47th century BC Chr.

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| 6th mill. Chr. | 5th millennium BC Chr. | 4th mill. Chr.
| 49th century BC Chr. | 48th century BC Chr. | 47th century BC Chr. | 46th century BC Chr. | 45th century BC Chr. |

The 47th century BC Chr. Began on January 1 v 4700th And ended on December 31, 4601 BC. This corresponds to the period from 6650 to 6551 before today .

Time calculation

According to Pearson et al. a. (1986) the dendrochronologically calibrated radiocarbon ages for the 47th century fluctuate between 5785 and 5749 radiocarbon years. Between 4680 and 4630 BC However, the curve makes a very strong negative excursion. This excursion is also shown to be weakened for INTCAL98 (Stuiver, M. et al. 1998), whose values ​​for the century range between 5815 and 5750 radiocarbon years.

Developments, inventions and discoveries

Archaeological cultures

Cultures in North Africa

Cultures in Mesopotamia and the Middle East

  • Halaf culture (5500 to 5000 BC, also 5200 to 4500 BC) - late stage
  • Obed period (5500 to 3500 BC) - Obed II.
  • Tappe Sialk (6000 to 2500 BC) in Iran - Sialk III
  • Amuq (6000 to 2900 BC) in Turkey - Amuq D
  • Mersin (5400 to 2900 BC) in Anatolia - Mersin 19-17
  • Eridu (from 5300 to approx. 1950 BC) in Mesopotamia - Eridu 19-15, temple construction phases XV-XII
  • Byblos in Lebanon - late Neolithic (5300 to 4500 BC)
  • Tappa Gaura (5000 to 1500 BC) in northern Mesopotamia - Tappa Gaura 19-18
  • Nineveh (from 6500 BC) in northern Mesopotamia - Nineveh 3
  • Susiana (5500 to 4400 BC) in Iran - Susiana B
  • Haggi Mohammed (5000 to 4500 BC) in Turkey
  • Can Hasan (4900 to 4500 BC) in Turkey

Cultures in East Asia

Cultures in Europe

Tumulus F of the Necropolis of Bougon , France, ca.4,700 BC. Chr.

Individual evidence

  1. Pearson, GW et al. a .: High-Precision 14C measurement of Irish oaks to show the natural 14C variations from AD 1840 to 5210 BC . In: Radiocarbon . 28 No. 2B, 1986, pp. 911-934 .
  2. Stuiver, M. u. a .: INTCAL98 Radiocarbon age correlation, 24,000-0 cal BP . In: Radiocarbon . 40, No. 3, 1998, p. 1041-1083 .
  3. Olmos, O. and Sanhueza, J .: El precerámico en la costa sur de Iquique . In: Revista Chungará . tape 13 . Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica - Chile 1984, p. 143-154 .