List of streets, squares and bridges in Hamburg-Lohbrügge

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Location of Hamburg-Lohbrügge in Hamburg and in the Altona district (light red)

The list of streets, squares and bridges in Hamburg-Lohbrügge is an overview of the streets, squares and bridges currently available in the Hamburg district of Lohbrügge . It is part of the list of traffic areas in Hamburg .


In Lohbrügge (district number 601) there are 40,327 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019) on 13.1 km². Lohbrügge is located in the postcode areas 21031, 21033 and 22115.

There are 140 designated traffic areas in Lohbrügge, including three squares and four bridges.

  • Numerous streets were named after resistance fighters, victims and persecutees of National Socialism, some more after union officials.
  • The term Sande occasionally mentioned in the column “Origin of the name” is the name of one of the original villages that make up today's Lohbrügge.

Overview of the streets

The following table gives an overview of all named traffic areas - streets, squares and bridges - in the district as well as some related information. In detail these are:

  • Name / location : current name of the street, square or bridge. Via the link ( location ), the street, the square or the bridge can be displayed on various map services. The geoposition indicates approximately the middle. In the case of longer streets that lead through two or more parts of the city, it is therefore possible that the coordinate is in a different part of the city.
  • Street code: official street code, consisting of a letter (first letter of the street, the square or the bridge) and a three-digit number.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
    Note: The length information contained in the overview are overview values rounded up or down according to mathematical rules , which were determined in the Digital Atlas North with the local scale. They are more for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    For squares, the dimensions are shown in the form a × b for rectangular systems or a × b × c for triangular systems with a as the longest edge.
    The addition ( in the district ) indicates how long the street is within the district if it runs through several districts.
  • Name origin : origin or reference of the name.
  • Date of designation : Year of the official designation or the first mention of a name, in case of uncertainty also the specification of a period.
  • Notes : Further information on nearby institutions, the history of the street, historical names, monuments, etc.
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object.
Name / location Road
Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Origin of name Date of designation Remarks image
Old Holstenstrasse

( Location )

A124 0425
(in the district)
after the former Holstenstrasse; it was named for historical reasons in order to preserve the name 1949 south of the Bergedorf train station in Bergedorf
At Beckerkamp

( Location )

A192 0410 after a field name 1860 A merchant named Becker ran a lime kiln along the way.
At the flower courtyard

( Location )

A728 0315 after the location at a former flower courtyard 2011
At the Heesen

( Location )

A244 0520 after the field names Lütten Heesen and Groten Heesen before 1932 A bush forest is called Heesen .
At the shepherd's land

( Location )

A745 0195 after a popular name 2016
On the Langberg

( Location )

A283 1820 after a hallway name 1961
At the dunes

( Location )

A631 0090 after the former dunes located here 1984
On the fir trees

( Location )

A390 0310 after a former forest here 1935 The grove was cut down by the population after the Second World War and processed into firewood.
At the mountain paddock

( Location )

A393 0135 after a hallway name before 1940
At the circular path

( Location )

A402 0875
(in the district)
after the course at the former Stormarnsche Kreisbahn 1950 from junction Billstedt of A 1 in a westerly direction in Billstedt
At the Twiete

( Location )

A419 0375 after the location on a connecting road 1940
Anne Becker Ring

( Location )

A751 0450 Anne Becker (1905–1990), SPD politician 2016 Becker was among other things the founder of the SPD women's group in Lohbrügge, since 1974 chairwoman of the Lohbrügger AWO and holder of the silver badge of honor of the Bergedorf district assembly.
Asbrook Dam

( Location )

A479 0280
(in the district)
after a field name already mentioned in a document in 1257 1958 western part in Billstedt
On the long pieces

( Location )

A684 0375 after a field name 1999
On the buoy meadow

( Location )

A509 0840
(in the district)
derived from the previous owner of the site, after Beckershaus Ludwig Boy , after Hanke Ludolf Boy 1921 north of the Bille in Lohbrügge, south of the Bille eastern half of the street in Bergedorf , western half in Billwerder On the Bojewiese (Lohbrügge)

( Location )

B130 0155 after a hallway name 1934 What is meant is a path over a clearing ("Roa"), which probably belonged to an owner named Beens or Behn.

( Location )

B890 0370 after a field name 2016
With the dune oaks

( Location )

B828 0175 according to the location in the Boberger valley and the planting 1982
Bergedorfer Strasse

( Location )

B255 6350
(in the district)
Hamburg district of Bergedorf 1954 West of the railway bridge to Schurzallee-Nord in Hamm , east of it to about the middle of the parallel Columbusstraße in Horn , from there in Billstedt , east of the Billstedt junction of the A 1 in Lohbrügge, up to about the height of the junction Am Langberg properties on the northern side still in Billstedt; southeast of Kurt-A.-Körber-Chaussee then in Bergedorf , land on the west side between Sander Damm and Kurt-A.-Körber Chaussee already in Bergedorf.
Billwerder Kirchensteg

( Location )

B339 0400
(in the district)
according to location and function in the district leading to St. Nikolaikirche 1948 south of the Bille in Billwerder Billwerder Kirchensteg (Lohbrügge)
Billwerder Strasse

( Location )

B342 0580 Hamburg district Billwerder 1949

( Location )

B343 0170 after the location on the former meadows of the Kampbille 1962
Inland shredder

( Location )

B351 1260 after a field name 1949 The inland field is the closest field to a village.
Boberger Anger

( Location )

B871 0630 Boberg district of Lohbrügger 1999
Boberger Aue

( Location )

B873 0440 Boberg district of Lohbrügger 1999
Boberger drift

( Location )

B869 0355 Boberg district of Lohbrügger 1999
Boberger ford

( Location )

B419 0585 to a former ford running through the Bille 1932 Boberger ford
Boberger Furtweg Bridge

( Location )

- 0005
(in the district)
based on the Boberger Furtweg 1961 crosses the Bille and connects the Boberger Furtweg on the Billwerder side with the Boberger Furt road in Lohbrügge; southern part in Billwerder Boberger Furtweg Bridge
Boberger height

( Location )

B870 0325 Boberg district of Lohbrügger 1999
Boberger Lohe

( Location )

B872 0540 Boberg district of Lohbrügger 1999

( Location )

B751 0120 Franz Bobzien (1906–1941), politician, resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1968 from 1964 to 1968: part of Goerdelerstraße
Bockhorster Höhe

( Location )

B868 0680 after the field name Bockhorst 1999
Bockhorster way

( Location )

B867 0300 after the field name Bockhorst 1999

( Location )

B430 0360 Wilhelm Bode (1860–1927), pastor and conservationist 1949 before 1949: Moltkestrasse
Buoy dam

( Location )

B460 0160
(in the district)
According to Beckershaus after a hallway name, according to Hanke also after Ludolf Boy, after whom the street Auf der Bojewiese is named 1948 west of the Bille in Billwerder Bojendamm (Lohbrugge)
Buoy dam bridge

( Location )

- 0005
(in the district)
based on the buoy dam 1961 cross the Bille ; western part in Billwerder Buoy dam bridge

( Location )

B762 0305 based on the street Auf der Bojewiese 1971

( Location )

- 0005
(in the district)
based on the street Auf der Bojewiese 1961 crosses the Bille in the course of the street Auf der Bojewiese ; northern part of the bridge in Lohbrügge, southwest part in Billwerder , southeast part in Bergedorf Bujewiesenbrücke

( Location )

B492 0430 after a hallway name 1952 What is meant is a break (ndt. Brook) with source.

( Location )

B501 0110 after the former mill between Hinschendorf and Lohbrügge 1957

( Location )

B451 0225 after the long-established Böttcher family 1955

( Location )

B632 0330 Johann Brüdt (1859–1944), local writer 1949 before 1949: 2nd average

( Location )

B662 0265 after a field name before 1940

( Location )

C030 0230 Christina Johanna Georgine Ohl (1834–1894), wife of the landowner Heinrich Albrecht Ohl around 1865

( Location )

D081 0165 Sophie Dethleffs (1809–1864), Low German poet 1948 until 1948: Hermannstrasse

( Location )

D138 0065 Hans von Dohnanyi (1902–1945), lawyer, resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1964
Dune path

( Location )

D212 0980 after the location at the Boberger dunes 1946

( Location )

E177 0215 Emilie Günther (1870–1942), local writer and researcher 1942

( Location )

E221 0215 Ernst Cassirer (1874–1945), philosopher 1964
Ernst Finder Way

( Location )

E223 0175 Ernst Finder (1865–1940), educator and local history researcher 1942
Fanny David Way

( Location )

F029 0505 Fanny David (1892–1944), Jewish association functionary, victim of National Socialism 1964

( Location )

F246 0355 Fritz Lindemann (1894–1944), officer, resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1964
Union route

( Location )

G447 0090 based on nearby streets named after union leaders 1949

( Location )

G133 0875 Carl Friedrich Goerdeler (1884–1945), lawyer, resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1964

( Location )

G199 0490 after a field name 1962

( Location )

G200 0165 based on the Grandkoppel 1962
Groten Heesen

( Location )

G425 0545 after a field name 1982 see also Am Heesen and Lütt Heesen , Low German large (o) t = large

( Location )

H004 0525 Max Habermann (1885–1944), bookseller, resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1964

( Location )

H018 0275 after a field name 17./18. century The street name is derived from the word Himpten , an earlier field and grain measure.

( Location )

H852 2110
(in the district)
Hans-Ulrich Höller (1929–2007) did a lot for the nature reserve “Boberger Niederung” 2009 In 2005, Höller received the "Loki Schmidt silver plant" for his services; south of the Bille in Billwerder . Hans-Ulrich-Höller-Weg
Harders Camp

( Location )

H134 0060 Andreas Harders (1797–1866), previous owner of the site 1949 until 1949: Kampstrasse
Harness ring

( Location )

H144 0735 Ernst von Harnack (1888–1945), politician, resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1964

( Location )

H020 0445 Willi Häußler (1907–1945), resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1964
Havighorster Way

( Location )

H205 0975 Havighorst, district of Oststeinbek before 1935

( Location )

H215 0555
(in the district)
after a border fortification with a barrier (rear) 1926 south of the Bille in Bergedorf

( Location )

H253 0690 after a field name before 1940 With Heidhorst a residual forest is called on a heath.

( Location )

H824 0260 based on the street Heidhorst 1999

( Location )

H254 0515 after a field name before 1940

( Location )

H778 0215 Heinrich Möller (1897–1966), trade unionist in Bergedorf 1984

( Location )

H340 0175 Helmuth Hübener (1925–1942), resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1965 The Helmuth-Hübener-Gang in St. Georg has the same namesake.

( Location )

H837 0065 × 15 Karl Friedrich (1700–1739), Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf 2005
Farm pasture

( Location )

H530 0405 after a pasture directly on a farm 1949

( Location )

H507 0695 to the submerged village of Hope, which formed the center of what would later become Lohbrugge 1947 before 1947: Waldstrasse

( Location )

H830 0135 based on the street Höperfeld 2002

( Location )

J126 0180 Jakob Kaiser (1888–1961), CDU politician and resistance fighter against National Socialism 1980

( Location )

J059 0180 Johann Meyer (1829–1904), writer 1949 before 1949: Bahnhofstrasse
Cherry orchard

( Location )

K205 0575 to the cherry orchards previously located there 1959

( Location )

K213 0190 Johann Klapper, small blacksmith, evidently the oldest resident of Sand, the later Lohbrügge 1949 His house was popularly nicknamed "Klapperkate", this name was later transferred to the street as "Klapperhof". Before 1949: Winkelstrasse

( Location )

K315 0180 Wilhelm Köhncke (1856–1916), rector and organizer of the school system in Sande 1949 before 1949: 1st average

( Location )

K373 1075 Siegfried Korach (1855–1943), doctor, victim of National Socialism 1965

( Location )

K418 0195 Reinhold Krell (1886–1953), last head of the district and community in Lohbrügge 1955

( Location )

K472 0655 Iven Kruse (1865–1926), poet and writer 1949 before 1949: Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Straße

( Location )

K516 0105 Kurt Adams (1889–1944), SPD politician, victim of National Socialism 1967 Not a square in the traditional sense, but a street that ends in a bend.
Ladenbeker Furtweg

( Location )

L005 0950
(in the district)
Ladenbek, district of Lohbrügge 1926 south of the Bille in Bergedorf

( Location )

L330 0065 based on the Ladenbeker Furtweg 1955 crosses Bergedorfer Straße as part of the Ladenbeker Furtweg
Ladenbeker Weg

( Location )

L006 0510 Ladenbek, district of Lohbrügge 1942

( Location )

L370 0495 based on the street Am Langberg 1982

( Location )

L152 1970 Wilhelm Leuschner (1890–1944), SPD politician, resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1964
Lohbrügger Kirchstrasse

( Location )

L215 0860 leading to the Erlöserkirche built in 1898 according to its location in the district and its function 1949
Lohbrügger Landstrasse

( Location )

L216 2560 according to the location in the district 1951
Lohbrügger Markt

( Location )

L217 0180 × 165 × 60 × 40 according to location and function in the district 1949
Lohbrügger Weg

( Location )

L218 0380 according to the location in the district 1949
Ludwig Rosenberg Ring

( Location )

L369 0369 Ludwig Rosenberg (1903–1977), trade unionist 1980
Lütt Heesen

( Location )

L287 0165 after a field name 1966 see also Am Heesen and Groten Heesen , Low German lütt = small

( Location )

M020 0195 Gustav Adolf Maik (1862–1918), from 1896 to 1918 head of the district and community in Sande 1949 before 1949: Lindenstrasse

( Location )

M065 0585 Ludwig Marnitz (1865–1943), first pastor of the Sander parish 1949 before 1949: Kapellenstrasse
Max Eichholz ring

( Location )

M098 0310 Max Eichholz (1881–1943), DDP politician, victim of National Socialism 1963

( Location )

M149 1155 Max Mendel (1872–1942), SPD politician, victim of National Socialism 1964

( Location )

M292 0880 after a hallway name 1962
Upper Boberg

( Location )

O214 0185 after the location above the Boberg district of Lohbrügger 2001

( Location )

O068 0155 after the farming family Ohle, who have lived in Lohbrügge since the 17th century 1949
Easter wheel

( Location )

O180 1010 after a field name 1969
Otto Schumann Way

( Location )

O168 0130 Otto Schumann (1888–1945), SPD politician, resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1964

( Location )

P067 0460 Friedrich Justus Perels (1910–1945), lawyer, resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1964

( Location )

P142 0440 Kurt von Plettenberg (1891–1945), forester, resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1964

( Location )

P146 0205 Wilhelm Poeck (1866–1933), writer 1949 before 1949: Feldstrasse

( Location )

R048 0090 Franz Rappolt (1870–1943), entrepreneur, victim of National Socialism 1965
Reinbeker Redder

( Location )

R127 3220 Reinbek , town in the Stormarn district in Schleswig-Holstein before 1936

( Location )

R178 2125 Richard Linde (1860–1926), local history researcher 1949 before 1949: Heidkamp

( Location )

R192 0445 Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl (1823–1897), journalist and art historian 1947 before 1947: Bebelstrasse

( Location )

R252 0265 after a field name 1949 Röp = feeding manger, Rade = cleared land

( Location )

R253 0995 after a field name 1940 Roep = manger, Rade = cleared section land Redder = from Knicks lined dirt road

( Location )

R331 0395 Ernst Rudorff (1840–1916), composer 1949 before 1949: Schwarzer Kamp

( Location )

R375 0350 Georg Ruseler (1866–1920), writer and local poet 1949 before 1949: Wiesenweg
Sander dam

( Location )

S027 0550
(in the district)
according to the location in the district 1986 from approx. 35 meters south of Bergedorfer Straße in Bergedorf
Sander market

( Location )

S888 0180 × 140 × 35 × 20 according to the location in the district 1980
Sanmann series

( Location )

S055 0875 after the Sanmann family, who have lived in Lohbrügge since the 18th century 1949 before 1949: Boberger Strasse

( Location )

S101 0390 Alfred Schär (1887–1937), teacher, resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1964

( Location )

S314 0635 Fritz-Dietlof von der Schulenburg (1902–1944), administrative officer, resistance fighter against and victim of National Socialism 1964
School redder

( Location )

S319 0270 after the location at a school before 1932 School redder

( Location )

S414 0275 Wilhelm Seybold (1847–1930), actor 1949 Seybold became known as a Low German character actor and worked for many years at the Ernst Drucker Theater, today's St. Pauli Theater . Before 1949: Seilerstrasse
Steinbeker border dam

( Location )

S626 0225
(in the district)
after the border between the former villages Boberg and Kirchsteinbek 1948 only properties on the south side from house number 62 in an easterly direction in Lohbrügge, otherwise in Billstedt

( Location )

S683 0065 William Stern (1871-1938), psychologist 1964

( Location )

S719 0490 to the nearby Stormarn district 1945

( Location )

T089 0170 after a field name 1949

( Location )

T090 0250 after a field name 1949

( Location )

T131 0245 to Tonkuhlen (brick oaks) formerly located there 1960
Elm slope

( Location )

U020 0065 based on the street Ulmenliet 1957

( Location )

U021 0605 after the term Liet for slope 1949

( Location )

U028 1330 after the field name on the Unnerbarg and the location below the Boberger Geesthanges 1949 Unterberg
Lower mountain paddock

( Location )

U029 0355 according to a customary name 1922

( Location )

W463 0190 Walter Freitag (1889–1958), SPD politician and trade union official 1980

( Location )

W487 6315 Walter Hösterey (1888–1966), publisher and writer 1988 Walter Hammer was Hösterey's pseudonym as a writer. Walter-Hammer-Weg

( Location )

W085 0085 Martin Wassermann (1871–1953), lawyer, persecuted by National Socialism 1964

( Location )

W095 0135 after a hallway name 1942

( Location )

W096 0240 after the field name Weberrahe before 1932
Pasture bog

( Location )

W129 0835 after the plant genus of the same name 1932 Pasture bog

( Location )

W471 0350
(in the district)
Wilhelm Bergner (1835–1905), industrialist 1984 Approx. 30 meters before crossing the Bille , the road continues into the Bergedorf area.

( Location )

W372 0145 after the Wohltorf farming family, who have lived in Lohbrügge since the 18th century 1949 before 1949: Friedrichstrasse

( Location )

Z022 0100 after a former brickworks located nearby 1954

Individual evidence

  1. Digital Atlas North
  2. ^ Senate resolution of November 2, 2011, published in Official Gazette No. 89 of November 11, 2011
  3. Senate resolution of August 17, 2016, published in Official Gazette No. 72 of September 9, 2016, accessed on March 20, 2019
  4. a b Senate resolution in the Official Gazette No. 91 of November 15, 2016, accessed on March 20, 2019

Literature and Sources