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Zeesen coat of arms
Coordinates: 52 ° 16 ′ 29 ″  N , 13 ° 38 ′ 28 ″  E
Height : 37 m
Area : 9 km²
Residents : 5024  (Jun 30, 2014)
Population density : 558 inhabitants / km²
Incorporation : October 26, 2003
Postal code : 15711
Area code : 03375
Zeesener See from Senzig

Zeesen is a district of the city of Königs Wusterhausen in the Dahme-Spreewald district in Brandenburg . The place is located on Lake Zeesen . Until October 26, 2003, Zeesen was an independent municipality.


5024 inhabitants (2014) live in an area of ​​around nine square kilometers. Körbiskrug is a district of Zeesen and is located on the federal highway 179 from Bestensee to Königs Wusterhausen . Sections of the Zeesen district belong to the Tiergarten nature reserve established in 1995 , the core of which, the old royal hunting reserve Tiergarten , borders the Senziger Luch in the north. The Senziger Luch connects to the northern tip of the Zeesener See.

History and etymology

16th and 17th centuries

Lusthaus Zeesen, 2019

The place was first mentioned in 1542 - and therefore relatively late - as Czeisen , Czesenn in a feudal letter for Wilhelm von Landsberg . The name comes from Slavic and means place where fish are caught with nets . Before 1500 the village was already part of the Teupitz rule .

In 1624 there were 13 farm workers , a shepherd and a blacksmith living in the village . The area was only seven hooves. A settlement must have been reached beforehand in 1619, because the residents were obliged to pay the full gable fee, but only half of the land . In 1626 the von Thümen took over the place. They received the village, the higher and lower jurisdiction as well as the church patronage . They also held street justice, seven plowing services and one kossät service, as well as other exaltations and the shepherd. In 1631 there was an estate and village of Zeesen; 1632 with seven plowing services, one kossät service and the shepherd. The place was badly devastated in the Thirty Years' War : in 1652 only one farmer with a son lived in the place, who in 1653 passed into the possession of the von Pfuel family for resale . From 1690 the place came into the possession of the von Danckelmann . Baron von Eberhard von Danckelmann had a pleasure palace built on the foundations of a property . The Maison de Plaisance consisted of a mansion with an outbuilding and a park and was probably built by Johann Arnold Nering , who was also planning their Berlin city ​​palace at the same time . In 1697 Friedrich I expropriated the barons and gave the property to his son Friedrich Wilhelm I. in 1699 .

18th century

In 1711 there were only two gables (= residential houses) in Zeesen; there was a shepherd and a farmhand who had to pay four groschen for each of the three hooves. By 1745 Zeesen had grown to two farmers, a jug and a forester's house. There was also a Vorwerk . In 1765 the Prussian kingdom leased its properties to the bailiff Sydow for an annual lease of 480 thalers . Around 70 people lived in Zeesen at that time. However, the development stagnated: In 1771 there were still only two gables, one shepherd with the same tax of four groschen for three hooves. A forester, a school clerk, four farmers, six cottagers, four householders and a gardener are only known from the year 1783.

19th century

Zeesen train station

In 1801 there were four whole farmers, six Büdner, five residents and the Kruger living in Zeesen . The area was three and nine hooves in size; there were 20 fireplaces (= households). At the beginning of the 19th century, compulsory schooling was introduced in Prussia. From 1812 the residents used the shepherd's house on Weidendamm and built a school building there with two classrooms and an apartment for the teacher. In 1840 there were a total of 11 houses in the village and Vorwerk. In 1858 Zeesen consisted of the village with a basket jug. There were four farm owners and one tenant who employed 8 servants and maids and 8 day laborers. There were also 14 part-time farmers and 18 workers. There were 19 properties in the village: one with 720 acres was larger than 600 acres, three between 30 and 300 acres (altogether 376 acres), one between 5 and 30 acres (8 acres) and 14 under 5 acres (altogether 28 acres). In the meantime, numerous trades had settled in the village . There was a master tailor , three journeyman carpenters with an apprentice, three journeyman masons and two jugs. In addition to the landlord, four servants and maids worked with 22 day laborers and four servants. One property was 1000 acres, another 3200. Two retirees continued to live in the estate. In 1860 there were one public, 13 residential and 21 farm buildings in the village without a basket jug. In addition, there were nine residential and 13 farm buildings, including a brick factory, which were part of the estate. The place experienced an economic boom, which was further promoted by the connection to the Berlin – Görlitz railway line in 1866. In 1870 two brickworks were built , which deliver bricks to the fast-growing Berlin in particular. After several changes of ownership in the 18th century, renovations were carried out on the pleasure palace at the beginning of the 19th century, which shaped the design of the house into the 21st century. A long house for workers and employees, which burned down in 1877, was no longer built. Single- storey residential buildings were built in its place .

20th century

Handover of the young pilot's home

At the turn of the century there were two houses in place 31 and in the estate. The stock grew to 161 houses in 1931. Since the end of the 19th century the castle was the domicile of the Jewish banking family Goldschmidt and after Nazi aryanisation from 1935 on Hermann Göring's instigation it was finally the summer residence of the actor and director Gustaf Gründgens and his wife, the actress Marianne Hoppe . In 1892 the community built a new school building on the edge of the village, which now replaced the shepherd's house.

During the First World War , the Schütte-Lanz company built airships in Zeesen. The shipyard began in 1916, the war airships SL 12, SL 17 and SL 21 were assembled here. The construction of aircraft (500 to September 1918) and the development and construction of torpedo gliders (over 100) were much more important at this location . an early form of cruise missile . Up to 1500 people worked in the factory, so the population continued to grow. With the Peace Treaty of Versailles , the shipyard was closed and the assembly halls of the aircraft and the airships had to be dismantled.

In 1924 the volunteer fire brigade was founded. In order to create living space for refugees from Russia and Poland, the area on the Steinberg was parceled out in 1925 and given away free of charge. In 1927, the German Land Force Driving School (DEULA-Kraft) opened its headquarters in parts of the Schütte-Lanz area . So-called “teaching caravans” drove from Zeesen all over Germany to train farmers in the use of new agricultural machinery . The Deutsche Reichspost received additional space and set up a rest home for postal workers in the Schütte Villa. In 1929 around 182 hectares of the Königs Wusterhausener Forst estate were incorporated. In 1930 Zeesen existed with the work Neuer Deutschlandsender, settlement Neukamerun and settlement Ziegenluch; 1931 with Steinberg as well as 1932 with the living spaces Kolonie Körbiskrug, settlements Am Steinberg and Bürgerswalde. From 1936 to 1945 there was a post security school of the Deutsche Reichpost on the site of the former Schütte-Lanz shipyard, which became the SS post security school during the Second World War. Zeesen was a location for shortwave radio transmitters from 1929 to 1945 , with fir tree antennas being used for the first time . There was also a wooden transmission tower until 1939 . In the same year there was an agricultural and forestry operation in the village, which was between 20 and 100 hectares in size. Three other farms were between 5 and 10 hectares, 101 (!) Between 0.5 and 5 hectares.

After the end of the Second World War , the Red Army took over the area of ​​the Deutsche Reichspost. A total of 181 hectares were expropriated and 149 of them were divided. 133 farmers received a maximum of one hectare of land (together 36 hectares), a further 12 farmers between one and five hectares (together 30 hectares). Seven farmers were given five to ten hectares (together 47 hectares) and three other farms between 10 and 15 hectares (together 36 hectares). The Fasanerie residential area was built in 1957. In 1958 a type I LPG was founded with initially four members and 33 hectares of agricultural land . It grew to 15 members and 77 hectares by 1960. In 1973 the VE Kombinat Industrielle Mast Königs Wusterhausen, hatchery and propagation breeding Zeesen, the VEG Gräbendorf Vorwerk Cameroon Zeesen-Körbiskrug as well as the PGH mechanical workshops, radio and television technology existed. The rest home of the Deutsche Reichpost was used as a hospital for the Soviet troops until 1994. The premises of the postal security school were converted into the "Progress" truck repair facility. As a special feature, various minibuses were also produced here under the name “Progress”. The Progress plant was closed with the withdrawal of the last Soviet troops in April 1994 and most of the buildings were demolished by 2000.

The pleasure palace mainly served as a children's and holiday home. It was used, among other things, by the GDR Foreign Ministry as a home for diplomatic children. Until 1974 it was called the Albert Richter District Children's Home . In 1959 one of the few new sacred buildings in the GDR took place with the consecration of the Protestant church on Friedenstrasse . After the fall of the Berlin Wall , Barbara Lehmann from the SPD became the first freely elected mayor to take office in 1990. After the reunification, members of the left-wing autonomous scene lived in the pleasure palace and in a wagon castle on the premises. This led to frequent arguments with politically right-wing youths. It has been empty since 1999 and is in ruins. In 1992 Manfred Stolpe opened the first industrial park in the state of Brandenburg in Zeesen . In the following years the infrastructure was successively renewed. In 1993 the elementary school was completely renovated, and in 1996 the development of a central drinking and sewage system for the community began; a bathing beach on Lake Zeesen was redesigned. The second business park opened in 1999.

21st century

The proximity to Berlin and the location on the Berlin Lake District lead to a high population growth in the 21st century. In 2000, craftsmen built a multi-purpose building and a gym. In 2003, in protest of the residents of Zeesen, it was incorporated into Königs Wusterhausen. In 2004 a Zeesen interest group was founded . In 2012 the Baptist Church on Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse was consecrated. In 2013 the new kindergartens Spatzennest and Tannenzapfen opened . In the same year the bypass was opened to the public. In 2017, Zeesen celebrates its 475-year first documentary mention.

Population development

Population development in Zeesen from 1734 to 1971
year 1734 1772 1801 1817 1840 1858 1895 1925 1939 1946 1964 1971
Residents 51 79 109 105 119 Dorf 105 and Gut 57 295 and 33 439 and 212 2291 2657 2260 2709


The mayor is Uwe Friedrich

Zeesen transmitter

In addition to the shortwave radio transmitters, the “Deutschlandsender II” was also operated in Zeesen from 1927 to 1939. It had a T-antenna that was suspended from two 210-meter-high steel truss masts. The west of these masts collapsed during construction in 1927 when its construction reached a height of 40 meters. This delayed the completion of the transmitter system by three weeks, so that it was only inaugurated on December 20, 1927. When the German station started , it was the strongest radio station in Europe ( long wave , 240 kHz). In 1929 the world radio station went on air here.

From Zeesen, the National Socialists broadcast radio propaganda, especially in the Arab region, as the “Voice of Free Arabism” VFA and as “Radio Berlin”, also in Arabic. The collaborators Mohammed Amin al-Husseini and Raschid Ali al-Gailani were involved in the content of the programs . Jeffrey Herf has presented in detail the political significance of the programs and the content. The transmission masts were dismantled by the Red Army in 1945 and the radio houses blown up.

A museum in the rooms of the local radio now operating there, the Königs Wusterhausen transmitter museum on Funkerberg, reminds of the importance of the transmitter .

The private broadcaster Sat.1 shot the reality show Newtopia from February 2015 to July 2015 on this Zeesen site.

coat of arms

Description of coat of arms: The coat of arms is divided and split into blue and gold at the top. A golden jug up front; behind a green fir on a green mountain . Below, in silver, a blue fish with gold eyes over a black net stretched in the base of the shield .


Numerous associations are active in Zeesen, including the Zeesen Interest Association, the Zeesen Anglers' Association, the Spatzennest Day Care Association, the Zeesen Primary School Association, the Zeesen Fire Brigade Association as well as the People's Solidarity Citizens Aid Association and the Beach Allstars Zeesen BASZ.


  • Seth Arsenian: Wartime Propaganda in the Middle East. In: The Middle East Journal. Vol. 2, No. 4, October 1948, ISSN  0026-3141 , pp. 421-429.
  • Jürgen Bleibler, Kim Braun, Fritz Everding (eds.): The dream of flying. Johann Schütte - a pioneer in airship travel. Florian Isensee, Oldenburg 2000, ISBN 3-89598-693-3 ( Publications of the Stadtmuseum Oldenburg 38).
  • Jürgen Bleibler (Red.): “In the shadow of the titan” Schütte-Lanz. Robert Gessler, Friedrichshafen 2001, ISBN 3-86136-063-2 .
  • Dorothea Haaland: The airship construction Schütte-Lanz, Mannheim-Rheinau. (1909-1925). The story of an innovative idea as a temporal-spatial process. Institute for Regional Studies and Regional Research, Mannheim 1987, ISBN 3-87804-186-1 ( Südwestdeutsche Schriften 4), (Simultaneously: Mannheim, Univ., Diss., 1987: The history of an innovative idea as a temporal-spatial process, illustrated by the example Johann Schüttes and the historical airship construction Schütte-Lanz in Mannheim-Rheinau (1909–1925). ).
  • Jeffrey Herf : Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World. Yale University Press, New Haven CT et al. 2009, ISBN 978-0-300-14579-3 (English, Zum Sender Zeesen).
  • Jeffrey Herf: Hitler's jihad. National Socialist Radio Propaganda for North Africa and the Middle East. In: Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte . 58, April 2, 2010, ISSN  0042-5702 , pp. 259-286.
  • Robert Lewis Melka: The Axis and the Arab Middle East 1930-1945. University of Minnesota 1966, p. 47 f. (Dissertation).
  • Johann Schütte (Ed.): The airship construction Schütte-Lanz 1909–1925. Oldenbourg, Munich et al. 1926 (Reprint: Johann Friedrich Jahn, Oldenburg 1984).
  • Werner Schwipps, Gerhard Goebel, Deutsche Welle (ed.): Word battle in the ether. The German international broadcaster in the Second World War. Haude and Spener, Berlin 1971, ISBN 3-7759-0147-7 ( History of shortwave broadcasting in Germany. 1939-1945 ).
  • Lieselott Enders : Historical local lexicon for Brandenburg: Teltow (= Historical local lexicon for Brandenburg . Volume 4). Verlag Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 1976.

Web links

Commons : Zeesen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ StBA: Changes in the municipalities in Germany, see 2003
  2. ^ Local constitutional complaint, Constitutional Court of the State of Brandenburg, decision of June 24, 2004 - VfGBbg 20/03
  3. 5024 inhabitants in Zeesen as of June 30, 2014: Basic information City of Königs Wusterhausen, official city page accessed on October 16, 2014
  4. Zeesen Interest Association in cooperation with the festival committee 475 Years of Zeesen (Ed.): 475 Years of Zeesen - The program of our associations for the celebrations of the first documentary mention of Zeesen in 1542 , no date, p. 4.
  5. Reinhard E. Fischer : The place names of the states of Brandenburg and Berlin. Age - origin - meaning. be.bra Wissenschaft verlag, Berlin-Brandenburg 2005, ISBN 3-937233-30-X , p. 188 ( Brandenburg historical studies 13).
  6. Ortschronik , website of the municipality of Zeesen, accessed on March 2, 2017.
  7. ^ Leopold von Ledebur: Adelslexikon der Prussischen Monarchy . Rauh, 1856, pp. 196-197.
  8. Pretty dubious . In: Der Spiegel . No. 28 , 1995, pp. 72-73 ( online - 10 July 1995 ).
  9. a b Christine Dankbar: The dispute over Zeesen Castle is going into the next round before the Cottbus Administrative Court - the Gründgens villa is still waiting for its owner . In: Berliner Zeitung of March 25, 1998, at: berliner-zeitung.de
  10. ^ History of the School of Agricultural Machinery , accessed on July 19, 2018.
  11. Renate Franz : The forgotten world champion. The mysterious fate of the Cologne racing cyclist Albert Richter. Revised brochure edition. Covadonga Verlag , Bielefeld 2007, ISBN 978-3-936973-34-1 , p. 170.
  12. Mayor. City of Königs Wusterhausen, July 24, 2019, accessed on October 25, 2019 .
  13. Meyer's Encyclopedic Lexicon. Vol. 6, p. 697, Mannheim 1972
  14. Peter Manteuffel: In: How radio began in Germany. ELRO Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Königs Wusterhausen 1994, p. 24
  15. Jens Rosbach: Nazi Propaganda in Arabic. New studies on the anti-Semitism of Nazi international broadcasting . In: Deutschlandradio Kultur, October 8, 2010 (with reference to the "Zeesen world broadcasting station"). Retrieved April 13, 2012.
  16. The "Newtopia" countdown is running. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on March 3, 2015 ; Retrieved March 3, 2015 .
  17. Abstract in Art. Herf.
  18. In Engl. - Arsenian and Melka, according to the Arabic program from Zeesen started in early 1938.
  19. ↑ In 1939 they only counted around 80 employees, including speakers and translators, for the Orient editorial team at the station.