List of MPs to the Vienna State Parliament and members of the Vienna City Council (1st electoral term)

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The Vienna City Council was elected on May 4, 1919 for the first time in its history by all adult men and women in Vienna according to general, equal, direct and personal suffrage. This list includes all 165 members (number of mandataries from 1905 to 1923) of the municipal council of the 1st electoral term from 1919 to 1923, including 19 women. (The numbering of the electoral terms begins with the first fully democratic election.)

The new municipal council elected, for the first time in the history of Vienna, a social democrat as mayor: Jakob Reumann , who had also been elected to the municipal council by the city people.

From November 10, 1920, the day the Federal Constitutional Act came into force , the municipal councils also acted as members of the Vienna State Parliament . As such, on November 10th, they passed the Vienna City Constitution, which came into force on November 18, 1920 and which is essentially still in force today.

The municipal council elected in 1919 was the last (and as the state parliament the only) representative body of Vienna with 165 mandataries. In 1923 the number of mandates was reduced to 120, in 1932 to 100; this number of mandates is still valid today.

Local councilors, from 1920 also members of the state parliament

Surname fraction Constituency annotation
Angeli Hans CS 9
Angermayer Karl CS 5
Appelfeld Luise SDAP 20th
Bartisal Adele SDAP 13
Farmer Alois SDAP 11
Beer Rudolf SDAP 20th
Bit Josef SDAP 14th
Benisch Josef SDAP 21st
Bermann Julius SDAP 2
Beaver Ludwig CS 10
Blum Julius SDAP 20th
Buck Marie SDAP 14th
Bombek Josef SDAP 10
Breitner Hugo SDAP 1
Breuer Johann Alfred CS 4th
Broczyner Alfred SDAP 13
Buchař Gottlieb PSDT 14th
Danek Michael SDAP 12
Danneberg Robert SDAP 3
David Anton SDAP 16
Doppler Leopold CS 17th
Wood turner Hans SDAP 5
Honestly Jakob JNP 2
Ellend Bernhard CS 7th
Eldersch Matthias SDAP 2
Emmerling Georg SDAP 2
Harvester Josef DNP 3
Feldmann Johann NDP 18th
Ferenz Heinrich SDAP 13
Fiala Franz PSDT 3
Fischer Hermann SDAP 2
Fleischner Rudolfine SDAP 9
Forstner August SDAP 15th
Fraenkel Sigmund SDAP 8th
Kindly Emmy SDAP 21st
Furtmüller Aline SDAP 3
Gardener Sophie CS 3
Glasauer Oswald CS 13
Bell Leopoldine SDAP 12
Gohout Hermann CS 5
Groebner Johann SDAP 8th
Grolig Anton SDAP 5
Great Johann SDAP 6th
Green Heinrich SDAP 2
Grünbeck Sebastian CS 17th
Grünfeld Leopold SDAP 2
Grünwald Julius SDAP 13
Haas Moritz Franz CS 3
Hackl Michael SDAP 12
Haider Franz CS 14th
Hammerschmid Josef SDAP 20th
Hanza Johann PSDT 16
Haša Karl PSDT 17th
Hedorfer Florian SDAP 11
Heinrich Heitzinger SDAP 5
Hellmann Josef SDAP 14th
Hengl Karl CS 19th
Hernstein Josef SDAP 16
Was called Johann SDAP 10
Hofbauer Karl SDAP 13
Holaubek Karl CS 18th
Hoß Franz CS 21st
Huber Franz CS 13
Iser Hans SDAP 21st
Jenschik Anton SDAP 17th
Jorde Julius SDAP 13
Young Karl CS 2
Karasek Franz CS 19th
Kerner Karl CS 18th
Kienböck Viktor CS 1
Klimeš Johann PSDT 10
Kohl Anton SDAP 3
Kokrda Quirin SDAP 18th
Komrowsky Julius CS 7th
Käthe Königstetter SDAP 15th
Koppensteiner Friedrich CS 20th
Kopriva Julius SDAP 10
Koerber Johann CS 2
Körbler Raimund SDAP 16
Kramer Marie SDAP 6th
Kreutzer Anton SDAP 7th
Kunschak Leopold CS 13
Shortly Franz SDAP 13
Short builder Josefine CS 18th
Laferl Gisela SDAP 19th
Linder Julius SDAP 18th
Lötsch Konrad SDAP 21st
Machat Anton PSDT 20th
May Karl CS 12
Meidl Anton SDAP 10
Michal Karl SDAP 20th
Motzko Alma CS 1
Müller-Fembeck Josef CS 12
Müller Julius SDAP 6th
Müller Rudolf SDAP 3
Müller Rudolf SDAP 17th
Night fog Otto SDAP 16
Panosh Emil CS 4th
Paulitschke Karl CS 6th
Plaschke's Leopold JNP 2
Pokorny Johann SDAP 20th
Pollack Bruno JNP 9
Amalie from Pölzer SDAP 10
Popp Adelheid SDAP 16
Preyer Hans CS 8th
Proft Gabriele SDAP 18th
Prohaska Rudolf DNP 4th
Rausnitz Siegmund SDAP 5
Rehak Rudolf SDAP 16
Reininger Wilhelm CS 9
Reisinger Karl SDAP 19th
Reismann Edmund SDAP 12
Reumann Jakob SDAP 10
Judge Karl SDAP 12
Ronge August SDAP 3
Roth Heinrich CS 5
Rotter Hans CS 8th
Rummelhardt Karl CS 9
Ruthner Leopold SDAP 19th
Ružicka Otto PSDT 10
Rzehak Franz SDAP 11
Shy Gustav SDAP 16
Grinder Friedrich SDAP 9
Schmid Heinrich CS 4th
Schmid Karl SDAP 19th
Schmitz Richard CS 3
Schmöltzer Josef CS 11
Schmutzer Karl CS 15th
Tailor Stanislaus SDAP 17th
Nice Peter SDAP 17th
Schorsch Johann SDAP 10
Contactor Eduard SDAP 15th
Schwarz-Hiller Rudolf VDPW 2
Seidel Amalie SDAP 5
Seidel Richard SDAP 3
Seal Franz SDAP 16
Simon Gustav SDAP 4th
Skaret Ferdinand SDAP 14th
Smutny Bartholomew SDAP 12
Speiser Paul SDAP 21st
Strobl Anna CS 16
Strohmayer Anton SDAP 18th
Suchanek Johann SDAP 16
Trader Julius SDAP 9
Deaf Alexander SDAP 7th
Thaller Leopold SDAP 3
Ullreich Karl CS 16
Untermüller Karl CS 6th
Vaugoin Carl CS 13
Vavrousek Alois PSDT 16
Vejvoda Marie SDAP 7th
Waldsam Hans CS 15th
Walter Gabriele CS 8th
Wawerka Karl CS 10
Weber Anton SDAP 21st
Weigl Karl SDAP 12
Betting angel Karl CS 3
Sweet peas Josef CS 1
Wielsch Marie CS 2
Wimmer Anton SDAP 17th
Winter max SDAP 9
Witzmann Franz SDAP 14th
Witzmann Johann SDAP 15th
Whatever Konrad SDAP 5
Zimmerl Franz CS 7th

Individual evidence

  1. LGBl. For Vienna No. 1/1920
  2. cf. Lower Austria. State election 1919
  3. see Bombekgasse


  • Franz Patzer: The Vienna City Council 1918–1934. A contribution to the history of the City of Vienna and its parliament. Vienna 1961 (Wiener Schriften; Issue 15)