Rolf Roenneke

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Rolf Roennecke , also Rolf Roenneke (born July 31, 1887 in Gmunden , Upper Austria ; † February 2, 1964 in Hanover ) was an Austrian- German actor , director , artistic director , acting teacher and author .


Born in the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy , Rolf Roenneke studied in the German Empire , the subjects German , art history and archeology at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich , the University of Marburg and the Royal University of Greifswald and doctorate finally as Dr. phil.

In 1908 and 1909 Roenneke took acting lessons at Otto König 's school of drama and rhetoric and from the court actor Alois Wohlmuth .

In 1912 Roenneke made his debut at the Gera Court Theater as Ostrick in Shakespeare's Hamlet . In the following year 1913 he got an engagement as an actor at the Royal Court Theater in Dresden , where he appeared until the time of the First World War and in 1917 he moved to Karlsruhe as a dramaturge and drama director at the court theater there .

During the Weimar Republic , Roennecke went to Hanover in 1919 , where he succeeded Willy Grunwald as the artistic director of the municipal theaters . This marked the beginning of the “[...] Roennecke era ” in Hanover , which, in cooperation with Grunwald and later Johann Frerking , achieved “[...] what has been missing at this point since time immemorial: [ ...] The obvious has finally become an event ”. With the rise of the more avant-garde Hanoverian theaters from 1919 to 1926, however, the decline of private theaters also began. For example, languished the Residenz Theater in Market Street from Hanover to the scandal by Arthur Schnitzler's Reigen in 1921 then, and in 1922 finally converted into a parking garage.

In the meantime, Rolf Roenneke had joined the Hanover Art Association .

Under the influence of city director Heinrich Tramm , who was also a member of the Hanover theater committee in the 1920s and thus also controlled the city's theater policy, “[...] for fear of overly modernity [...] a solid middle line was pursued “And by 1927 Willy Grunwald was pissed off, Johann Frerking fired and Rolf Roenneke fired.

Roenneke left Hanover in 1927, initially to work as artistic director in Gotha until 1930 , then in Plauen in 1930 and 1931, in 1931 and 1932 at the Wallnertheater in Berlin and finally from 1932 to 1936 at the Landestheater Oldenburg .

After the National Socialists had seized power in 1933 , Rolf Roenneke became a section leader in the Reichstheaterkammer in Berlin in 1936 .

After the Second World War , Rolf Roenneke worked in particular as a teacher for other actors, but also worked as a guest director in Hanover as well as in Oldenburg , Wilhelmshaven , Berlin and Hamburg .

Rolf Roenneke died in Hanover in 1964.

See also

Works (selection)

  • Franz Dingelstedt's activity at the Weimar court theater . A contribution to the history of theater in the 19th century , 233 pages, 1912
  • Rigging. Various verses and events , 72 pages, Dresden: Verlag der Schönheit, 1916; contents
  • Shakespeare's royal dramas. Edited and edited for the stage by Ernst Lewinger , Rolf Roenneke , 8 volumes, Leipzig; Dresden; Berlin: Ehlermann, 1914f.
  • King Johann. Historical drama / William Shakespeare. Stage edition based on Schlegel's translations by E. Lewinger, R. Roenneke with an introduction and comments by Juliuszug (= German school editions , No. 105), 64 pages with figures, Dresden: L. Ehlermann, [1923]
  • State Theater Oldenburg. 1833-1933 , ed. from the management of the Landestheater: Rolf Roenneke and Gustav Rudolf Sellner . With a preface by Heinrich Rabeling , 95 pages with 20 sheets of illustrations, Oldenburg i. O .: [Intendancy d. State Theater], 1933


Archival material

An archive over and Roenneke be found, for example,

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ronnecke, Rolf in the database of Niedersächsische Personen (new entry required) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library , edited on April 7, 2006, last accessed on April 14, 2016
  2. Compare the information from the German National Library (DNB)
  3. a b c d e f g h i Hugo Thielen : Roenne (c) ke, Rolf. In: Dirk Böttcher , Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein, Hugo Thielen: Hannoversches Biographisches Lexikon . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2002, ISBN 3-87706-706-9 , p. 299.
  4. ^ A b Peter Struck : Hanover in 3 days. An entertaining cultural guide , Hanover: Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2008, ISBN 978-3-89993-659-9 , pp. 70f .; online through google books
  5. Compare the information
  6. Compare the information from the Kalliope network on the website of the Berlin State Library