NGC 465

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Open star cluster
NGC 465
Constellation Toucan
equinox : J2000.0
Right ascension 01 h 15 m 42 s
declination -73 ° 19.7 ′

Brightness  (visual) 11.5 likes
Angular expansion 5.0 '× 4.0'
Physical data

Affiliation Small Magellanic Cloud
Discovered by James Dunlop
Discovery time August 1, 1826
Catalog names
 NGC  465 •  ESO  29-SC40 •  GC  261 •  h  2404 • Kron 67 • Lindsay 99

NGC 465 is an open star cluster in the small Magellanic Cloud in the constellation Toucan . The open star cluster NGC 465 was discovered on August 1, 1826 by the Scottish astronomer James Dunlop .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b SIMBAD database
  2. ^ SEDS: NGC 465
  3. Seligman