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The Jino (proper names in IPA : [ ʨyno ] and [ kino ]; Chinese  基诺族 , Pinyin Jīnuòzú ) are one of the smaller of the 55 officially recognized ethnic minorities of the People's Republic of China . According to the last census in 2010, they numbered 23,143 people.

Distribution areas of the Jino at the county level (2000)

Only values ​​above 0.10% were taken into account for the distribution areas.

City, district, municipality superior district level superior provincial level Number of Jino % of all Jino of China
Jinghong City (景洪 市) Autonomous Prefecture of Xishuangbanna of Dai Yunnan Province 19,250 92.11%
Mengla district (勐腊县) Autonomous Prefecture of Xishuangbanna of Dai Yunnan Province 897 4.29%
Guandu District (官渡 区) Kunming City Yunnan Province 119 0.57%
District Simao (思茅区) City of Pu'er Yunnan Province 82 0.39%
Circle Menghai (勐海县) Autonomous Prefecture of Xishuangbanna of Dai Yunnan Province 52 0.25%
Wuhua District (五华区) Kunming City Yunnan Province 47 0.23%
Xishan District (西山区) Kunming City Yunnan Province 47 0.23%
Ning'er Autonomous County of the Hani and Yi (宁 洱 哈尼族 彝族 自治县) City of Pu'er Yunnan Province 26th 0.12%
Zhenkang County (镇 康县) Lincang City Yunnan Province 23 0.11%
Rest of China 356 1.7%

See also

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