Edward Hanson

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Edward Hanson

Edward William Hanson (born February 12, 1889 in Alexandria , Douglas County , Minnesota , †  October 18, 1959 in San Diego , California ) was an American naval officer. Between 1938 and 1940 he was the military governor of American Samoa .


Graduated from Edward Hanson in the 1911 United States Naval Academy in Annapolis ( Maryland ). He then served on various ships as an officer in the United States Navy . He also took part in World War I and was awarded the Navy Cross . He was one of the early 1920s, the administration of the Naval Research faculty of Harvard University ( Harvard Naval Science Department at). Then he came to the Naval War College in Newport ( Rhode Island ).

Hanson was governor of American Samoa from June 26, 1938 to July 30, 1940. He barely intervened in the events there and let the locals live according to their traditions. During World War II he commanded the warship USS Indianapolis , which was used in the Pacific and was later sunk under one of his successors. After his promotion to Rear Admiral, he became the commander of the 15th Marine District, which was in the Panama Canal Zone . He later commanded a group of battleships. In August 1945 he became commanding officer at Pearl Harbor . His last rank in the Navy was that of Vice Admiral. Edward Hanson died in San Diego on October 18, 1959.

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