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Vohenstrauß municipality
Coordinates: 49 ° 38 ′ 14 "  N , 12 ° 20 ′ 55"  E
Height : 564 m
Residents : 15  (2011)
Postal code : 92648
Area code : 09656
Kapplhaus (Bavaria)

Location of Kapplhaus in Bavaria

Kapplhaus is a wasteland in the northern Upper Palatinate and part of the city of Vohenstrauß .

Geographical location

Kapplhaus is located in the Upper Palatinate Forest, about 1.6 km north of Vohenstrauss and 2.5 km north of the A6 motorway . It is located on the southwestern edge of the extensive forest area around the 801 m high Fahrenberg . The houses of Kapplhaus are grouped around a pond that lies between Fiedlbühl and Kapplhaus. Two streams flow into this pond from the north of the Fahrenberg massif. The eastern brook is called the Fahrenberger Bach. It flows through the pond and flows into the Leraubach on the northern outskirts of Vohenstrauss .

If you compare the representation on the historical map from 1817 to 1841 with the representation on the modern map, you can see that in the 19th century the houses east and south of the pond were named Fiedlbühl. Since the middle of the 20th century, a newly developed settlement west of the pond was called Fiedlbühl and the area of ​​the original Fiedlbühl was now called Kapplhaus.


Kapplhaus belongs to the municipality of Vohenstrauß.

The name Kapplhaus appears for the first time in 1973 in the official directory of Bavaria.

Population development in Kapplhaus from 1970

year Residents building
1970 3 k. A.
1987 1 1
2011 15th k. A.

Individual evidence

  1. Kappl House in the location database of the Bavarian State Library Online . Bavarian State Library, accessed on September 4, 2017.
  2. https://geoportal.bayern.de/bayernatlas/index.html?bgLayer=historisch&X=5500936.35&Y=4525636.94&zoom=13&lang=de&topic=ba&layers=e528a2a8-44e7-46e9-9069-1a8295blayers113b5&Nibility =
  3. https://geoportal.bayern.de/bayernatlas/index.html?bgLayer=historisch&X=5500300.92&Y=4525211.54&zoom=11&lang=de&topic=ba&layers=e528a2a8-44e7-46e9-9069-1a8295bode113b5&Nlayersibility=
  4. https://geoportal.bayern.de/bayernatlas/index.html?bgLayer=tk&X=5500300.92&Y=4525211.54&zoom=11&lang=de&topic=ba&layers=e528a2a8-44e7-46e9-9069-1a8295b113b5&Nlayersal=1
  5. Historical Atlas of Bavaria: Altbayern Series I, Issue 39: Vohenstrauss p. 226
  6. a b Bavarian State Statistical Office (Hrsg.): Official local directory for Bavaria . Issue 335 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1973, DNB  740801384 , p. 132 ( digitized version ). http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0006/bsb00062219/images/index.html?id=00062219&groesser=&fip=
  7. https://www.bayerische-landesbibliothek-online.de/landesbeschreibung-orte
  8. Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing (Ed.): Official local directory for Bavaria, territorial status: May 25, 1987 . Issue 450 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich November 1991, DNB  94240937X , p. 266 ( digitized version ). http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0006/bsb00062219/images/index.html?id=00062219&groesser=&fip=
  9. http://atlas.zensus2011.de/