Jean-Jacques Urvoas

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Jean-Jacques Urvoas (2013)

Jean-Jacques Urvoas (born September 19, 1959 in Brest ) is a French politician ( PS ). He has been a member of the National Assembly since 2007 and Minister of Justice since 2016.


Urvoas, who joined the Parti socialiste in 1977, studied law at the University of West Brittany ; he completed his studies in 1983 with a master's degree . In Rennes , he also acquired a DEA in political science and in Paris , a DESS political and social communication. In 1996 he received a PhD in Political Science. In 1989 he became the head of the city of Quimper's cabinet . He rose within his party and in 2000 became the first secretary of the PS in the Finistère department . The following year he ran for a seat on the Quimper city council, but failed. In 2004 he joined the Regional Council of Brittany , where he was elected Chairman of the Socialist Group. In the parliamentary elections in 2007 , he was elected to the National Assembly in the first constituency of the Finistère department and subsequently withdrew from the regional council. In 2012 he was re-elected as a Member of Parliament.

After Christiane Taubira's resignation as Minister of Justice, he became her successor on January 27, 2016.

Web links

Commons : Jean-Jacques Urvoas  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ M. Jean-Jacques Urvoas Assemblée Nationale ,
  2. ^ Biography ( Memento from January 1, 2013 in the Internet Archive ),