Adolphe Boucard

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Adolphe Boucard (1839–1905)

Adolphe Boucard (* 1839 in France , † March 15, 1905 in Hampstead ) sometimes also Adolphus Boucard was a French ornithologist , entomologist , explorer and businessman . Boucard died at his son's residence at 24 Stanley Garden , Hampstead.

Live and act

Sea voyage from Le Havre to San Francisco

On January 19, 1851, under the command of Captain Moreley and his ship Union, he set off from Le Havre on a journey that was to lead to San Francisco and Cape Horn . First they landed in Weymouth , where Boucard set foot on English soil for the first time in his life. After five days in Weymouth, the journey continued on February 1, 1851, passing Madeira and the Canary Islands . On March 15, the ship crossed the equator . On March 26th, they spotted the Trindade and Martim Vaz archipelago . They were near Rio de Janeiro on April 1st. From there they sailed past Patagonia , Cabo Blanco and Penguin Island on April 22nd and had passed the Gulf of St. Georg in the evening . Four days later, on April 26th, they sighted Tierra del Fuego and the Bay of San Sebastián . From here the journey continued through the Strait of LeMaire and on May 4th they finally reached Cape Horn. Via the Diego Ramírez Islands , Hermite Islands and Ildefonso Islands , they reached the latitude around the Región de Valparaíso and the Juan Fernández Islands on June 1st .

On June 8, after 142 days at sea, the Union anchored off Valparaíso and the passengers disembarked. In the vicinity of Valparaíso Boucard observed his first hummingbird, the Chile hummingbird ( Sephanoides sephanoides ) (Syn: Eustephanus galeritus ). He wrote about this experience:

"This I remember as one of the most remarkable epochs of my life."

They left Valparaiso again on June 15 and saw the volcanic islands of San Félix and San Ambrosio on the 22nd of the same month . On the night of July 11th, they crossed the equator again, this time heading north. Finally they anchored off Yerba Buena Island on August 15th and were transferred to San Francisco on the 16th in small boats.

Time in San Francisco

Boucard stayed in San Francisco until the end of August 1852, a city that was hit by the gold rush at that time. Here he also met dubious French compatriots such as the Marquis Charles de Pindray († 1852) and Count Gastón Raoul de Raousset-Boulbon (1817-1854).

He later met Étienne Derbec , the founder of the French newspaper Echo du Pacifique . Derbec became a good friend of Boucard. From March to August Boucard collected natural history objects. On his forays he made the acquaintance of the French collector and entomologist Pierre Joseph Michel Lorquin (1797–1873). In addition to insects and butterflies, Boucard shifted his collection focus to birds and especially hummingbirds. He found Anna's hummingbirds ( Calypte anna ) and red-backed cinnamon rolls ( Selasphorus rufus ), which he also collected and raised alive from the nests, particularly frequently . His plan to send them to Europe alive, however, failed because all specimens were lost at sea. Léon Laglaize , a grandson of Lorquin, became a good friend of Boucard. He described to Boucard how red-backed cinnamon rolls moved from California to Mexico. In addition to hummingbirds, Boucard also collected many other species of birds, such as ducks, geese, songbirds and birds of prey.

Departure from California

On August 18, 1852 he boarded the ship Heva under the command of Captain Magne and on October 10 they reached the Bay of Acapulco. He spent a few days here before boarding again on October 18. The Heva sailed towards San Juan del Sur , whose bay they reached on November 5th. Initially, Boucard spent 5 weeks in San Juan del Sur during the rainy season. He collected a lot of insects and butterflies. On December 15th, his journey took him with a group over the dangerous overland route to La Virgen on Lake Nicaragua . He reached Granada on December 16 with a 14-hour journey on a small schooner . In Granada he was the guest of the French consul Pierre Rouhaud and his wife. Rouhaud helped him find a house and so Boucard lived in Granada until May 1853. Of course, Boucard also collected in this area. His yield included u. a. Howler monkeys ( Alouatta palliata ), Brauenmotmots ( Eumomota superciliosa ) Langschwanzpipras ( Chiroxiphia linearis ) Blauschwanzamazilien ( Amazilia cyanura ), green breast Mango Hummingbird ( Anthracothorax prevostii ), steel Green Amazilien ( Amazilia saucerrottei ) and gold tail sapphire humming ( Hylocharis eliciae ). On May 18, 1853, Boucard decided to travel on in a small boat. At first there were only two islands not far from Granada. From there the journey led to San Carlos and on over the Río San Juan to San Juan del Norte . The whole trip lasted a full 12 days. Since the steamship had just left for New York City , Boucard had to stay in San Juan del Norte for 12 days. So he made excursions in the area, but had moderate success with his haul. Boucard was only pleased with one shot of the scarlet- bellied tangerine ( Ramphocelus dimidiatus ). So he embarked on June 3rd on the steamer Prometheus via Havana towards New York, which he reached on June 15th after a quiet voyage. Boucard was so enthusiastic about New York that he stayed there for over a year until July 12, 1854. Boucard showed his strong interest in natural history by visiting the Barnum Museum and many other museums. He also visited scientists such as the entomologist Franz G. Schaupp (1840-1903), the conchologist Thomas Bland (1909-1885), the ornithologist George Newbold Lawrence (1808-1895), the captain and explorer Dow, the ornithologist and ichthyologist Spencer Fullerton Baird (1823–1887) and many others. Natural produce dealers such as John Graham Bell (1812–1889) and John Wallace in New York, John Akhurst in Brooklyn and Alfred Henry Alexander (1834–1916) in Hoboken were also destinations of his visits.


In the period between 1854 and 1867 Boucard made two expeditions to the south of Mexico. From 1854 to 1856 he accompanied his friend Auguste Sallé (1820-1896) and collected with him in the municipality of San Andrés Tuxtla in the Mexican state of Veracruz . The yield was described in 1857 by Philip Lutley Sclater (1829-1913) in his article On a collection of birds received by M. Sallé from Southern Mexico . Many other collections followed, for example from Oaxaca ( List of birds collected by MA Boucard in the state of Oaxaca in south-western Mexico, with descriptions of new species ) or the area around Orizaba ( Notes on a collection of birds from the vicinity of Orizaba and Neighboring Parts of Southern Mexico ), which were edited by Sclater, Osbert Salvin (1835–1898) or George French Angas (1822–1886). As part of the French intervention in Mexico , Napoléon III. In 1864 a scientific commission, which, under the direction of the zoologist Marie Firmin Bocourt (1819–1904), published as Mission scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale . Boucard contributed to the company's success as a corresponding member.

Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala and California

The next trip took him in 1876 to Panama , Costa Rica , Guatemala and back to California. On December 29, 1876, he reached the port city of Puntarenas . He was to stay in Costa Rica until May 30, 1877 and so he set up his headquarters in the capital San José . At first he started collecting in the area of ​​San José, but was very disappointed with the collecting success in this area. Together with Theodor Franz Koschny († 1913) , who came from Opole , and a Mr. Meil ​​de Fontenay, he went to the valley of San Carlos in January 1877 to collect. The journey took them past Zarcero and Laguna, two small villages near the Poás . Further excursions led Boucard to the areas of Cartago , Aguas Caliente , Navarro , the volcanic complex Orosí , the volcano Irazú , to Candelaria and Naranjo de Alajuela .


When the hummingbird collection of Louis Marie Pantaléon Marquis Costa, Marquis de Beauregard (1806–1864) was up for sale in 1878 , it was Boucard who bought it. He considered it one of the best collections he has ever seen.

When he returned to Paris, he gave in his catalog List des coléoptères en vente chez A. Boucard from 1886 the address rue Guy de la Brosse 13, Paris . In 1891 he moved to 22 High Holborn Street in London and opened the Boucard, Pottier Co. shop. From 1891 to 1895 he ran a journal under the name The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review , which he gave up in favor of his project Genera of humming birds: being also a complete monograph of these birds . The journal was initially published monthly, but since 1893 it has been changed to quarterly. In an article general and special about hummingbirds , Ernst Hartert discusses a few oddities regarding the date of publication of the individual parts. Hartert commented critically:

“Because of its handiness and clarity, Boucard's work would make an excellent manual if it were more reliable. With a generic diagnosis included everywhere, the book would have an advantage over Salvin's editing, if the diagnoses were only more accurate. Determination tables are not given. Hummingbirds are divided into 18 families and housed in 156 genera. A number of new species are described, and new names for specimens "Proposed" in the event that they prove to be "new species"! The descriptions are often exaggerated and lofty. The book is distorted by a large number of spelling and typographical errors, and the text also contains flourishes of styles that are difficult to understand and that are downright humorous. Many of the newly described species (e.g. Phaëthornis) are, however, important discoveries, and the author has often shown a keen eye and given some good pointers, while other "species", on the other hand, are introduced after individual aberrant specimens and without criticism. "

In addition to ornithology, Boucard was very politically involved in the question of whether the Panama Canal or a Nicaragua Canal should be built. He seemed undecided and so he sometimes supported one project, sometimes the other. He represented Guatemala at the world exhibitions in Paris in 1878 and 1889 . As a trader, he was a sharp opponent of the McKinley Tariff , which was supposed to protect the US economy from foreign goods.

Boucard saw only limited reason to protect birds. When he was walking through London in 1891, he discovered a mobile made of bird feathers of various types in the fashion shops , which in reality was supposed to be a fashion accessory . This disfigurement of nature for fashion purposes led him to interact with other bird lovers and learn that there has been a bitter argument in the past over whether it is still acceptable to carry hummingbirds and other exotic birds. In the course of this discussion, Boucard wrote in his magazine:

“The whole thing in a nutshell. What are one or two million birds sent to Europe each year, mainly from Trinidad, Colombia, South America and India, compared to the number that nature can offer? Even assuming that fashion would go on forever, my opinion is that certain species are so common that it would be hundreds of years before they are extinct. "

But a little later he relativized:

"Nevertheless, I would like to suggest to governments that the killing of birds should be banned during certain times of the year, especially the destruction of eggs, as well as the killing of certain songbirds that are essential for agriculture."

Later in his life, around 1893, Boucard moved to Ryde on the Isle of Wight . From there he sent generous donations from his immense collection to a wide variety of institutions. In 1895 he bequeathed most of the books and 23,000 bird hides to the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle . Duplicates went to the United States National Museum , the Real Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid, and the Real Museu de História Natural de Lisboa .

When William Frederick Henry Rosenberg (1868–1957) got an article from Charles Atwood Kofoid (1865–1947) about Boucard from James Henry Fleming (1872–1940) , he felt compelled to respond to it. In a letter he praised his mentor for the encouragement he gave him as a young beginner. Many of the hides Rosenberg owned in his collection also came from Boucard. Many of the bird hide labels were from well-known collectors of the time such as François Sumichrast (1829–1882), George Franklin Gaumer (1850–1929), Enrique Arcé , Henry Whitely (1844–1892), James H. Orton (1830–1877), Inscribed Alfred Russel Wallace (1823–1913) and Clarence Buckley (fl. 1839–1889).

Dedication names

In 1859, Louis Alexandre Auguste Chevrolat (1799-1884) described a new species Chrysina adolphi belonging to the scarab beetle family

“…; Nous la dédions à M. Adolphe Boucard, jeune et intrépide voyager, qui explore, en ce moment, l'Etat mexicain d'oaxaca, où il l'a découverte, en may 1855, sur de jeune chênes aux environs de Juquila. "

By the weevils belonging Cleonidius boucardi (syn. Apleurus boucardi ) and to the family of ground beetles belonging kind Oxygonia boucardi devoted Chevrolat him two more species. Auguste Sallé described a click beetle in 1873 , which is now sold under the name Platycrepidius boucardi . With the name he paid tribute to his friend Adolphe Boucard. Boucard's former employee WFH Rosenberg paid him a visit in 1898 with the leaf beetle species Alurnus boucardi . Maurice Pic (1866–1957) remembered him for years after his death with the species Byrrhinus boucardi from the family of the bank pill beetle (Limnichidae) .

The malacologist Félix Pierre Jousseaume (1835–1921) paid his respects to him in 1894 for his commendable and meritorious commitment to the Japanese mollusc fauna with the Arca boucardi species belonging to the Arcida order .

The species Hybopsis boucardi (syn. Leuciscus bourcardi ), which belongs to the carp fish and which Albert Günther (1830–1914) described in 1868, also includes his name, as the type specimen came from the Boucards collection. The conchologists Joseph Charles Hippolyte Crosse (1826–1898) and Paul Henri Fischer (1835–1893) dedicated the specific epithet of a bladder snail species to him in 1885 , which is known today in science as Physella boucardi (Syn. Physa Boucardi).

From the yield of the Mission scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale , Bocourt and Auguste Duméril (1812-1870) described a species of toad lizard under the name Tapaya boucardii , which is known today as the subspecies Phrynosoma orbiculare boucardii and the common name Boucard's Horned Lizard .

Of course, Boucard was also honored in the ornithological finding of a name. In 1887, Martial Étienne Mulsant (1797-1880) described the mangrove macilia ( Amazilia boucardi ) (Syn: Arena Boucardi), to which he also gave the common French name Le Thumatias de Boucard . Boucard had collected the hide near Puntarenas in May 1877 . Philip Lutley Sclater paid tribute to him in 1859 in the scientific name of the gray-throated pinamu ( Crypturellus boucardi ) (Syn: Tinamus boucardi) and in 1867 in a subspecies of the rust-wooded ham ( Aimophila ruficeps boucardi ) (Syn: Zonotrichia boucardi). The American ornithologist Robert Ridgway (1850-1929) honored him in a subspecies of the gray-throated Granatellus Granatellus sallaei boucardi .

In English one can occasionally find the common name Boucard's Hermit ( Phaethornis adolphi ) Gould , 1857, which is now a synonym for the striped-throated hummingbird ( Phaethornis striigularis saturatus ) Ridgway , 1910. As early as 1950, John Todd Zimmer recognized that the specific epithet was already given in the name Trochilus Adolphei Lesson , 1843. He concluded that, despite the different spelling, Article 35 of the International Rules for Zoological Nomenclature applies and that Lessons naming has priority over Gould's. Therefore, he proposed the new name Phaethornis longuemareus cordobae . Later this subspecies turned out to be a synonym for Phaethornis striigularis saturatus . Trochilus Adolphei , who incidentally was named in honor of his brother Pierre Adolphe Lesson (1805–1888), is now considered a noun dubium because the description and location of Acapulco do not match. Only Eugène Simon and Zimmer have indications that this must be a mistake and that it is actually a description of the subspecies Phaethornis ruber nigricinctus Lawrence , 1858 (Syn .: Trochylus pygmaeus ).

Memberships and medals

In 1865 he becomes a corresponding member of the Zoological Society of London . It was followed in 1878 by the officer of the Académie française . In 1881 he also became a corresponding member of the Real Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid and in 1880 he joined the Société zoologique de France . In 1894 he became an elected member of the Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa . As a member of the Sociedad economica de Guatémala , he represented the economic interests of Guatemala.

Boucard has been awarded the Order of Our Lady , Royal Order of Cambodia and Order de Isabel la Católica .

First descriptions by Adolphe Boucard

Boucard was the lead author for some bird species and subspecies.


The species that Boucard described include chronologically:


The subspecies that Boucard described include chronologically:


Year 1870

  • Catalog de Coléoptères en vente . Oberthur et fils, Rennes 1870.

Year 1871

  • How to gain from eighty to two hundred pounds sterling a year by instructive and amusing means, or, Instructions for collecting, preserving, and sending collections of natural history . General natural history agency, London 1871.
  • Méthode à la portée de tous, pour se faire 2,000 à 5,000 francs de rente en s'instruisant et en s'amusant, ou Guide pour collecter, préparer et expédier des collections d'histoire naturelle . Oberthur et fils, Rennes 1871.

Year 1873

  • Notes on quelques Trochilidés . In: Annales de la Société des industrial sciences de Lyon. Nouvelle Série . tape 20 , 1873, pp. 269–283 ( [PDF; accessed May 17, 2014]).

Year 1874

  • A Manual of Natural History being a Companion to the Series of Pictorial Diagrams & Natural Specimens, illustrated of Human Physiology, Zoology, Botany, Geology, and Mineralogy . 1st edition. WJ Johnson, London 1874.

Year 1875

  • Notes on the Trochilidés du Mexique . In: Annales de la Société des industrial sciences de Lyon. Nouvelle Série . tape 22 , 1875, p. 14–28 ( [accessed on June 8, 2014]).
  • Notes on the Trochilidés du Mexique . In: Opuscules entomologiques . tape 16 , 1875, pp. 115–129 ( [accessed March 7, 2014]).
  • Monograph List of the Coleoptera of the Genus Plusiotis of America, north of Panama, with Description of several ne species . In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the Zoological Society of London . 1875, p. 117–125 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).

Year 1876

  • A Manual of Natural History being a Companion to the Series of Pictorial Diagrams & Natural Specimens, illustrated of Human Physiology, Zoology, Botany, Geology, and Mineralogy . 2nd Edition. WJ Johnson, London 1876 ( [accessed January 28, 2013]).
  • Catalogus avium: hucusque descriptorum . 2nd Edition. Unknown, London 1876 ( [accessed September 14, 2015]).
  • Catalog des Oiseaux connus jusqu'a ce jour . In: Journal de zoologie . tape 5 , 1876, p. 284–289 ( [accessed September 14, 2015]).

Year 1878

  • On Birds collected in Costa Rica . In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings Zoological Society of London . 1878, p. 37-71 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Notes on some Coleoptera of the Genus Plusiotis, with Descriptions of three new Species from Mexico and Central America . In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings Zoological Society of London . tape 9 , 1878, pp. 293-296 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • List of Oiseaux récoltés au Guatémala en 1877 . In: Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon. Nouvelle Série . tape 25 , 1878, pp. 15–62 ( [accessed on September 14, 2015]).
  • République de Guatémala (Amèrique Central) - Notice sur les objets exposés par la République de Guatémala et par Adolphe Boucard à l'Exposition Universelle de Paris . Oberthür et fils, Paris 1878.
  • Notes on Pharomacrus costaricensis . In: Ornithological miscellany . tape 3 , 1876, p. 21-27 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).

Year 1879

  • Descriptions of two supposed new species of South-American Birds . In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London . tape 47 , no. 1 , 1879, p. 178 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).

Year 1880

  • Description d'une espèce nouvelle de Pseudocolaptes provenant de Costa Rica . In: Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France . tape 5 , 1880, p. 230-231 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Deux espèces nouvelle de Coléoptères appartenant à la famille de Cicindélides . In: Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France . tape 5 , 1880, p. 293-294 ( [accessed April 15, 2013]).

Year 1883

  • together with Osbert Salvin: On a collection of birds from Yucatan . In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London . tape 51 , no. 1 , 1883, p. 434-462 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).

Year 1884

Year 1889

  • Catalog des oiseaux de la collection Riocour . Paul Bousrez, Tours 1889.
  • Notice sur certains des objets exposes dans le pavillon du Guatemala a l'Exposition internationale de Paris, 1889 . Paul Bousrez, Tours 1889.
  • Notice on Certains Produits Spéciaux Exposés in République de Guatémala: catalog des exposants . Paul Bousrez, Tours 1889.

Year 1891

  • What is to be seen everywhere in London . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 1 , no. 1 , 1891, p. 1-3 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Science and Art. The Macking Bill . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 1 , no. 1 , 1891, p. 3 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • The Panama Canal . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 1 , no. 1 , 1891, p. 3–5 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Notes on do Genus Pharmacrus or Resplendent Trogon . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 1 , no. 1 , 1891, p. 6-7 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Report on Public Sale of Feathers and Bird Skins, December 1890 . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 1 , no. 1 , 1891, p. 8 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Rapport sur la vente publique de Plumes et d'Oiseaux à Londres, Décembre 1890 . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 1 , no. 1 , 1891, p. 8 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • What is to be seen everywhere in London . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 1 , no. 2 , 1891, p. 9-10 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • The Panama Canal . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 1 , no. 2 , 1891, p. 10–12 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • The Museum of la Plata and my Idea of ​​a Typical and Practical Museum of Natural History . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 1 , no. 2 , 1891, p. 12-14 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Report on the December Public Sales of Ostrich and Osprey Feathers, Bird Skins, & c. In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 1 , no. 2 , 1891, p. 16 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Report on the December and January Public Sales of Postage Stamps . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 1 , no. 2 , 1891, p. 16 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Notes on rare species of Humming Birds and description of Several Supposed New Species in Boucard's Museum . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 3 , 1891, p. 17-18 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Notes on the Genus Pharomarcus or Resplendent Trogon . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 3 , 1891, p. 18-19 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Second International Ornithological Congress . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 3 , 1891, p. 19 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • The McKinley Bill . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 3 , 1891, p. 20 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • The Panama Canal . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 3 , 1891, p. 20–22 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Obituary - Mr. Edmond André . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 3 , 1891, p. 22 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Report on the two last Public Sales of Natural History Specimens at Stevens' . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 3 , 1891, p. 24 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Report on January and February Public Sales of Postage Stamps . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 3 , 1891, p. 24 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • For sale - Insects Coleoptera . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 3 , 1891, p. 24 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Notes on rare species of Humming Birds and description of Several Supposed New Species in Boucard's Museum . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 4 , 1891, p. 25-26 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Description of Supposed New Species of Parrot in Boucard's Museum . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 4 , 1891, p. 27 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • A Visit to the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 4 , 1891, p. 28 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • British Museum (Zoological Department) . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 4 , 1891, p. 28-29 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Royal Aquarium . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 4 , 1891, p. 29 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • The Panama Canal . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 4 , 1891, p. 29–30 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Obituary - Charles Anatole Maingonnat . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 4 , 1891, p. 30–31 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Reports on the March Public Sale of Ostrich and Osprey Feathers, Bird Skins, etc. In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 4 , 1891, p. 32 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Reports on February and March Public Sales of Postage Stamps . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 4 , 1891, p. 32 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • The McKinley Bill . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 5 , 1891, p. 33-42 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Notes on rare species of Humming Birds and description of Several Supposed New Species in Boucard's Museum . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 6 , 1891, p. 43 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Description of Supposed New Species of Paradise Bird in Boucard's Museum . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 6 , 1891, p. 43-44 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • The Panama Canal . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 6 , 1891, p. 44-50 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Notes on rare species of Humming Birds and description of Several Supposed New Species in Boucard's Museum . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 7 , 1891, p. 52-53 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Description of a supposed New Species of Tanager in Boucard's Museum . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 7 , 1891, p. 53 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • The McKinley Bill and Art . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 7 , 1891, p. 53 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Collections made in Thibet and Central Asia by Messrs. Bonvalot and Henri d'Orléans . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 7 , 1891, p. 54-55 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • A visit to the British Museum. Natural History Department . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 7 , 1891, p. 55 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Obituary - Henry de la Cuisine . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 7 , 1891, p. 57 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Report on June Public Sales of Feathers and Bird Skins . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 7 , 1891, p. 58 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • The Plaintain or Banana Plant . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 8 , 1891, p. 59 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • A visit to the British Museum. Natural History Department . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 8 , 1891, p. 59-61 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • General Remarks . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 8 , 1891, p. 63 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Royal Aquarium . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 8 , 1891, p. 63 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • A visit to the British Museum. Natural History Department . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 9 , 1891, p. 68-69 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Water Rent . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 9 , 1891, p. 73 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • La Vie Champetre . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 10 , 1891, p. 75-76 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • A visit to the British Museum. Natural History Department . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 10 , 1891, p. 82 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Crocodile, Snake and Fish Skins for Industrial Purpose . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 11 , 1891, p. 83-84 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • A visit to the British Museum. Natural History Department . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 11 , 1891, p. 84-89 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • To the Subscribers and Correspondents of "Humming Bird" . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 11 , 1891, p. 91 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • A visit to the British Museum. Natural History Department . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 12 , 1891, p. 91-97 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • The Panama Canal . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 1 , no. 12 , 1891, p. 97 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).

Year 1892

  • Description of a supposed new Species of Humming Bird in Boucard's Museum . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 1 , 1892, p. 1 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • International Exposition of Chicago . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 1 , 1892, p. 2 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • World's Fair Notes . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 1 , 1892, p. 2-6 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Review of New Scientific Books . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 1 , 1892, p. 6-8 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Notes on the rare Pheasant, Rheinardius ocellatus, Verr. In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 2 , 1892, p. 9–12 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • The World's Fair. Royal Commision for the Chicago Exhibition, 1893 . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 2 , 1892, p. 13-15 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • World's Fair Notes . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 2 , 1892, p. 15-16 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Books Received . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 2 , 1892, p. 16 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Celebrated Gallery of Old Masters of the late General Marquess de Garbarino . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 3 , 1892, p. 17-19 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Custom Tariff of Great Britain and Ireland . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 3 , 1892, p. 19-20 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • World's Fair Notes . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 3 , 1892, p. 20–24 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Obituary Henry Walter Bates . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 3 , 1892, p. 24 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Biographical Notes on Henry Walter Bates FRS, etc., etc. In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 4 , 1892, p. 25–31 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • World's Fair Notes . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 4 , 1892, p. 32 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • American pearls . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 5 , 1892, p. 33–34 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Fishes from Volcanoes . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 5 , 1892, p. 34 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • A very large tree . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 5 , 1892, p. 34–35 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • World's Fair Notes . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 5 , 1892, p. 35 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • That wonderful last nail. Mrs. Potter Palmer will put the finishing touch on the Woman's Building with hammer and spike of costly make . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 5 , 1892, p. 35-39 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • together with Hans Graf von Berlepsch: List of birds collected by M. Hardy at Porto Real, Brazil with description of one supposed new species . In: The Humming Bird. A Monthly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 2 , no. 6 , 1892, p. 41-45 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Description of a supposed new species of the Genus Manticora "Cicindelidae" from Damara Land, South Africa . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 6 , 1892, p. 45-46 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • World's Fair Notes . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 6 , 1892, p. 46-48 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • To the Memory of the most Illustrious Christopher Colomb 1492-1892 Completion of the Panama Canal . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 7 , 1892, p. 50-53 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • First project . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 7 , 1892, p. 54–56 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • First project . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 8 , 1892, p. 57-61 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Second project . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 8 , 1892, p. 62-66 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • World's Fair Notes . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 8 , 1892, p. 66-72 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • A complete list up to date of the Humming-birds found in Columbia, with descriptions of several supposed new species . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 9 , 1892, p. 73-87 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Chicago exposure . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 9 , 1892, p. 88 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Christopher Colombus . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 10 , 1892, p. 89-92 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Festivities and exhibitions . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 10 , 1892, p. 92-95 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Programs . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 10 , 1892, p. 95-98 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Chicago Exposition - Fruits and flowers at the fair . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 10 , 1892, p. 98-101 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • World's Fair Music . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 10 , 1892, p. 101-104 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • America . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 11 , 1892, p. 105–119 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Festivities in honor of Christopher Colombus . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 11 , 1892, p. 120 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Notice . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 12 , 1892, p. 121 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Le Canal de Panama . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 12 , 1892, p. 121–122 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • International exhibition at Monaco . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 12 , 1892, p. 122 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • A new emission of Postage stamps . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 12 , 1892, p. 123 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Review of new publications . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 12 , 1892, p. 123-131 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Obituary . In: The Humming bird. A monthly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 2 , no. 12 , 1892, p. 131-136 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Genera of humming birds: being also a complete monograph of these birds . Pardy & Son, Bournemouth 1892, p. 1-54 ( [accessed January 9, 2013]).
  • Sauvetage du Panamá - à la mémoire de l'illustrissime Christophe Colomb, 1492-1892 . P. Bousrez, Tours 1892.

Year 1893

  • Panama . In: The Humming bird. A quarterly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 3 , no. 1 , 1893, p. 1-4 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Grover Cleveland . In: The Humming bird. A quarterly scientific, artistic, and industrial review . tape 3 , no. 1 , 1893, p. 5 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Description of several supposed new species of humming birds . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 1 , 1893, p. 6-10 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Paris International Exhibition of 1900! In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 1 , 1893, p. 15-16 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • World's Columbian Exhibition . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 1 , 1893, p. 16 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Chicago Exhibition World's Fair notes . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 2 , 1893, p. 17-29 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Relicts at the fair . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 2 , 1893, p. 29-30 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Big Prizes for Live Stock . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 2 , 1893, p. 30 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • World's Fair Souvenirs . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 2 , 1893, p. 30-32 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • The Genera of Humming Birds . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 2 , 1893, p. 32 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Panama . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 3 , 1893, p. 33–34 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • The Imperial Institute . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 3 , 1893, p. 34–35 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • World's Columbian Exhibition . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 3 , 1893, p. 36–39 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Anvers International Exhibition . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 3 , 1893, p. 39 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Royal Institution . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 3 , 1893, p. 39 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Description of one new supposed new species of Cetonia from Syria . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 3 , 1893, p. 40 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Abundance of wasps . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 3 , 1893, p. 48 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Notice . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 4 , 1893, p. 49 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Notes on wasps . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 4 , 1893, p. 49-51 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Rectification of name for Semioptera Gouldi . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 4 , 1893, p. 57 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Alligators . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 4 , 1893, p. 57-58 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 4 , 1893, p. 58-59 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • International Exhibition - The late World's Fair . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 4 , 1893, p. 60 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • International Exhibition of Lyon . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 4 , 1893, p. 60-61 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • International Exhibition of Paris, 1900 . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 4 , 1893, p. 61 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • International Exhibition of Industry, Science, and Art, in Hobart Town (Tasmania) . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 4 , 1893, p. 62-65 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • International Exhibition in San Francisco (California) . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 3 , no. 4 , 1893, p. 65-72 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Travels of a naturalist a record of adventures, discoveries, history and customs of Americans and Indians, habits and descriptions of animals, chiefly made in North America, California, Mexico, Central America, Columbia, Chili, etc., during the last forty- two years . Pardy & Son, Bournemouth 1893, p. 1–126 ( [accessed January 9, 2013]).
  • Genera of humming birds: being also a complete monograph of these birds . Pardy & Son, Bournemouth 1893, p. 55-107 ( [accessed January 9, 2013]).

Year 1894

  • Wonderful Discovery in Colorado (Mexico) . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 4 , no. 1 , 1894, p. 1-2 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Recent scientific and other publications with notes by the editor . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 4 , no. 1 , 1894, p. 2-8 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Recent scientific and other publications with notes by the editor . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 4 , no. 2 , 1894, p. 9–30 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 4 , no. 2 , 1894, p. 30 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • The flying man . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 4 , no. 2 , 1894, p. 31-32 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • The use of salt for agricultural purposes . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 4 , no. 4 , 1894, pp. 45-46 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Genera of humming birds: being also a complete monograph of these birds . Pardy & Son, Bournemouth 1894, pp. 108–206 ( [accessed January 9, 2013]).
  • Travels of a naturalist a record of adventures, discoveries, history and customs of Americans and Indians, habits and descriptions of animals, chiefly made in North America, California, Mexico, Central America, Columbia, Chili, etc., during the last forty- two years . Pardy & Son, Bournemouth 1894, pp. 127–206 ( [accessed January 9, 2013]).

Year 1895

  • Genera of humming birds: being also a complete monograph of these birds . Pardy & Son, Bournemouth 1895, pp. 207-412 ( [accessed January 9, 2013]).
  • Important notice . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 5 , no. 1 , 1895, p. 3 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Boucard's ornithological collection . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 5 , no. 1 , 1895, p. 4 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Description of a supposed new species of Plusiotis . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 5 , no. 1 , 1895, p. 4-5 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • List of Humming Birds collected at Cali and Rio Dagua, Colombia by WH Rosenberg . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 5 , no. 1 , 1895, p. 5-7 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Protection of Birds . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 5 , no. 1 , 1895, p. 8 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Nicaragua and Panama Canals Prospects . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 5 , no. 1 , 1895, p. 9-10 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Obituary . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 5 , no. 1 , 1895, p. 10-18 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • Genera of Birds wanted by Mr. A. Boucard . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 5 , no. 1 , 1895, p. 19–24 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).
  • List of Duplicate Bird Skins for Exchange . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 5 , no. 1 , 1895, p. 25–30 ( [accessed February 23, 2013]).

Year 1901

  • Catalog de la collection de coquilles terrestres . Paul Bousrez, Tours 1901 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).
  • Les oiseaux utiles et nuisibles . In: Ornis Buletin du Comité Ornithologique International . tape 11 , 1901, pp. 343–362 ( PDF on ZOBODAT [accessed September 18, 2015]).
  • Wholesale and retail Price List of stamps, sets, packets, albums etc. In: Catalogs of philatelic forms . tape 13 . Knapp Drewett & Sons, London 1901.

Sclater, Salvin & Angas on Boucard's collections

  • Philip Lutley Sclater: Catalog of the Birds collected by M. Auguste Sallé in Southern Mexico, with descriptions of new species . In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London . tape 24 , 1856, pp. 283-311 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater: List of additional species of Mexican Birds, obtained by by M. Auguste Sallé from the environs of Jalapa and S. Andres Tuxtla . In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London . tape 25 , 1857, pp. 201-206 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater: On a collection of birds received by M. Sallé from Southern Mexico . In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London . tape 25 , 1857, pp. 226-230 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater: On a collection of birds received by M. Sallé from Oaxaca Southern Mexico . In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London . tape 26 , 1858, pp. 294-305 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater: List of birds collected by MA Boucard in the state of Oaxaca in south-western Mexico, with descriptions of new species . In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London . tape 27 , 1859, pp. 369-393 ( - 1860).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater: Notes on a collection of birds from the vicinity of Orizaba and Neighboring Parts of Southern Mexico . In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London . tape 28 , 1860, p. 250-254 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater: On some birds recently collected by M. Boucard in Southern Mexico . In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the Zoological Society of London . 1862, p. 18-20 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater: Exhibition of, and Remarks upon, a collection of birdskins formed by the Society's Corresponding member M. Adolphe Boucard, in the vicinity of Vera Cruz Mexico . In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the Zoological Society of London . 1865, p. 397 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater: Exhibition of Mexican Birds and Characters of a new species of Zonotrichia . In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the Zoological Society of London . 1867, p. 1-2 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater, Osbert Salvin: On some recent Additions to the Avifauna of Mexico . In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the Zoological Society of London . 1870, p. 550-551 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • George French Angas: Descriptions of seven new Species of Land-Shells recently collected in Costa Rica by Mr. Adolphe Boucard . In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the Zoological Society of London . 1878, p. 72-74 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).


  • Barbara Mearns, Richard Mearns: Audubon to Xantus: The Lives of Those Commemorated in North American Bird Names . Academic Press Limited, London 1992, ISBN 978-0-12-487423-7 .
  • Philip Lutley Sclater: Death of M. Adolphe Boucard, CMZS . In: The Ibis (=  4 ). tape 5 , no. 18 , 1905, pp. 299-300 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Philip Lutley Sclater, Howard Saunders: Obituary - Dr. Brown Goode and Auguste Sallé . In: The Ibis (=  3 ). tape 7 , no. 18 , 1897, p. 147-148 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Joel Asaph Allen: Notes and news . In: The Auk . tape 22 , no. 3 , 1905, pp. 332 ( [PDF; 46 kB ; accessed on January 29, 2013]).
  • Charles Atwood Kofoid: A little known ornithological Journal and its editor, Adolphe Boucard, 1839-1904 . In: The Condor . tape 25 , no. 3 , 1923, pp. 85–89 ( [PDF; 373 kB ; accessed on January 29, 2013]).
  • William Frederick Henry Rosenberg: Some new species of Coleoptera in the Tring Museum . In: Novitates Zoologicae . tape 5 , 1898, p. 92-95 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • William Frederick Henry Rosenberg: Concerning Adolphe Boucard . In: The Condor . tape 26 , no. 1 , 1924, p. 38–39 ( [PDF; 194 kB ; accessed on January 29, 2013]).
  • Ernst Hartert: General and special about hummingbirds . In: Journal of Ornithology . tape 48 , no. 3 , 1900, p. 350-368 , doi : 10.1007 / BF02206687 .
  • Louis Alexandre Auguste Chevrolat: Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Lamellicorne du genre Chrysine de Kirby . In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (=  2 ). tape 11 , 1859, p. 481-483 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Louis Alexandre Auguste Chevrolat: Mémoire sur les Cléonides . In: Mémoires de la Société royale des sciences de Liège (=  2 ). tape 5 , 1873, p. 1–118 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Louis Alexandre Auguste Chevrolat: Communications M. Aug. Chevrolat fait conntraîre une nouvelle espèce de Cléoptères de la famille des Cicindélètes . In: Bulletin des séances de la Société entomologique de France . tape 3 , no. 1 , 1881, p. 6-7 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • August Sallé: Description et figure de cinq espèce de Coléoptères mexicains . In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (=  3 ). tape 1 , 1873, p. 11-17 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Maurice Pic: Mélanges exotico-entomologiques . tape 15 . Les Imprimeries Réunies, Moulins 1923 ( [PDF; accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Robert Ridgway: Description of a new warbler from Yucatan . In: Proceedings of the United States National Museum . tape 8 , 1885, p. 23 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Martial Étienne Mulsant: Description d'une espéces nouvelle de Trochilidé . In: Présentée à la Société Linnéenne de Lyon on 12 octobre 1877 . 1877, p. 5-8 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Albert Günther: Catalog of the fishes in the British Museum . tape 7 . Order of the Trustees, London 1868 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • Joseph Charles Hippolyte Crosse, Paul Henri Fischer: Diagnoses Molluscorum novorum, Reipublicæ Mexicanæ incolarum . In: Journal de conchyliologie . tape 29 , 1881, p. 334–225 ( [accessed January 29, 2013]).
  • John Todd Zimmer: Studies of Peruvian birds. No. 55, The hummingbird genera Doryfera, Glaucis, Threnetes, and Phaethornis . In: American Museum Novitates . No. 1449 , 1950, pp. 1–52 ( [PDF; accessed March 30, 2013]).
  • René Primevère Lesson: Complément à l'histoire naturelle des oiseaux-mouches . In: L'Echo du Monde Savant (=  2 ). tape 10 , no. 32 , 1843, pp. 755-758 ( ).
  • Eugène Simon: Histoire naturelle des “Trochilidae” (synopsis et catalog) . L. Mulo, Paris 1921 ( [accessed March 30, 2013]).
  • Auguste Duméril, Marie Firmin Bocourt, François Mocquard: Études sur les reptiles (=  Mission scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale: recherches zoologiques . Volume 3 , part 1, no. 1 ). Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1870, plate 11, figures 4a – f .
  • Auguste Duméril, Marie Firmin Bocourt, François Mocquard: Études sur les reptiles (=  Mission scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale: recherches zoologiques . Volume 3 , part 1, no. 4 ). Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1874, p. 225-226 .
  • Félix Pierre Jousseaume: Description d'une espèce nouvelle de Coquille du Japon Du genre Arca . In: The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review . tape 4 , no. 4 , 1894, pp. 41-45 ( [accessed January 25, 2013]).

Individual evidence

  1. a b Joel Asaph Allen, p. 332.
  2. Chapter I Bourd's book, Travels of a naturalist 1893, pp. 1-9.
  3. Chapter II Bourd's book Travels of a naturalist 1893, pp. 10-22.
  4. Chapter II Bourd's book Travels of a naturalist 1893, p. 11.
  5. Chapter III Bourd's book Travels of a naturalist 1893, pp. 23–32.
  6. Chapter IV Bourd's book Travels of a naturalist 1893, pp. 33–44.
  7. Chapter V Bourd's book Travels of a naturalist 1893, pp. 45–54.
  8. Chapter VIII Bourd's book Travels of a naturalist 1893, pp. 70–82.
  9. Chapter iX Bourd's book Travels of a naturalist 1893, pp. 83–90.
  10. Chapter X Bourd's book Travels of a naturalist 1893, pp. 91–112.
  11. Chapter XIII Boucard's book Travels of a naturalist 1894, pp. 138–161.
  12. Charles Atwood Kofoid S. 86th
  13. ^ Philip Lutley Sclater et al. a. (1897), p. 148.
  14. ^ Philip Lutley Sclater (1857), p. 227.
  15. Adolphe Boucard (1878), List des Oiseaux récoltés au Guatémala en 1877, p. 15.
  16. ^ A b Philip Lutley Sclater (1905), p. 300.
  17. On Birds collected in Costa Rica 1878, pp. 37-71.
  18. Barbara Mearns et al. a., p. 161.
  19. The Humming Bird. A quarterly scientific, artistic, and industrial review '(1895), p. 3.
  20. a b Ernst Hartert, p. 352.
  21. a b Charles Atwood Kofoid S. 88th
  22. Adolphe Boucard (1889), Notice sur certains des objets exposes dans le pavillon du Guatemala a l'Exposition internationale de Paris, 1889.
  23. a b Adolphe Boucard (1891), What is to be seen everywhere in London, p. 2 f.
  24. ^ William Frederick Henry Rosenberg (1924), p. 39.
  25. Louis Alexandre Auguste Chevrolat (1859), p. 483.
  26. ^ Louis Alexandre Auguste Chevrolat (1873), p. 93.
  27. Louis Alexandre Auguste Chevrolat (1873), p. 6.
  28. Auguste Sallé, p. 17 Syn: Eudactylus boucardi.
  29. ^ William Frederick Henry Rosenberg (1898), p. 6.
  30. Maurice Pic, p. 7.
  31. ^ Félix Pierre Jousseaume, p. 45.
  32. Albert Günther, p. 485.
  33. Joseph Charles Hippolyte Crosse et al. a., p. 334.
  34. Auguste Duméril et al. a. (1874), p. 225.
  35. Martial Étienne Mulsant p. 6.
  36. Martial Étienne Mulsant p. 7.
  37. ^ Philip Lutley Sclater (1859), p. 391.
  38. ^ Philip Lutley Sclater (1867), p. 1.
  39. ^ Robert Ridgway, p. 23.
  40. René Primevère Lesson, p. 756.
  41. John Todd Zimmer, p. 50.
  42. Eugène Simon, p. 262.
  43. John Todd Zimmer, p. 33.
  44. ^ Philip Lutley Sclater (1865), p. 397.
  45. ^ Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France. Volume 26, 1901, p. VIII
  46. The Humming Bird. A quarterly Scientific, Artistic and Industrial Review. 1894, p. 30.
  47. Comptes rendus sténographiques publiés sous les auspices du Comité central des congrès et conférences et la direction de M. Ch. Thirion, secrétaire du comité. 1881, p. 36.
  48. Can be found on every cover of his magazine The Hummingbird