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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the municipality of Aitern
Map of Germany, position of the municipality of Aitern highlighted

Coordinates: 47 ° 48 '  N , 7 ° 54'  E

Basic data
State : Baden-Württemberg
Administrative region : Freiburg
County : Loerrach
Local government association: Schönau in the Black Forest
Height : 630 m above sea level NHN
Area : 9.21 km 2
Residents: 534 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 58 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 79677
Area code : 07673
License plate :
Community key : 08 3 36 004
Address of the
municipal administration:
Schulweg 6
79677 Aitern
Website :
Mayoress : Sigrid Boehler
Location of the municipality of Aitern in the district of Lörrach
Frankreich Schweiz Landkreis Waldshut Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald Freiburg im Breisgau Aitern Bad Bellingen Binzen Böllen Efringen-Kirchen Efringen-Kirchen Eimeldingen Fischingen (Baden) Fröhnd Grenzach-Wyhlen Zell im Wiesental Häg-Ehrsberg Hasel (Baden) Hausen im Wiesental Inzlingen Kandern Kleines Wiesental Lörrach Malsburg-Marzell Maulburg Rheinfelden (Baden) Rümmingen Rümmingen Schallbach Schliengen Schönau im Schwarzwald Schönau im Schwarzwald Schönau im Schwarzwald Schönau im Schwarzwald Schönau im Schwarzwald Schönau im Schwarzwald Schönenberg (Schwarzwald) Schopfheim Schwörstadt Steinen (Baden) Todtnau Tunau Utzenfeld Weil am Rhein Wembach Wembach Wembach Wieden (Schwarzwald) Wittlingen Wittlingen Zell im Wiesental Zell im Wiesental Zell im Wiesentalmap
About this picture

Aitern ( Alemannisch Aitere ) is a municipality in the district of Lörrach in Baden-Württemberg ( Germany ).

The community is a member of the community administration association Schönau in the Black Forest .


Geographical location

Aitern lies at an altitude of 580 to 1,078 meters in the valley of the Aiternbach, which stretches down from the eastern slope of the 1,414 m high Belchen into the Wiesental . Over the highest pass in the Lörrach district, the Hohtannhöhe at 1180  m above sea level. NHN , you reach the Wiedener Eck .

Community structure

View of Aitern from the northwest

The municipality of Aitern includes the village of Aitern, the hamlets of Holzinshaus, (Ober- and Unter-) Multen and the farms Oberrollsbach and Unterrollsbach. The Swendenhütten desert is located in the municipality .

The 100 kilometer long distance skiing trail Schonach – Belchen , the longest ski trail in the Black Forest, ends in Multen . It is the destination of the 100-kilometer backpack run for the “ Wäldercup ” on this route, starting in Schonach .

Neighboring communities

The community borders in the north on Münstertal in the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and Wieden , in the east on Utzenfeld , in the south on the city of Schönau in the Black Forest and in the west on Schönenberg .



The annual precipitation is 1874 mm. The precipitation is in the upper third of the measuring points of the German Weather Service . Over 99% indicate lower values. The driest month is September; it rains most in November. In the wettest month, around 1.4 times more rain falls than in the driest month. The seasonal fluctuations in precipitation are in the upper third. In over 87% of all places, the monthly precipitation fluctuates less.


Archaeological finds allow the conclusion that the municipality was inhabited by Celtic farmers more than 2000 years ago. Aitern was first mentioned in a document in 1352. The place belonged to the monastery of St. Blasien until its secularization in 1806, when Aitern became Baden.


Town Hall Aitern

The municipal council in Aitern has eight members. It consists of the voluntary councilors and the mayor as chairwoman. The mayor is entitled to vote in the municipal council. In the local elections on May 26, 2019, the local council was elected by majority vote. Majority voting takes place if no or only one nomination has been submitted. The applicants with the highest number of votes are then elected. The turnout was 68.1% (2014: 72.3%).


Aitern has a primary school and a kindergarten . Secondary school students attend school in nearby Schönau in the Black Forest; there is also a grammar school there . The closest secondary school is in Zell im Wiesental .


  • Aitern. In: Department State Description of the State Archives Freiburg im Breisgau (editor): District descriptions of the State of Baden-Württemberg. The district of Loerrach. Volume IA general part. B. Community descriptions Aitern to Inzlingen. C. Sources and literature . Published by the Baden-Württemberg State Archives Directorate in conjunction with the Lörrach district. Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen 1993, ISBN 3-7995-1353-1 . , Pp. 521-537
  • R Lederle: Aitern. The story of a small Black Forest community , Aitern 1964

Web links

Commons : Aitern  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. State Statistical Office Baden-Württemberg - Population by nationality and gender on December 31, 2018 (CSV file) ( help on this ).
  2. ^ The state of Baden-Württemberg. Official description by district and municipality. Volume VI: Freiburg region Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-17-007174-2 . P. 876
  3. Preliminary results of the 2019 municipal council elections at the State Statistical Office