Nekrolog 1542

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Other events | Nekrolog (animals)  | Music year 1542

This is a list of famous people who died in 1542 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 4th Dietrich VIII of Gemmingen Landlord in Steinegg and Tiefenbronn
6th January Bernard van Orley Flemish painter
10. January Gerhard Geldenhauer Humanist and theologian
January 12th Ambrosius Berndt German philologist and Protestant theologian
January 25th Heinrich Brömse German lawyer and imperial council 66


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 1st Hieronymus Aleander papal envoy 61
13th February Jane Boleyn English nobles at the court of Henry VIII.
13th February Catherine Howard 5th wife of King Henry VIII of England
20. February Jobst from Dewitz Pomeranian statesman
February Nikolaus Federmann Commercial agent and explorer


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st March Bia de 'Medici illegitimate daughter of Cosimo I de 'Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
April 21 Johannes Cellarius German Lutheran theologian


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
May 6th Nicolaus Boie the Elder German reformer
May 19th Abdussamed Diyarbekri Turkish chronicler and translator
May 21 Hernando de Soto Spanish navigator and conquistador
23. May Gendun Gyatsho second Dalai Lama 66
May 24th Caspar Güttel Lutheran theologian and reformer
May 26 Jörg Graff German poet and bank singer


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
3rd of June Johann yeast germs German Lutheran theologian and reformer
June 9th Karsten Timmermann Councilor of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck
14th June Christoph Scheurl German lawyer, diplomat and humanist 60
June 19th Leo Jud Swiss reformer


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
8th of July Johannes Lüthard Franciscan brother and Reformation preacher in Basel
15th of July Lisa del Giocondo possibly the Mona Lisa template 63


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
17th August Dominik Zili Swiss reformer
August 23 Johann Ketzmann German Lutheran theologian, educator and school rector 55
August 24th Gasparo Contarini Venetian diplomat, later cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church 58
29th August Cristóvão da Gama Portuguese soldier
August Peter Henlein German master locksmith and probably the inventor of the watch that can be worn on the body in Germany


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
17th of September Dionisio Neagrus Laurerio Italian cardinal
25th of September Thomas Kantzow German chronicler and historian
September Diego de Almagro el Mozo Spanish conquistador


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
October 11th Thomas Wyatt English poet and diplomat
15th October William Fitzwilliam, 1st Earl of Southampton Lord Seal Keeper, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
23rd October Johannes Zwick German hymn poet
28th of October Kaspar III Winemaker imperial council of the emperor Karl V, nurse zu Tölz and Bavarian general
October Nicolaus Boie the Younger Protestant theologian, reformer and hymn poet


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 10th Felipe Bigarny French-Spanish sculptor and architect of the Renaissance
25. November Heinrich Stromer German physician and founder of Auerbachs Keller


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
9th of December Christoph Fuchs from Fuchsberg Bishop of Brixen
December 14th Jacob V. King of Scotland 30th

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Rodrigo Alemán Spanish sculptor
Leonhard Beck German painter and draftsman
Girolamo Benivieni Italian poet
Juan Boscán Almogávar Spanish poet
Nicolaes Cleynaerts Belgian humanist, theologian, grammarian, orientalist and Semitist
Antonello Crescenzio Italian painter
Luís Dias Portuguese shoemaker and false messiah
Clemens Grote German Canon
Georg von Höwen Obervogt von Tuttlingen
Hans Kugelmann German composer and court trumpeter
Antonius Margaritha Jewish convert and Hebrew
Caecilia of Oldessem Abbess of the Harvestehude monastery and dominatrix of the St. Johannis monastery
Andreas Pflugk Councilor, bailiff and manor owner
Bartolomeo Ramenghi Italian painter
Johann Rurer Protestant theologian and reformer
Caspar Schaller City clerk in Basel and Bern, theological publicist
Johann Westermann German Protestant theologian and reformer