.

In addition to Nakoula, Media for Christ took part in the production of the film, a group of anti-Islamic US evangelicals, such as Terry Jones from Florida, who caused international media hype in 2010 with his “ International Burn a Koran Day ” campaign . The film was made by the 65-year-old director Alan Roberts, who has so far mainly made porn and action films.

The two radical Christians Steve Klein and Joseph Nassralla, who heads a Christian aid organization in Duarte , also worked on the film. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center , Steve Klein runs a paramilitary hate group belonging to the extremist Christian right in the United States - he described himself as an "advisor" to the production team.

The Los Angeles Times reported on September 16, 2012 that Nakoula, Klein and Nassralla were influenced by the Egyptian Coptic preacher Zakaria Botros , who is known for his critical account of the Koran. He was excommunicated from the Coptic Church for his offensive remarks about the Prophet Mohammed . All three men praised Zakaria Botros, who lives in southern California, according to the article.

The project was advertised in the industry magazine Backstage in 2011 as a "historical adventure film in the Arabian desert", the working title is said to have been Desert Warrior . Cast were around 60 actors, 45 crew members should have come to use. The alleged producer and director of the film was unknown among Hollywood colleagues and industry experts, there were neither entries in relevant film databases nor any information about a production company. Information about production costs of five million dollars could not be confirmed. According to later statements by the producer, the budget was about 60,000 US dollars.

Most of the actors involved distanced themselves from the production in a joint press release. They were deceived about the content and the dialogues were greatly changed afterwards. They go on to say that the film was mentioned in the script Desert Warrior and should only have reported about life 2000 years ago - references to Islam did not appear there and were only added afterwards. Dialogues were subsequently new and synchronized in such a deficient way that the lip movements did not match the dialogues.


The film premiered on June 23, 2012 in a small movie theater called Vine Theater on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles under the title The Innocence of Bn Laden . The performance is said to have lasted about an hour and was only attended by a few guests. It is the only public showing of the entire film to date.

Excerpts from the film were uploaded to YouTube in July 2012 by the user "sam bacile", but initially received little attention. It was only with the Arabic synchronization of the video uploaded by the same user on September 4th that it began to be distributed in Egypt and Libya. The Salafist satellite channel (TV station) Al-Nas broadcast some excerpts from this video on September 8th in the talk show of Sheikh Chaled Abdallah (* 1964). Finally, a clip of this talk show was uploaded to YouTube on September 9, and it had more than 400,000 views in a very short time.

Protests and riots

The first warning about the film was dated June 29, 2012. Hollywood blogger John Walsh had seen a mostly Arabic poster inviting screenings on June 30, suspected an anti-Semitic event and informed the Los Angeles City Council .

J. Christopher Stevens (1960–2012), US diplomat, killed in rioting in Benghazi, Libya

After the first Muslim protests, on September 11, 2012, attacks were carried out on the US Embassy in Cairo and the US Consulate in Benghazi , in which several diplomats and soldiers were killed.

The battle in Benghazi lasted about four hours. American Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens is one of the four fatalities . According to estimates by Mike Rogers , Chairman of the Secret Service Committee in the US House of Representatives , the attack on the consulate in Benghazi may have been a planned terrorist attack and not a spontaneous expression of anger and hatred. This assessment was highly controversial, became the subject of party political disputes and was refuted by research by the New York Times in late 2013.

On September 14, the German and British embassies were the target of attacks during riots in Sudan . However, this was not, as initially assumed, in connection with the protests against the USA, but was a Sudanese-German matter, which concerned the anti-Islam protests in Germany, in which the controversial Mohammed cartoons were shown .

On September 14, three people were killed when the US embassy was stormed in Tunis .

As a result of the protests, the film also received attention in Western media and was mainly viewed as a targeted provocation against Muslims, which was also evident from the fact that it was mainly distributed on the Internet by fundamentalist Christians , including Terry Jones and the American-Egyptian Copt and blogger Morris Sadek , who had already attracted attention in the past with anti-Islamic actions.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton distanced herself from the filmmakers, as did UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon . Meanwhile, the US dispatched two destroyers off the Libyan coast to protect US citizens from rioting. After his name was published, the US placed filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula under police protection for feared assault.

Overall, the number of anti-film protesters in North Africa and the Middle East up to September 16, 2012 was low compared to the protests during the Arab Spring . Crowds of both sexes, multi-religious and in several generations, appeared to protest actions to overthrow authoritarian regimes. The riots and demonstrations against “Innocence of Muslims” were small groups of young and frustrated men.

Political reactions in Germany

Chancellor Angela Merkel strongly condemned the "attacks on the German embassy in Khartoum and several American embassies". Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said after the violent protests around the world that the "vile video" was "an insult to many millions of people, but even this foolish and terrible video does not justify violence."

After the chairman Manfred Rouhs announced to the right-wing extremist party Bürgerbewegung pro Deutschland that he would show the film in full length in Germany, Federal Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich announced that he wanted to prevent this with all legally permissible means and accused the party of “the Islamists also to provoke in Germany ”and thus“ to pour fuel into the fire with gross negligence. ”The chairman of the Greens, Cem Özdemir , supported the federal government's plan to prevent the film from being shown publicly. There should be no censorship in Germany , but it is advisable to examine all legal options so as not to offer a platform for anti-constitutional slogans. Rainer Wendt , chairman of the German police union , warned of the consequences if the pro-Germany citizens' movement were to show the film in Germany. That could be “very dangerous.” On the other hand, the member of the Bundestag (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) and President of the Synod of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) Katrin Göring-Eckardt opposed a performance ban: “The video is not worth us destroy the right to freedom of expression ”.

In addition, a general ban on filming in Germany for sedition was discussed. Some politicians of the SPD and the Greens spoke out against such a ban. Volker Beck (Greens) , for example, described the film as "a tasteless stupidity, but without criminal content".

On the initiative of Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle , who described Jones as a " hate preacher " in a statement , the Federal Ministry of the Interior imposed on the American preacher Terry Jones , who was invited to Germany by the Citizens' Movement for Germany to present the film , an entry ban . Jones' entry would be contrary to the "interest in the maintenance of public order". Jones was the catalyst for the controversy surrounding the planned burning of the Koran in 2010 .

The chairman of the Interior Committee of the German Bundestag, Wolfgang Bosbach , accused the party of the Citizens' Movement for Germany of “intellectual arson”. The quality of the video is completely different from that of the Mohammed cartoons , which have dealt critically with religious fanaticism.

The Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali commented on the events in an interview with the daily newspaper Die Welt with the statement, "... the West should finally stop with moral relativization and begin to defend its values."

Reactions from the Muslim and Christian side


The Central Council of Muslims in Germany welcomed the interior minister's planned ban on showing the film in Germany with the words: “The dissemination of the film fulfills the offense of sedition, because freedom of expression ends where a religious community is insulted in such a way that the public is insulted Peace is disturbed. "

Lamya Kaddor , chairwoman of the Liberal-Islamic Association , rejected a ban on the performance of the film and justified it with the words: "The more you talk about a ban and promote the tabooing of such content, the more damage you do." Discussions about special regulations for Muslims would promote Islamophobia in Germany.

Archbishop Robert Zollitsch , chairman of the German Bishops' Conference , condemned the film and spoke of an "unacceptable and senseless provocation that ultimately endangers peace and Christians worldwide."

According to the Berlin-based Muslim lawyer and human rights activist Seyran Ateş, the state should not give in to the protest actions by Muslims supported by fundamentalists . “But where religion only serves to demarcate, it opposes democracy. And where religion calls for punishment, the war begins against the Enlightenment and against those freedoms from which all churches and religious communities benefit in this country. Their truth must also remain open to criticism. Basically only the fundamentalist can be insulted. "


Ahmed Fuad Ashush, a Salafist imam from Egypt, issued a fatwa on September 18, calling on “young Muslims in the US and Europe”, the makers and actors of the film and everyone who contributed to its dissemination, for denigrating the Prophet Killing muhammad. The fatwa was published in several jihadist forums on the Internet.

The Attorney General of Egypt issued arrest warrants for Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, Terry Jones and six Egyptian Copts living abroad. Egypt demanded the extradition of the people for prosecution and conviction.

In late November 2012, eight people involved in the film were sentenced to death in absentia by an Egyptian court , including Nakoula Basseley Nakoula and Terry Jones. The largely symbolic judgment was confirmed on January 29, 2013.


Pakistan Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour put a bounty of 100,000 USD to the killing of the producers for "blasphemy". It was a private Bilour initiative. A spokesman for Pakistan's Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf and Bilour's party distanced themselves from the appeal immediately after it became known.

Pakistan's authorities banned YouTube for over two years. It was not until January 18, 2016 that a version freed from “blasphemous content” was reactivated at The exact content of the agreement between the parent company Google and the Pakistani telecommunications authority is secret, which media lawyers criticize.


Protest actions

The Islamist terror network al-Qaeda called for embassy storms and appealed to "our Muslim brothers in the West" to fulfill their "duties in support of the Prophet".

Grand Mufti Abd al-Aziz bin Abdullah Al-Sheikh , the highest religious authority in Saudi Arabia , urged Muslims to be prudent. "Muslims should not allow themselves to be carried away by anger and anger from legitimate to forbidden action and thus unknowingly fulfill some of the goals of the film," said Abd al-Aziz after the violent riots around the world.

Technical blocking measures

To avoid riots , Afghanistan blocked its YouTube access from September 12th. In addition, the video portal YouTube blocked access from India, Libya and Egypt. As of September 17, the search engine Google blocked the trailer for Innocence of Muslims so that it could no longer be accessed from Malaysian IP addresses on YouTube, in response to a complaint from the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) . A company spokesman for Google Malaysia confirmed the ban: If Google was informed that a video was violating the law in a country, access to the local YouTube page would be restricted. The clip is now also banned in several other countries, including Indonesia and Pakistan.

Arrest of the producer

On September 27, 2012, the US federal judge Suzanne Segal had Nakoula Basseley Nakoula arrested for violations of parole in Los Angeles and said that Nakoula posed a “certain danger to the general public”. On November 7, 2012, he was sentenced to one year imprisonment for violating probation conditions.

Legal consequences

One actress said she starred in the film on false pretenses. She then filed a lawsuit to prevent the film from being released. The actress based her lawsuit on copyright infringement. In the third instance, however, the lawsuit was decided in favor of the defendant, in that the film was viewed as an entire work and not as a series of partial works. Therefore, the actress cannot claim any copyright. However, the court also pointed out that it did not decide on a personal matter (see personality rights ).

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Friends of 'Sam Bacile': A Who's Who of the Innocence of Muslims Film. Time, September 13, 2012, accessed September 17, 2012 .
  2. Steve Klein & 'Innocence Of Muslims': Film Promoter Remains Outspoken On Islam. Huffington Post, September 13, 2012; archived from the original on September 17, 2012 ; accessed on September 17, 2012 (English).
  3. ^ Did Nakoula steal Alan Roberts Identity to produce "Innocence of Muslims" ~ Media for Christian denies involvement. Guardian Express, September 13, 2012; archived from the original on September 25, 2012 ; accessed on September 17, 2012 (English).
  4. ^ First picture of film-maker who has enraged the Muslim world with a controversial movie - and the terrified actress he duped into taking a starring role. Daily Mail, September 15, 2012, accessed September 17, 2012 .
  5. ^ Actress Cindy Lee Garcia sues over Innocence of Muslims. BBC, September 20, 2012, accessed September 20, 2012 .
  6. a b c US secret services suspect terrorist attack. Tagesschau , September 13, 2012, accessed on September 13, 2012 .
  7. a b US ambassador to Libya 'killed in attack on Benghazi consulate'. The Daily Telegraph , September 12, 2012, accessed September 13, 2012 .
  8. USA warns against retaliation for Mohammed cartoons. Spiegel, September 20, 2012, accessed September 20, 2012 .
  9. Innocence of Muslims movie trailer. YouTube , September 12, 2012, accessed September 16, 2012 .
  10. US anti-Muslim film 'Designed To Enrage'. Sky News , September 12, 2012, accessed September 13, 2012 .
  11. Obama says 'absolutely no justification' for killing US ambassador in Libya. The Washington Times , September 12, 2012, accessed September 13, 2012 .
  12. 'Innocence of Muslims' video raises new questions for YouTube. Los Angeles Times , September 12, 2012, accessed September 13, 2012 .
  13. a b c Who is behind the Mohammed film? Spiegel Online , September 13, 2012, accessed September 13, 2012 .
  15. The Provocateur's Register of Sins. Spiegel Online, September 15, 2012, accessed September 16, 2012 .
  16. Radical Copts apparently responsible for film. Tagesschau, September 14, 2012, accessed on September 17, 2012 .
  17. 'Innocence Of Muslims' Filmmaker Identified By Law Enforcement As Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. Huffington Post , September 13, 2012, accessed September 14, 2012 .
  18. Hate filmmakers could get in trouble. n-tv , September 14, 2012, accessed on September 14, 2012 .
  19. 'It Makes Me Sick': Actress in Muhammed Movie Says She Was Deceived, Had No Idea It Was About Islam., September 12, 2012, accessed September 13, 2012 .
  20. ^ Muhammad-Film Consultant: 'Sam Bacile' Is Not Israeli, and Not a Real Name. The Atlantic , September 12, 2012, accessed September 13, 2012 .
  21. How Innocence of Muslims emerged from the Seamy Side of Hollywood. Time, September 15, 2012, accessed September 19, 2012 .
  22. Islamophobic and anonymous. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 13, 2012, accessed on September 13, 2012 .
  23. Anti-Muslim film promoter outspoken on Islam. Associated Press, September 14, 2012, accessed September 19, 2012 .
  24. ↑ People behind the Mohammed film. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, September 18, 2012, accessed on September 19, 2012 .
  25. Demonstrators storm the German embassy. Stern, September 14, 2012, archived from the original on September 16, 2012 ; accessed on September 14, 2012 (English).
  26. Anti-Muslim film poster in Hollywood surprised local. Retrieved September 20, 2012 .
  27. Innocence of Muslims: Mystery of film-maker 'Sam Bacile'. BBC News , September 13, 2012, accessed September 14, 2012 .
  28. Photo Gallery: Protests Against Anti-Islam Video Spread , Spiegel online September 17, 2012
  29. How did obscure hate film earn global wrath? Al Jazeera, September 13, 2012, accessed September 19, 2012 .
  30. Q&A: Anti-Islam film protests. BBC News, September 15, 2012, accessed September 19, 2012 .
  31. LA Blogger Alerted City Council To Anti-Islam Film In June. TPM Media, September 13, 2012, accessed September 20, 2012 .
  32. This is how the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi went. Spiegel Online, September 13, 2012, accessed September 17, 2012 .
  33. Islamists kill US ambassadors in attack on consulate. Stern , September 12, 2012, accessed September 13, 2012 .
  34. Attack is said to have been planned. Süddeutsche Zeitung , September 12, 2012, accessed on September 13, 2012 .
  35. ↑ The attack was probably not planned. n-tv, September 14, 2012, accessed on September 17, 2012 .
  36. Al-Qaeda involved in attack on US ambassador., September 20, 2012, accessed December 28, 2013 .
  37. David D. Kirkpatrick: A Deadly Mix in Benghazi . New York Times, December 28, 2013
  38. Mob storms German and British embassy. n-tv , September 14, 2012, accessed on September 14, 2012 .
  39. Hatred of Germany. Spiegel Online , September 14, 2012, accessed September 14, 2012 .
  40. Three dead in storming of the US embassy in Tunisia. , September 14, 2012, accessed on September 14, 2012 .
  41. Two hours of hatred. N24 , September 12, 2012, accessed September 13, 2012 .
  42. A grave affront for Muslims. Tagesschau, September 12, 2012, accessed on September 13, 2012 .
  43. Obscure Film Mocking Muslim Prophet Sparks Anti-US Protests in Egypt and Libya. The New York Times , September 11, 2012, accessed September 13, 2012 .
  44. United in hatred against the USA. Spiegel Online, September 12, 2012, accessed September 13, 2012 .
  45. Fear of escalating conflagration in the Arab world. Focus , September 13, 2012, accessed September 13, 2012 .
  46. ↑ The producer is a "seedy gas station owner". n-24, September 14, 2012, accessed September 14, 2012 .
  47. Megan Reif: Pro-democracy "Arab Spring" crowds were much larger than those involved in the current protests in the Middle East and North Africa; lack of media objectivity about geographic scope of socalled "Muslim Rage" has dangerous implications. ( Memento of the original from May 25, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved September 24, 2012. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  48. US officials question the director of Mohammed. Spiegel Online, September 15, 2012, accessed September 15, 2012 .
  49. ^ "Pro Deutschland" boss wants to show Mohammed film in Berlin. Spiegel Online, September 15, 2012, accessed September 15, 2012 .
  50. Debate about film showing: "Dumb, but not punishable". Tagesschau, September 17, 2012, archived from the original on September 19, 2012 ; Retrieved September 17, 2012 .
  51. ^ A b SPD and Greens politicians against ban on Mohammed film. Spiegel Online, September 17, 2012, accessed September 17, 2012 .
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  54. Westerwelle: Entry ban for US hate preachers ( Memento from February 6, 2013 in the web archive )
  55. Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle on protests against "Innocence of Muslims"
  56. Interior Ministry imposes entry ban on hate preachers. Spiegel Online, September 16, 2012, accessed September 17, 2012 .
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  58. The West should finally defend its values. Die Welt, September 17, 2012, accessed on September 19, 2012 .
  59. ZMD calls for moderation. Central Council of Muslims in Germany, September 18, 2012, accessed on September 19, 2012 .
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  61. Evelyn Finger: "Only fundamentalists are offended" , Zeit online, September 20, 2012
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  77. Eike Kühl: Copyright: YouTube is allowed to show the Mohammed video again. Three years ago the anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims" sparked protests around the world. Now he's helping Google and the film industry in a copyright battle. In: ZEIT ONLINE. ZEIT ONLINE GmbH, May 19, 2015, accessed on May 20, 2015 .