COVID-19 pandemic in the Main-Tauber district

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The district office of the Main-Tauber district was closed to the public from March 18, 2020 in order to concentrate the forces of the employees on coping with the corona crisis in the district
At the end of March 2020, through recommendations to avoid contact, public spaces swept empty, here the Tauberterrassen on Wörtplatz in the district town of Tauberbischofsheim

The COVID-19 pandemic reached the Main-Tauber district in Baden-Württemberg on March 4, 2020.

After a total of 21 new infections in the district were announced on March 7, 2020 , all of them returnees from a travel group from South Tyrol , three schools (over a week before general school closings in the state) and the well-known federal fencing base in Tauberbischofsheim had to temporarily do so from March 9, 2020 getting closed.

From the end of March to the beginning of April 2020, two clinics and six nursing homes in the district had to be placed under complete quarantine . In the Median Clinic Hohenlohe in Bad Mergentheim , over 100 patients and employees have been infected since the end of March. The infected patients initially remained in isolation in the clinic until further notice. At the beginning of April, the Schwaben specialist clinic , a second clinic in Bad Mergentheim with around 70 patients, had to be quarantined.

From mid-July 2020, people returning from a family celebration in a neighboring country (the Netherlands ) triggered a second wave of infections in the Main-Tauber district, which led to the district using the 7-day incidence of reported new infections (per 100,000 inhabitants) in the past seven days on July 21, 2020 was one of the ten most affected districts and independent cities in Germany based on the RKI data.

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates of the central facilities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Main-Tauber district: OSM | WikiMap


The COVID-19 pandemic began in the People's Republic of China in December 2019 and affects the outbreak of the novel disease COVID-19 . This is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus from the Coronaviridae group and is one of the respiratory diseases . At the end of January 2020, the first cases of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany occurred at Webasto in Bavaria . From March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the outbreak of the novel coronavirus as a global pandemic .


February 2020

The health department of the Main-Tauber district issued COVID-19 recommendations for action at the end of February 2020 and agreed hygiene measures with representatives of various institutions in the district were established
Hamster purchases of hygiene articles and long-lasting food due to the Corona crisis in the district town of Tauberbischofsheim

On February 28, 2020, various institutions in the Main-Tauber district were invited by District Administrator Reinhard Frank to a round table with the health department in the district town of Tauberbischofsheim due to the rapid spread of the epidemic . After Reinhard Frank presented the situation, the participating institutions of the district agreed on coordinated recommendations for action and hygiene measures. Participants were representatives of the three acute hospitals in the district with their emergency departments, i.e. the Caritas Hospital Bad Mergentheim , the Tauberbischofsheim Hospital and the Wertheim Red Cross Clinic , as well as representatives of the two district medical associations and the emergency medical services, the Red Cross with the control center and rescue service and the Mergentheim Diabetes Center as a standard care hospital. As early as the end of February 2020, consumers began buying hamsters in retail stores in the region . There was great demand in the region, especially for long-lasting foods and disinfectants. However, the supply remained secure.

March 2020

On March 4, 2020, the first positive COVID-19 case from the Main-Tauber district became known. The infected person is a 46-year-old woman who had already returned from South Tyrol on February 28th , which the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) classified as a COVID-19 risk area in Italy on March 5, 2020 . Due to the typical flu-like symptoms, she contacted a doctor who finally confirmed the suspicion of COVID-19. The second COVID-19 case in the district came on March 6, 2020, a 41-year-old woman, contact person for the first from March 4; both women had been to South Tyrol together.

On March 7, 2020 alone, 21 new cases of coronavirus infections were confirmed in the Main-Tauber district. This increased the total number of infections confirmed in the district to 23 cases. All those affected belonged to a travel group that had been to South Tyrol together and returned from there on February 28, 2020. "This means that all cases can be traced back to a single source," said First State Official Christoph Schauder. The district office also announced on March 7th that for previous and future notifications it would be named which cities and communities in the Main-Tauber district are affected by confirmed coronavirus infections.

Because of the 21 new cases over the weekend to March 9, 2020 the world-famous had on Monday, fencing center Tauberbischofsheim the fencing club Tauberbischofsheim and three schools in Weikersheim, Bad Mergentheim and Tauberbischofsheim remain temporarily closed because under the now well-known cases, a fencer and several students were. On March 8, 2020, another case became known that was apparently unrelated to the 23 previously confirmed infections. On March 12, 2020, seven new cases of coronavirus infection were added in the district.

From March 16, 2020, a central test center for coronavirus infections was set up in the district at the Caritas hospital in Bad Mergentheim. In Creglingen, another school had to close on the same day due to a COVID-19 case that became known on March 13th. From March 28, 2020, the Median Klinik Hohenlohe in Bad Mergentheim was under quarantine. On March 31, 2020, 21 new cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in the district. These included 18 patients and employees of the Median Klinik Hohenlohe in Bad Mergentheim, which had to be completely quarantined. This increased the total number of those infected so far to 141 people living in the Main-Tauber district.

April 2020

Regulated access to a hardware store in early April 2020

By April 1, 2020, a total of 175 COVID-19 infections had been confirmed in the Main-Tauber district. In the Median Klinik Hohenlohe in Bad Mergentheim, a total of 153 cases of COVID-19 infection were found in patients and employees up to April 4, of which 61 people live in the Main-Tauber district. The 81 patients and employees living outside the Main-Tauber district who tested positive for COVID-19 were reported to the health authorities of other districts for their statistics. All patients at the Median Klinik Hohenlohe have now been tested for COVID-19. Further test results for employees of the clinic were still pending.

On April 3, 2020 it became known that another clinic in Bad Mergentheim, the Schwaben Specialist Clinic, is affected by coronavirus infections. These affect two employees there, which is why the health department of the Main-Tauber district has quarantined the rehabilitation clinic with 66 patients as a precaution and until further notice. Patients would be isolated in their rooms and not allowed to leave the clinic. A strict ban on visits and a ban on admitting new patients was ordered. By April 6, a total of 32 patients and employees at the Schwaben Specialist Clinic in Bad Mergentheim had tested positive for the coronavirus. Among them are twelve people from the Main-Tauber district.

Two nursing homes in the district had to be placed under full quarantine on April 5, 2020 after positive COVID-19 tests were available among employees there. The Sonnenblick house in Bad Mergentheim (with 66 people in quarantine) and the St. Josef nursing home and residential community St. Martin in Königheim (with 38 people in quarantine) are affected . With the Carolinum nursing home in Bad Mergentheim, a third nursing home in the district with 95 employees and 77 residents had to be quarantined on April 6, after an employee tested positive for the virus. Domestic isolation and tests for residents were ordered for them. On April 8th, a fourth nursing home, the St. Barbara House in Grünsfeld , was quarantined as a precaution. Tests were ordered on 36 residents and 24 employees after several people showed flu-like symptoms. On April 9 and 10, 2020, two further nursing homes in Bad Mergentheim had to be quarantined: the Johann-Benedikt-Bembé-Stift and the Hospital zum Heiligen Geist . By April 18, the quarantine could be lifted for all nursing homes with the exception of the Johann-Benedikt-Bembé-Stift in Bad Mergentheim. On April 24, the quarantine could be lifted again in the Bemé pen and thus also in the last nursing home in the district.

Further course

The first COVID-19 illness was reported in the Ahorn community on May 5th . This affected all municipalities in the Main-Tauber district. On June 8, 2020, of 398 confirmed infected people in the Main-Tauber district, 387 people recovered and 10 people died of COVID-19. On June 8th, another person in the district was actively affected by a proven COVID-19 disease.

From May 18 to April 17, a total of 230 people were tested in the Central Smear Center in Tauberbischofsheim and in the fever clinic in Bad Mergentheim, 229 of them negative and only one positive. During the same period, 1,500 residents and employees were tested as part of comprehensive testing in nursing homes and facilities for people with disabilities. So far, only one corona infection has been confirmed in the four-week test period, 1499 tests were negative. In addition, there were further tests in hospitals and by resident doctors, the number of which the health department was not aware of because these negative results did not have to be reported to the authority.

The health department of the Main-Tauber district was able to report a "positive result" after a comprehensive test for the coronavirus from May 19 to July 1, 2020 in 33 homes with 3281 smears resulted in only one positive case. All residents and employees in 28 old people's and nursing homes and in five facilities for people with disabilities in the Main-Tauber district were tested. Resident doctors, supported by practice employees and, in some cases, employees of the homes, were on duty for the extensive testing.

Due to the low level of infection in the Main-Tauber district in June 2020, the district office realigned its work to contain the COVID-19 pandemic from July 1, 2020 and adapted its resources to the changed situation. As a result, the health department was no longer manned at the weekend. In addition, an extended on-call service was set up in the event that an infection occurs on a Saturday or Sunday, so that contact persons can be identified and necessary domestic isolation can be made immediately on the weekend.

After two new illnesses were reported from Tauberbischofsheim on July 14th and five new illnesses from Tauberbischofsheim and Werbach on July 15, 2020, four learning groups from the secondary school in the school center am Wört in Tauberbischofsheim as well as one group from the Protestant kindergarten Tauberbischofsheim and their teachers had to do so and caregivers are quarantined. On July 16, 2020, seven illnesses were reported in the urban area of ​​Tauberbischofsheim, which led to the quarantine for a learning group at the Matthias Grünewald High School and for a class of the elementary school at the castle in Tauberbischofsheim. The 14 new infections in the last three days (June 14-16) could be traced back to a common source of infection. Of the ten new infections reported on July 17, 2020, nine cases could be traced back to the common source of infection from the previous days, a family celebration in neighboring countries.


Current case figures

Current case numbers of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Main-Tauber district (August 31, 2020):

  • Cases tested positive (cumulative): 507
  • New cases (within 24 hours): +1
  • Active infections (currently): 13
  • Recovered (healed persons): 483
  • Deaths (from COVID-19): 11
  • New cases in the last 7 days (absolute): 5 (0,1,1,1,1,0,1)
  • 7-day incidence (new cases per 100,000 inhabitants): 3.8

The 7-day incidence is the number of new cases reported per 100,000 population in the past seven days. In districts or urban districts with more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within the last seven days, depending on the regional location and in consultation with the state authorities, the health department should take appropriate restrictive measures against the rapid increase in the infection rate. The Main-Tauber district has 132,321 inhabitants - with 66.2 new infections within seven days, the threshold of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants would be reached.

Development of the epidemic in the Main-Tauber district

The COVID-19 cases developed in the Main-Tauber district during the global COVID-19 pandemic as follows:

Confirmed infections, cured persons and deaths (each cumulative) in the Main-Tauber district
according to press releases from the district office


  • On March 29, 2020, a case was removed from the statistics for the Main-Tauber district after it had subsequently been proven that a person recorded on March 28, 2020 had their main residence outside the district. Thus there were a total of 21 infections on March 28, 2020, not 22 as originally reported.
  • Due to a follow-up test on August 12, 2020, the number of people recovered on August 11 was retrospectively revised down by one person from 445 to 444.

New infections (daily) in the Main-Tauber district
according to press releases from the district office

On April 4, 2020, the health department of the Main-Tauber district reported the first death in connection with COVID-19. Further deaths were reported in the following days on April 7 (1), April 10 (1), April 13 (2) and April 14 (1). As of April 16, seven COVID-19-related deaths were reported in the Main-Tauber district. Additional deaths were reported on April 30 (1), May 7 (1), May 31 (1) and July 29 (1).

Confirmed deaths (cumulative) in the Main-Tauber district
according to press releases from the district office

Infections in relation to the population

The COVID-19 infections confirmed by August 31, 2020 were distributed among the municipalities and the entire district as follows:

COVID-19 infections per municipality in the Main-Tauber district
Cities and other municipalities Confirmed
in% of EW
per 1000 PE
per 100,000 inhabitants
( incidence )
Maple (municipality) 2 000000000002244.00000000002,244 0.09% 0.9 89.1
Assamstadt (Municipality) 4th 000000000002262.00000000002,262 0.18% 1.8 176.8
Bad Mergentheim ( large district town ) 140 000000000023704.000000000023,704 0.59% 5.9 590.6
Boxberg (city) 31 000000000006664.00000000006,664 0.47% 4.7 465.2
Creglingen (city) 18th 000000000004694.00000000004,694 0.38% 3.8 383.5
Freudenberg (city) 6th 000000000003774.00000000003,774 0.16% 1.6 159.0
Großrinderfeld (municipality) 10 000000000003985.00000000003,985 0.25% 2.5 250.9
Grünsfeld (city) 14th 000000000003651.00000000003,651 0.38% 3.8 383.5
Igersheim (municipality) 26th 000000000005552.00000000005,552 0.47% 4.7 468.3
Königheim (municipality) 5 000000000002997.00000000002,997 0.17% 1.7 166.8
Külsheim (city) 9 000000000005122.00000000005.122 0.18% 1.8 175.7
Lauda-Königshofen (city) 47 000000000014542.000000000014,542 0.32% 3.2 323.2
Niederstetten (city) 43 000000000004834.00000000004,834 0.89% 8.9 889.5
Tauberbischofsheim ( district town ) 62 000000000013231.000000000013,231 0.47% 4.7 468.6
Weikersheim (City) 35 000000000007333.00000000007,333 0.48% 4.8 477.3
Werbach (municipality) 10 000000000003320.00000000003,320 0.30% 3.0 301.2
Wertheim ( large district town ) 42 000000000022780.000000000022,780 0.18% 1.8 184.4
Wittighausen (Municipality) 3 000000000001632.00000000001,632 0.18% 1.8 183.8
Whole circle: 507 13 483 11 132,321 0.38% 3.8 383.2

Infections by age group and gender

On August 31, 2020, the 503 COVID-19 infections confirmed by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in the Main-Tauber district were distributed as follows by age group and gender:

Infections in the Main-Tauber district by age group and gender (absolute)
according to data from the RKI

Infections in the Main-Tauber district by age group and gender (per 100,000 inhabitants)
according to data from the RKI ; rounded in whole cases

Reactions and actions

Measures of the district's own institutions and other centers

A first
central swab center for tests in suspected COVID-19 cases in the Main-Tauber district was set up at the Caritas Hospital Bad Mergentheim

The health department ( ) of the Main-Tauber District straightened with the onset of corona crisis in the county since the beginning of March 2020 an own Corona hotline. The public telephone in the health department can be reached for general questions Monday to Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on 09341 / 82-4010.

On March 16, 2020, the District Office of the Main-Tauber-Kreis, the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Main-Tauber-Kreis and the German Red Cross set up a first central smear center next to the Caritas hospital. Well-founded suspected cases of coronavirus infection are examined there. From April 6, 2020, the central swab center for the Main-Tauber district will start operations in the sports hall of the former Kurmainz barracks on the Tauberbischofsheimer Laurentiusberg. For this purpose it will be relocated from the previous location next to the Caritas Hospital Bad Mergentheim to the district town.

As of March 18, 2020, all offices of the District Office were closed to the public indefinitely in order to help slow down the further spread of virus infections and to protect employees and sensitive work areas. The staff should then devote themselves to the pressing tasks of containing the effects of the epidemic in the district.

Central smear center of the Main-Tauber district in Tauberbischofsheim
Fever clinic of the Main-Tauber district in Bad Mergentheim

The Economic Development of the Main-Tauber District switched from mid-March 2020 due to the corona crisis different offering assistance to companies in the district that have been particularly hit by the corona crisis. For this purpose, information is obtained about existing aid measures by the public sector and affected companies are informed about aid and funding measures from the federal and state governments, as the spread of the coronavirus also has a significant impact on the economy of the Main-Tauber district and presents numerous companies with major challenges .

In March 2020, after the virus-related cancellation of the International Tourism Exchange (ITB) in Berlin, the tourism association “Liebliches Taubertal” examined alternative measures for the region, especially in the digital sector, in order to continue to use the vacation landscape “Liebliches Taubertal” as well as the cycling and hiking trails of the To be able to draw attention to the region, for example the Taubertal cycle path .

The Economic Development of the Main-Tauber District introduced from 6 April 2020, the regional distributors platform "buy regional" to enable the traders particularly affected by the corona crisis, restaurateurs and service providers from across the county their offers place as a result online can. The aim is to support business people in the difficult situation, as some are already worried for their existence. The closings ordered by the state government would result in not inconsiderable loss of earnings.

From April 22, 2020, in addition to the existing Central Smear Center ( ) in Tauberbischofsheim, in the middle of the district, two further test centers will be built: A fever clinic ( ) in the former day clinic in Bad Mergentheim and a corona practice ( ) in Wertheim. These three test centers relieve the practices of resident doctors and the three hospitals in the district: the Caritas hospital Bad Mergentheim ( ), the hospital Tauberbischofsheim ( ) and the Rotkreuzklinik Wertheim ( ).

Recommendations, bans and quarantine measures in the district

On March 7, 2020, the District Office of the Main-Tauber District pointed out the following recommendations from the Baden-Württemberg state government due to the rapid spread of the epidemic: "People who have been in a risk area (new: also South Tyrol) within the last 14 days avoid unnecessary contact - regardless of symptoms - and should stay at home for the time being if possible. "

On March 10, 2020, the cross-departmental Corona task force in the district office of the Main-Tauber district decided to join the latest recommendations from the federal and state health ministers. The task force therefore recommended that all events with more than 1000 visitors be canceled by Good Friday, April 10, 2020.

On March 13, 2020, the district office called on you to limit visits to the authorities to an absolutely necessary amount. In order to contain or slow down the further spread of the virus, citizens also need to act independently.

On March 27, 2020, District Administrator Reinhard Frank and a police chief addressed the population in a video message distributed on the Internet and called for solidarity and mindfulness in times of the Corona crisis

On March 15, 2020, the District Office recommended that citizens reduce their social contacts to a minimum. Due to an emergency ordinance of the state of Baden-Württemberg, from Monday, March 16, 2020, events with more than 100 participants were banned until further notice.

After the corona ordinance of the state government was adapted to the federal-state guidelines from mid-March 2020, the stay in public space was until further notice only alone, with another person not living in the household or with the relatives of the own household allowed. Wherever possible, a minimum distance of 1.5 meters must be maintained to other people in public spaces.

On March 27, 2020, District Administrator Frank called for solidarity and mindfulness in a video message distributed on the Internet. In the video message, Hans Becker, police chief of the Heilbronn police headquarters , also commented on the corona crisis.

Cross-country and cross-county exchange

Representatives of the district of Würzburg ( Bavaria ) and the Main-Tauber district (Baden-Württemberg) meet regularly for a cross-border and cross-district exchange. The agenda items currently primarily include the coronavirus situation in the region and supra-regional aspects such as the effects on public transport.

Closure of educational institutions in the Main-Tauber district

As early as Monday, March 9, 2020, three educational institutions in the Main-Tauber district were closed as a precaution due to COVID-19 cases. The Gymnasium Weikersheim , the Matthias-Grünewald-Gymnasium Tauberbischofsheim and the Realschule St. Bernhard in Bad Mergentheim were initially affected up to and including Friday, March 13, 2020. For a total of three classes and one grade that were directly affected by a confirmed corona infection the health department ordered the students to be isolated at home. As early as March 11, 2020, it was announced that the three schools would be closed for a second week up to and including Friday, March 20, 2020, purely as a precaution. The district office of the Main-Tauber district and the municipalities concerned agreed on this protective measure in coordination with the school management.

From Monday, March 16, 2020, the Creglingen school center had to be temporarily closed.

From Tuesday, March 17, 2020, all schools and kindergartens in the state of Baden-Württemberg will be closed. This meant that all other schools in the district were temporarily closed until the end of the 2020 Easter holidays.

As of May 4, 2020, the schools for final classes were reopened under strict conditions. For this purpose, the district office distributed around 30,000 protective face masks to all schools in the district that have resumed school operations. These were schools sponsored by the cities and municipalities as well as the district. Workshops for the disabled were allowed to reopen under certain conditions from May 5th.

Cancellation of events

The public events planned from March to July 2020 in the Main-Tauber district were almost completely canceled or postponed, including special steam train trips on the Frankenbahn , the Tauberbischofsheim Old Town Festival on the first weekend in July (canceled for the first time in 46 years) and all events in the district's own event center in the monastery Bronnbach . The 21st car-free Sunday planned for August 2020 in the Taubertal also had to be canceled . The planned ultramarathon Taubertal 100 in October 2020, which runs through the Main-Tauber district in its entire length, had to be canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Economic impact

The company Michael Weinig AG, Tauberbischofsheim announced on April 9, 2020, to have to cut 200 jobs due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, including 100 in the Main-Tauber-Kreis at its headquarters in Tauberbischofsheim.

The company König & Meyer from Wertheim - Bestenheid presented within three weeks of their production due to the corona crisis from March to April 2020 microphone stands to the manufacture of stands for disinfectant bottles around.

Surveys carried out by the IG Metall office in Tauberbischofsheim among the companies they support on the operational situations at the end of May 2020 showed a sobering result. Of the 23 companies surveyed, six stated that they will have a liquidity problem in the foreseeable future. Another six companies even spoke of a risk of bankruptcy. The first authorized representative of IG Metall Tauberbischofsheim, Harald Gans, described the situation as worrying and fears that the real problems are still to come.

"We are in a global economic crisis that has washed itself out, the deepest we have experienced in the post-war period."

- Harald Gans, IG Metall Tauberbischofsheim, July 23, 2020


After the end of February 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic a saber - World Cup in Padua in northern Italy was canceled, who wanted Fencing Club Tauberbischofsheim 2020 to step in early March as the host. This met with massive criticism from the local authorities. The district administrator of the Main-Tauber district, Reinhard Frank, then wrote a public letter to the board of the fencing club, requesting that the Saber World Cup not be held in Tauberbischofsheim at the beginning of March. “Against the background of the current dynamic development of the corona infections”, the relocation was “irresponsible and unacceptable”, said a letter from the district administrator to the board, in which Frank continued: “Because of our responsibility for protecting people in In our district, we expect the fencing club to refrain from this event. ” District Administrator Frank wrote that the health department of the Main-Tauber district had urgently advised against holding it in advance of the event. The fencing club only withdrew its commitment after this publicly expressed criticism. Public pressure and regional resistance have simply become too great due to the statements made by the district administrator.

The dispute in April 2020 between the district office of the Main-Tauber district and the operator of the factory outlet center Wertheim Village over the time of the reopening of the outlet center led to the Stuttgart administrative court . With an order based on the Infection Protection Act, the District Office prohibited operation on April 20, 2020 up to and including Sunday, May 3, 2020 after the city of Wertheim had already made plans to reopen it. According to the district office, if the door is opened too quickly, there is a risk of an infection hotspot. An urgent application from the operator was rejected by the administrative court and a lack of security concept was criticized. The operator then lodged a complaint with the Baden-Württemberg Administrative Court (VGH) in Mannheim , since it believes that the opening ban for the outlet center "violates the principle of equal treatment" compared to the reopening of pedestrian zones or shopping centers. At the same time, the operator has already pushed internal reopening plans for April 28th. The District Office, the Wertheim City Administration and the operator of the Wertheim Village finally reached an out-of-court settlement at the suggestion of the Administrative Court. The operator presented a binding safety and hygiene concept and committed, among other things, to access control to the area. In return, the outlet center was reopened on April 30, 2020.


See also


  1. a b c d e f g This is a list of cases that were announced in the Main-Tauber District's press releases and communicated to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) via the reporting channel or official sources. Since this is a very dynamic situation, there may be deviations or delays between the cases based on the press releases and the RKI cases or the information provided by other bodies, such as the state of Baden-Württemberg.
  2. Listed are the deaths who died with and from SARS-CoV-2. Died with SARS-CoV-2 means that the person has died due to other causes, but there was also a positive result for SARS-CoV-2. Of deceased SARS-CoV-2 means that the person has died due to the disease reported.
  3. a b c The cases confirmed by the RKI are usually slightly lower on the respective day than the cases reported by the Main-Tauber district on that day, as the reporting channel can lead to a delay of one to two days.

Web links

Commons : COVID-19 pandemic in the Main-Tauber district  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c District Office of the Main-Tauber-District: First confirmed case of coronavirus in the Main-Tauber-District . March 4, 2020. Online at Accessed March 31, 2020.
  2. Mannheimer Morgen : Coronavirus: Three schools in the Main-Tauber district are closed . March 7, 2020. Online at Retrieved April 3, 2020.
  3. Main-Post : Three schools in the Main-Tauber district are closed for one week longer . March 11, 2020. Online at Retrieved April 3, 2020.
  4. Südwestrundfunk : Fechtzentrum in Tauberbischofsheim closed due to a coronavirus case. The federal fencing base in Tauberbischofsheim (Main-Tauber district) is closed due to a coronavirus case . March 10, 2020. Online at Retrieved April 3, 2020.
  5. ^ Franconian news: Tauberbischofsheim. Covid-19 infection One of the people infected with the virus in the Main-Tauber district trains in the facility / athlete and contact persons "isolated at home". Fencing center closed due to the corona case . March 11, 2020. Online at Accessed March 31, 2020.
  6. a b Main-Post: 34 new corona cases in the Main-Tauber district on Wednesday . April 1, 2020. Online at Retrieved April 1, 2020.
  7. a b Main-Tauber-Kreis: 13 new cases of coronavirus infections confirmed (numbers April 10) - dental treatment only in emergencies . April 10, 2020. Online at Retrieved April 10, 2020.
  8. a b District Office of the Main-Tauber district: 21 new cases of coronavirus infections confirmed (numbers March 31) - Median Klinik Hohenlohe still under quarantine . March 31, 2020. Online at Accessed March 31, 2020.
  9. a b District Office of the Main-Tauber District: 34 new cases of coronavirus infections confirmed (numbers April 1) . April 1, 2020. Online at Retrieved April 1, 2020.
  10. a b District Office of the Main-Tauber District: 16 new cases of coronavirus infections confirmed (numbers April 3) - Discharge management started at the Median Clinic Hohenlohe . April 3, 2020. Online at Retrieved April 3, 2020.
  11. Main-Tauber: Corona infections due to family celebration. In: Retrieved July 23, 2020 .
  12. Five new corona virus infections confirmed in the Main-Tauber district. In: Retrieved July 23, 2020 .
  13. Coronavirus - current figures: data on the epidemic in Germany, Europe and the world - In: Retrieved July 23, 2020 .
  14. Pulmonologists on the net: Covid-19: Causes . Online at Retrieved April 3, 2020.
  15. Coronavirus patient treated in Munich Schwabing: That's why the clinic is predestined for it. January 28, 2020, accessed January 28, 2020 .
  16. Coronavirus Coronavirus: Seventh case of infection in Germany confirmed. In: Zeit online , January 31, 2020
  17. Tagesschau: "Deeply worried". WHO speaks of corona pandemic . March 11, 2020. Online at Retrieved April 6, 2020.
  18. District Office of the Main-Tauber District: Coronavirus: Institutions determine the procedure . February 28, 2020. Online at Accessed March 31, 2020.
  19. Fränkische Nachrichten: “Hamster purchases” in the region. Great demand for long-lasting food and disinfectants / suppliers are busy. “The supply is assured” . March 3, 2020. Online at Accessed March 31, 2020.
  20. Robert Koch Institute: COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2): Risk areas
  21. District Office of the Main-Tauber District: Coronavirus: District and municipalities pull together / Citizen telephone on the weekend / Second case in the district confirmed . March 6, 2020. Online at Accessed March 31, 2020.
  22. District Office of the Main-Tauber District: 21 new cases of coronavirus infections in the district confirmed . March 7, 2020. Online at Accessed March 31, 2020.
  23. a b District Office of the Main-Tauber District: Precautionary closure of three schools - detailed information . March 8, 2020. Online at Accessed March 31, 2020.
  24. District Office of the Main-Tauber District: Another case of coronavirus infection confirmed . March 8, 2020. Online at Accessed March 31, 2020.
  25. District Office of the Main-Tauber District: Seven cases of coronavirus infection newly confirmed (numbers March 12) . March 12, 2020. Online at Accessed March 31, 2020.
  26. a b District Office of the Main-Tauber District: Central smear center is set up in Bad Mergentheim . March 13, 2020. Online at Accessed March 31, 2020.
  27. a b District Office of the Main-Tauber District: New Corona case - Creglingen school center closes on Monday (numbers March 13th) . March 13, 2020. Online at Accessed March 31, 2020.
  28. District Office of the Main-Tauber District: 47 infected people meanwhile healthy (numbers April 2) - overview of infections by municipalities . April 2, 2020. Online at Retrieved April 2, 2020.
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