Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards / Best Director

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Winner of the Prize of the Los Angeles Film Critics Association in the category Best Director ( Best Director ). The American Film Critics Association is one of the first to announce its awards for the best film productions and filmmakers of the current calendar year each year at the beginning of December, which are presented about a month later, in early or mid-January.

The most successful in this category were the US film directors Paul Thomas Anderson , David Lynch , Sidney Lumet and Steven Spielberg , who each won the award twice. The film critics association was able to present the Oscar winner 15 times in advance , most recently in 2020 with the awarding of the award to the South Korean Bong Joon-ho ( Parasite ) . The only successful filmmakers so far were New Zealander Jane Campion ( Das Piano ) in 1993 , American Kathryn Bigelow ( Tödliches Kommando - The Hurt Locker ) in 2009 and her compatriot Debra Granik ( Leave No Trace ) in 2018 .

Award winners

Notes: Since 2004, the LAFCA jury has also announced second-placed directors.

year Award winners Movie German title
1975 Sidney Lumet Dog Day Afternoon Dog days
1976 Sidney Lumet Network Network
1977 Herbert Ross The turning point At the turning point
1978 Michael Cimino * The Deer Hunter Those who go through hell
1979 Robert Benton * Kramer vs. Chandler Kramer versus Kramer
1980 Roman Polanski Tess Tess
1981 Warren Beatty * Reds Reds
1982 Steven Spielberg ET The Extra-Terrestrial ET - The Alien
1983 James L. Brooks * Terms of Endearment Time of tenderness
1984 Miloš Forman * Amadeus Amadeus
1985 Terry Gilliam Brazil Brazil
1986 David Lynch Blue Velvet Blue Velvet
1987 John Boorman Hope and Glory Hope and Glory
1988 David Cronenberg Dead Ringers The inseparable
1989 Spike Lee Do the right thing Do the right thing
1990 Martin Scorsese Goodfellas Good Fellas - Three decades in the Mafia
1991 Barry Levinson Bugsy Bugsy
1992 Clint Eastwood * Unforgiven Merciless
1993 Jane Campion The piano The piano
1994 Quentin Tarantino pulp Fiction pulp Fiction
1995 Mike Figgis Leaving Las Vegas Leaving Las Vegas
1996 Mike Leigh Secrets & Lies Lies and secrets
1997 Curtis Hanson LA Confidential LA Confidential
1998 Steven Spielberg * Saving Private Ryan The soldier James Ryan
1999 Sam Mendes * American Beauty American Beauty
2000 Steven Soderbergh * Erin Brockovich
Erin Brockovich
Traffic - Power of the Cartel
2001 David Lynch Mulholland Dr. Mulholland Drive - Street of Darkness
2002 Pedro Almodovar Hable con ella Talk to her
2003 Peter Jackson * The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
2004 Alexander Payne Sideways Sideways
2005 Ang Lee * Brokeback Mountain Brokeback Mountain
2006 Paul Greengrass United 93 Flight 93
2007 Paul Thomas Anderson There Will Be Blood There Will Be Blood
2008 Danny Boyle * Slumdog Millionaire Slumdog millionaire
2009 Kathryn Bigelow * The Hurt Locker Deadly Command - The Hurt Locker
2010 Olivier Assayas Carlos Carlos - the jackal
David Fincher The social network The social network
2011 Terrence Malick The Tree of Life The Tree of Life
2012 Paul Thomas Anderson The Master The Master
2013 Alfonso Cuarón * Gravity Gravity
2014 Richard Linklater Boyhood Boyhood
2015 George Miller Mad Max: Fury Road Mad Max: Fury Road
2016 Barry Jenkins Moonlight Moonlight
2017 Luca Guadagnino Call Me by Your Name Call Me by Your Name
Guillermo del Toro * The Shape of Water Shape of Water - The whisper of water
2018 Debra Granik Leave no trace Leave no trace
2019 Bong Joon-ho * Parasite Parasite

* = Directors who for their film later the Oscar as Best Director of the Year won

Runner-up directors

  1. ↑ In 2004, Martin Scorsese took second place for Aviator
  2. ↑ In 2005 David Cronenberg took second place for A History of Violence
  3. 2006 took Clint Eastwood for Flags of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima second place
  4. ↑ In 2007, Julian Schnabel took second place for butterfly and diving bell
  5. ↑ In 2008, Christopher Nolan took second place for The Dark Knight
  6. ↑ In 2009 Michael Haneke took second place for The White Ribbon - A German Children's Story
  7. ↑ In 2011, Martin Scorsese took second place for Hugo Cabret
  8. ↑ In 2012, Kathryn Bigelow took second place for Zero Dark Thirty
  9. ↑ In 2013 Spike Jonze took second place for Her
  10. ↑ In 2014 Wes Anderson took second place for Grand Budapest Hotel
  11. ↑ In 2015, Todd Haynes took second place for Carol
  12. ↑ In 2016, the later Oscar winner Damien Chazelle took second place for La La Land
  13. ↑ In 2018, Alfonso Cuarón took second place for Roma
  14. ↑ In 2019, Martin Scorsese took second place for The Irishman