Starship Enterprise / Season 1

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Season 1 of Starship Enterprise
Spaceship Enterprise black.svg
Episodes 29
Country of production United StatesUnited States United States
First broadcast 8 Sep 1966 - April 13, 1967 on NBC
first broadcast
1972 - 1974 on ZDF
(10 episodes),
1987–1988 on Sat.1
(19 episodes)
Season 2   ▶
Episode list

The first season of the US television series Spaceship Enterprise was first broadcast on US television in the 1966/67 season on the US broadcaster NBC . The German channels ZDF and Sat.1 broadcast them in German for the first time in 1972–74 and 1987/88.


( total )
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German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German-language first broadcast (FRG) Director script Production
1 1 The last of its kind The Man Trap 8 Sep 1966 28 Sep 1987 Marc Daniels George Clayton Johnson 05
The Enterprise crew is on the planet where the Craters live. After several crew members died of a lack of salt, it turns out that Ms. Crater has been replaced by a shape-changing being (→ main article) .
2 2 The Charlie case Charlie X Sep 15 1966 Feb 9, 1974 Lawrence Dobkin DC Fontana ,
idea: Gene Roddenberry
The Enterprise takes over the 17-year-old boy Charlie from the spaceship Antares to take him to a colony. Charlie was recently found on the planet Thasus as the only survivor of a spaceship crash 14 years ago. On the Enterprise, Charlie meets a girl for the first time in Janice Rand. In his attempts to win her as a lover, it turns out that he does not understand jokes and cannot cope with defeat. When the Antares tries to warn the Enterprise of something by radio, the Antares suddenly explodes, whereupon Charlie describes the Antares as a faulty construction and thus arouses or increases Kirk and Spock's distrust of him. Later, when he repeatedly changes things and makes people disappear with his willpower, it turns out that Charlie has superhuman powers similar to those of the Thasians. Charlie takes control of the Enterprise . A Thai spaceship appears at the Enterprise . A Thai man posted on the Enterprise explains that 14 years ago his people gave the boy superhuman powers to survive on the planet. However, it would have missed the collection of the boy by the Antares . The Thasians take Charlie with them to avoid using his powers against civilization.
3 3 The tip of the iceberg Where No Man Has Gone Before 22 Sep 1966 Oct 6, 1973 James Goldstone Samuel A. Peeples 01
Reacting to an emergency call, the Enterprise takes on board an accident buoy that was launched 200 years ago from the spacecraft Valiant . Their investigation reveals that the Valiant , before triggering the self-destruct sequence, searched the ship's computer for information about extrasensory perception . The Enterprise flies through a strange space barrier - just like the Valiant once did - whereby nine crew members die and Enterprise navigator Gary Mitchell develops supernatural powers that are constantly getting stronger. Through this and through Spock's realization that something similar happened on the Valiant and that this ultimately led to its destruction, Mitchell represents an increasing danger for the Enterprise . Kirk therefore makes the decision to forcibly expose him to an abandoned planet. When the away team tries to leave Mitchell there, he overwhelms it. Dr. Elizabeth Dehner, who had apparently also been influenced while flying through the barrier, now has powers similar to Mitchell. This plays up to a god-like being. Dehner resists his influence and helps Kirk overpower Mitchell. Mitchell and Dehner die in the process.
4th 4th Implosion in the spiral The Naked Time 29 Sep 1966 Oct 5, 1987 Marc Daniels John DF Black 06
The Enterprise arrives at a planet that is about to fall apart and wants to pick up six scientists there. The away team finds the scientists all frozen to death. Joe, a member of the away team, unconsciously brings a body contact-borne disease from the planet onto the Enterprise . Other crew members will soon also suffer from the disease. Sick of this, they also express longings that have been suppressed for a long time. Symptoms also include unpredictable, pleasure-seeking behavior, similar to being drunk. Crew member Riley also falls ill. He holed up alone in the engine room and blocked control of the drive. Meanwhile, the planet's gravity changes , so that the Enterprise is pulled into a spiral dive and threatens to crash in 20 minutes due to the lack of steering controls. When Scotty regains control of the engine room, he cannot restart the drive fast enough. Therefore, Kirk and Spock initiate a highly dangerous, untested implosion in the drive, in which time and antimatter react. This is successful, so that the dive can be aborted, and causes the Enterprise to move 70 hours backwards through time and space. McCoy was able to develop an antiserum and cure the infected crew members.
5 5 Kirk: 2 =? The Enemy Within Oct 6, 1966 July 22, 1972 Leo Penn Richard Matheson 04
Kirk is part of an away team on a planet that is getting colder and colder. When he is beamed back to the Enterprise , a malfunction in the transporter system creates a vicious Kirk doppelganger who is up to mischief on the Enterprise . He abuses Janice Rand and a little later is pinned down in the infirmary. The rest of the away team on the planet are at risk of freezing to death as the van is still down. In the meantime, it turns out that the original Kirk is increasingly losing willpower and the ability to make decisions, and thus his leadership. When Scotty and Spock believe they can fix the problem with the transporter, Kirk is faced with the now very difficult choice of taking a life-threatening risk to undo his own duplication. With Spock helping him make the decision and appealing to his intelligence, Kirk is convinced to take the risk. In this way, the correct functioning of the transporter can be proven and the duplication of Kirk can be reversed, and the rest of the away team can be saved shortly from freezing.
6th 6th Mr. Mudd's wives Mudd's Women Oct 13, 1966 21 Sep 1987 Harvey Hart Stephen Kandel ,
idea: Gene Roddenberry
The Enterprise beams four people down from an unidentifiable spaceship, which escapes at high speed and ultimately crashes into asteroids. The people in question are the convicted criminal Harry Mudd and three extremely beautiful young women whom Mudd plans to sell to lonely men and who are very attractive to many men on the Enterprise . The women only look so young and pretty because Mudd gives them the illegal “Venus drug”. While pursuing Mudd's ship, some of the dilithium crystals needed to power the Enterprise fell out. The Enterprise therefore wants to acquire 12 replacement crystals on the ore mining planet Rigel. The miners only want to sell them if they can get the women in return - a business that Mudd has secretly suggested to them. As the Enterprise's energy dwindles, the deal is delayed as the miners have fun with the women. Eve, one of them, is against any further use of the drug. When the effects of the drug wear off her and she looks older and uglier again, Kirk causes her previous lover, Ben, to find out about the drug and its effects. He then realizes that it is not the external but the internal values ​​that count. The Enterprise finally receives the crystals.
7th 7th The old dream What Are Little Girls Made Of? Oct 20, 1966 Oct 19, 1987 James Goldstone Robert Bloch 09
The Enterprise wants the biologist Dr. Pick up Roger Korby from a planet at his request. His fiancée Christine Chapel and Korby left the planet five years ago when he retreated to underground caves because of the severe cooling on the surface. After Kirk and Christine are beamed down, Korby has them imprisoned in the caves to keep his research secret. In his research he created several androids . He demands from Kirk to be taken to a strange planet in order to expose androids in its population - which he calls "raw material" - which he considers perfect. With their use he believes he can eliminate many human problems. He also creates an android that looks exactly like Kirk in no time and lets him spy temporarily on the Enterprise . Kirk is against Korby's plan and says that as an Android you can be destroyed by a human at any time. Suddenly Kirk realizes that Korby is also an Android. He claims that the real Korby once had no choice but to create an android with his properties, close to death. When Andrea, an android created by the Korby android in the form of a woman, realizes that she is unable to love, she shoots himself and him. Kirk and Chapel are rescued by the Enterprise crew.
8th 8th Miri, a little boy Miri Oct. 27, 1966 Nov 2, 1987 Vincent McEveety Adrian Spies 11
Responding to an automatic distress call, an Enterprise field team beams to an Earth-like planet. In a run-down city, similar to the USA in the 1960s , the team picks up the girl Miri, one of many children who hide from adults in the city. Most adults died many years ago from an epidemic that is now affecting the away team, with symptoms including blue ulcers and increasing madness. As the team learns from the records of the planet's inhabitants, a life-prolonging research project on the planet once failed such that people died of the disease after puberty . The same fate lies ahead of the children, who are actually over 300 years old. Fearing adults, they steal the radios from the away team, which, with the exception of Spock, now has a few days to live. Without this, McCoy cannot test the counter-serum he has developed. While Kirk tries to maintain the children's trust and appeals to them to return the radios, McCoy is so desperate that he tries the counter-serum on himself. Since it works correctly, the other team members and the children can also take it. The Enterprise leaves the planet and wants to send help to the children.
9 9 The central nervous system manipulator Dagger Of The Mind Nov 3, 1966 Oct 26, 1987 Vincent McEveety S. Bar-David 10
When the Enterprise exchanges cargo with the planetary penal colony of Tantalus, Dr. van Gelder on board, the assistant of the renowned director of the institution Dr. Adams. He is soon overwhelmed and fixed in the infirmary. He suffers mental anguish which, according to his own statement, was caused by manipulating his memory on Tantalus. That's why he warns the crew against going to Tantalus. Meanwhile, Kirk is there with the ship psychiatrist Dr. Noel has arrived to investigate the matter. They discover that Dr. Adams uses a radiation emitting device to discipline prisoners and manipulate their memories. His employees seem strangely emotionless. According to him, van Gelder tried the device on himself inappropriately and with negative results. After Kirk tried the device on himself and was then brainwashed and captured by Adams, Noel was able to help him free by sabotaging the power supply. The director of the institution dies in the process. The machine is destroyed and Dr. van Gelder returns to the colony as the legal head of the institution.
10 10 Poker games The Corbomite Maneuver Nov 10, 1966 Oct 7, 1972 Joseph Sargent Jerry Sohl 02
A cube-shaped object in space is blocking the Enterprise's flight. When it got within a few meters of the Enterprise, she destroyed it with a phaser fire. A little later the Enterprise is blocked by a significantly larger, this time spherical object. A stranger named Baylock on board the object feels threatened by the destruction of the cube, which was a warning buoy, and threatens the Enterprise with ultimate destruction. In view of the hopeless situation, helmsman Bailey loses his temper and is therefore relieved on Kirk's orders. As part of a bluff, Kirk threatens the enemy with the use of the fictional substance Korbomit, which wipes out every enemy if the Enterprise is attacked. The opponent then lets the 10-minute ultimatum elapse and demands proof of the possession of Korbomit. Reacting to Kirk's refusal to provide evidence, Baylock has the Enterprise forcibly towed in a separate, smaller ship to intern the crew on a planet. The Enterprise can free itself from the tow, but its drive fails. When the tugboat breaks down, the Enterprise brings it to the mother ship. On the tugboat, an outside team discovers a short man who, with Baylock as his second self, is steering the main ship and who has subjected the Enterprise to a behavioral test.
11 11 Talos IV - Taboo - Part 1 The Menagerie - Part I Nov 17, 1966 Nov 16, 1987 Marc Daniels Gene Roddenberry 15th
The Enterprise is on the Federation planet M11, where Captain Christopher Pike vegetates as a fully invalid. Spock fakes orders he forged himself in order to take Pike with the Enterprise to the planet Talos IV, which is forbidden to enter. Kirk and Commodore Mendez chase the Enterprise with a shuttle and, at Spock's instigation, are allowed on board when they are too far away to return to M11. Spock has blocked the Enterprise's controls so that no one else can abort the flight to Talos IV. Kirk and Mendez then indict Spock of mutiny in a military tribunal on board. In the trial, Spock presented video evidence that was created 13 years earlier when Spock was serving as the first officer on the Enterprise under Captain Pike, who was tired of work and ready for vacation. The Enterprise follows an emergency call from survivors of a spaceship crash on the planet Talos IV. When the away team arrived on the surface, a woman made sure that Pike was kidnapped by aliens into a cave. At present, Starfleet Command threatens to arrest Kirk as the Enterprise Talos IV approaches.
12 12 Talos IV - Taboo - Part 2 The Menagerie - Part II Nov 24, 1966 Nov 23, 1987 Robert Butler Gene Roddenberry 16
From the video that Spock brings before the court, it emerges that the survivors on Talos IV were an illusion that the Talosians used to lure the Enterprise . As the video shows, the Talosians are holding Pike and wife Vena, the sole survivor of a spaceship crash that occurred on the planet 18 years earlier. The Talosians, who can also communicate with Pike via thought transmission, want to build a human society, as it were, as slaves, with which they want to secure their own threatened survival. To do this, they force Pike with illusions to get closer to the woman in order to start a family with her. Pike, however, is stubborn and takes an opportunity to escape from the building, where he takes a Talosian hostage. Pike can now beam back to the Enterprise with Vena , but Vena refuses. As Pike only now learns, she is in fact completely physically disfigured by the former spaceship crash and only lives as a pretty, unharmed woman with the help of the Talosians. After Pike is beamed back to the Enterprise , the video ends. In the present, however , the Enterprise is in orbit of Talos IV. It turns out that the Talosians pushed the trial, also by creating Mendez as an illusion for Spock and Kirk to lure Pike to Talos IV. This accepts the offer of the Talosians to beam down and, like Vena, to live a life in an intact body in the future. The real Mendez on M11 cancels the ban on access to the planet for Pike as an exception. Spock is no longer charged.
13 13 Kodos the hangman The Conscience Of The King Dec 8, 1966 Nov 9, 1987 Gerd Oswald Barry Trivers 12
Kirk's friend Dr. Leighton lures Kirk to planet Q under a pretext. There was a famine there many years ago, which resulted in two groups competing for food. Kodos, the leader of one group, saw to it that the 4,000 members of the other group were murdered so that his group could get enough food. When he allegedly died, his body could not be clearly identified. Now Leighton believes he has recognized Anton Karidian Kodos in the theater actor and tells Kirk that. Shortly thereafter, Kirk finds Leighton murdered. Kirk is now going on board the Enterprise , with which he is transporting the actors as a replacement, following Leighton's suspicions. Kirk and crew member Riley are now the only ones of the original nine people who can identify Kodos. She was murdered on board the Enterprise . As Kirk becomes increasingly convinced that Anton is the same as Kodos, he overhears Anton's daughter Lenore admitting that she murdered the seven people in order to protect her father. In contrast to her, Anton has long since renounced his earlier crime. When he tries to prevent her from escaping with a phaser, she shoots him.
14th 14th Spock under suspicion Balance Of Terror Dec 15, 1966 Oct 12, 1987 Vincent McEveety Paul Schneider 08
Several Federation space stations are destroyed near the neutral zone that separates Federation space from that of the Romulan Star Empire. Responsible for this is a Romulan, camouflaged spaceship that has crossed the neutral zone without authorization. A war once broke out between the two powers, as a result of which the border strip was created. The Federation did not yet know what Romulans look like. The Enterprise pursues the Romulan ship and, through secret surveillance by its bridge crew, realizes for the first time that the Romulan physiology is very similar to that of the Vulcans. Spock is then suspected of espionage for the Romulans by the Enterprise helmsman Stiles. Both ships observe each other in space without knowing the exact position of the other. Then Spock had a mishap when changing a phaser coil, whereby the Romulans recognized the position of the Enterprise and tried to destroy it with a nuclear warhead . The Enterprise is only damaged. When the Enterprise is close to being destroyed by the Romulans, Spock arranges for the phasers to be fired at the Romulan ship. The captain of the badly damaged ship wants to avoid capture and therefore lets his ship destroy himself. Spock is no longer suspected of being a spy.
15th 15th Land vacation Shore leave Dec 29, 1966 Nov 30, 1987 Robert Sparr Theodore Sturgeon 17th
Part of the Enterprise crew has been beamed to a supposedly uninhabited planet to take a shore leave there. On the surface, the crew members experience strange things, similar to daydreams: McCoy sees a big white rabbit and a blonde girl, as in Alice in Wonderland , Sulu finds an old police revolver and Kirk meets people from his past, including a man he calls himself Finnegan knows. While the experiences continue, they become more and more of a threat to the crew and a force field increasingly prevents communication with the Enterprise . McCoy is murdered by a knight on horseback, whereupon his body disappears. Finnegan, with whom Kirk last dealt 15 years ago, duels with Kirk in a fist fight. Kirk and Spock realize that someone is suddenly making things and people come true from the thoughts of the crew members. Suddenly a man appears and explains that it is a pleasure planet and that the experiences are experiments of the planet owners. It has been shown that the human race is not yet ripe for this kind of pleasure. Communication with the ship is now possible again without any problems. McCoy appears alive again and the crew can return to the Enterprise .
16 16 Emergency landing on Galileo 7 The Galileo Seven Jan. 5, 1967 Oct 14, 1972 Robert Gist Oliver Crawford , S. Bar-David;
Idea: Oliver Crawford
The Enterprise is en route to ship medication to a distressed colony, stopping to explore a quasar . Spock, McCoy, Scott and four other crew members fly with the shuttle Galileo-Seven near the quasar, but are unplanned to the ground by the magnetic field of a planet in the quasar and thus forced to make an emergency landing. After the emergency landing and while Spock is making preparations for the early return flight, the two crew members Latimer and Gaetano die from the violence of unknown, Stone Age-like beings. Spock has to realize that the behavior of the strangers can neither be explained nor foreseen sufficiently with logic, and thus justify the criticism of his colleagues. Meanwhile, on the Enterprise, on the orders of a Federation official , Kirk is forced to abandon the search for the missing shuttle in order to deliver the drugs on time. Shortly after the five of the shuttle crew took off from the planet, Spock causes the fuel to be drained and set on fire, and uses this signal to alert the Enterprise to the shuttle. This means that the five can be beamed onto the Enterprise shortly before the shuttle burns up. Spock refuses to admit that he acted emotionally and illogically in deflating the fuel.
17th 17th Deadly games on Gothos The Squire Of Gothos Jan. 12, 1967 23 Mar 1974 Don McDougall Paul Schneider 18th
While passing through an unknown planet, Kirk and Sulu suddenly disappear. An outside team finds the missing on the planet, in captivity of the human-appearing being Trelaine, who has superhuman powers, and is initially held captive by Trelaine. After the Enterprise has beamed its crew members back on board against Trelaine's will, Trelaine transfers the bridge crew back to the planet he calls Gothos. Trelaine is amused and interested in social interaction with the crew members without revealing his goals and is not afraid of conflict. He can make things and people disappear and transfer them through consciousness. Kirk uses an excuse to prove that Trelaine's powers are computer generated, and exposes him so that Trelaine disappears. When the Enterprise is prevented from continuing its flight by Trelaine, Kirk returns to Gothos to fight him. This wants Kirk's death. Kirk realizes that Trelaine wants to play, but thinks he's an unimaginative coward and plays a more original game with him. When Trelaine is too cowardly to kill Kirk, he is picked up by his parents, who are also superhuman energy beings and are disappointed with Trelaine. They apologize to Kirk without revealing their identity.
18th 18th Completely new dimensions arena Jan. 19, 1967 Dec 7, 1987 Joseph Pevney Gene L. Coon,
idea: Fredric Brown
An Enterprise team found the Terran observation station on Cestus III destroyed, contrary to expectations, and immediately came under heavy fire. The attackers flee by spaceship and are followed by the Enterprise , to which the away team has now returned. With the help of a survivor of Cestus III, Kirk concludes that the Enterprise crew on Cestus III has been lured into a trap and that an alien invasion may be underway. After being pursued for a while, the Enterprise is prevented from continuing its flight by an unknown force. This introduces itself as the so-called metrons. They force Kirk to a life and death duel on a planet with the captain of the alien ship, a representative of the reptile-like species Gorn. Kirk and the Gorn battle each other in the desert-like landscape using natural materials, including rocks and potassium nitrate, with which Kirk mixes gunpowder. The Gorn claims that the Gorn raid on the outpost served to protect the Gorn. So Kirk spares him. The metrons conclude from this gracious behavior that there is hope for the human species they have previously judged as savage, and therefore let Kirk return to the Enterprise .
19th 19th Tomorrow is yesterday Tomorrow Is Yesterday Jan. 26, 1967 May 27, 1972 Michael O'Herlihy DC Fontana 21st
The Enterprise is transported about 300 years into the past by an accident and finds itself in earth orbit. There the Enterprise is noticed by the US Air Force as a UFO and followed by a fighter plane, the pilot of which is beamed by Captain Christopher on board. The crew now wants to ensure that the timeline is not damaged by the incident. Christopher still has to return to earth so that he can father his son, who later becomes the first person to travel to Jupiter. In order for Christopher's story on Earth to be judged unbelievable, an away team destroyed the tape recordings of the Air Force's contact with the Enterprise. Another person, a sergeant, gets from Earth to the Enterprise unplanned . The captain and sergeant return to Earth just before the Enterprise finally returns to its original time with a special flight around the sun.
20th 20th Kirk on charges Court Martial Feb. 2, 1967 June 10, 1972 Marc Daniels Don Mankiewicz , Steven W. Carabatsos ;
Idea: Don Mankiewicz
The Enterprise was recently badly damaged by an ion storm , in which the computer officer Lt. Finney to death. The Enterprise is being repaired on base 11 and investigated regarding the death of Kirk due to possible perjury and negligence resulting in death. The legal proceedings are about the question of whether Kirk triggered the protective screen according to his affidavit when the alarm was red or according to the computer protocol when he had triggered the previous yellow alarm. Spock claims on the stand that the computer record must be false and that Kirk is not mistaken. Prosecutor Shaw proves by video recording that Kirk threw off the screen while the alarm was yellow. Spock finds out that the enterprise computer has been tampered with. Kirk's defense attorney Cogley concludes that the video recording is faulty, Finney is not dead and that he had tampered with the computer. By making all the heartbeats of the people on the ship audible, Cogley proves that Finney is still alive. Kirk finds it hidden in the engine room. He admits he committed sabotage to get revenge on Kirk, who once imposed a disciplinary penalty that prevented Finney's promotion. Kirk thwarted Finney's plan to destroy the Enterprise .
21st 21st Landru and Eternity The Return Of The Archons Feb 9, 1967 Dec 21, 1987 Joseph Pevney Boris Sobelman ,
idea: Gene Roddenberry
Sulu returns to the Enterprise from the planet Beta-3 in a hypnosis- like state, his colleague O'Neal remains missing. An outside team led by Kirk, Spock and McCoy then searches the human-populated surface of the planet for the reason and quickly realizes that the inhabitants are under the influence of a certain Landru. This can paralyze the residents to suddenly put themselves in anarchy or attack the away team. After a short escape from the attackers, the away team is overwhelmed and locked up by sound waves. McCoy, like O'Neal, is also absorbed by Landru's henchmen into his soulless community, whose members constantly preach peace and joy. The rest of the away team is spared, as an underground fighter helps them. This leads Kirk and Spock to Landru, who only appears as a projection and announces their imminent death due to unauthorized intrusion. Landru turns out to be a computer that took the place of the real savior Landru thousands of years ago. He continues his goal of ensuring the harmonious continuation of society. Since it was programmed without wisdom, soul and creativity, Kirk destroys it, whereupon the hypnosis of the residents ends and the Enterprise is released.
22nd 22nd The sleeping tiger Space Seed Feb 16, 1967 Oct 21, 1972 Marc Daniels Gene L. Coon, Carey Wilber ;
Idea: Carey Wilber
The Enterprise finds the previously unknown, late 21st century spaceship Botany Bay floating in space . There are over 70 people in life support chambers in deep sleep. You take the ship in tow and let the Indian-born commander Khan awaken on the Enterprise . Kirk and Spock discover that the strangers are genetically engineered, physically and mentally trained people who disappeared towards the end of the Eugenic Wars, and that Khan was then the leader of a movement that ruled over a quarter of the world's population. Khan says that he and his comrades wanted to heal the world of the time, which they found sick. He wins the Enterprise historian Marla McGyvers as a lover, so that she helps him in the forcible takeover of the Enterprise . He wakes the other people of Botany Bay from their deep sleep and interrupts the life support on the Enterprise Bridge in order to force Kirk to hand over the command to him. After he has threatened to kill Spock in addition to Kirk, Marla sees her behavior as wrong and helps Kirk and Spock so that they can neutralize the supermen. Kirk decides that Khan and his followers will be put on a deserted planet as punishment.
23 23 War the computer A Taste Of Armageddon Feb 23, 1967 Dec. 28, 1987 Joseph Pevney Robert Hamner , Gene L. Coon;
Idea: Robert Hamner
The Enterprise wants to establish diplomatic relations with the government of the planet Eminiar. Under pressure from Federation Ambassador Fox, Kirk has to ignore Eminiar's warning not to go any further. On Eminiar, Kirk and Spock's away team found that the Eminiarers have been waging a war against the neighboring planet Vendikar using computer simulations for centuries. Depending on the outcome of the simulations, the victims have to go to disintegration chambers in order to die and meet the death rates specified by the simulation. The head of government of Eminiar explains that the Enterprise crew has now fallen victim to the war. To force them to come to the planet to die, he has the away team locked up as hostages. Kirk considers this war pointless and wants to end it. The team breaks out and destroys a disintegration chamber , whereupon the Enterprise is attacked from Eminiar. Fox forbids the Enterprise from taking countermeasures and wants to negotiate with the Eminiar Council. Spock saves the gullible Fox from being disintegrated on Eminiar. Kirk and the Enterprise see to it that the war ends; he frees himself from his hostage, destroys the warring computers with Spock and thus forces the warring parties to negotiate with one another.
24 24 False paradises This Side Of Paradise 2nd Mar 1967 Jan. 4, 1988 Ralph Senensky DC Fontana,
idea: Nathan Butler , DC Fontana
The Enterprise is investigating the planet Omicron III because allegedly around 150 human, agricultural settlers there died from the deadly Berthold radiation after around a week. However, the away team meets survivors, including the woman Leila, who Spock knows from Earth. Sandoval, the leader of the settlers, refuses Kirk to obey Starfleet orders to evacuate. Leila seduces Spock and makes sure that he behaves strangely happy and emotionally by infection with the spores of a certain plant. Gradually, Scotty, Sulu and most of the rest of the Enterprise crew are infected with the same behavior. Almost all of them beam themselves to the planet, which they see as paradise. Kirk, who has not yet been infected, learns that the spores thrive under the effect of the Berthold radiation and make people feel extremely happy. Kirk is now alone and judges the behavior of his Cew as sabotage and mutiny. He realizes that you can end the infection if you confront the infected with strong emotions, such as provoking them and making them angry. With this knowledge he heals Spock. Cooperatively and by sending subsonic waves from the Enterprise to the planet, they heal all infected people. The undertaking succeeds and all settlers can now be evacuated.
25th 25th Horta saves her children The Devil In The Dark 9 Mar 1967 Jan. 11, 1988 Joseph Pevney Gene L. Coon 26th
On the rock mining planet Janus VI, from which an urgently needed mineral is extracted, several deaths have recently occurred among the miners. The Enterprise crew comes to the rescue to enlighten them and begins to look for the supposedly responsible monster-like creature in the tunnels and to render them harmless. The time pressure for this increases when the reactor's circulation pump, which is used to support life, disappears. Spock's hypothesis is quickly confirmed, according to which there is at least one silicon-based living being. The being moves very quickly through the rock and excretes a highly caustic substance. When Kirk and Spock face him, Spock dares to merge his thoughts with the being. He learns that it is called Horta and is full of fear because human mining threatens their species, which is therefore on the verge of extinction. The creature apparently committed the murders to protect its brood, which is made up of nothing but spherical silicon nodules, many of which have already been killed by mining. McCoy heals Horta, who is badly injured from the hunt. Through Spock as mediator, Horta agrees with the miners that they will live in peaceful coexistence in the future and that they will use the tunnels she has created for mining.
26th 26th Battle for Organia Errand Of Mercy 16. Mar. 1967 Dec 15, 1973 John Newland Gene L. Coon 27
The Federation is at war with the Klingons. Kirk has with the Enterprise the order to prevent the occupation of the strategically important populated planet Organia by the Klingons, who want to establish a base of operations there. Kirk is unsuccessful in convincing the Council of Elders of Peaceful Organizers, who are totally against the use of force, to seek help in the defense. Kirk and Spock are stuck on Organia as the Klingons begin occupying the planet. Kirk pretends to be an organizer "Barroner" and is forced by the Klingon Governor Kor to serve as a liaison with the organizers. Kirk and Spock want to show the organizers by sabotage how they can defend themselves against the occupation. Aleburn, the chief organizer, reveals their true identity to Kor in order to save them violence. Kor then has Kirk and Spock locked up as spies, but Aleburn quickly frees them. Aleburn and his Senate colleagues use superhuman forces to ensure that the weapons of both the Klingons and Starfleet overheat and become inoperable. With that they broke off the war. Aleburn explains that the Organizers have long since evolved beyond the evolutionary level of humans and Klingons and now only exist as immaterial energy beings.
27 27 On a knife edge The Alternative Factor 23 Mar 1967 Dec 14, 1987 Gerd Oswald Don Ingalls 20th
The Enterprise is in the orbit of an unknown planet in the process of mapping, when it is shaken by a cosmic impulse as the planet's gravity temporarily and inexplicably sinks to zero. On the surface of the planet, an outside team finds the man Lazarus, who has fled there from the being responsible for the impulse. When brought to the Enterprise , he repeatedly experiences an imaginary battle against the creature. He demands the Enterprise's silicon crystals as a means against the being, but Kirk refuses them to him. Lazarus claims that the being that is humanoid has stolen two crystals and can destroy entire worlds. In the meantime, a new, unknown source of radiation has been discovered on the planet from the Enterprise , which seems to be related to the disappearance of the two crystals. Lazarus, who behaves as if with a split personality, now reveals himself to be an eternal time traveler. Spock and Kirk understand that the radiation source comes from another universe and that there must be two Lazarus individuals, one as matter, one as antimatter. One Lazarus steals the silicon crystals from the Enterprise in order to fight the other Lazarus. Finally, one of the Lazarus sacrifices himself to save the universe.
28 28 Reach into history The City on the Edge of Forever Apr 6, 1967 Jan. 18, 1988 Joseph Pevney Harlan Ellison 28
Kirk and Spock follow McCoy through a time portal in order to correct the changed history on earth (→ main article) .
29 29 Spock out of control Operation - Annihilate! Apr 13, 1967 Jan. 25, 1988 Herschel Daugherty Steven W. Carabatsos 29
The "mass madness" epidemic has already wiped out entire civilizations on several planets. It is currently rampant in Deneva, the place where Kirk's brother Sam also lives. When an Enterprise field team wanted to investigate the disease there, Sam found it dead. Shortly before her death, Kirk's sister-in-law Aurelia claims that alien creatures force the planet's inhabitants to work and are responsible for the epidemic. The beings, which can fly and are parasite-like, have apparently attacked all residents, including Kirk's nephew, and now Spock as well. Spock tries forcibly to take over the Enterprise and is therefore locked in the infirmary. Although Spock is sick, Kirk has him beamed to the planet, from where he gets a specimen of the creature for research purposes. It is a unicellular being that acts like a cell in a brain. Kirk doesn't want the plague to spread beyond Deneva, which is home to a million people. He makes Spock and McCoy look for a way to kill the beings without harming their human hosts. Radiation and heat prove to be ineffective. However, they seem to be sensitive to light. An experiment on Spock proves that the parasitic cell dies when exposed to strong light in the host body. This enables the Enterprise to free the entire population of Deneva from the alien beings.

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References and comments

  1. In the course of the release on DVD and Blu-ray, the title was corrected and the episode was renamed Landurlaub . (Source)
  2. In all VHS, DVD and Blu-ray releases the title was changed to “Emergency landing of the Galileo 7”.