Józef Warszewicz

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Józef Warszewicz

Józef Warszewicz Ritter von Rawicz (born September 8, 1812 in Vilnius , † December 29, 1866 in Krakow ) was a Polish , Russian botanist, plant and animal collector and explorer. Its botanical author's abbreviation is “ Warsz. "

Live and act

His father, who worked as an engineer captain under Tadeusz Kościuszko , was transferred to Vilnius by Alexander I. Józef Warszewicz was born at a time when Vilnius was under French rule, because the Grande Armée controlled this area after crossing the Memel on June 24, 1812 until they withdrew in December of the same year. During the November uprising in 1830, he volunteered for military service as an avowed Polish patriot . He discovered his love for botany early on and was promoted by Stanisław Bonifacy Jundziłł (1761–1847), Mr. Witzill and Stanisław Batys Gorski (1802–1864). Warszewicz was employed by Gorski in Insterburg as a garden inspector for five years until 1831.

When the then Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm IV traveled to the eastern province, he was so enthusiastic about Warszewicz's work that he wanted to bring him to Sanssouci . So at the beginning of 1852 he moved to Potsdam , where he was assigned to Ludwig Sello and met Alexander von Humboldt . Warszewicz realized that he couldn't make a career on Sanssouci, and so he moved on to Berlin . Here in Neu-Schöneberg there was a dilapidated greenhouse belonging to the Royal Gardening School , which Warszewicz called the telegraph house and which Christoph Friedrich Otto gave him for maintenance. He soon knew all the plant species at the Royal Horticultural School and was recognized as a valued expert by other botanists such as B. Otto, Heinrich Friedrich Link , Eduard August von Regel or Karl Sigismund Kunth . He had a close friendship with some of them. For example, his friend Carl David Bouché supported him in securing his livelihood.

Warszewicz restlessly restored the greenhouse to its splendor. Reports by Moritz Richard Schomburgk from America, Ludwig Preiss from Australia and Hermann Karsten from South America inspired his desire to go on research trips as well. Even Johann Friedrich Klotzsch pursued plans to take him to Chile, an area already in the Rudolph Amandus Philippi had moved. In 1843 a company was formed in Belgium under the direction of Alexander von Bülow , which wanted to found a Belgian colony in Guatemala . Louis van Houtte saw the opportunity and looked for a plant collector for this company. Johann Conrad Otto Deines (1824–1886) from Hanau knew Warszewicz's wish and then made contact with van Houtte. He left Berlin in August 1844 and reached Ghent on August 15th. Here he had to wait until December 7th for the two-master Minerva under Captain Brix, on which he embarked. The Minerva ran from Antwerp . On February 1, 1845, he went ashore in Santo Tomás de Castilla .

Through the mediation of Alexander von Humboldt he got to know the Consul General Carl Friedrich Rudolf Klee . Of the 32 colonialists who arrived at that time, only Warszewicz and a doctor survived the first four months. Despite his illness, Warszewicz collected diligently and sent his harvest of 86 boxes to van Houtte for an advance of 30 Louis d'or each. With this money and food rations from the management, he lived in Santo Tomás for fourteen months. It was only when his doctor explained to him that he would not live long if he continued in this place that he decided to go to Guatemala City with the Belgian Consul General E. Blondel van Cuelenbrouk . In 16 months he collected 120 species of orchids with over 10,000 specimens, 67 oaks and similar plants. From his collection 40 boxes went to England, 12 to Berlin and 30 to the rest of Germany. Here George Ure Skinner (1804–1867) became his friend and business partner.

Warszewicz traveled on to San Salvador and from there to Nicaragua , where he met Anders Sandøe Ørsted , from whom he received important assistance. Together they traveled to the Nueva Segovia department . After that, he went to Costa Rica for four months , where he made a good harvest. His next destination, the province of Veraguas , turned out to be an orchid paradise. It followed Ecuador and back via San José , Cartago he finally reached San Juan de Nicaragua . Here he embarked for Europe on March 10, 1850. So he finally reached Berlin with a stopover in London.

During his eight-month stay in Berlin, he expanded his circle of friends and patrons. These included u. a. Charles Louis Mathieu (1800–1885) and the royal economics council, gardening director Friedrich August Herman Gireoud (1821–1896). During this time Warszewicz was looking at two career options. On the one hand he wanted to work as a gardening inspector in Krakow , on the other hand he was able to collect wild animals in South America for Edward Smith-Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby , thanks to Ignacy Rafał Czerwiakowski . On November 16, 1850, he reached Southampton to embark. From here he set out for Chagres , and from there on to Santiago de Veraguas . His destination was New Granada and from there he set out for southern Peru and Bolivia . Here he spent six months collecting important new plants. He went on to Argentina and Chile when the death of his sponsor Lord Derby on June 30, 1851 brought an abrupt end to his plans to travel south. Instead, he collected orchids at Cabaraya, despite the dangers of wild Indians. The expedition continued on the Marañón to the Brazilian border. Next he crossed several provinces of the viceroyalty of New Granada . He was in Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) , Ocaña and Santafé de Bogotá . In the troubled revolutionary times around José Hilario López one of his broadcasts perished. Warszewicz crossed the Cordillera of Antioquia . On board a steamship on the Río Magdalena , he again lost large parts of his collection, as the ship maneuvered against a stake on the second day and sank. With the little rescued he returned to Europe in October 1853 and went to Krakow in November 1853. With the help of the Imperial Secret Chief Post Councilor Heinrich Brünnow (1820-1912), he finally got the longed-for position as inspector of the KK botanical garden in Krakow . Together with his superior Czerwiakowski, he published the Catalogus plantarum quae in CR Horto Botanico Cracoviensi in 1864 .

In addition to the orchids, his passion was primarily the hummingbirds . For John Gould he had u. a. at the Río Marañón the type specimen of the purple-throated sun nymph and from the Nevado del Quindío and from Peru hummingbirds of the brown violet-eared hummingbird . In 1858 Eduard Oskar Schmidt described some of the amphibians he had collected in the Republic of New Granada and Bolivia. The species Hyla molitor , which the German herpetologist Karl-Heinz Jungfer examined in 2017 and which is described in Schmidt's article and is controversial in science , could be Dendropsophus labialis ( Peters , 1863). The auctioneer John Crace Stevens (1809-1859) offered orchids for sale in 1849, which Warszewicz collected on his trip through the province of Veraguas and Panama. Here he also mentions an allegedly new genus Warsewitschia .

Dedication names

1895 called Adolphe Boucard a bird genus Warszewiczia , synonymous with Heliangelus Gould , 1848. Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach called 1852 an orchid genus Warczewiczella , Johann Friedrich Klotzsch 1853 a Rötegewächsegattung Warszewiczia , Dariusz Lucjan Szlachetko 1994 Warscaea synonymous Cyclopogon .

In 1860, Jean Louis Cabanis and Ferdinand Heine junior described a subspecies of the steel green Amazilia ( Amazilia saucerottei warscewiczi ), which they dedicated to the famous traveler Warscewicz. The mountain forest tree climber subspecies ( Lepidocolaptes lacrymiger warscewiczi ( Cabanis & Heine , 1860)) collected by Warscewicz in Peru also bears his name. Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach named Coeligena warszewizii in his honor in 1854 , but this is a synonym for green and red Andean hummingbird ( Coeligena iris aurora ( Gould ,, 1853)).

The orchid species Stanhopea warszewicziana , which Warszewicz collected in the mountains of the Chiriquí province , was described by Klotzsch in 1852. In 1851 Albert Gottfried Dietrich named a type of flower cane from Costa Rica Canna Warszewiczii . Hippeastrum warscewiczianum , an amaryllis plant which Dietrich described in 1855 and which was collected on the Rio Madeira , is a synonym for Hippeastrum mandonii . Georg Heinrich Mettenius honored him in 1864 in the Adiantaceae type Gymnogramma warscewiczii from Páramo near San Fortunato Sibaté . The nasturtium species Tropaeolum Warscewiczii described by Franz Buchenau in 1899 was collected by him in Costa Rica and in the province of Veraguas. In 1847 Karl Heinrich Koch and Carl David Bouché named a commelina plant variety Callisia warszewicziana (Syn: Tradescantia warszewicziana ) and in 1855 an arum plant variety Philodendron warszewiczii . Hermann Wendland honored him in 1858 by naming the palm species Synechanthus warscewiczianus from eastern Costa Rica, which Carl Ernst Otto Kuntze named Nunnezharria warscewicziana in 1891 . The silk plant species Callaeolepium warscewiczii described by Karl Hermann Gustav Karsten in 1869 is now listed under Matelea warscewiczii . Joseph Henri François Neumann dedicated the slate plant species Begonia warscewiczii to him in 1845 , a name that is considered a synonym for Begonia conchifolia . Charles Antoine Lemaire called 1854 a Pfeilwurzgewächsart Maranta warszewiczii (now Goeppertia warszewiczii ), 1861 Bromeliengewächsart Lamproconus warscewiczii , Georg Carl Wilhelm Vatke 1874 Glockenblumengewächsart Lobelia (Rapuntium) warscewiczii , William Jackson Hooker 1862 Kürbisgewächsart Anguria warscewiczii , Johannes von Hanstein 1865 Gesneriengewächsart Columnea warszewicziana , Eduard August von Regel 1849 Gesneriengewächsart Dicyrta warszewiczian , 1854 Braunwurzgewächsart Alonsoa warscewiczii , 1855 Nachtschattengewächsart Iochroma warscewiczii , Otto Karl Berg 1854 Myrtengewächsart Ugni warscewiczii , Heinrich Gustav Adolf Engler 1874 Rautengewächsart Esenbeckia warscewiczii ., Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach 1852, the orchid Cypripedium warsczewiczianum (today Phragmipedium warscewiczianum ), Odontoglossum (Euodontoglossum) Warscewiczii (today Miltoniopsis warscewiczii ) and Centropetalum warszewiczii (today Fernandezia subbiflo ra ), in 1854 the orchid species Cattleya warscewiczii , in 1856 the orchid species Miltonia warscewiczii

Publications (selection)

  • List of orchids, which Mr. Warszewicz brought back from his trip to Central America and can be obtained from him. In: Allgemeine Gartenzeitung - A magazine for gardening and all related sciences. In connection with the skilled gardeners and botanists at home and abroad. tape 10 , no. 20 , 1850, pp. 160 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • with Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach: Orichideae Warscewiczianae recentiores . In: Bonplandia. Journal for the whole botany . tape 2 , no. 8 , 1854, p. 96-102 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • with Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach: Orichideae Warscewiczianae recentiores . In: Bonplandia. Journal for the whole botany . tape 2 , no. 9 , 1854, pp. 107-116 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • with Ignacy Rafał Czerwiakowski: Catalogus plantarum quae in CR Horto Botanico Cracoviensi anno 1864 - from erecta CR Universitate Studiorum Jagellonica quingentesimo, a fundato vero horto octogesimo educantar; Secundum Systema Endlicherianum . Typis CR Universitatis Jagllonicae, Krakow 1864 ( books.google.de ).


  • Heinrich Gaerdt: Knight Josef von Rawicz-Warszewicz . In: Weekly of the Association for the Promotion of Horticulture in the Royal Prussian States for Horticulture and Herbology . tape 10 , no. 7 , 1867, p. 49-52 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Jan Ciechanowicz: Rody szlacheckie Imperium Rosyjskiego pochodzące z Polski . L-Z. Biblioteka Stowarzyszenia Dom Polski Sarmacja, Warsaw 2006, ISBN 978-83-8996861-6 , p. 471 ( books.google.de ).
  • Piotr Köhler: The Life of Józef Warszewicz (1812–1866): the Kraków Period. In: Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum . tape 2 , no. 1 , 2014, p. 18–36 , doi : 10.11590 / abhps.2014.1.02 ( ruj.uj.edu.pl [PDF]).
  • Karl-Heinz Jungfer: On Warszewicz's trail: the identity of Hyla molitor O. Schmidt, 1857 . In: Salamandra . tape 53 , no. 1 , 2017, p. 18-24 ( salamandra-journal.com ).
  • Adolphe Boucard: Genera of humming birds: being also a complete monograph of these birds . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 5 , no. 1 , 1895, p. 203-412 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach: New orchids of the expedition of Mr. J. de Warszewicz . In: Botanische Zeitung . tape 10 , no. 21 , October 1, 1852, p. 689-698 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach: New orchids of the expedition of Mr. J. de Warszewicz . In: Botanische Zeitung . tape 10 , no. 21 , October 8, 1852, p. 705-714 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach: garden orchids . In: Botanische Zeitung . tape 10 , 1852, p. 633-640 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Possibly. Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach: Julius von Warscewicz . In: Bonplandia. Journal for the whole botany . tape 2 , no. 8 , 1854, p. 95-96 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach: Xenia orchidacea: Contributions to the knowledge of the orchids. tape 1 . FA Brockhaus, Leipzig ( biodiversitylibrary.org - 1854–1858).
  • Jean Louis Cabanis, Ferdinand Heine junior: Museum Heineanum Directory of the ornithological collection of Oberamtmann Ferdinand Heine on Gut St. Burchard in front of Halberstatdt. With critical comments and a description of the new species, systematically edited by Dr. Jean Cabanis, first custodian of the Royal Zoological Collection in Berlin and Ferdinand Heine, student philosopher volume 3 . R. Frantz, Halberstadt 1860 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach: Enumeration of the hummingbirds or trochilids in their true natural relationship with key to their synonymy . In: Journal of Ornithology . tape 2 , special issue, 1854, p. 1-24 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Johann Friedrich Klotzsch: Description of some new orchids . In: Allgemeine Gartenzeitung - A magazine for gardening and all related sciences. In connection with the skilled gardeners and botanists at home and abroad. tape 20 , no. 35 , 1852, pp. 273-275 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Johann Friedrich Klotzsch: Klotzsch, a new genus of the Rubiaceae . In: Flora or general botanical newspaper published by the Königigl. bayer. Botanical Society of Regensburg . tape 36 , no. 45 , 1853, pp. 715-719 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Dariusz Lucjan Szlachetko: Studies on the Spiranthinae (Orchidaceae). II. Cocleorchis and Warscaea - two new genera of the Cyclopogon complex . In: Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica . tape 39 , no. 2 , 1994, p. 555-562 ( epidendra.org [PDF; 1.1 MB ]).
  • Albert Gottfried Dietrich: Description of some new beautiful flowering Canna, Canna Warszewiczii . In: Allgemeine Gartenzeitung - A magazine for gardening and all related sciences. In connection with the skilled gardeners and botanists at home and abroad. tape 19 , no. 37 , 1851, pp. 289-291 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Albert Gottfried Dietrich: Description of some new Amaryllidae, Hippeastrum warscewiczianum . In: Allgemeine Gartenzeitung - A magazine for gardening and all related sciences. In connection with the skilled gardeners and botanists at home and abroad. tape 23 , no. 1 , 1855, p. 1-2 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Georg Heinrich Mettenius: Prodromus Florae Novo-Granatensis ou énumération des plantes de la Nouvelle-Grenada avec description des espèces nouvelle, by MM. J. Triana et JE Planchon . In: Annales des sciences naturelles. Botanique . tape 5 , no. 2 , 1864, p. 193-271 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Franz Buchenau: Contributions to the knowledge of the genus Tropaeolum . In: Botanical yearbooks for systematics, plant history and plant geography . tape 26 , 1899, pp. 580-588 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Karl Heinrich Koch, Carl David Bouché: Species novae horti regnii botanici berolinensis . In: Index seminum in horto botanico Berolinensi anno 1847 collectorum collectorum . 1847, p. 11-13 ( seedlists.naturalis.nl ).
  • Karl Heinrich Koch, Carl David Bouché: Appendix Generum et Specierum novarum et minus Cognitarum quae in Horto Botanico Berolinensi Coluntur . In: Index seminum in Horto Botanico Berolinensi anno 1855 collectorum . 1855, p. 1-24 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Hermann Wendland: A new genus of palm . In: Botanische Zeitung . tape 16 , no. 21 , May 21, 1858, pp. 145 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Carl Ernst Otto Kuntze: Revisio generum plantarum: vascularium omnium atque cellularium multarum secundum leges nomenclaturae internationales cum enumeratione plantarum exoticarum in itinere mundi collectarum . tape 2 . Arthur Felix, Leipzig 1891 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Karl Hermann Gustav Karsten: Florae Columbiae: terrarumque adiacentium specimina selecta in peregrinatione duodecim annorum observata delineavit et descripsit . tape 2 . Apud Ferdinandum Duemmlerum Redemptorum nunc Harrwitzium et Grossmannum, Berlin ( biodiversitylibrary.org - 1868–1869).
  • Karl Hermann Gustav Karsten: Florae Columbiae: terrarumque adiacentium specimina selecta in peregrinatione duodecim annorum observata delineavit et descripsit . tape 2 . Apud Ferdinandum Duemmlerum Redemptorum nunc Harrwitzium et Grossmannum, Berlin ( biodiversitylibrary.org - 1868–1869).
  • Joseph Henri François Neumann: Note sur quelques Begonias nouveaux ou peu connus . In: Revue Horticole; résumé de tout ce qui parait d'intéressant en jardinage (=  2 ). tape 1 , no. 8 , 1847, p. 165-166 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Charles Antoine Lemaire: Maranta warszewiczii . In: L'Illustration horticole: journal spécial des serres et des jardins, ou choix raisonné des plantes les plus intérressantes sous le rapport ornemental, comprenant leur histoire complete, leur description comparée, leur figure et leur culture . tape 1 , 1854, p. 7 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Charles Antoine Lemaire: Miscellanées: Lamproconus warscewiczii nob. In: L'Illustration horticole: journal spécial des serres et des jardins, ou choix raisonné des plantes les plus intérressantes sous le rapport ornemental, comprenant leur histoire complete, leur description comparée, leur figure et leur culture . tape 8 , 1861, p. 14 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Georg Carl Wilhelm Vatke: Notueae in Campanulaceas herbarii regii berolinensis . In: Linnaea. A journal for botany in its entirety . tape 38 , 1874, p. 715-735 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • William Jackson Hooker: Anguria Warscewicii Warscewicz's Anguria . In: Curtis's botanical magazine, comprising the plants of the Royal Gardens of Kew and of other botanical establishments in Great Britain; with suitable descriptions (=  3 ). tape 18 , 1862, p. Plate 5304 & text ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Johannes von Hanstein: The Gesneraceen of the royal herbarium and the gardens in Berlin together with a monographic overview of the family as a whole . In: Linnaea. A journal for botany in its entirety . tape 34 , 1865, pp. 225-462 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Eduard August von Regel: Some new genres of Gesnereen . In: Flora or general botanical newspaper published by the Königigl. bayer. Botanical Society of Regensburg . tape 32 , no. 12 , 1849, pp. 177-18 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Eduard August von Regel: I. Original treatises . In: Garden flora . tape 3 , 1854, p. 211-216 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Eduard August von Regel: I. Original treatises . In: Garden flora . tape 4 , 1855, p. 245-248 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Otto Karl Berg: Revisio Myrtacearum Americae hue usque cognitarum s. Kloizschii "Flora Americae aequinoetialis" exhibens Myriaceas . In: Linnaea. A journal for botany in its entirety . tape 27 , 1854, pp. 1-472 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Heinrich Gustav Adolf Engler in Heinrich Gustav Adolf Engler, Ignaz Urban, August Progel: Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum: quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas ediderunt Carolus Frideruncus Phillipus De Martius success, eoque August deforzo Guilielmus Eichler Opus Cura Musei CR Pal. Vindobonensis Autore Steph. Finite successore Ed. Fenzl Conditum sub Auspiciis Ferdinandi I (Austriae Imperatoris) et Ludovici I. (Bavariae Regis) Sublevatum Populi Brasiliensis Liberalitate Petro II Brasiliae Imperatore Constitutionali et Defensore Perpetuo Feliciter Regnante . tape 12 , no. 2 . Apud Frid. Fleicher in Comm., Leipzig 1874 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • John Gould: A monograph of the Trochilidæ, or family of humming-birds . tape 4 , delivery 5. Taylor and Francis, London 1853 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Frederick Herschel Waterhouse: The dates of publication of some of the zoological works of the late John Gould, FRS RH Porter, London 1885 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Oskar Schmidt: Deliciae herpetologicae Musei Zoologici Cracoviensis, description of those in the KK Museum in Krakow, collected by JV Warszewitz in New Granada and Bolivia. Untouched batrachians . In: Memoranda of the Imperial Academy of Sciences / Mathematical-Natural Science Class. tape 14 , no. 20 , 1858, pp. 237-258 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Unknown: travelers . In: Botanische Zeitung . tape 7 , September 7, 1849, pp. 663 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).

Web links

Commons : Józef Warszewicz  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. On the date of birth see Jan Ciechanowicz, p. 471.
  2. See IPNI under "Weblinks"
  3. Piotr Köhler, p. 18.
  4. a b Heinrich Gaerdt, p. 49.
  5. a b c Vmtl. Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1854), p. 95.
  6. Krzysztof Zielnica: Alexander von Humboldt and the Polish naturalist in Galicia . In: Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin yearbook 1981/82 . Quadriga Verlag , 1983, ISBN 3-88679-300-1 , p. 303-329 .
  7. a b Heinrich Gaerdt, p. 50.
  8. a b c Vmtl. Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1854), p. 96.
  9. Heinrich Gaerdt, p. 51.
  10. ^ John Gould, plate 241 & text.
  11. ^ John Gould, plate 229 & text.
  12. Eduard Oskar Schmidt, pp. 237-258.
  13. Karl-Heinz Jungfer, pp. 18–24.
  14. ^ John Crace Stevens, p. 207.
  15. Adolphe Boucard, pp. 224–225.
  16. ^ Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1852), p. 635.
  17. ^ Johann Friedrich Klotzsch (1853), p. 716.
  18. ^ Dariusz Lucjan Szlachetko, p. 562.
  19. Jean Louis Cabanis et al. a. (Volume 3), p. 38
  20. Jean Louis Cabanis et al. a. (Volume 2), p. 39
  21. ^ Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach, p. 23
  22. Johann Friedrich Klotzsch (1852), p. 274.
  23. ^ Albert Gottfried Dietrich (1851), p. 289.
  24. Albert Gottfried Dietrich (1855), pp. 1–2.
  25. Georg Heinrich Mettenius, p. 211.
  26. ^ Franz Buchenau, p. 282.
  27. Karl Heinrich Koch u. a. (1847), p. 11.
  28. Karl Heinrich Koch u. a. (1855), p. 5.
  29. Hermann Wendland, p. 145.
  30. Carl Ernst Otto Kuntze, p. 731.
  31. ^ Karl Hermann Gustav Karsten, p. 123, plate 165.
  32. ^ Joseph Henri François Neumann, p. 166.
  33. ^ Charles Antoine Lemaire (1854), plate / & text 14.
  34. ^ Charles Antoine Lemaire, p. 14.
  35. ^ Georg Carl Wilhelm Vatke, p. 718.
  36. ^ William Jackson Hooker, plate 5304 & text.
  37. Johannes von Hanstein, p. 392.
  38. ^ Eduard August von Regel (1849), p. 181.
  39. ^ Eduard August von Regel (1854), p. 211, plate 91.
  40. ^ Eduard August von Regel (1855), p. 245, plate 130.
  41. Otto Karl Berg, p. 390.
  42. ^ Heinrich Gustav Adolf Engler, p. 148.
  43. ^ A b Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (October 1, 1852), p. 692.
  44. ^ Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (October 8, 1852), p. 706.
  45. ^ Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1854), p. 112.
  46. ^ Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1854-1858), p. 129.


  1. Frederick Herschel Waterhouse, p. 51 Here the year of publication 1853, delivery 5 is given.
  2. Frederick Herschel Waterhouse, p. 53 Here the year of publication 1853, delivery 5 is given.