List of coats of arms in the district of Erding

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The list of coats of arms in the district of Erding shows the coats of arms of the municipalities in the Bavarian district of Erding .

District of Erding

Coats of arms of cities, markets and communities

Former municipalities with their own coat of arms


  1. Berglern: “Divided by red and silver; above a silver heraldic rose, below a green three-mountain. "
  2. Bockhorn: "In red over a silver horn with gold fittings, a silver wave bar."
  3. Buch am Buchrain: "In black an upper right golden crossing, in it a black bull's head, and a silver beech branch with three leaves growing out of the corner of the crossing, angled by two golden beechnuts on silver stems."
  4. Dorfen: "In blue three two-to-one set silver houses with golden roofs."
  5. Eitting: “In the wave cut diagonally left divided by red and gold; above the growing golden crook of a bishop's staff, below a black boar's head. "
  6. Erding: "In silver an inclined blue ploughshare."
  7. Finsing: "In silver, a red sloping bar covered with three silver heraldic roses with golden lugs, accompanied at the top by a red ram's horn, at the bottom by a green sea leaf."
  8. Forstern: “In gold a green pole, on both sides a green fir tree with roots; the post is covered with a growing golden abbot's staff, which is lined with a silver gear in the base. "
  9. Fraunberg: “Under a silver shield head, a blue sword and a blue arrow, crossed at an angle, split; front split by blue and white with a heraldic lily in mixed up colors; behind in red a bridled, rising silver horse. "
  10. Hohenpolding: "Above a silver shield base, inside two green sea leaves on crossed stems, next to each other in blue a silver heraldic lily with a golden crown in place of the covenant and a silver cross, the vertical bar of which is covered by a golden crown."
  11. Inning am Holz: “Above a three-mountain split by silver and green, split by red and silver; in front three silver ram's horns one above the other, behind a growing green fir tree. "
  12. Isen: "In blue a red-clad, golden-crowned mermaid who holds up the two fishtails with her hands."
  13. Kirchberg: "In blue on the right a growing silver church tower with a golden onion dome, on the left a golden key and a fallen silver sword with a golden handle."
  14. Langenpreising: “Split; in front a silver crenellated wall in red, behind in blue six golden heraldic lilies placed in three rows in pairs. "
  15. ^ Lengdorf: “By a golden wavy bar diagonally divided by red and black; a silver cup above, a silver salt vat below. "
  16. Moosinning: "A silver key and a silver palm branch crossed in blue."
  17. Neuching: “Split by gold and red; in front a blue cowl, in the back a silver knife on the left. "
  18. Oberding: "In blue a silver scythe leaf placed on the left."
  19. Ottenhofen: "Under a silver shield head, inside a red heraldic rose with a golden lug and golden sepals, in red a four-footed golden dragon turned to the left with a capital letter" S "in the throat."
  20. Pastetten: “Divided by gold and red; above a red crowned Moor's head, below a silver battlement wall. "
  21. Sankt Wolfgang: “Wavy divided by red and silver; above a silver horse's trunk, below a slanted blue ax. "
  22. Steinkirchen: "In silver a double, bricked red pointed arch, above a red crown, below a floating green three-mountain."
  23. ^ Taufkirchen (Vils): "Under a red shield head covered with a silver pole in blue, a silver round chapel in Romanesque design."
  24. Walpertskirchen: "In silver a blue wavy bar, above a red crown, below a red rafter."
  25. Wartenberg: "In red a winged golden dragon with a silver arrow tongue and a spiked tail."
  26. Wörth: "In gold, a raised, upright and a lowered, fallen blue corrugated rafter that enclose a floating, red-crowned Mohrenkopf."
  27. Altenerding: "In red two upright silver plow knives facing away from each other."
  28. Grünbach: "In red a silver horn with gold fittings."
  29. Grüntegernbach: “Shield divided; a gold and a silver key crossed above in red; below Eisenhutfeh. "
  30. Hausmehring: “Split; in front in monkshood cut split by gold and red, behind in silver a standing man dressed in black, holding a rooted tree in his right hand. "
  31. Langengeisling: "In blue over two silver corrugated beams in the base of the shield, a golden bishop's staff and a silver sword with a golden hilt crossed at an angle."
  32. Niederneuching: “Split by red and silver; in front a silver sloping bar, in the back a red knife on the left. "
  33. Notzing: “Divided by red and gold; at the top a silver sloping bar topped with a black arrow; at the bottom a slanted green cane with a black piston. "
  34. Oberneuching: "A blue cowl in gold."
  35. ^ Reichenkirchen: "A fallen silver arrow and a silver sword crossed diagonally in blue, including a golden oil kettle on a tripod."
  36. Zeilhofen: “Split by black and silver; a red bar in front. "