List of Israeli settlements in the West Bank

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East Jerusalem

This list of Israeli settlements includes all Israeli settlements in the West Bank (Israeli names: Judea and Samaria ). In 2018, according to official Israeli data, there were 448,672 residents in 133 existing settlements and between 90 and 100 outposts.

For the former settlements on Sinai see Jamit .
For the former settlements in the Gaza Strip, see Israel's Unilateral Decoupling Plan .
For the settlements in the urban area of ​​Jerusalem see East Jerusalem


Surname Hebrew Commune since After 1 1983 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 Location 2 comment
Adora אדורה Har Chevron 1984 1982 - ... 184 291 186 257 367 O
Alei Zahav עלי זהב Shomron 1982 62 ... 313 355 429 458 983 W.
Alfe Menasche אלפי מנשה Alfei Menasche 1983 - 2,070 2,710 4,410 5,433 6,718 7,614 W.
Allon Schewut אלון שבות Gush Etzion 1970 1,071 1,460 1,820 2,230 3,229 2,951 3.141 W.
Almog אלמוג Megilot 1979 1977 57 ... 102 156 142 153 179 J
Almon עלמון Mateh Benjamin 1982 42 224 472 672 739 827 1,214 W.
Amichai עמיחי Mateh Benjamin 2017 O
Argaman ארגמן Bikʿat HaJarden 1971 1968 100 ... 165 155 166 166 128 J
Ariel אריאל Ariel 1978 1,222 1,840 12,800 15,100 18,000 17,559 18,391 W.
Asfar מיצד Gush Etzion 1984 - ... 299 356 275 377 535 O Metzad too
Ateret עטרת Mateh Benjamin 1981 72 ... 230 287 350 763 848 O
Awnei Chefetz אבני חפץ Shomron 1990 - - 214 695 1,038 1,412 1,658 O
Barkan ברקן Shomron 1981 172 380 827 1,080 1,215 1,359 1,627 W.
Asked Ajin בת עין Gush Etzion 1989 - - 319 572 796 900 1,196 W.
Beit Chaggai בית חגי Har Chevron 1989 - - 224 405 429 489 547 O
Beka'ot בקעות Bikʿat HaJarden 1972 150 ... 180 144 152 160 162 V
Bet Arje בית אריה Bet Arje 1981 246 734 1.910 2,330 3,446 3.711 4,516 W.
Bet Choron בית חורון Mateh Benjamin 1977 90 341 570 720 825 1,024 1,218 W.
Bet El בית אל Bet El 1977 537 1840 3,230 3,800 4,763 5,499 5,991 O
Bet HaArawa בית הערבה Megilot 1986 1980 - ... 26th 45 69 95 134 J
Bet Jatir בית יתיר Har Chevron 1980 See Metzadot Yehuda
Betar Illite ביתר עילית Betar Illite 1985 - 395 4,480 12,700 24,895 34,999 46,874 W.
Bracha ברכה Shomron 1983 1981 58 ... 319 714 970 1,533 2,195 O
Bruchin ברוכין Shomron 2012 - - - - - - 675 w
Chalamic חלמיש Mateh Benjamin 1977 365 659 874 1,100 931 1,054 1,282 O
Chamra חמרה Bikʿat HaJarden 1971 177 ... 168 149 125 91 124 J
Khashmonayim חשמונאים Mateh Benjamin 1985 - 450 1,470 1,770 2,235 2,588 2,638 W.
Chemdat חמדת Bikʿat HaJarden 1997 1979 - - - 74 120 176 209 J
Chermesch חרמש Shomron 1984 1982 - ... 142 272 229 177 203 O
Chinnanite חיננית Shomron 1981 66 ... 251 432 707 768 1.101 W.
Dolev דולב Mateh Benjamin 1983 - 271 471 850 963 1,137 1,281 O
Efrata אפרת Gush Etzion 1980 207 2,070 4,650 6.230 8,131 7,183 7,454 W.
Unav עינב Shomron 1981 89 277 345 504 468 566 691 O
Elazar אלעזר Gush Etzion 1975 133 267 398 747 993 1,837 2,532 W.
Eli עלי Mateh Benjamin 1984 - ... 647 1,730 2.30 2,928 3,947 O
Elkanah אלקנה Elkanah 1977 607 1,850 2,719 2,940 2.983 3,483 3,871 W.
Elon More אלון מורה Shomron 1979 393 828 1,120 1,050 1,773 1,433 1,447 O
Ashcolot אשכולות Har Chevron 1991 1982 - - 101 148 231 578 494 W.
Etz Efraim עץ אפרים Shomron 1985 - ... 237 500 627 731 1,150 W. Is named after the Bible (Ezekiel / Ezekiel 37:21).
Gewa Binjamin (Adam) גבע בנימין Mateh Benjamin 1983 - ... 361 707 2,032 4.157 5,065 O
Gilgal גלגל Bikʿat HaJarden 1973 1970 118 ... 169 164 164 172 169 J
Gitit גיתית Bikʿat HaJarden 1975 1972 113 ... 138 109 161 259 362 J
Givʿat Seev גבעת זאב Giv'at Ze'ew 1982 2,250 4,250 6,750 10,000 10,635 10,779 15.094 W.
Giwon HaChadasha גבעון החדשה Mateh Benjamin 1980 92 433 826 1,180 1,179 1,113 1,161 W.
Har Adar הר אדר Har Adar 1986 - 929 1,430 1,380 2,074 3.211 3776 W.
Har Gilo הר גילה Gush Etzion 1968 201 305 387 363 371 566 1438 W.
Immanuel עמנואל Immanuel 1983 380 2,480 3,360 3,150 2,585 2,901 3197 W.
Itamar איתמר Shomron 1984 - ... 273 511 600 1,032 1275 O
Jafit יפית Bikʿat HaJarden 1980 75 ... 124 118 101 107 136 J
Jakir יקיר Shomron 1981 256 351 605 765 960 1,207 1821 W.
Jitav ייט"ב Bikʿat HaJarden 1977 1970 37 ... 78 107 141 118 249 J
Jitzhar יצהר Shomron 1984 1983 - ... 129 328 534 895 1279 O
Kalia קלי"ה Megilot 1972 1968 102 245 247 262 260 300 390 J
Karmei Tzur כרמי צור Gush Etzion 1984 - ... 237 422 665 691 1.011 O
Carmel כרמל Har Chevron 1981 1980 71 ... 231 252 319 379 419 O
Karnei Shomron קרני שומרון Karnei Shomron 1978 636 3,240 4,820 5,590 6,170 6.210 6,650 W. "Horn of Samaria"
Kedar קדר Gush Etzion 1984 - ... 393 393 658 960 1,384 W.
Kedumim קדומים Kedumim 1975 811 1,570 2,540 2,540 3,010 3,774 4.187 W.
Kfar Adumim כְּפַר אֲדֻמִּים. Mateh Benjamin 1979 253 559 1.010 1,590 2.006 3,099 3,952 W.
Kfar Etzion כפר עציון Gush Etzion 1967 390 455 543 421 416 818 1,060 W.
Kfar HaOranim כפר האורנים Mateh Benjamin 1998 - - - 332 1,610 2,440 2,668 W. Other name: Menorah
Kfar Tapuach כפר תפוח Shomron 1978 1978 82 ... 261 352 593 919 900 O
Kirjat Arba קריית ארבע Kirjat Arba 1970 2,867 3,870 5,120 6.240 6,651 7.096 6,951 O
Kiryat Netafim קרית נטפים Shomron 1984 1982 - ... 159 240 419 634 824 W. Arabic: كريات نتافيم
Kochav HaShachar כוכב השחר Mateh Benjamin 1977 129 410 805 1,080 1,365 1,423 1,829 O
Kochav Ja'akov כוכב יעקוב Mateh Benjamin 1984 - ... 663 1,260 4,389 5,811 6,993 O
Lapid לפיד Lapid 2002 - - - - 2.176 2,431 2,505 W.
Maʿale Adummim מעלה אדומים Maʿale Adummim 1975 1975 3,504 12,700 18,400 23,800 28,923 34,324 37,404 W.
Maʿale Amos מעלה עמוס Gush Etzion 1981 209 248 388 342 319 264 352 O
Maʿale Efraim מעלה אפרים Maʿale Efraim 1978 909 1,300 1,470 1,460 1,456 1,270 1,145 J
Ma'ale Lewona מעלה לבונה Mateh Benjamin 1984 1983 - ... 301 447 514 713 758 O
Ma'ale Michmas מעלה מכמש Mateh Benjamin 1981 134 238 539 753 1,055 1,079 1,319 J
Ma'ale Omarim מעלה עומרים Har Chevron See Tene
Ma'ale Shomron מעלה שומרון Shomron 1980 188 246 397 486 549 789 965 W.
Ma'on מעון Har Chevron 1982 1981 21st ... 158 265 308 368 488 O
Masu'a משואה Bikʿat HaJarden 1974 1969 160 210 210 140 140 136 149 J
Matitjahu מתתיהו Mateh Benjamin 1981 85 227 2,380 1,410 1,347 457 663 W.
Mechola מחולה Bikʿat HaJarden 1968 293 303 268 315 360 377 467 J
Mechora מכורה Bikʿat HaJarden 1976 1973 133 99 135 120 119 122 138 J
Mewo'ot Jericho Bikʿat HaJarden 1999 J Was legalized in 2019
Metzadot Yehuda מצדות יהודה Har Chevron 1980 96 ... 327 412 425 382 478 W. Other name Bet Jatir
Mewo Choron מבוא חורון Mateh Benjamin 1970 275 347 464 494 827 1,593 2,425 W.
Mevo Dotan מבוא דותן Shomron 1978 98 ... 271 314 287 281 330 O
Migdal Oz מגדל עוז Gush Etzion 1977 98 ... 221 280 313 436 447 W. Kibbutz
Migdalim מגדלים Shomron 1986 1984 - ... 118 150 151 137 204 O
Mitzpe Schalem מצפה שלם Megilot 1976 1970 70 ... 200 208 192 164 171 J
Mitzpe Jericho מצפה יריחו Mateh Benjamin 1978 159 398 678 1,160 1,469 1,754 2,270 J
Modiʿin illite מודיעין עילית Modiʿin illite 1994 - - 6,150 13,000 27,386 46,245 63.187 W.
Na'ale נעלה Mateh Benjamin 1988 - - 149 105 600 935 1,441 O
Nachali'el נחליאל Mateh Benjamin 1984 - ... 214 230 282 392 583 O
Na'omi נעמי Bikʿat HaJarden 1982 23 ... 122 133 127 102 107 J
Negohot נגוהות Har Chevron 1999 1982 - - - - 135 223 271 O
Netiv Ha'avot Gush Etzion - - - - - - - W. Was legalized in 2018.
Netiv HaGedud נתיב הגדוד Bikʿat HaJarden 1975 155 ... 201 143 132 175 179 J
Newe Daniel נווה דניאל Gush Etzion 1982 69 252 576 868 1,225 1,735 2.174 W. At 900 meters, it is the highest Israeli settlement in the West Bank.
Nili ניל"י Mateh Benjamin 1981 155 302 440 666 829 846 1,276 O The place name was taken from the first Hebrew letters of the biblical sentence from 1 Sam 15:29: "The glory of Israel (i.e. God) does not lie."
Niran נערן or נִירָן Bikʿat HaJarden 1977 1971 99 ... 67 45 53 54 81 J Named after the ancient settlement of Naaran .
Nofim נופים Shomron 1987 - ... 270 362 414 409 549 W.
Nokdim נוקדים Gush Etzion 1993 - - 526 526 674 1,308 O
Ofra עפרה Mateh Benjamin 1975 508 846 1,270 1,870 2,264 3,183 2.137 O
Oranite אורנית Oranite 1984 - 1.910 2,280 4,780 5,458 5,917 8,086 W.
Otni'el עתניאל Har Chevron 1983 1983 - ... 553 553 692 802 862 O
Pedu'el פדואל Shomron 1984 - ... 421 834 1,219 1,096 1,475 W.
Penei Chewer פני חבר Mateh Benjamin 1983 1982 ... ... 98 266 377 370 423 O
Peza'el פצאל Bikʿat HaJarden 1975 191 286 311 228 215 205 244 J
Psagot פסגות Mateh Benjamin 1981 209 506 778 1,030 1,388 1,563 1,904 O Located on a hill directly adjacent to Al-Bireh .
Rechelim רחלים Shomron 2012 - - - - - - - 529
High in ריחן Shomron 1981 1977 51 ... 111 100 148 164 183 W.
Revava רבבה Shomron 1991 - - 108 389 738 1,113 1,805 W.
Rimonim רימונים Mateh Benjamin 1980 1977 86 ... 406 474 536 616 564 J
Rosh Tzurim ראש צורים Gush Etzion 1969 1969 210 279 290 290 298 555 910 W.
Sal'it סלעית Shomron 1977 236 298 409 377 443 498 604 W.
Sha'arei Tikva שערי תקווה Shomron 1982 7th 905 2.010 3,220 3,685 4,493 5,451 W.
Schadmot Mechola שדמות מחולה Bikʿat HaJarden 1984 1978 - ... 141 400 517 493 544 J
Schaked שקד Shomron 1981 110 307 409 468 509 614 779 W.
Schani שעני Har Chevron 1989 - - 490 468 443 423 463 W.
Schavei Shomron שבי שומרון Shomron 1977 267 419 606 569 539 712 863 O
Shiloh שילה Mateh Benjamin 1979 325 627 915 1,490 1,825 2.005 3.113 O Is named after the ancient silo .
Shim'a שמעה Har Chevron 1988 1982 - ... 221 263 344 304 475 O
Susiya סוסיא Har Chevron 1983 - ... 269 468 663 841 1.014 O
Talmon טלמון Mateh Benjamin 1989 - - 439 1,150 1,760 2,580 3,486 O
Tekoa תקוע Gush Etzion 1977 1975 188 400 776 948 1,179 1,596 3,200 O
Telem תלם Har Chevron 1983 1982 - ... 80 101 141 217 278 O
Tene Omarim טנא Har Chevron 1984 1983 - ... 347 580 538 5562 758 O Also called Ma'ale Omarim.
Tomer תומר Bikʿat HaJarden 1978 153 248 290 307 296 233 232 J Hebrew: palm
Tzufim צופים Shomron 1989 - - 542 794 1,048 1,129 1,815 W.
Vered Jericho ורד יריחו Megilot 1980 151 190 202 155 161 194 221 J

1 year the settlement was founded by the Nachal , an organization that combines agriculture and military service.
2 Location of the settlement after the construction of the barrier : W = west, on the Israeli side, E = east, on the Palestinian side, J = Jordan valley, on the east side, in an area with largely closed Israeli settlement.

Former settlements


The settlements: Ginot Shomron and Newe Menachem were united with Karnei Shomron .


In 2004 Ofarim merged with Bet Arjere.

Surname Hebrew Commune founding 1994 1999 2004 location
Ofarim עופרים Mateh Benjamin 1989 351 623 870 W.


As part of the decoupling plan, the following were abandoned:

Surname Hebrew Commune founding Nachal 1994 1999 2004 location
Chomesh חומש Shomron 1980 1978 168 163 181 O
Ganim גנים Shomron 1983 136 149 147 O
Kadim כדים Shomron 1983 130 138 142 O
Sa only שא-נור Shomron 1987 - 54 150 O


View from Herodion to Maale Rechavam
View of Rechelim, 2011
View of Sde Boaz
Tal Menasche, 2009

In addition to the settlements officially recognized by the Israeli government as an independent community, there are also around 100 smaller settlements known as “outposts” ( plural : Hebrew מָאֳחָזִים/ מאחזים; transcribed : Ma'achasim or singular: Hebrew מְאַחֵז/ מאחז; transcribed : Me'aches ; English outpost ).

These small informal settlements are either illegally established under Israeli law, are near and are considered to be part of existing settlements, or are military outposts.


Surname Next settlement Commune founding comment
Abigail Ma'on Har Chevron 2001
Goodbye Ad Mateh Benjamin
Ahijah Mateh Benjamin
Asa'el Shim'a Har Chevron 2002
El Matan Ma'ale Shomron Shomron 2000
Elisa Bikʿat HaJarden 1982 Nachal
Esch Kodesch Mateh Benjamin
Givʿat Asaf Mateh Benjamin 2001
Givat Harel Mateh Benjamin
Givot Olam Itamar Shomron 1998
Gvaʿot Allon Schewut Gush Etzion 1984
Harasha Mateh Benjamin
Havat Gilad Shomron 2002
Chavot Jaïr Jakir Shomron 1999
Chawat Skali Elon More Shomron 1999
Homesch Shomron 2006
Hill 777 Shomron
Hill 857 Bet El Bet El 2001
I bei HaNachal Maale Amos Gush Etzion 1999
Yishuv HaDa'at Mateh Benjamin
Keida Mateh Benjamin
Maale Rechavam Kfar Eldad Gush Etzion 2007
Maale Schlomo Mateh Benjamin
Stomach dan Shomron
Maskijot Bikʿat HaJarden 1986 Nachal
Mitzpe Dani Mateh Benjamin
Mitzpe Eschtemoa Shim'a Har Chevron 2003
Mitzpe Hagit Mateh Benjamin
Mitzpe Jair Susiya Har Chevron 1998
Mitzpe Josef Shomron 2002
Mitzpe Kramim Mateh Benjamin 1999
Neria Talmon Mateh Benjamin Also Talmon B
Nofei Nehemiah Rechelim Shomron 2002
Oz Zion Mateh Benjamin
Pnei Kedem Metzad Gush Etzion 2000
Ramat Gilad Shomron 2001
Red Bikʿat HaJarden 1984 Nachal
Sansana Har Chevron 1997
Sde Boaz Neve Daniel Gush Etzion 2002
Seneh Ja'akov Bracha Shomron 1999
Tapuach West Kfar Tapuach Shomron
Tekoa B Tekoa Gush Etzion 2001
Tekoa C Tekoa Gush Etzion 2001
Tekoa D Tekoa Gush Etzion 2002
Tzur shalem Karmei Tzur Gush Etzion 2001

Former outposts

Surname Next settlement Commune founding comment
Amona Ofra Mateh Benjamin 1995 Was evacuated on February 1, 2017.
Bruchin Shomron 1998 Was legalized in 2012
Mevo'ot Jericho Bikʿat HaJarden 1999 Was legalized in 2019
Migron Mateh Benjamin 2001 Was vacated in 2012.
Netiv Ha'avot Elazar Gush Etzion Was legalized in 2018.
Newe Erez Mateh Benjamin Was vacated in 2003.
Rechelim Kfar Tapuach Shomron 1991 Was legalized in 2012
Valley Menasche Quinanite Shomron 1999 Was legalized in 2012

The fastest growing settlements

The ten fastest growing settlements by population between 1994 and 2004 were:

settlement Annual population growth

1994 residents

2004 residents
Modiʿin illite 5.2% approx. 5,000 27,386 63.187
Betar Illite 4.3% 4,880 24,895 46,874
Maʿale Adummim 0.7% 18,400 28,923 37,404
Givʿat Seev 5.2% 6,750 10,635 15.094
Kochav Ja'akov 4.5% 663 4,389 6,993
Ariel 1.7% 12,800 16,414 18,391
Bet El 1.6% 1,230 4,763 5,991
Alfe Menasche 0.4% 2,710 5,433 7,614
Efrata 2.8% 4,650 7,273 8,131
Oranite 6.0% 3,380 5,458 8,086


Yellow : Palestinian self-government area ( Area A according to the 2nd Oslo Agreement ),
Beige: Palestinian self-government area under the control of the Israeli military (Area B)
White: Blocked by the Israeli military (Area C)
Magenta: Israeli settlement
White-magenta: Communal area of ​​the settlement

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ The growth rate of settlers has decreased. In: Israelnetz .de. January 8, 2019, accessed January 19, 2019 .
  2. More detailed explanations of the biblical meaning of names can be found in: Scheel, Wolfgang: Lexicon of biblical local names in modern Israel, 3rd edition, Hammerbrücke 2003, ISBN 3-933750-32-6 , p. 67
  3. Israel's ministers meet in the Jordan Valley. In: Israelnetz .de. September 16, 2019, accessed September 17, 2019 .
  4. More detailed explanations of the biblical meaning of names can be found in: Scheel, Wolfgang: Lexicon of biblical names in modern Israel, 3rd edition, Hammerbrücke 2003, ISBN 3-933750-32-6 , p. 75.
  5. מָאֳחָזִים The word Ma'achasim (outpost / outpost) appears in Book 2 of the Chronicles , Chapter 9, Verse 18: וְשֵׁשׁ מַעֲלוֹת לַכִּסֵּא וְכֶבֶשׁ בַּזָּהָב לַכִּסֵּא מָאֳחָזִים וְיָדוֹת מִזֶּה וּמִזֶּה עַל מְקוֹם האֵצֶַשָּׁבֶת, וּשְׁנַיִם אֲיַיַול אֲיַיול
  6. מאחז The word Me'aches appears in the Book of Job , chapter 26, verse 9: מְאַחֵז פְּנֵי כִסֵּה, פַּרְשֵׁז עָלָיו עֲנָנוֹ.
  7. Internet site of the Foundation for Middle East Peace ( Memento of the original from November 18, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , English @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. outpost Mitzpe Kramim is not cleared In: Israel Network , .com August 29, 2018, accessed September 8, 2018th
  9. , accessed on February 1, 2017.
  10. Israel's ministers meet in the Jordan Valley. In: Israelnetz .de. September 16, 2019, accessed September 17, 2019 .
  11. of February 25, 2018: Cabinet approves legalization of the Netiv Ha'avot outpost