Neuburg on the Rhine

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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the local community Neuburg am Rhein
Neuburg on the Rhine
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Neuburg am Rhein highlighted

Coordinates: 48 ° 59 '  N , 8 ° 15'  E

Basic data
State : Rhineland-Palatinate
County : Germersheim
Association municipality : Hagenbach
Height : 106 m above sea level NHN
Area : 8.25 km 2
Residents: 2555 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 310 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 76776
Area code : 07273
License plate : GER
Community key : 07 3 34 021
Association administration address: Ludwigstrasse 20
76767 Hagenbach
Website :
Local Mayor : Hermann Knauß (Free Voters)
Location of the local community Neuburg am Rhein in the district of Germersheim
Wörth am Rhein Germersheim Zeiskam Ottersheim bei Landau Knittelsheim Bellheim Scheibenhardt Berg (Pfalz) Hagenbach Neuburg am Rhein Jockgrim Neupotz Hatzenbühl Rheinzabern Steinweiler Erlenbach bei Kandel Kandel (Pfalz) Winden (Pfalz) Vollmersweiler Freckenfeld Minfeld Leimersheim Kuhardt Rülzheim Hördt Schwegenheim Lingenfeld Freisbach Weingarten (Pfalz) Westheim (Pfalz) Lustadt Baden-Württemberg Frankreich Speyer Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis Neustadt an der Weinstraße Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße Landau in der Pfalzmap
About this picture

Neuburg am Rhein is a municipality in the district of Germersheim in Rhineland-Palatinate . It belongs to the Hagenbach community .

Geographical location

The community is located in the southeastern corner of Rhineland-Palatinate between the Rhine and Lauter . On the opposite bank of the Rhine are the large district town of Rheinstetten (Neuburgweier), Au am Rhein ( Rastatt district ) and Karlsruhe (Daxlanden).


middle Ages

Clearly documented in 1086 is the donation of a "Grafschaft Vorechheim" in the Ufgau (today: Forchheim-Rheinstetten ) by Emperor Heinrich IV to the Bishop of Speyer . This also included the later area of ​​Neuburg on the right bank of the Rhine . In 1102 the diocese left the land to the Lords of Eberstein as a fief . Around 1250 they fortified the strategically important place and called it "Zer Niuwenburc". In 1259 Otto von Eberstein pledged the village "Niwenbure" (Neuburg) as the marriage property of his sister, Adelheid von Eberstein, to her husband, Heinrich II. Von Lichtenberg . The bishop of Speyer remained the feudal lord. It was no longer triggered by the von Eberstein men.

During the first division of the Lichtenberg rule , which took place around 1330, Neuburg was assigned to the part of the "older line", the descendants of Heinrich II von Lichtenberg. In 1337 Neuburg received city ​​rights , namely that of Hagenau . When Agnes von Lichtenberg, daughter of Ludwig II. Von Lichtenberg married , Neuburg served as a pledge to secure her dowry . This was replaced by a cash payment in 1359. In 1377 it was handed over from the older line of the Lichtenbergs to Heinrich IV. Von Lichtenberg of the younger line, who at the same time undertook to settle the debts of the older line. Heinrich IV pledged Neuburg to the city of Strasbourg in 1369 and finally sold it in 1383 to Elector Rupprecht I of the Palatinate (1309-1390).

Modern times

Neuburg on the Rhine river map of the Electoral Palatinate, approx. 1595
Half-timbered house in Neuburg

In 1700, Neuburg was still on the right bank of the Rhine. The fortifications that existed there fell victim to some relocations of the Rhine river bed at the end of the 16th century .

By moving the place to the left side of the river, not only large parts of the district were lost , but also the city rights. The city with a blood court and an important pilot and customs station had become a boatmen's and fishing village. Even after the Rhine had been straightened in the first half of the 19th century, the struggle against the floods of the Rhine was not over. Only after the floods on New Year's Eve 1882/83, which flooded the entire district, were the dykes built.

In the Second World War , Neuburg suffered severe damage, mainly because the border town was in the " red zone " of the West Wall .

Population development

If not listed separately, the source of the data is the State Statistical Office of Rhineland-Palatinate.

year Residents
1802 904
1815 1,285
1835 1,483
1849 1,778
1861 1,631
1871 1,538
1905 1,605
year Residents
1939 1,977
1950 1,958
1965 2,612
1970 2,605
1975 2,617
1980 2,617
1985 2,545
year Residents
1990 2,513
1995 2,522
2000 2,523
2005 2,547
2010 2,555
2013 2,577
2015 2,640


As of December 31, 2016, 56.4 percent of the population were Protestant and 19.1 percent Roman Catholic . The rest belonged to another religion or were non-denominational. In 1871 out of a total of 1538 inhabitants, 1,340 were Protestant (87 percent) and 198 were Catholic (13 percent).

While the Roman Catholic denomination predominates in the surrounding area , this is exactly the opposite in Neuburg. In 1686, under French occupation, the reformed parishes were abolished and transferred to the Roman Catholic Church. However, the majority of the Neuburg Protestants did not change their denomination and in 1701 were guaranteed freedom of religion .


Municipal council

The municipal council in Neuburg consists of 20 council members, who were elected in the local elections on May 26, 2019 in a personalized proportional representation, and an honorary local mayor as chairman.

The distribution of seats in the municipal council:

choice SPD CDU WGN total
2019 06th 4th 10 20 seats
2014 08th 5 07th 20 seats
2009 11 4th 05 20 seats
2004 09 6th 05 20 seats

Local mayor

  • 1949–1979: Albert Vollmer
  • 1979–1984: Rudolf Gerber (group of voters)
  • 1984–1994: Erwin Muth (SPD)
  • 1994-2004: Heinz Degitz (SPD)
  • 2004–2014: Thorsten Pfirmann (SPD)
  • since 2014: Hermann Knauß (Free Voters)

In the direct election on May 26, 2019, Knauß was confirmed in his office for another five years with a share of the vote of 74.59%.

coat of arms

Coat of arms of Neuburg am Rhein
Blazon : "In black a lowered silver anchor, held on both sides by a red-armored and tongued golden lion."
Foundation of the coat of arms: It was approved by the Mainz Ministry of the Interior in 1968 and goes back to a seal from 1727.

Community partnerships

A partnership is maintained with Hennickendorf .

Catholic (left in the picture) and Protestant church

Culture and sights


A special feature is that the Protestant and Roman Catholic Church are directly opposite each other. In the Roman Catholic Church of St. Remigius is the oldest surviving organ by the organ builder Michael Stiehr from 1786.

See also: List of cultural monuments in Neuburg am Rhein


A very peculiar variant of the Palatinate dialect is spoken in Neuburg , which differs significantly from the neighboring Palatinate communities and the neighboring Alsace. It is assumed that this idiom can be traced back to the island position in the Rhine that has repeatedly arisen as a result of floods and changes in the course of the river.

Economy and Infrastructure


Rhine ferry Baden-Palatinate
Neuburg stop

There is a car ferry between Neuburg and Neuburgweier in Baden (town of Rheinstetten ). Neuburg has a stop on the Wörth – Strasbourg railway line .

fire Department

The voluntary fire brigade Neuburg consists of 30 members. You have three vehicles (TSF-W, LF 8 and MZF) and a lifeboat (RTB 2) at your disposal. The fire brigade is deployed around 25 to 30 times a year. The youth fire brigade has 15 members.


Honorary citizen

  • Albert Vollmer (1906–1988), local mayor from 1949 to 1979, was made an honorary citizen in 1980 for his great services to the reconstruction of the war-torn village and its further development into a modern residential community. His commitment to Neuburg and the Hagenbach community was also honored with the award of the state's Freiherr vom Stein plaque (1965), the letter of honor from the Rhineland-Palatinate community council and the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon.
  • Erwin Muth (1931-2016), mayor from 1984 to 1994, after having been a member of the local council for 32 years. In gratitude for his many years of work in the council and for his commitment to the good of the community, he was made an honorary citizen on March 8, 1996, after he had already been awarded the Freiherr vom Stein plaque (1990) and the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon (1993) were.

Other personalities


Web links

Commons : Neuburg am Rhein  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. State Statistical Office of Rhineland-Palatinate - population status 2019, districts, communities, association communities ( help on this ).
  2. NN: NN . In: Journal for the history of the Upper Rhine. Vol. 112 (1964) , pp. 83, 86f.
  3. Lehmann, vol. 1, p. 29, Eyer, p. 49, 105. The feudal approval dates from 1258 (see: Lehmann, vol. 1, p. 29).
  4. Eyer, p. 168; Lehmann, Vol. 1, p. 29.
  5. Eyer, p. 79.
  6. Eyer, p. 229.
  7. Eyer, p. 88.
  8. Eyer, p. 93.
  9. Eyer, pp. 102f, 168.
  10. Heyberger et al. a .: Bavaria , p. 205.
  11. Altrhein Neuburgweier Nature Reserve (PDF file; 1.08 MB) On the historic meander breakthrough of the Rhine between Neuburg and Weier
  12. History: Present. Local community Neuburg am Rhein, accessed on May 23, 2020 .
  13. State Statistical Office Rhineland-Palatinate: Neuburg
  14. a b c Official directory and statistics of the Royal Bavarian Government District of the Palatinate, 1863, p. XXVII of the appendix
  15. a b Results of the census in the Kingdom of Bavaria from December 1, 1871 according to individual communities, 1873, p. 65
  16. Municipal statistics in:, as of December 31, 2016
  17. ^ The Regional Returning Officer Rhineland-Palatinate: Local elections 2019, city and municipal council elections. Retrieved June 16, 2020 .
  18. a b Federal Cross of Merit and Freedom of Citizenship. Albert Vollmer. Verbandsgemeinde Hagenbach, accessed on May 23, 2020 .
  19. ^ The State Returning Officer Rhineland-Palatinate: direct elections 2019. see Hagenbach, Verbandsgemeinde, third line of results. Retrieved April 26, 2020 .
  20. ^ Karl Heinz Debus: The great book of arms of the Palatinate. Neustadt an der Weinstrasse 1988, ISBN 3-9801574-2-3 .
  21. Federal Cross of Merit and honorary citizenship. Erwin Muth. Verbandsgemeinde Hagenbach, accessed on May 23, 2020 .