Oberndorf (Schweinfurt)

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Coordinates: 50 ° 1 ′ 39 ″  N , 10 ° 12 ′ 7 ″  E
Height : 210 m
Area : 3.5 km²
Residents : 2461  (Dec. 31, 2015)
Population density : 703 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : December 1, 1919
Postal code : 97424
Area code : 09721
District Oberndorf (Districts 61-62)
Main street with the former town hall
Main street with the former town hall

Oberndorf is a district and a district of the independent city of Schweinfurt in the Bavarian administrative district of Lower Franconia . Since the 1950s, four new districts have been built on the much larger district of Oberndorf. This article does not deal with the entire district, but only with today's Oberndorf district, which is listed as district 61 and 62 in the statistics of the city of Schweinfurt. The entire district came to Schweinfurt in 1919. Oberndorf is the only village that has been incorporated into the city so far (2018).

The village was first mentioned in a document in 741, only 37 years after the oldest Franconian city of Würzburg . Oberndorf is therefore exactly 50 years older than Schweinfurt. Oberndorf has retained its village character in the center of the village despite the large-scale industry right next door. The district has around 2,400 inhabitants, while around 13,000 people live in the entire district, which includes the Bergl district, which was founded in 1951 . In the mid-1970s, up to 18,000 people lived in the area.

Oberndorf was the inventor of the 1,812 foot pedal - bicycle Philipp Moritz Fischer born.


Border of the district

The district of Oberndorf is identical to the area of ​​the town incorporated in 1919 and has 8.18 km². It is located in the southwest corner of the urban area. To the north of the Main , the border between the districts of Oberndorf and Schweinfurt runs along the Upper Geldersheimer Weg, Fritz-Drescher-Straße and Landwehrstraße. The Bergl district , the main train station and the entire Schweinfurt large-scale industry, with the exception of the head office of SKF Deutschland GmbH , are located in Oberndorf. South of the Main are the districts of Port-East and port-West and the northern area around the Amsterdam street in Maintal also on Oberdorfer district.

Boundary of the district

The Oberndorf district only includes the area of ​​the Oberndorf district that is located between the main station, the railway line to Würzburg and the Main. The main station is assigned to the Oberndorf district in the overview plan for the statistical districts.

Statistical districts

The city of Schweinfurt divided the Oberndorf district into three districts for statistical purposes:

  • 61 Oberndorf South
  • 62 Oberndorf center
  • 63 Oberndorf northwest (Münzberg)


Medieval and modern times to the Congress of Vienna

Oberndorf was first mentioned in 741 as Roumfelt in a deed of donation to the diocese of Würzburg . The Schweinfurt area is considered to be the region of the oldest villages in Germany and here again Oberndorf is at the top of the list of first documentary mentions.

First documentary mentions for comparison:

City wall, medieval core

The name Roumfelt underwent some changes over the centuries and became Rheinfeld , which comprised four villages. It was not until the 13th century that the names Bergrheinfeld , Grafenrheinfeld , Rothrheinfeld ( Röthlein ) and Obernrheinfeld (later Oberndorf ) became established for the four places .

Due to the positive economic development, the imperial city of Schweinfurt was able to acquire the "suburb" Oberndorf for 5,900 guilders from the brothers Karl and Heinz von Thüngen on February 26, 1436.

Through the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss , Schweinfurt came to Bavaria in 1802 , three years before the Kingdom of Bavaria was founded. After belonging to the Grand Duchy of Würzburg (1810-1814), the city fell again in 1814 to the Kingdom of Bavaria. Oberndorf and all other villages belonging to the imperial city territory were spun off. Oberndorf became an independent municipality with its own council and mayor.

From 1815

Oberndorf-Schweinfurt train station
from 1874 to 1903; since 1903/04 Schweinfurt main station
Ernst-Sachs-Straße with
Fichtel & Sachs AG in 1959

In 1874 the Oberndorf-Schweinfurt station was opened as a main passenger, goods and shunting yard . From 1893 to 1903/1904 it was called Centralbahnhof Schweinfurt and since then Schweinfurt Hauptbahnhof .

On December 1, 1919, Oberndorf was incorporated into Schweinfurt. The decisive factor for the incorporation was the large-scale industry, which had settled only to a small extent in the Schweinfurt area and for the most part in the extensive areas around the main station in Oberndorf's municipal area. Oberndorf tried in vain to avoid incorporation into Schweinfurt (see: Schweinfurt, incorporation ).

The large development gap between the two old towns was completely closed by the large-scale industry, which was located between the old towns of Oberndorf and Schweinfurt on the Oberndorfer district and arose at the end of the 19th century . The course of the district boundary is no longer structurally recognizable today and hardly known even to the locals. The district boundary even cuts through the western part of today's city ​​center along Landwehrstrasse and thus also Luitpoldstrasse. Today's urban area thus originated from two places that were politically united in the imperial city era (see: Middle Ages and Modern Times up to the Congress of Vienna ).


The renovation measures for Alt-Oberndorf (13.2 hectares) are currently in progress (2019).

Population development and social structure

December 31, 2015
(districts 61 + 62)
The entire
Schweinfurt area
German 74.2% 70.7%
Dual nationals 11.9% 16.1%
Foreigners 13.9% 13.2%

The last time the Oberndorf district was recorded separately with 4943 inhabitants in 343 residential buildings in the locality directory for the Free State of Bavaria, according to the census of June 16, 1925 and the territorial status of January 1, 1928 . In the official register of places for Bavaria, edited on the basis of the census of September 13, 1950 , Oberndorf is only mentioned with the reference to the city being structurally integrated . In the localities directory of the Kingdom of Bavaria according to the 1904 census, Oberndorf is recorded for the last time as a separate municipality with an area of ​​818.429 hectares .

In the 1950s to 1970s, the new district of Bergl was created in the area of ​​the district or the former municipality of Oberndorf . Without Bergl and the Bahnhofsviertel, the population of Oberndorf fell from approx. 3,500 in the decades after the Second World War to 2,419 (2012), i.e. just under half the population of the 1904 census.

The social structure of Oberndorf differs from all other parts of the city. It is noticeable that the proportion of Germans is above the entire area of ​​Schweinfurt, despite the proximity to the main train station and the concentrated large-scale industry in and around the district, like hardly any other Bavarian place of residence. This is due to long-established families who have their own properties mainly in the old village center and who still live in their historic, often restored properties to this day. In contrast, for example, to Frankfurt am Main , where several old Franconian village centers are also today island-shaped in the built-up urban area, but are often run down or historically neglected.

This is also reflected in the election results. In the 2017 federal election , the CSU achieved the best result of all Schweinfurt districts with 34.32%.

Further districts

Central Station

(To district 62)

Former Railway Operations Office (1877)

The main train station was up to the Second World War at the D-train route Schaffhausen - Stuttgart - Berlin with coaches from Rome . The station building of the main station was completely destroyed in the first air raid on the city on August 17, 1943. In it was a large, classy restaurant, a first class restaurant . After the war west of it the current building, built with a small counter area, as by the German division of the city was cut off from the long-distance transport. The Berlin-Stuttgart express train was discontinued and the station sank into provinciality.

The former railway operations office from 1876/77 , which is under monument protection , is located on Hauptbahnhfstraße and next to it is the building of the former railway post office (today's main post office is 300 m further west).


(District 63: Oberndorf-Nordwest)

Wayside shrine on Rothmühlweg (1761)

To the north of the railway line to Würzburg lies the largest, undeveloped, non-forested area of ​​Schweinfurt (with the exception of two emigrant farms ). It bears the core name Münzberg , around which (clockwise from the north) the Rothhügel , Loh , Landwehr and Techenberg corridors are located. It borders the Bergl in the east and the Werngrund in the northwest . The area is 2.44 km² in size, is used almost exclusively for agriculture, there are only a few allotment gardens on the northwestern edge . In the zoning plan of the city of Schweinfurt, no development is planned in this area.

On the eastern edge of the area, at the entrance to the main train station , there was a track triangle , the western leg of which was dismantled after the Second World War . In Werngrund, a large renaturation project of the responsible water management authority Bad Kissingen has been carried out in the Münzberg area since 1995 over a length of 5.6 km, with up to 190 m wide banks of the Wern flat water . The Aral also serves as a local recreation area following the Rothügel ( see: Leisure ). In the west, immediately behind the city limits, on the BAB 71 are the waste management center and the Rothmühle landfill of the Schweinfurt district .

In the 2000s, Toyota planned to build a continental European plant for its luxury brand Lexus in order to be closer to European customers. The area, including the possibility of later expansion, should be as large as possible and cover several square kilometers. A few years earlier, the city of Schweinfurt had offered the too small area of ​​the space still available in the Maintal industrial park in an application for the settlement of a new BMW plant and received an expected rejection. Leipzig was awarded the contract. Now the district 63 was considered for a Toyota application and also the mostly agriculturally used areas south of the railway line, in the western part of the district 62. However, this very central area, about 3 km² in total, is hilly and is served by the railway line and Cut high voltage lines. However, the global economic situation deteriorated and Toyota withdrew from the plans.

Economy and Infrastructure

Large-scale industry

The former main plant of Fichtel & Sachs is located in the Oberndorf district , today the north plant of the Schweinfurt location of the world's second largest automotive supplier, ZF Friedrichshafen . The ZF logistics center and plants 2 and 4 of the SKF site in Schweinfurt are also located here .


  • Service center for product safety velotech.de GmbH


Dr. Pfeiffer School
  • Primary school: Dr. Pfeiffer primary school
  • Special school: Pestalozzi school


Oberndorf is very conveniently located in the middle of Main Franconia , which is why large-scale logistics are located here. The only container terminal in Mainfranken is located on the southern edge of the main station .


Oberndorf is connected to the city network by several city bus routes. The city center can also be reached by regional train from the main station with the two exit options Schweinfurt-Mitte (western city center) and Schweinfurt-Stadt (eastern city center). By a pedestrian bridge and a pedestrian underpass you can from the center cross the railway tracks of the main station and the platforms and the central bus station reach for regional buses.

Long-distance transport

The main station is a hub for regional traffic and will be connected to the intercity network in 2028 .

Oberndorf has its own motorway junction Schweinfurt-Bergrheinfeld-Oberndorf (number 5) to the federal motorway 70 , which is also European route 48 and leads from Schweinfurt to Prague . The Werntal motorway triangle is only about one kilometer away from the district boundary , where the A 70 federal motorway 71 Südharz - Erfurt  - Schweinfurt ends. By Oberndorf leading road 26 , but has no significance for the long-distance longer there, which in this area solely on motorways runs. Bundesstraße 26 in the old village center is closed to trucks passing through.


In Oberndorf there are two kindergartens, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Cross , the Roman Catholic Church of St. Joseph and an Evangelical Free Church, two boarding houses, a primary and a special school, an ice cream parlor, several inns, a large discotheque and several small business centers. In the former town hall there is a branch of the Sparkasse Schweinfurt-Haßberge and in the old fire station there is a public event location.

Culture and sights


The most important festival in the district is the parish fair on the first weekend in September. Every year on Corpus Christi , the Oberndorf Walpurgis Court takes place, a medieval event with a market and a drama. The Oberndorfer Mostfest at the end of September and beginning of October is also very popular.




Despite the close proximity of large-scale industry, the historic townscape of Alt-Oberndorf, with its old Franconian houses, has largely been preserved.

More buildings

The development on Ernst-Sachs-Straße consists largely of an ensemble from the 1930s, the war damage of which was reconstructed according to original plans, with industrial clinker buildings in the simple Bauhaus style.

Former headquarters of Fichtel & Sachs AG , Paul Bonatz (1933)

The following buildings are worth mentioning:

  • Headquarters of Fichtel & Sachs AG by Paul Bonatz (1931–1933)
  • Building 65 (2001–2003) by Baurconsult, within the former Fichtel & Sachs factory, today ZF Friedrichshafen

See also: Schweinfurt, Profanbauten


  • TV Schweinfurt-Oberndorf e. V. (sports club, previously organizer of the parish fair)
  • Citizens and Culture Association Oberndorf e. V. (organizer of the Walpurgis Court and administrator of the fire station)

See also: Schweinfurt, Citizens' Associations



  • Christian Schümann: History of Schweinfurt-Oberndorf , Verlagshaus Weppert, Schweinfurt 1989 (no ISBN available)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Measured using the BayernAtlas
  2. Population register-based population of the city administration
  3. In Ggs. Zu Pierre Michaux (1861) PM Fischer did not bring his invention exhibited in the Schweinfurt Museum for City History to the public, which is why he is still not mentioned in many sources on bicycle history. The alleged previous inventions by Baader (1825) and Heinrich Mylius (1845) are controversial and unproven. foelss.de: The development of the bicycle. Retrieved March 28, 2018 .
  4. ^ Peter Hofmann Schweinfurt Guide / Oberndorf. Retrieved December 27, 2018 .
  5. ^ Paul Ultsch: Back then in Schweinfurt. Volume 2: Development into an industrial city . 1st edition. Book and idea publishing company, Schweinfurt 1983, ISBN 3-9800480-2-0 , p. 94 .
  6. ^ Wilhelm Volkert (ed.): Handbook of Bavarian offices, communities and courts 1799–1980 . CH Beck, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-406-09669-7 , p. 569 .
  7. mainpost.de: Why the city is buying and selling empty houses, May 16, 2019. Accessed May 17, 2019 .
  8. Population register-based
  9. ^ Localities directory for the Free State of Bavaria, based on the census of June 16, 1925 and the territorial status of January 1, 1928 , column 1322
  10. Bavarian State Statistical Office (ed.): Official place directory for Bavaria - edited on the basis of the census of September 13, 1950 . Issue 169 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich 1952, DNB  453660975 , Section II, Sp. 1147 ( digitized version ).
  11. K. Bayer. Statistical Bureau (Ed.): Directory of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria, with alphabetical register of places . LXV. Issue of the contributions to the statistics of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich 1904, Section II, Sp. 1388 ( digitized version ).
  12. Senior citizen policy overall concept for the city of Schweinfurt 2012, district: Oberndorf , p. 279
  13. focus.de: Election Facts: 22.8% in the Deutschhof district vote AfD , 25 September 2017
  14. ^ Peter Hofmann: Schweinfurt Guide My Schweinfurt; Pictures of the main train station restaurant 1st class before 1943. Retrieved on January 7, 2017 .
  15. Measured with the help of the BayernAtlas
  16. ↑ Land use plan of the city of Schweinfurt, approval status 1984. Accessed on January 6, 2017 .
  17. Main-Post: Departure for new shores on the Wern , May 13, 2007
  18. Economy in Mainfranken: Breaking points on the track , December 2016, p. 10 ff.
  19. Service center for product safety. velotech.de. Retrieved January 8, 2017 .
  20. ^ German Design Award 2016: ZF Sachs Museum. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on March 21, 2016 ; accessed on March 16, 2016 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / gallery.designpreis.de