Sports year 1870

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Other events

Sports year 1870
Panathenaic Stadium 1870, drawing by Ernst Ziller
The second Olympics will be held in the recently excavated ancient Panathinaiko stadium in Athens .


The second Olympics

  • November 15 : The second Olympics take place in Athens after 1859 , this time in the Panathinaikon Stadium , which was excavated a year earlier on behalf of the Greek government by the German archaeologist and building researcher Ernst Ziller , and which Anastasios Metaxas temporarily prepared for the games . The Committee of the Olympics has drawn up an official statute with content that can later be found in its main features at the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The exact definition of the festivities includes elements that are still in use today at the Olympic Games, for example an opening speech or the proclamation of the winners, naming the name with musical accompaniment. Old traditions of the ancient Olympic Games are also being revived, such as the solemn oath that athletes have to take. All reporters of these Olympics, which are attended by around 25,000 people, praise the organization and performance of the athletes. Sports historians describe this event as the most serious attempt at a significant interdisciplinary sports festival to date worldwide.


  • The Luckenkogel is climbed for the first time as part of a survey.

Ball sports


Young Tom Morris with the championship belt

Rowing / sailing

Founding of clubs

The White Stockings 1870
Plaque commemorating the founding of the Pickwick Bicycle Club


First half of the year

Second half of the year

Exact date of birth unknown

See also

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