Star Trek: Enterprise / Season 4

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Season 4 of Enterprise
Enterprise title.svg
Episodes 22nd
Country of production United StatesUnited States United States
First broadcast Oct 8, 2004 - May 13, 2005 on UPN
first broadcast
February 12, 2006 - July 9, 2006 on Sat.1
◀   Season 3
Episode list

The fourth season concludes the American television series Star Trek: Enterprise (referred to as Enterprise in the first two seasons ). It consists of 22 episodes, each about 40 minutes in length. The action takes place as a continuation of the third season in the years 2154 (with a time jump to the year 1944) and 2155. It ends with the establishment of the Federation of Planets in the year 2161 (from the point of view of the year 2370). It was first broadcast in the US on the UPN television station from October 2004 to May 2005, and the German first broadcast on Sat.1 from February to July 2006. The season is available on DVD and Blu-ray .

The end of the series was announced during the filming of episode 19 "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" ("The dark side of the mirror - Part 2") on February 3, 2005. Despite fierce protests from fans and their attempts to finance, there was no further season.



While the third season consistently dealt with the search for the Xindi superweapon, with which the earth should be destroyed, and ended with the destruction of this weapon, the fourth season comprises different narratives over several episodes. In addition to content-related links with other Star Trek series, the introduction of the "Supreme Directive" and the establishment of the United Federation of Planets , which will take place in the last episode, are being prepared.

Narrative strands

Storm front (episodes 1 and 2)
Destroying the Xindi weapon disrupts the timeline. The Enterprise turns into the year 1944, when the Nazis occupied the USA and resistance fighters are taking action against it. With the “correction” of the timeline, the “Temporal Cold War” is ended.
The Augments (episodes 4 to 6)
Dr. Arik Soong conducts illegal genetic research and tries to breed genetically improved humans, so-called augments, whose genetic material dates back to the time of the eugenic wars. With their help he provokes armed conflicts between the earth and the Klingons . The Enterprise should prevent this. - Dr. Arik Soong is an ancestor of Dr. Noonien Soong , creator of the android Data and Lore from Starship Enterprise: The Next Century , and will be like Data and Dr. Noonien Soong portrayed by Brent Spiner .
Volcano (episodes 7 to 9)
A bomb attack is carried out on the message of the earth on Vulkan . During the reconnaissance, the Enterprise first gets into a volcanic argument about the pure teaching of Surak and finally into a military encounter between Vulcans and Andorians .
Attack of the Romulans (episodes 12-14)
The Enterprise is drawn into an argument between Andorians and Tellarites . This is provoked by a single ship that is remote-controlled by the Romulans . To eliminate this threat, the Enterprise crew forges an alliance between Andorians, Tellarites and Vulcans.
Plague among the Klingons (episodes 15 and 16)
Phlox is kidnapped by the Klingons (with the help of Starfleet Intelligence) to find a cure for a plague in a Klingon colony.
Parallel Universe (episodes 18 and 19)
These consequences describe the actions of the Enterprise in the mirror universe . In contrast to the “normal” Star Trek universe, the guiding principle is not the equality of peoples, but the exercise of power.
Formation of the Federation (episodes 20 to 22)
Negotiations about closer cooperation between the planets are disrupted by the terrorist group "Terra Prime", which wants to drive all foreign peoples from the earth. At the end of the series (in a review by Commander Riker and Counselor Troi from “The Next Century”) the Federation's charter is signed.

Episodes and first broadcast

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (D) Director script
77 1 Storm front - part 1 Storm front Oct 8, 2004 Feb 12, 2006 Allan Kroeker Manny Coto
The Nazis succeeded in partially conquering the United States; In 1944 they occupied the North American east coast. The Nazis in America also include some extraterrestrials whose leader is Vosk. Archer is released from Nazi captivity by some resistance fighters and works with them in New York City. With their help, he tracks down one of the Nazi aliens. The crew of the Enterprise in Earth orbit is visited by Daniels, who is terminally ill. He reports that the Vosk-led faction of temporal agents invented a covert form of time travel and traveled back in time, changing the timeline. To go back to his time, Vosk has a huge machine built on earth. To do this, he enlisted the help of the human Nazis and pretended to them that it was a weapon that would secure Aryan rule for the Nazis. Daniels asks the Enterprise crew to stop Vosk because this is only possible at that time. Daniels' efforts are torpedoed by Silik, who also suddenly appeared on the Enterprise, who flees to New York on a stolen ferry. In his pursuit, Tucker and Mayweather are captured by the Nazis. Archer beams back to the Enterprise while fleeing the Nazis.
78 2 Storm front - part 2 Storm Front, Part II Oct 15, 2004 Feb 19, 2006 Allan Kroeker Manny Coto
The Enterprise crew finds out that the timeline took a different course from 1916 onwards. That year Lenin was murdered by a stranger; As a result, the Nazis did not see Russia as a threat, so they concentrated their campaign of conquest on the west and eventually occupied the US east coast. Vosk's goal with time travel technology is to perfect his species by mastering time and allowing it to shape history at its own will. Daniels wants to stop Vosk and sent the Enterprise back through time. Silik outwits Archer and gets back on the Enterprise, where he is captured. Since he was also fighting Vosk, Archer and him penetrated, supported by the North American resistance fighters, into the facility in which Vosk had the time travel apparatus built, which he soon intended to use. Silik is killed in the process. With the help of weapons from the Enterprise, which has flown into the earth's atmosphere, Archer can contribute to the destruction of the time travel apparatus. This kills Vosk and his companions and ends the Temporal Cold War, the normal timeline is restored and the Enterprise and its crew are returned to their original time. Near Earth, the Enterprise is received by dozen of Earth spaceships.
79 3 At home Home Oct 22, 2004 Feb 26, 2006 Allan Kroeker Michael Sussman
On the occasion of their return from the successful mission, the Enterprise crew is received with great applause in San Francisco. Archer meets his ex-girlfriend Erica Hernandez, who has just taken command of Columbia, the sister ship of the Enterprise, and goes on a climbing tour with her. In her presence, he feels reminded of his former self and, in the face of acts of torture and other acts that are unpleasant to him and unjustifiably committed by him, revered as a hero. Through their encouragement, he finds his inner peace again, and they resume their relationship. - Accompanied by Tucker, T'Pol visits her home and her mother on Vulkan. There T'Pol is soon visited by her former fiancé Koss. She follows the volcanic traditions and marries him at his request so that her mother, who has been forced to resign because of the destruction of the P'Jem monastery, can return to her office. Tucker, who loves T'Pol, still attends the wedding. - Phlox finds himself exposed to a hostile attitude towards aliens in a bar on earth and therefore decides against further shore excursions that he originally wanted to undertake.
80 4th Borderland (1) Borderland (1) Oct 29, 2004 5th Mar 2006 David Livingston Ken LaZebnik
In the Borderland, a region marked by crime on the border with the Klingon Empire, so-called Augments kidnap a Klingon spaceship. The Augments are people who were once invented by the scientist Dr. Soong genetically engineered and optimized for warfare in the eugenic wars. Archer enlists the help of the human captive Soong to bring the Augments back to Earth and prevent a war with the retaliatory Klingons. Raakin, the leader of the Augments, is killed by his "brother" Malik, who opposes him. Members of the Orion Syndicate kidnap nine Enterprise crew members in order to enslave them. With Soong's help, Archer and his crew bring the abductees back to the Enterprise. Because Soong tried to escape during the rescue operation, Archer realizes that he had planned the kidnapping operation. A little later, Malik and his followers free Soong from the Enterprise. Soong, admired by them as father and creator, intends to hatch more augment embryos and to build a new world with them.
81 5 Cold Station 12 (2) Cold Station 12 (2) Nov 5, 2004 March 12 2006 Mike Vejar Michael Bryant
Soong, Malik and the other Augments fly to Cold Station 12, a space station that contains hundreds of other Augment embryos that Soong plans to hatch. From Dr. Lucas, the head of the research team there, and his colleagues try - also by means of torture - to blackmail Soong and Malik for the codes that allow access to the embryos. Following Soong's lead, the Enterprise has reached the station and is forced to turn back upon arrival by Soong's threat to murder hostages. At the last minute, an away team led by Archer - who wants to prevent the embryos from hatching - manages to beam onto the station. There the team is soon captured by Soong's followers. Malik has repeatedly opposed Soong. He takes possession of the embryos after both Lucas and his friend have extorted Phlox and obtained the codes. When Soong leaves the station, Malik locks the away team in the station and threatens to die from deadly pathogens that will be released in five minutes.
82 6th The Augments (3) The Augments (3) Nov 12, 2004 19 Mar 2006 LeVar Burton Michael Sussman
Through selfless efforts, Archer prevents the field team and the scientists on Cold Station 12 from dying from the pathogens. Soong is on his way to two remote planets with the Augments to allow the Augment embryos to mature in a protected manner. After Malik learns that Soong is changing the genome of the embryos in order to make them less aggressive, he sees the nature of the Augments endangered and takes command of their spaceship with the other Augments. With this he flies to a Klingon planet, whose population he wants to kill with toxins from Starfleet stocks in order to force the Starfleet into a war against the Klingons and to distract them from capturing the Augments. Malik's lover Persis, who is now opposing him, enables Soong to escape from the ship and is therefore killed by Malik. Picked up in his escape pod by the Enterprise crew, Soong is able to convince Archer to allow him to help the crew thwart Malik's plan. The allies succeed in doing this at the last second, before Malik, in order to prevent his capture, triggers the self-destruction of his spaceship. At the same moment he beams onto the Enterprise to kill Soong, but is instead shot by Archer. Soong continues his research in Starfleet captivity and wants to focus on artificial life .
83 7th The stop (1) The Forge (1) Nov 19, 2004 26th Mar 2006 Michael Grossman Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
12 Vulcans, Admiral Forrest, who saves the life of the Vulcan ambassador Soval, and 30 other people die in a bomb attack on the embassy of the earth on Vulkan. The Vulcan High Command suspects the Syrrannites and investigates at the same time with Archer and his crew. The Syrrannites are volcanic followers of the true teachings of Surak, a volcanic mastermind who lived 1,800 years ago. T'Pol is informed by her husband, Koss, that her mother, also a Syrrannite, has gone into hiding to avoid arrest. She left a trail that T'Pol is supposed to follow. Because the trail probably also leads to T'Pau, the possible assassin, T'Pol takes Archer Surak's pilgrimage to volcano. On the way they meet the Vulcan Arev, who before his death caused by lightning strikes gives Archer a decisive clue to the whereabouts of the Syrrannites, a cave. Once there, Archer and T'Pol are threatened with weapons. - On the Enterprise, Phlox and Tucker have found evidence of a possible conspiracy in the Vulcan government. Because Soval also helped them to obtain this evidence with a thought-amalgamation - which is incidentally inadmissible as evidence - he is accused by the Prime Minister V'Las of having brought shame on his people.
84 8th Time of awakening (2) Awakening (2) Nov 26, 2004 Apr 2, 2006 Roxann Dawson André Bormanis
Archer and T'Pol find themselves in the power of the Syrrannites, to whom T'Pol's mother left a trace, and learn that Arev was actually called Syrran and was the leader of the Syrrannites. Shortly before his death he transferred Suraks Katra, d. H. whose spirit, in Archer. As a result, Archer Surak appears, who tells him to bring the Vulcans back on the right path of nonviolence and to look for an artifact called Kir'Shara. After it is found, the whereabouts of the Syrrannites are bombed on V'Las' behalf. T'Pol's mother dies in the bombing. V'Las assigns the blame for the bombing of the Earth Embassy on Vulcan to the Syrrannites, although he is responsible for it himself. Since Soval has found this out and V'Las sees him as a threat, Soval is removed from his office by V'Las. Soval supports the Enterprise crew and finally reveals to Tucker that V'Las wants to destroy the Syrrannites because as pacifists they oppose any use of force. V'Las plans to carry out a so-called pre-emptive strike against Andoria in the near future, allegedly because he sees Vulkan threatened by an Andorian weapon based on Xindi technology. Since the "pre-emptive strike" also poses a threat to Earth, Tucker sets off with the Enterprise to Andoria to prevent it.
85 9 Kir'Shara (3) Kir'Shara (3) Dec 3, 2004 Apr 9, 2006 David Livingston Michael Sussman
To inform the Andorians of V'Las' intent to attack, Tucker and Soval seek out Shran. He is suspicious and thinks a ruse is possible. To ensure the truth of Soval's information about the whereabouts of the Vulcan fleet, he kidnaps and tortures him. Meanwhile, Archer, T'Pol and T'Pau are on their way to the volcanic capital to bring the Kir'Shara there. This has long been considered lost and contains the only records of Surak's true teachings. With a mind meld, T'Pau heals T'Pol's Pa'nar Syndrome. On the way, they are attacked by V'Las' supporters who kidnap T'Pol. V'Las lets volcanic ships attack the Andorian fleet and the Enterprise. With Koss' help, Archer and T'Pau manage to get into the high command. They reveal to other government officials that V'Las used the bombing as a pretext to ensure that the Syrrannites never find the Kir'Shara. The other government officials then oppose V'Las, have the attack on Andorians and Enterprise canceled and V'Las removed from his office. A Vulcan takes over Suraks Katra from Archer. Since Koss knows that T'Pol only married him to help her mother back to her office, who is no longer alive, he dissolves the marriage. V'Las eventually meets with a Romulan on whose behalf he acted regarding the Syrrannites and as part of a Romulan plan that included Romulan-Volcanic reunification.
86 10 Daedalus Daedalus Jan. 14, 2005 Apr 16, 2006 David Straiton Ken LaZebnik , Michael Bryant
The scientist Emory Erickson, an old friend of the Archer family, comes on board the Enterprise with his daughter Danica, ostensibly for an experiment to test his invention, which involves beaming over particularly long distances. The crew soon found out, however, that Emory's experiment only served as a pretext to conceal his true intention to bring back his son Quinn, who was lost 15 years ago in a beam experiment. Because a crew member dies during Emory's attempts on the Enterprise, Tucker in particular does not agree with Archer's decision to give Emory the only option now available to bring his son back. Although Quinn finally succeeds in rematerializing on the Enterprise, he dies shortly afterwards due to a lack of energy during beaming and the resulting cellular decline. - Phlox diagnoses that T'Pol no longer suffers from Pa'nar Syndrome.
87 11 Observation effect Observer Effect Jan. 21, 2005 Apr 23, 2006 Mike Vejar Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Sato and Tucker have returned from an outside mission on a planet and are in a decontamination chamber and under quarantine because they are infected with a dangerous pathogen. It becomes clear that the bodies of Reed and Mayweather are inhabited by representatives of a disembodied species called the Organier. They want to study people's reactions to the unexpected with the aim of making first contact with people one day. Phlox, T'Pol and Archer are also temporarily inhabited by the beings. After Sato and Tucker, as human bodies obviously died of the pathogens, have revealed themselves to be inhabited by the organs, Archer tries to make it clear to them that for researching people it is not enough just to observe them, because that is not a lot More important need to be recognized is to experience compassion. The organizers reverse all effects of the pathogen and erase Archer's memory. So that other space travelers are not also infected, Archer has a warning buoy deployed near the planet. Reed and Mayweather's bodies are inhabited one last time by the organs, who now consider future first contact to be realistic.
88 12 Babylon (1) Babel One (1) Jan. 28, 2005 Apr 30, 2006 David Straiton Michael Sussman , André Bormanis
The Enterprise transports some Tellarites to the neutral planet Babel, where Earth ambassadors want to settle a long-running dispute between Tellarites and Andorians. The course takes the Enterprise through Andorian territory. In it, she rescues Shran and another 19 crew members who had fled from Shran's spaceship before it was destroyed with over 60 other crew members as a result of what appeared to be tellaritic bombardment. The Enterprise is soon shelled by what appears to be an Andorian ship, which finally flees. T'Pol discovers evidence that the attacker is the same. Archer has him pursued and finds the ship, which apparently has a camouflage system that can be used to simulate foreign technology. After Reed and Tucker are beamed on board, the remote-controlled ship attacks the Enterprise, which is fleeing. The Enterprise crew can only guess that Romulans are controlling the enemy ship. - Believing that the Tellarites are the real attackers, Shran wants to murder the tellaritic ambassador Grail. Although Archer stops him at the last second, Gral and Shran's lover Talas are injured in the temporarily escalating situation.
89 13 United (2) United (2) Feb 4, 2005 May 7, 2006 David Livingston Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens ;
Idea: Manny Coto
The Romulan spaceship is a prototype that will be remotely controlled and tested on behalf of the Romulan government. To do this, the Romulans simulate the Enterprise with the ship and let it destroy a Rigelian ship, which calls for Archer's arrest from the Rigelian side. Tucker and Reed manage, at risk of death and despite Romulan resistance, to temporarily disable the remote control function of the prototype ship. Meanwhile, Archer on the Enterprise tries to win the trust of the Andorians and Tellarites with the aim of forging an alliance with the Vulcans and humans against the Romulan threat. Shran agrees to support, but questions the alliance again - driven by deep vindictiveness because of the death of his crewmates and Talas, who have since succumbed to their injuries - by challenging the Grail to a life and death duel. Archer goes into battle as the Grail's representative and therefore manages to prevent Shran's death by skillfully exploiting the rules of battle. This is how the alliance finally comes about. An Alliance starship fleet puts the Romulan ship to flight, from which Tucker and Reed had previously been beamed onto the Enterprise.
90 14th The Aenar (3) The Aenar (3) Feb 11, 2005 May 14, 2006 Mike Vejar André Bormanis ;
Idea: Manny Coto
The deployment of the prototype, remote-controlled spaceship is part of a Romulan undertaking to create differences between Andorians and Tellarites. Because the people are organizing the resistance against the Romulan threat, the Romulan government is now sending two such spaceships against the Enterprise. They are controlled by means of a telepresence unit by an Aenar, which the Romulans take advantage of because of its telepathic ability. The Aenar are a peace-loving, white-skinned, blind, withdrawn and telepathic subspecies of the Andorians. To learn more about the motivations of the Aenar who worked for the Romulans, Archer and Shran go to the home of the Aenar, an ice cave system on Andoria. From there they return with Jhamel, the sister of Aenars Gareb, who once disappeared without a trace, who operates the remote control. Jhamel can operate the telepresence unit that the Enterprise crew has since recreated using the knowledge gained by Tucker and Reed. After a failed attempt at use, she manages to contact Gareb, who lets one of the Romulan ships destroy the other; the Enterprise destroys the second. The Romulans kill Gareb. - Archer reluctantly accepts Tucker's request to be transferred to Columbia, the Enterprise's sister ship. Tucker was very concerned about T'Pol, who tested the telepresence unit at high personal risk, and would rather serve on a ship where he has no strong feelings for anyone.
91 15th The Visitation (1) Affliction (1) Feb. 18, 2005 May 21, 2006 Michael Grossman Michael Sussman ;
Idea: Manny Coto
While the Enterprise is on the occasion of the completion of its sister ship Columbia and Tucker takes up his post on the new ship, Klingons have Phlox kidnapped to one of their colonies. There he is forced, under threat of murder, to help them create a cure for a plague that has attacked some of the Klingons in the colony. The plague exists because a Klingon experiment with augment embryons has failed and threatens to kill all Klingons. Some of the augments created during this experiment briefly board the Enterprise and sabotage its computer in such a way that it is infiltrated by a Klingon subroutine through which the Enterprise is forced to increase its flight speed to the utmost in order not to be damaged. Reed, meanwhile, works for the secret Starfleet Organization Section 31 and prevents the pursuit of Phlox's trail by hiding information. After the crew discover his double play, Archer suspends him and puts him under arrest.
92 16 The deviation (2) Divergence (2) Feb 25, 2005 May 28, 2006 David Barrett Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Phlox is forced to perfect the imperfect Klingon augments to stop the plague. But he's secretly working on an antivirus. The Enterprise enlists the Columbia and Tuckers to help prevent her warp core from breaking; the Klingon subroutines can then be deleted from the computer. Archer speaks to Harris, Reed's contact at Section 31, and doubts his statement that the Section is about stabilizing the Klingon Empire. Plagued by remorse, Reed gives Archer the coordinates of the Klingon colony, so the Enterprise flies there. It turns out that Harris is cooperating with a Klingon general who wants to destroy the colony to prevent the disease from spreading. The Enterprise, supported by Columbia, can stop the Klingon bombardment of the targets. Phlox manages to produce the antivirus despite the bombardment. This will cure the infected Klingons. Tucker stays on the Enterprise for the time being to help with the repairs.
93 17th The connection Bound Apr 15, 2005 June 4, 2006 Allan Kroeker Manny Coto
Allegedly to improve relations between Starfleet and the Orion Syndicate , Syndicate member Harrad-Sar sells the coordinates of a planet with extensive raw material deposits to Archer and gives him three attractive women. While the Enterprise is on its way to the planet to check the coordinates, the women increasingly seduce the male crew members and exploit Kelby, the chief engineer before Tucker's return. With his help they sabotage the warp drive, so that it fails and the imminent attack of Harrad-Sars threatens. Phlox diagnoses that a pheromone in the women leads to a sharp increase in the adrenaline level in the men , making them insane and reckless, while the female crew members get headaches and become listless. Tucker because of his relationship with T'Pol and these because of their volcanic species affiliation are not affected by the physical change. This will stop Harrad-Sar's and the women’s efforts to haul the Enterprise to Orion Marauders who are killing Archer. The women leave the ship. - When T'Pol tries to persuade Tucker to stay on the Enterprise with a kiss, he reveals that he has already applied for his transfer from Columbia.
94 18th The Dark Side of the Mirror - Part 1 In a Mirror, Darkly, Part I. Apr 22, 2005 June 11, 2006 James L. Conway Michael Sussman
When humans first came into contact with the Vulcans in 2063, Cochrane and his followers attacked the Vulcans, so that the story takes a different, more warlike course. In the 22nd century, Archer and the crew of the Enterprise would like to acquire Tholian technology. Because the Enterprise Captain Forrest disagrees, Archer is the first officer to instigate a mutiny against him, as a result of which he takes command. By torturing a captured Tholian, he gains the coordinates of the location of a ship in Tholian hands that comes from a parallel universe. En route, a T'Pol-led team frees Forrest from prison; Forrest takes back command. After Forrest learns from Starfleet Command that they are supporting Archer's plan, he reinstates Archer as his first officer. The Enterprise arrives at the space station, which is located at the coordinates mentioned. While an external team led by Archer examines the docked spaceship, which is the USS Defiant, which is about 100 years from the future and the parallel universe, the Enterprise is captured by Tholians in a grid, shot at and with Forrest on board destroyed.
95 19th The Dark Side of the Mirror - Part 2 In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II Apr 29, 2005 June 18, 2006 Marvin V. Rush Michael Sussman ;
Idea: Manny Coto
Archer lets the Defiant fly out of the space station and set course for the Empire's attack fleet to support it in the war against the rebels. After a game of cat and mouse inside the Defiant, the crew gets back to the plasma controller stolen by an enemy reptile. Because Archer is ambitious and considers the leaders of the Empire to be corrupt and too weak to fight the rebels, he claims the role of Emperor for himself. He also wants to cleanse the empire of alien species and destroy Andorian, tellarite and volcanic rebel ships. He kills Admiral Black, who commanded the Star Fleet ship Avenger and wanted to take the Defiant from him. T'Pol leads an uprising of the species suppressed by the Empire along with the Vulcan Soval and later Phlox. To do this, they save themselves on the Avenger. After T'Pol was arrested by Archer's followers, he had the Avenger destroyed. While the Defiant continues its flight, Archer is murdered by his lover Sato, who then declares herself to be the new Empress.
96 20th Demons (1) Demons (1) May 6, 2005 June 25, 2006 LeVar Burton Manny Coto
Enterprise executive officers attend the announcement in San Francisco of the intent of the Humans, Vulcans, Tellarites, and Andorians to form an interplanetary coalition. Suddenly a woman named Susan Khouri rushes in and, shortly before her death, hands T'Pol an ampoule with a hair that comes from a previously unknown baby T'Pols and Tuckers. Following a tip from Section 31, the Enterprise crew traces the child back to the Orpheus mining station on the moon, which is also the headquarters of the isolationist, xenophobic people group Terra Prime. It was from there that Khouri had recently fled after developing feelings for the baby contrary to the intent of Terra Prime leader Paxton. T'Pol and Tucker allow themselves to be smuggled into the station and are captured there by Paxton. In their presence he lets the station fly from the moon to Mars and take the Verteron phalanx there. With the power over the phalanx he announces his demand that all non-human beings leave the solar system. - On the Enterprise, Archer confronts Gannet Brooks, who allegedly works as a journalist and who has resumed a previous relationship with Mayweather, with allegations of being a Terra Prime spy.
97 21st Terra Prime (2) Terra Prime (2) May 13, 2005 July 2, 2006 Marvin V. Rush Manny Coto , Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens , André Bormanis
In his broadcast, Paxton presented the hybrid baby as an example of the "mixture" of the human race with extraterrestrial races that he rejected; thus he speaks out against the desired coalition of planets. Paxton had once had the child cloned in his clinic. An Enterprise field team led by Archer embarks on a ferry under the cover of a comet's tail and reaches the Verteron Phalanx, which Paxton plans to use to destroy Starfleet headquarters after his ultimatum expires. With Tucker's help, the team manages to overpower Paxton, but Paxton can start the fire. However, Tucker was still able to disrupt the aiming device slightly, so that the fire hits the Pacific outside San Francisco and does no damage. As a result of these events, the conference for the creation of the interplanetary coalition will initially be postponed indefinitely, but will be resumed after Archer's rousing speech. - T'Pols and Tucker’s baby dies due to a technical cloning error. - It turns out that Brooks is not a spy, but belongs to Starfleet Intelligence. An Enterprise ensign had sabotaged the ferry of the away team on behalf of Terra Prime. After his exposure, he kills himself.
98 22nd These are the adventures These are the voyages May 13, 2005 July 9, 2006 Allan Kroeker Rick Berman , Brannon Braga
Around the year 2370, Commander Riker runs a holodeck program on the Enterprise D that shows the last voyage of the Enterprise NX-01. The program is used by Riker during a consultation with Troi to decide whether he should inform Captain Picard about the death of 71 crew members of the spaceship Pegasus, which was once covered up by Starfleet members. In the year 2161, the Enterprise is on its way to Earth under Captain Archer, where he will be an important speaker at the founding ceremony of the United Federation of Planets. Archer cannot deny Shran, now considered a criminal, the fulfillment of a favor that includes the rescue of his kidnapped young daughter. An away team around Shran and Archer rescues the daughter from the hands of the kidnappers, but Shran cheats on the kidnappers by paying with a fake gem. After the field team returned to the Enterprise NX-01, the former hijackers boarded the ship to seek revenge on Shran. Tucker thwarts the act of revenge by triggering an explosion that kills the boarders and himself. This also prevents Archer from being killed by the boarders so that he can take part in the ceremony as planned. Archer finally delivers his speech and Riker decides to let Picard know.

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