Barbara Rütting

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Barbara Rütting (2014)

Barbara Rütting (born November 21, 1927 as Waltraut Irmgard Goltz   in Berlin ; † March 28, 2020 in Marktheidenfeld ) was a German actress , author and politician . She was elected twice for Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in the Bavarian State Parliament. On April 2, 2009, Rütting gave up her mandate in the state parliament prematurely and resigned from the party in the same year. In the 2017 federal election she ran for the V party³ .



Rütting was the oldest of five children of the teacher couple Richard and Johanna Goltz from Wietstock an der Nuthe in the Teltow district . She attended a lyceum in Berlin and Luckenwalde .

In 2015, Barbara Rütting was a guest of Günther Jauch , in an article in the daily newspaper Die Welt it was said about the program: Former actress and Green politician Barbara Rütting told of her charismatic father, through whom she came to adore Adolf Hitler . Every evening, as a young woman, she prayed that God would send "the most beautiful angel" for Hitler, the 85-year-old quoted an old prayer. It was only after the end of the war that she had comfortingly held a Jewish woman in her arms in a refugee shelter, who had shouted after the children taken from her by the Nazis , that all of her admiration for Hitler collapsed.

At the end of the Second World War and shortly before graduating from high school, she fled to Denmark with Hans Rütting, a family friend, and married him in 1946. She worked as a maid, in a library and as a foreign language correspondent in Copenhagen . She put her first name “Waltraut” off as “too Germanic”.

Artistic work

After the divorce in 1951, Rütting returned to Berlin and began acting. In 1952 she made her debut in theater and film and received the Federal Film Prize for best young actress for her first two major film roles . By 1983 she played leading roles in a total of 45 films, including the anti-war drama The Last Bridge and Canaris , The Geierwally and City Without Pity . In the television series Die Kramer (1969), Barbara Rütting played the title role of a high school teacher. In 1975 she took on her last film role alongside Gert Fröbe in Mein Unkel Theodor or How to Make A Lot of Money in Sleep .

In 1970, Rütting's first novel This immoderate tenderness was published . Numerous guides, cookery and children's books as well as autobiographies followed.

From 1955 to 1964 she was married to Heinrich Graf von Einsiedel , from 1969 to 1988 a relationship with the actor, director and theater manager Lutz Hochstraate (* 1942); until 1980 they lived on a farm in Sommerholz (Salzburg / Austria).

Since 2010 she lived in Michelrieth on the east side of the Spessart . Barbara Rütting died on March 28, 2020 at the age of 92.

Political commitment

In the 1980s, Barbara Rütting ended her acting career and concentrated on her political commitment to environmental protection , human rights and animal rights . In November 1982 she chained up with 30 animal rights activists in protest against animal experiments in front of the Berlin factory gates of the pharmaceutical company Schering . In 1984 she wrote the foreword for a special edition of the book Nackte Herrscherin , in which the Swiss writer Hans Ruesch dealt with animal experiments. In the same year she was taken into police custody during demonstrations against the deployment of Pershing II missiles during the Mutlang Peace Days. At the Black Sea in Bulgaria and in a Russian clinic for children with radiation damage from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster , she conducted whole-food cooking courses and organized aid projects. Barbara Rütting's experience with wholefood nutrition is also the basis of an organic wholemeal bread named after her, spiced with caraway , fennel and coriander , for which she advertised with her portrait as organic Barbara Rütting bread .

In 1982 she joined the Greens; she was friends with Petra Kelly , Gert Bastian and Robert Jungk . In 1996 she wrote an open letter to Jutta Ditfurth in which she rejected her criticism of Max Otto Bruker as defamatory. Because of the approval of the Greens under Joschka Fischer to be used in the Kosovo war , she resigned from the party, but Renate Künast's commitment to animal welfare prompted her to rejoin.

In 2003 she was asked by the Greens in Chiemgau (where she had lived since 1999) to run for the Bavarian state parliament. At the age of 75, she entered the Upper Bavarian district list as a member of the state parliament and became age-president . Although re-elected for another legislative period in 2008, parliamentary work seemed increasingly pointless to her. In addition, the Greens agreed to the Afghanistan mission , which, as a pacifist, was intolerable. In 2009 she suffered a burnout and she gave up her state parliament mandate on April 2nd. Renate Künast's remark "If it tastes good afterwards" in a film in which the politician killed a fish together with a child prompted Rütting to resign from the party in September 2009. About her time as a member of the state parliament of the Greens, she later said: "They wanted me as a draft horse, but then the old box should shut up."

Rütting supported the small animal welfare party from 2006 to 2014, alongside animal protection activist Stefan Bernhard Eck . In 2010 she received the MUT medal from the Animal Welfare Party .

At the end of 2016 she joined the newly founded V-Party ³ (Party for Change, Vegetarians and Vegans). She ran for second place on the Bavarian state list for the 2017 federal election and won the party's best second vote result in her home town.


Rütting was an honorary member of the Vegetarian Association of Germany for decades until January 2018 . She justified her resignation by stating that the behavior of the German Vegetarian Association appeared to be contradictory. She called Osho (aka Bhagwan) "the greatest therapist of the century" and practiced various meditation techniques he developed. Ursula Caberta described Rütting in the Black Book Esoteric as the “main prize” and “political mouthpiece” of the esoteric scene. Rütting attracted attention during her state parliament mandate with the Greens through contacts with the Universal Life movement , from which she distanced herself to the extent that she did not belong to it. She herself does not belong to any religion at all and in public discussions demanded the basic constitutional right not to discriminate against anyone because of his or her religious beliefs.


  • This immeasurable tenderness. Try with men . Novel. From Schröder, Hamburg 1970; Moewig, Rastatt 1985.
  • My cookbook. Naturally healthy delicacies from all over the world . Mosaic, Munich 1976.
  • Oh you green cat . Lentz, Munich 1979; emu, Lahnstein 2005, ISBN 978-3-89189-125-4 .
  • Barbara Rütting's cookbook and playbook for children . Lentz, Munich 1979.
  • My new cookbook. Feasts from the whole food kitchen . Mosaic, Munich 1984.
  • On the run with Mirto. A true story . Lentz, Munich 1987; emu, Lahnstein 2005, ISBN 978-3-89189-126-1 .
  • My health book . Mosaic, Munich 1988.
  • Favorite menus from my whole food kitchen . Mosaic, Munich 1991.
  • Dreaming is not enough. A piece of life . Goldmann, Munich 1993.
  • Green recipes for the blue planet . Goldmann, Munich 1997.
  • Let's stay healthy . Herbig, Munich 2001.
  • Let's laugh ourselves healthy. Instructions for being happy (with 1 laugh CD). Herbig, Munich 2001.
  • Let's eat healthy. 30 years of experience with whole foods . Herbig, Munich 2002.
  • … yet. Experiences of a lifetime . Herbig, Munich 2005, ISBN 978-3-7766-2364-2 .
  • I'm old and that's a good thing. My pick-me-ups from eight decades lived . Nymphenburger, Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-485-01114-3 .
  • Healthy nutrition in a nutshell. My best tips . Nymphenburger, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-485-01157-0 .
  • Where are you going to paradise? Burnout of an MP and a fresh start . Herbig, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-7766-2651-3 .
  • Which always helps me get back on my feet . Nymphenburger, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-485-01373-4 .
  • Vegan & wholesome. My favorite menus for spring, summer, autumn and winter . Nymphenburger, Munich 2013, ISBN 978-3-485-01430-4 .
  • Raged through life . Autobiography. Herbig, Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-7766-2764-0 .


Web links

Commons : Barbara Rütting  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f The committed and versatile. BR, December 15, 2011, accessed April 3, 2020 .
  2. a b Grandmother Courage: Barbara Rütting opens her mouth. Mainpost, September 18, 2017, accessed April 3, 2020 .
  3. Chatting about "boys" from Ralf Dargent's firing squad , Die Welt March 25, 2013
  4. Barbara Rütting: "I let myself drift through life". Mainpost, November 20, 2017, accessed April 3, 2020 .
  5. Barbara Rütting: "I decide who offends me". V-Party³, 2018, accessed on April 3, 2020 .
  6. Obituary for Othello
  7. Barbara Rütting died at the age of 92. April 2, 2020, accessed April 2, 2020 .
  8. Abendzeitung Germany: Barbara Rütting is dead: The actress dies at 92! Retrieved April 2, 2020 .
  10. ^ Journal of Health Consultants, Edition 2/1996, p. 3.
  11. Actress Barbara Rütting died at the age of 92. Berliner Morgenpost , April 2, 2020, accessed on April 2, 2020. She was also the age president of the Bavarian state parliament in the following electoral period from 2008 onwards.
  12. Barbara Rütting leaves the party because of Künast video , Der Spiegel September 22, 2009
  13. ^ The new ones take sides for the reputation of the rat by Maria Menzel, Die Welt May 28, 2014
  15. Bavarian State General Assembly nominates 33 Bundestag candidates
  16. Honorary Members ( Memento from November 30, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  17. Barbara Rütting - author. Retrieved January 14, 2018 .
  18. Interview on Barbara Rütting's website ( Memento from December 16, 2004 in the Internet Archive )
  19. Ursula Caberta: Black Book Esoteric . Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2011, p. 38f
  20. Barbara Rütting and the sect May 19, 2010 Süddeutsche Zeitung
  21. ^ "I felt enslaved by the party" November 10, 2010 Frankfurter Rundschau
  22. I suffer with all creatures December 15, 2012 New Germany