Elsenz (river)
Elsenz | ||
The Elsenz in Bammental |
Data | ||
Water code | DE : 23898 | |
location |
River system | Rhine | |
Drain over | Neckar → Rhine → North Sea | |
source | a little west of the outskirts of Elsenz 49 ° 10 '32 " N , 8 ° 49' 33" E |
Source height | approx. 237 m above sea level NHN | |
muzzle | in Neckargemünd in the Neckar Coordinates: 49 ° 23 '46 " N , 8 ° 47' 45" E 49 ° 23 '46 " N , 8 ° 47' 45" E |
Mouth height | 111.7 m above sea level NHN | |
Height difference | approx. 125.3 m | |
Bottom slope | approx. 2.4 ‰ | |
length | 53.2 km | |
Catchment area | 542.648 km² | |
Discharge at the Meckesheim A Eo gauge : 256 km² Location: 16 km above the mouth |
NNQ (1991) MNQ 1980-2003 MQ 1980-2003 Mq 1980-2003 HHQ |
560 l / s 850 l / s 1.87 m³ / s 7.3 l / (s km²) 28 m³ / s |
Discharge A Eo : 543.1 km² at the mouth |
MQ Mq |
4.61 m³ / s 8.5 l / (s km²) |
Medium-sized cities | Eppingen , Sinsheim | |
Small towns | Neckargemünd | |
Communities | See section Places and Settlements on the Elsenz |
The Elsenz is a river in northern Baden-Württemberg that flows into the Neckar from the left and south in Neckargemünd .
The medieval Elsenzgau is named after the river .
The Elsenz rises a little west of the outskirts of Elsenz in the beginning Seewald in the road fork between Seestraße and Seewaldstraße at about 237 m above sea level. NHN . After a mostly northern run of a good 53 km, it flows through the Kraichgau and the Little Odenwald at 111.7 m above sea level. NHN in Neckargemünd about 50 m above the Neckar bridge to Kleingemünd from the left into the Neckar .
After the first 4 km of its southeast-oriented uppermost course, the river shows an almost linear gradient. After the first 30 km from Sinsheim it closely follows its western watershed. From the wall it runs in the lower part of a former Neckar loop. From Bammental the river is often flooded . On the lowest about 700 m from the lowest weir to the mouth, the Elsenz is navigable with smaller watercraft.
Catchment area
The catchment area of the Elsenz covers a little over 540 km² and has the shape of a wedge directed to the south, initially of a fairly constant width of about 22 km and about 36 km in length. The north-western corner of the inflow area is near Heidelberg (summit of the Königstuhl ), the north-eastern corner between Neunkirchen and Lindach near Eberbach, the Keilspitze a little south of Mühlbach near Eppingen . From a natural spatial point of view, it comprises parts of the sub-areas of the Kraichgau in the south and in the middle , and those of the Kleiner Odenwald in the north . There are with the 567.8 m above sea level. NHN high Königstuhl summit on the northwest corner and 449.2 m above sea level. The summit of the Neurods near Schönbrunn , which reaches the NHN , reaches its highest point at the tip of a northern spur of the Neckar watershed, while the total watershed in the south is below 350 m above sea level. NHN remains.
The catchment areas of the Neckar and the small Neckar tributary Pleutersbach , which flows into the Neckar at the town of the same name, border on the north; in the north, the Neckar is therefore often less than two kilometers from the watershed. The Neckar, which is in some cases closer to this area, is also the main competitor in its north-east, before the catchment areas of the left Neckar tributaries, Mühlbach , Lein and - now in the south - Zaber border one after the other . In the south-west and west, the catchment areas of Kraichbach and Leimbach , both tributaries to the Upper Rhine , follow clockwise , before the watershed runs back to the Neckar in the north-west.
Selection of tributaries with a length of 3.0 km or more, from the origin to the mouth. Lengths according to older LUBW data sets . Names preferred according to TK25:
Origin of Elsenz a little west of the outskirts of Eppingen - Elsenz in the beginning of the Seewald
- Himmelreichbach , from the right at Eppingen- Raußmühle , 6.2 km and 6.4 km²
- Hilsbach , from the left in Eppingen, 10.3 km (with the upper reaches Vollmersgrundbach ) and 26.3 km²
- Staudbach , from the right before Eppingen- Richen , 5.3 km and 13.9 km²
- Schmalbach , from the right before Eppingen-Richen, 5.0 km and approx. 3.0 km²
- Berwanger Bach , from the right in Richen, 10.2 km (with the upper reaches of the Feldgraben ) and 22.0 km²
- Roteklingengraben , from left to Richen, 3.5 km and approx. 2.9 km²
- Sulzgraben or Sulzbachgraben , from the left in Ittlingen , 5.1 km and 6.9 km²
- Bockschafter Bach , from the right at Hammberger Hof von Ittlingen, 3.8 km and approx. 3.1 km²
- (Bach from the Binsenklinge ), from the right before Sinsheim - rows , 5.0 km (with the upper course Feldgraben ) and 5.6 km²
- Row brook , from the left in rows, 3.1 km and approx. 3.0 km²
- Insenbach , from the right on the southern edge of Sinsheim- Steinsfurt , 9.3 km and 21.3 km²
- Goldbach , from the right in Steinsfurt, 5.6 km and 11.0 km²
- Rohrbach , from the right in Sinsheim- Rohrbach , 3.1 km and approx. 3.7 km²
- Weidbach , from the right in Sinsheim, 4.6 km (with the upper course Lochwiesengraben ) and approx. 5.6 km²
- Ilvesbach , from the left in Sinsheim, 6.8 km and 14.1 km²
- Erlenbach , from the left before Sinsheim- Hoffenheim , 5.7 km (with the upper reaches Wittlichgraben ) and 11.2 km²
- Tree bush ditch , from the right in Hoffenheim, 4.9 km and 6.4 km²
- Schwarzbach , from the right on the southern edge of Meckesheim , 27.6 km and 200.9 km²; largest tributary and richer in water at the mouth than the Elsenz itself
- Lobbach or Maienbach, from the right in Meckesheim, 14.9 km and 26.9 km²
- Rohrbächel , from the left in Meckesheim, 3.1 km and approx. 3.2 km²
- Weihwiesenbach , from the left in Bammental , 4.2 km and 5.7 km²
- Biddersbach , from right to Bammental, 9.8 km and 17.5 km² and 11.5 km²
- Hilsbach , from the left, divides the war mill into a Bammentaler and a Neckargemünder part, 5.0 km and 6.5 km²
The mouth of the Elsenz in Neckargemünd from the left into the Neckar .
Places and settlement areas on the Elsenz
Heilbronn district
- City of Eppingen
- Elsenz (village)
- Elsenztalsiedlung (to Elsenz, right )
- Rohrbach am Gießhübel (village, mostly on the right )
- Gießhübelmühle (Rohrbach industrial area, right )
- City of Eppingen
District of Karlsruhe ( right neighbor with a small tip in the left Au )
- community Sulzfeld
- Gießhübelmühle (courtyard, right )
- community Sulzfeld
Heilbronn district
- City of Eppingen
- Raußmühle (courtyard, right )
- Eppingen (central city)
- Municipality of Gemmingen ( right neighbor to which the left valley floodplain belongs )
- City of Eppingen
- Richen (village, mostly on the right )
- Ittlingen municipality
- Ittlingen (village, mostly on the left )
- Friedenshorst (Sägmühl estate, left )
- City of Eppingen
Rhein-Neckar district
- City of Sinsheim
- Rows (village)
- Kellersche Mühle (to rows, left )
- Steinsfurt (village)
- Rohrbach (village, mostly on the right )
- Sinsheim (central city)
- Hoffenheim (village, mostly on the right )
- community Zuzenhausen
- Mühle Kolb (mill property, right at Mühlkanal )
- Zuzenhausen (village)
- Community Meckenheim
- Meckesheim (village)
- Wall parish
- Wall (village)
- Bammental municipality
- Reilsheim (district)
- Bammental
- War mill (living space, left )
- City of Neckargemünd
- War mill (house, left )
- Fulling Mill (house, right )
- Neckargemünd (central city)
- City of Sinsheim
Landscape protection area
In the middle and lower reaches of the Elsenztal is designated as a landscape protection area under the name Unteres and Mittleres Elsenztal . The protected area begins below Ittlingen and extends to the mouth of the Neckar. It was formed on September 17, 1997 by ordinance of the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis district office with the protected area number 2.26.042 and has a size of around 4340 hectares.
The protection purpose is the preservation of the landscape and ecological unity of the Elsenz valley as a river landscape cut into the surrounding area, consisting of a sequence of narrow valley stretches and valley widenings, with floodplains, valley flanks, side valleys and individual elevations that have a striking effect on the river landscape; Blades , ravines , steep slopes, embankments and terraces. It is a flowing water system made up of rivers, streams and ditches with herbaceous and wooded borders, arable land interspersed with bushes, hedges, bushes, trees and rows of trees, individual large areas of meadow and fruit trees, mixed deciduous forests on hilltops and steep slopes. The landscape protection area is an ecologically necessary supplementary space for the nature protection areas and extensive natural monuments and their fauna.
In the 2010s, the beaver spread on the Elsenz and contributed to the resettlement of frogs and kingfishers by building dams.
See also
Individual evidence
Official online waterway map with a suitable section and the layers used here: Course and catchment area of the Elsenz
General introduction without default settings and layers: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( notes )
- ↑ a b Height according to the contour line image on the topographic map background layer .
- ↑ Height according to the damming height of the Neckar (matching blue lettering on the background layer of the topographic map below the next higher and above the next lower Neckar weir).
- ↑ Length according to the waterway network layer ( AWGN ) .
- ↑ Catchment area after the layer aggregated areas 05 .
- ↑ a b Height according to black lettering on the background layer topographic map .
Other evidence
- ↑ a b Josef Schmithüsen : Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 161 Karlsruhe. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1952. → Online map (PDF; 5.1 MB)
- ↑ Data level Meckesheim ( Memento of the original from June 16, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (HVZ BW); the specified HHQ value is given as a “20-year HW discharge” without a year.
- ↑ Baden-Württemberg Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection and Energy Sector : Expansion potential of hydropower up to 1,000 KW in the Neckar catchment area, taking into account ecological management objectives ( memento of the original from October 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked . Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , 2011, p. 9, ab. on June 29, 2013 (pdf, German, 1.87 MB)
- ↑ The beaver is on the move more and more often . ( rnz.de [accessed on February 5, 2017]).
- Topographic map 1: 25,000 Baden-Württemberg, as a single sheet
- for the course of the river: No. 6618 Heidelberg Süd, No. 6718 Wiesloch, No. 6719 Sinsheim, No. 6818 Kraichtal and No. 6819 Eppingen
- For the rest of the catchment area: No. 6518 Heidelberg Nord, No. 6519 Eberbach, No. 6520 Waldbrunn, No. 6619 Helmstadt Bargen, No. 6620 Mosbach, No. 6720 Bad Rappenau, No. 6820 Schwaigern and No. 6919 Güglingen
Web links
- Map of the course and catchment area of Elsenz on: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( information )
- Map of the lower course and catchment area of the Elsenz on: Geoportal Baden-Württemberg ( information )
- Profile of the landscape protection area in the protected area directory of the LUBW
- Measuring table sheets in the Deutsche Fotothek :
- 6518 Heidelberg from 1878
- 6519 Eberbach from 1880
- 6520 Zwingenberg from 1923
- 6618 Neckargemünd from 1878
- 6619 Epfenbach from 1880
- 6620 Mosbach from 1907
- 6718 Wiesloch from 1877
- 6719 Sinsheim from 1877
- 6720 Gundelsheim
- 6818 Odenheim from 1876
- 6819 Niederhofen from 1902
- 6820 Schwaigern from 1902
- 6919 Güglingen from 1901