Germany Tour 2001

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Final result after the 8th stage
winner Alexander Vinokurov 30:57:17 h
(39.900 km / h)
Second Aitor Garmendia + 1:56 min
Third Rolf Aldag + 1:58 min
Fourth Bart Voskamp + 2:14 min
fifth Félix García Casas + 2:15 min
Sixth Bert Grabsch + 2:18 min
seventh Markus Zberg + 2:46 min
Eighth Udo Bölts + 2:46 min
Ninth Georg Totschnig + 2:50 min
Tenth Franco Pellizotti + 4:04 min
Sprint scoring Erik Zabel 133 P.
Second Sven Teutenberg 79 P.
Third Alexander Vinokurov 54 P.
Mountain scoring Corey Sweet 32 p.
Second Steve Zampieri 20 p.
Third Rolf Aldag 16 p.

The 3rd tour of Germany took place from May 29th to June 4th 2001 . It led from Hamburg over 1,235.1 kilometers to Stuttgart across the republic. 142 drivers from 18 professional teams started, 101 of them reached the finish.

As in the past two years, the tour had to compete with the Giro d'Italia , which was held at the same time . Since the crowd puller Jan Ullrich preferred to train his form for the upcoming Tour de France there, the spectator interest decreased slightly.


The first four stages were all about the sprinters. Tom Steels on the first stage, Erik Zabel on the second and third and Óscar Freire, who had been injured for a long time, on the fourth stage secured the victories. Zabel picked up the leader's white jersey at the end of the second stage from Steels and didn't give it up until the individual time trial . Before that, Matthias Buxhofer was able to secure the day's victory on the fifth stage when he saved a two-second lead at the finish. As in the previous year, the winner of the time trial Alexander Vinokurow won the tour this year . Favorite Andreas Klöden fell and could not fulfill the hopes placed in him. At the end of the day he was third. With the final daily victories of Rolf Aldag , who fought his way through snow and hail on the royal stage in the Black Forest , and Zabel, who again won the mass sprint, the Telekom team demonstrated its supremacy in German cycling ahead of the Gerolsteiner and Coast team .


Stages Day Start finish km Stage winner Overall first
1st stage May 29th Hamburg - Hanover 209.9 Tom Steels Tom Steels
2nd stage 30th May Goslar - Erfurt 173 Erik Zabel Erik Zabel
3rd stage 31. May Erfurt - Bad Neustadt 176.9 Erik Zabel Erik Zabel
4th stage June 1st Bad Neustadt - Mannheim 239.8 Óscar Freire Erik Zabel
5th stage 2th of June Mannheim - Heppenheim 91.3 Matthias Buxhofer Erik Zabel
6th stage 2th of June Weinheim - Heppenheim 27.2 ( EZF ) Alexander Vinokurov Alexander Vinokurov
7th stage 3rd of June Offenburg - Freudenstadt 159.5 Rolf Aldag Alexander Vinokurov
8th stage June 4th Freudenstadt - Stuttgart 157.5 Erik Zabel Alexander Vinokurov

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