Weser Mountains

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Weser Mountains
Highest peak Mountain of the Paschenburg ( 336  m above sea  level )
location North Rhine-Westphalia , Lower Saxony ( Germany )
Coordinates 52 ° 12 ′  N , 9 ° 12 ′  E Coordinates: 52 ° 12 ′  N , 9 ° 12 ′  E
Weser Mountains seen from the west, with transition to the Süntel. To the left of the wooded ridge (from bottom to top) Kleinenbremen , Harrl , Bad Eilsen , Bückeberg and in the background the Deister . To the right of the ridge (from bottom to top) icebergs and Rinteln with the Weser .

The Weser Mountains (also called Weser range ) are up to 336  m above sea level. NHN high low mountain range of the Weser Uplands in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony ( Germany ).

The densely forested Weser Mountains are one of the northern foothills of the German low mountain range on the southern edge of the North German lowlands and are occupied by the TERRA.vita Nature Park in the west and the Weserbergland Schaumburg-Hameln Nature Park in the east .

The Weser Mountains are well known for the Schaumburg , which stands on the Nesselberg (approx. 225  m ) near Schaumburg (eastern district of Rinteln )  and is the landmark of the Schaumburger Land .



The Weser Mountains, which are located in the districts of Minden-Lübbecke , Schaumburg , Hameln-Pyrmont , extend in a west-north-west-east-south-east direction from the city ​​of Porta Westfalica or from the Weser breakthrough Porta Westfalica in the west north via Rintelns and Hessisch Oldendorf to the center of gravity of the Süntel around the Hohe Egge north of Hameln and immediately southwest of Bad Münder . It is part of the demarcation of the Weser Uplands and thus a sub-region of the German low mountain range in the south to the North German lowlands in the north.

As far as Steinbergen , the ridge runs strictly ridge-like and reaches heights of up to 320  m . Further east-southeast, as far as Rohdental , the ridge structure remains in principle, but the north flank flattens more and more gradually to merge into the western Süntel slope ( "Längenfeld plateau" ). In this section up to 336  m are reached.

East of Rohdental, the transitions to the northwest-Süntel gradually become fluid, but an extension of the ridge, broken up into individual peaks, remains recognizable from the Amelungsberg (over 330  m ; southwest branch Baumgartenberg over 235  m ) via Mittelberg (above 297.5  m ), Wendgeberg (around 220  m ), Westerberg (above 250  m ), Osterberg (above 260  m ) to Hasseln (above 285  m ), to Hohenacken , immediately southeast of the Hohen Egge, which is once again significantly higher at 440  m , the highest elevation at over 380  m is achieved.

The natural spatial structure on the individual sheets (1: 200,000) 085 Minden and 086 Hannover draws the border between the Weser Mountains and Northwest-Süntel in such a way that the mountains Hohenstein , Borberg and Katzennase are added to the Weser Mountains beyond the individual peaks mentioned. However, these are geomorphologically inseparable from the Süntel and form individual ridges, which are clearly separated from the individual peaks by valleys. Geologically, they also belong to the Kimmeridge (joKI) formation of the Upper Jurassic, which predominates on the plateau of the Northwest-Süntel , while the classic Weser mountain heights belong to the Oxfordium (ox, also Upper Jurassic) formation , the southern flanks to the Dogger (jm).

Adjacent mountain ranges

To the north of the Weser Mountains there are only a few ridges and mountains of the Calenberger Bergland, such as the nearby ridge Harrl and Bückeberg . To the west and thus beyond the Porta Westfalica, the Weser Mountains continue in the Wiehen Mountains, which are geologically similar and extend to Bramsche (northwest of Osnabrück ).

South of the Weser Mountains and roughly parallel to it, the Weser flows from Hessisch-Oldendorf in the east via Rinteln in the direction of Vlotho in the west, and then bends in the north-east or to the city of Porta Westfalica. These northern areas of the Upper Weser Valley , south of the mountains, are an old settlement area, which is marked by the Schaumburg on the Nesselberg . From the breakthrough valley Porta Westfalica, the river turns north to flow into the southern areas of the North German Plain. The Oberlauftal of the Bückeburger Aue, which runs roughly in an east-west direction, extends north of the mountains .

Natural allocation

The Wesergebirge forms in the natural environment feature unit group Weser Tether mountains (no. 37) in the main unit calenberg uplands (378) and in the sub unit Weser mountains (378.1) the natural environment Wesergebirge (378.10).


The ridge-like Weser Mountains are made up of coral oolite and are considered to be an important limestone area in Lower Saxony. On its south side it has steep mountain flanks, mostly with moderately high rock faces below the mountain ridges. Its northern roof, on the other hand, falls off gradually.


In the Nammer camp , a circular rampart south-southwest of Nammen , the residents of the area used to seek protection from enemy attacks.

Flora and fauna

The forest- rich Weser Mountains are an important beech forest area in Lower Saxony.

Nature conservation and parks

Parts of the Weser Mountains are under nature protection in the Hohenstein area . Only the southern slopes of the wooded mountain ranges with some rare plant communities are landscape protection areas .

While its outermost western part (southwest of Bückeburg) is still included in the TERRA.vita nature park , the by far larger central and eastern parts belong to the Weserbergland Schaumburg-Hameln nature park .

Action group "Save the Weser Mountains"

An independent and non-partisan interest group, which has set itself the goal of protecting the Weser Mountains and the Süntel from complete destruction through rock mining, is the action group “Rettet die Weserberge”.

View from the Kaiser Wilhelm Monument (Wittekindsberg, Wiehengebirge) over the Porta Westfalica to the Jakobsberg (Weser Mountains)
View from Papenbrink towards Porta-Westfalica (left the A2 )


The Weser Mountains are characterized by around two dozen mountains, which are lined up like a comb and in the east, with the mountain of the Paschenburg, reach a height of around 336  m . In its central part, west of Federal Highway 2 , they are the Wülpker Egge maximum of approximately 280  m and the western mountains of the Weser Mountains, the Jakob Berg , the east to the Porta Westfalica is, 235.2  m high.

Geologic and natural area include - in addition to the following listed mountains - including the scenic rather the Süntel associated elevations Amelung Mountain (about  330  m ) and Hohenstein ( 340.5  m ) with the Devil's Pulpit ( Green Altar ) nor to Wesergebirge.

The mountains and elevations of the Weser Mountains, viewed in west-east direction, include the following with height in meters above sea ​​level (NHN; the height of the highest mountain is printed in bold ):

  • Jakobsberg (235.2 m), u. a. with telecommunications tower Jakobsberg , Schlageter monument and Porta pulpit , on the Porta Westfalica, north-northeast of Hausberge
  • Königsberg (approx. 220.4 m), northeast of Hausberge
  • Roter Brink (approx. 238.0 m), with Nammer Lager , south-south-west of Nammen
  • Lohfelder Berg (215.2 m), northeast of Lohfeld
  • Nammer Klippe (248.8 m), nature reserve, south of Nammen
  • Nammer Kopf (266.3 m), with "Nammer Klippen", nature reserve, south-southeast of Nammen
  • Wülpker Egge (approx. 280 m), with a quarry, south of Wülpke
  • Rote Klippe (approx. 225.9 m), with a quarry, south of Kleinenbremen
  • Papenbrink (303 m), with a transmitter and a quarry, north-northwest of Todenmann
  • Long wall (320.1 m), in the Hainholz state forest northeast of Todenmann
  • Mountain of the Frankenburg (approx. 230 m), with the remains of the Frankenburg , foothill of the Long Wall, north of Todenmann
  • Luhdener Klippe (approx. 300 m), with the Klippenturm observation tower , north-northeast of Rinteln
  • Hirschkuppe ( Arensberg ; 250.1 m), northwest of Steinbergen ; Location of the Neolithic copper ax from Steinbergen
  • Messingsberg (270.1 m), with a quarry, north-northeast of Steinbergen
  • Westendorfer Egge (approx. 295 m), with a quarry, north-northeast of Westendorf
  • Oberberg (325.2 m), with "spring stones", north of Schaumburg
  • Heutzeberg (231.6 m), foothill of the Oberberg, north of Schaumburg
  • Nesselberg (approx. 225 m), with the Schaumburg , foothill of the Möncheberg, east of Schaumburg
  • Mountain of the Paschenburg ( 336 m ), with the Paschenburg , near Schaumburg
  • Möncheberg (327.2 m), with the “Paschenburg” inn, between Schaumburg and Rohdental



The towns in and on the Weser Mountains include the city of Porta Westfalica , which is west of the mountains or southeast of Porta Westfalica (at the transition to the Wiehen Mountains ), and the city of Minden , which is a little north of this breakthrough valley. North of the central part of the Weser Mountains is the town of Bückeburg , south of it the town of Rinteln , and southwest of the mountains is the town of Vlotho .

These and other villages in the Weser Mountains are (sorted alphabetically):


The sights of the Weser Mountains include:

  • The Schaumburg is on the Nesselberg (approx.  225  m ), east of Rinteln .
  • On the mountain of the Paschenburg, near Schaumburg, is the Paschenburg (approx.  336  m ), a historic refreshment stop with a wide view of the Weser valley.
  • Arensburg Castle (approx.  130  m ), which cannot be visited, is located in the Steinberger Pass of the Weser Mountains between Buchholz and Rinteln- Steinbergen .
  • The Kleinenbremen visitor mine is located on the northern roof of the Weser Mountains in Kleinenbremen .
  • The Jakobsberg telecommunications tower with a viewing platform rises up near Hausberge . There is a Bismarck memorial room at the base of the tower.

Traffic and walking

The Weser Mountains are cut southwest of Bad Eilsen between Todenmann and Schermbeck or the mountains Papenbrink and Lange Wand (Hainholz) in the "Schermbecker Pass" (approx.  216.7  m ) in a southwest-northeast direction by the Federal Motorway 2 . The motorway has six lanes in this area, which is a strong structural cut into the forest and mountain landscape, which makes it hardly possible for earthbound animals to pass this barrier. Where the motorway is not surrounded by noise barriers , the noise pollution for humans and animals is extremely high.

The Weser Mountains are passed or cut through by sections of some federal roads: At Porta Westfalica, west of the mountain range, federal roads 61 and 482 pass it and north of the mountain range the B 65 . The B 83 , which the B 238 meets at Steinbergen , runs through the middle of these mountains . There is a connection to the A 2 via the B 83, B 238 and B 482.

The European long-distance hiking trail E1 runs over the ridge of the Weser Mountains .


  • Federal Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Research: Geographical regional survey 1: 200000. Natural division of Germany. The natural spatial units on sheet 85 Minden. Bad Godesberg 1959

Web links

Commons : Weser Mountains  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The Weser chain , the Wiehengebirge and the Teutoburg Forest offer a different picture than the mountainous regions of the upper Weser , see Christian Degn, u. a. (Ed.) Seydlitz, 1st part, the German fatherland, we and the world , 7th edition, Kiel, Hannover, 1954, p. 50
  2. a b c d e f g Map services of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation ( information )
  3. The Hohenacken in the map service Experience nature in Lower Saxony (illustration: map ), Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection ( information )
  4. The Weser Mountains in the map service Experience nature in Lower Saxony (representation: map ), Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection ( information )
  5. ^ A b Sofie Meisel: Geographical Land Survey: The natural space units on sheet 85 Minden. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1959. →  Online map (PDF; 4.5 MB)
  6. ^ A b Sofie Meisel: Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 86 Hanover. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1962. →  Online map (PDF; 4.0 MB)
  7. GeoViewer of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Raw Materials ( information )
  8. a b c d e f g h i Topographical Information Management, Cologne District Government, Department GEObasis NRW ( information )
  9. a b c Lower Saxony navigator
  10. a b c d Berghöhe - various mountains according to the topographical map of the Weser Mountains ( Memento of the original from January 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (DTK 25; see large map enlargement), on natur-erleben.niedersachsen.de @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.natur-erleben.niedersachsen.de