Elected to the United States Senate in 1988

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blue: Democrats, red: Republicans, lighter shade: profits

The 1988 election to the United States Senate for the 101st United States Congress took place on November 8th. It was part of the election in the United States that day and coincided with the presidential election in which George Bush was elected.

There was a choice of 33 Class I seats ; the Senator in Nebraska had been appointed for a deceased Senator. Eighteen of these senators were from the Democratic Party and 15 from the Republicans . 23 Senators were re-elected, 14 Democrats and 9 Republicans. The Democrats captured four seats from the Republicans and lost three. Overall, the Democrats were able to increase their majority in the Senate from 54 to 55 seats, while the Republicans fell from 46 to 45 seats.


Country Acting Senator Political party Result New senator
Arizona Dennis DeConcini democrat re-elected Dennis DeConcini
Connecticut Lowell P. Weicker republican Gain democrats Joe Lieberman
Delaware William V. Roth republican re-elected William V. Roth
Florida Lawton of Chile democrat Gain Republicans Connie Mack
Hawaii Spark Matsunaga democrat re-elected Spark Matsunaga
Indiana Richard Lugar republican re-elected Richard Lugar
California Pete Wilson republican re-elected Pete Wilson
Maine George J. Mitchell democrat re-elected George J. Mitchell
Maryland Paul Sarbanes democrat re-elected Paul Sarbanes
Massachusetts Edward Kennedy democrat re-elected Edward Kennedy
Michigan Donald W. Riegle democrat re-elected Donald W. Riegle
Minnesota David Durenberger republican re-elected David Durenberger
Mississippi John C. Stennis democrat Gain Republicans Trent Lott
Missouri John Danforth republican re-elected John Danforth
Montana John Melcher democrat Gain Republicans Conrad Burns
Nebraska David Karnes , appointed republican Gain democrats Bob Kerrey
Nevada Chic pike republican Gain democrats Richard Bryan
New Jersey Frank Lautenberg democrat re-elected Frank Lautenberg
New Mexico Jeff Bingaman democrat re-elected Jeff Bingaman
new York Daniel Patrick Moynihan democrat re-elected Daniel Patrick Moynihan
North Dakota Quentin N. Burdick democrat re-elected Quentin N. Burdick
Ohio Howard Metzenbaum democrat re-elected Howard Metzenbaum
Pennsylvania John Heinz republican re-elected John Heinz
Rhode Island John Chafee republican re-elected John Chafee
Tennessee Jim Sasser democrat re-elected Jim Sasser
Texas Lloyd Bentsen democrat re-elected Lloyd Bentsen
Utah Orrin Hatch republican re-elected Orrin Hatch
Vermont Robert Stafford republican held by Republicans Jim Jeffords
Virginia Paul S. Trible republican Gain democrats Chuck Robb
Washington Daniel J. Evans republican held by Republicans Slade Gorton
West Virginia Robert Byrd democrat re-elected Robert Byrd
Wisconsin William Proxmire democrat held by Democrats Herb cabbage
Wyoming Malcolm Wallop republican re-elected Malcolm Wallop
  • Appointed: Senator was appointed by the governor to replace a retired Senator, by-election required
  • re-elected: an elected incumbent was re-elected