Alexander May (actor)

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"Lots of Lies"; Alexander May in the Hanover Regional Court ;
during Expo 2000 in the cultural kaleidoscope series of events

Alexander May (born July 8, 1927 in Görlitz , † May 2, 2008 in Hanover ) was a German actor , screenwriter , director and producer .


May was trained for two years from 1946 at the Düsseldorf drama school under Gustaf Gründgens . He received his first engagement at the Stadttheater Gießen . In 1949 he came to the Schauspielhaus Bochum as a director . From 1959 he worked as a dramaturge at the Münchner Kammerspiele . At the Oberhausen Theater he worked as a director in various productions. At the same time he was a lecturer in film dramaturgy at DIFF (German Institute for Film and Television). From 1978 to 1988 he was managing director and director of the Hanover theater .

On television, May was seen in many films and series. His most famous roles were those of Dr. Walter Leibrecht in the ZDF doctor series Friends for Life , Grandpa Hermann in the family series Aus heiterem Himmel ( ARD / Bayerischer Rundfunk ) and for school television that of Mr. Schmidt in the series Anna, Schmidt and Oskar and that of Mayor Lütje in Pappa portas .

Alexander May's son Jerzy May is a presenter at Bayerischer Rundfunk in Munich . May was married to the actress Marga Klappert, who died in 1995.



As a screenwriter
As a producer
  • 1964: Comedy of Errors
As a director
  • 1970: Interrogation - crime scene in the executive office


  • 1997: King Drosselbart (Theater Hof)

Radio plays

Web links

Commons : Alexander May  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files