Nekrolog 1545

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Other events | Nekrolog (animals)  | Music year 1545

This is a list of famous people who died in 1545 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 16 Georg Spalatin German humanist, theologian, reformer and historian 60
January 24th Eberhard Brisger Protestant theologian and reformer


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
19th of February Pierre Brully Calvinist preacher
February 28 Peter von Englisberg Knight of the Order of St. John, Commander


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
6th March Georg Helt German humanist, universal scholar


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
3rd of April Antonio de Guevara Spanish writer and imaginative historian (Álava)
10th of April Costanzo Festa Italian composer
10th of April Peter Gercken German cleric, secretary of the Hanseatic office in Bergen and canon
April 14th Thomas Clere English poet at the court of Henry VIII.
April 22 Louis X. Duke of Bavaria 49
April 25 Jobst II. Count of Hoya (1511-1545)


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
May 9 Peter Babenberg Abbot of the regulated canons of Kreuzlingen (1497–1545)
May 13th Stanislaus Rapagelanus Protestant theologian of the Reformation period
17th of May Peter Wiben German farmhand, robber and pirate
23. May Costanza Farnese Daughter of Pope Paul III.
31. May Agnes Tilney second wife of Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
2th of June Nikolaus Thoman German clergyman and chronicler
June 12 Franz I. Duke of Lorraine 27
15th June Elisabeth of Austria Queen of Poland 19th
18th of June Johann Ludwig Count of Saarbrücken 72
June 24th Hans Blietel Martyrs of the Hutterites


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
7th of July Pernette du Guillet French poet
July 12 Maria of Portugal Portuguese princess, wife of King Philip II of Spain. 17th
July 19 Abraham Culvensis Lithuanian lawyer and reformer
July Burchard Beckmann Mayor of Greifswald


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
August 1st Juan Pardo de Tavera Archbishop of Toledo 73
August 16 Johannes Bader German theologian and reformer
18th of August Kaspar Megander Reformed theologian and reformer
August 22nd Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk English nobleman
August Johannes Otto German lawyer, clergyman and university professor


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
September 4th Johannes Thiel Titular Bishop of Nicopolis and Auxiliary Bishop in Breslau
5th September Valentin Krautwald German theologian and humanist
the 9th of September Charles de Valois-Angoulême, duc d'Orléans French prince, son of King Franz I. 23
September 24th Albrecht of Brandenburg Cardinal, Elector, Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg, Administrator of Halberstadt, Margrave of Brandenburg 55
September Hans Baldung German painter, draftsman and engraver


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
4th of October Johannes Varnbuler mayor 81
October 18 John Taverner English composer
October 25 Simon Snow White German Protestant theologian and reformer


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 1st Aert van der Goes Dutch state advocate between 1525 and 1544
November 6th Peter V. von Rosenberg bohemian nobleman 55
November 9th Pietro Lando 78. Doge of Venice
November 9th Christoph von Venningen Obervogt von Vaihingen, envoy of the Schmalkaldic League
November 19th Wandula from Schaumberg German abbess
November 28th Jacob van Liesvelt Antwerp printer who printed the first complete Dutch translation of the Bible


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
December 5th Bartlmä Häberle German artist, court painter at the Austrian royal court

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Enrique de Arfe German goldsmith
Gabriel Ascherham German Baptist
Johannes Block Preacher in Pomerania and the Baltic States
Johann von Böckenförde Landdrost of the Duchy of Westphalia
Jost Ludwig Dietz Polish diplomat of Alsatian descent
Helena von Freyberg Austrian person in the Anabaptist movement
Albrecht Glockendon the Elder German form cutter, illuminist and letter painter
Injong Ruler of the Joseon Dynasty in what is now Korea
Nikola Jurišić Croatian-Hungarian general and defender of Kőszeg
Ket Chettharat King of Lan Na
Andreas Lackner Austrian carver
Giovanni Lanfranco Italian organist and music theorist of the Renaissance
Laurentius Liechti Swiss watchmaker
Hans Rev Norwegian clergyman, Bishop of Oslo
Johannes Sastrow Pomeranian legal scholar, provost and Poeta laureate
Sher Khan Suri Indian ruler
Johannes Singriener German book printer
Ulrich Varnbuler jurist
Clement von der Wisch Provost to Uetersen, Lord of Hanerau